910 resultados para Wing morphometrics
Neste trabalho, os frutos e sementes de P. violaceus foram descritos morfoanatômica e ontogeneticamente, visando a verificar a origem da ala pericárpica e checar a ocorrência de poliembrionia, previamente descrita para outros gêneros da tribo Dalbergieae. Observouse que o fruto é uma sâmara circular, de aspecto glabro e que a semente possui alguns caracteres típicos de Faboideae, especialmente os relacionados ao hilo. Foram caracterizados atomicamente seis estádios de desenvolvimento. A ala pericárpica origina-se da parede ovariana, por extensões dorso-ventral, apical e basal, produzindo uma estrutura achatada. Não foi possível encontrar poliembrionia, mesmo analisando-se grande número de sementes. Pôde-se também concluir que, no que se refere à estrutura do fruto, P. violaceus é filogeneticamente derivada com relação às outras espécies de Dalbergieae já registradas na literatura, devido à presença de fusão dos feixes ventrais do carpelo.
O enxerto ósseo esponjoso autólogo é formado por osso trabecular, poroso e altamente celular. Visto ser de fundamental importância na cirurgia ortopédica de pequenos animais, o trabalho teve por objetivo discorrer sobre a função, locais de colheita, cuidados, formas de aplicação, indicações e contra-indicações desse enxerto. Ele estimula a formação óssea devido ao fornecimento de células vivas e fatores de crescimento, mas não possui suporte mecânico. A asa do ílio craniodorsal, úmero proximal, tíbia proximal e fêmur distal, são os locais de colheita mais utilizados em cães. A asa do ílio consiste no local mais satisfatório para gatos. Para maximizar a incorporação do enxerto com o tecido hospedeiro, devem ser tomados alguns cuidados entre a colheita e a transferência para a área receptora. Além disso, pode ser aplicado sem compressão dentro do local recipiente. A freqüência de complicações é considerada baixa.
Quatrocentas aves com peso médio de 675,00 g foram distribuídas em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com base no peso das aves, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. As dietas experimentais foram constituídas de cinco níveis de energia metabolizável (2.800, 2.900, 3.000, 3.100 e 3.200 kcal de EM/kg de ração) formuladas para atender às exigências nutricionais, exceto de energia metabolizável. O aumento do nível de energia das rações foi obtido pela adição de óleo de soja. Realizaram-se análises de variância e de regressão, associando-se os níveis de energia aos valores das variáveis estudadas. As aves foram avaliadas quanto ao desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar) e às características de carcaça nos períodos de 22 a 35 dias, 36 a 42 dias, 43 aos 49 dias e de 22 a 49 dias de idade. O ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar de frangos de corte da linhagem Hubbard mantidos em ambiente de alta temperatura não são influenciados pelos níveis de energia metabolizável da ração. Os níveis de energia da dieta não afetam os rendimentos de carcaça, coxa, sobrecoxa, asa, tulipa, moela coração fígado, proventrículo e intestino. Entretanto, a gordura abdominal aumenta e o rendimento de peito decresce proporcionalmente à elevação da energia da dieta em ambiente de altas temperaturas.
Observations on the nesting activities of Microthurge corumbae, carried out at the University Campus of Ribeirao Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, from 1977 to 1981, indicated that 61.9% of nests were re-used by succeeding generations. Re-use by one generation was more frequent than by two generations, and re-use by a third was observed only once. Nests were re-used by one or several females. Single females were more frequently in the first re-use. In these cases nest re-use did not differ essentially from the solitary foundation of a new nest, except for the adoption of a pre-existing nest without excavation. In multifemale nests, analysis of relative age (wing wear), ovarian and spermathecal conditions of associated females and the content of nests at excavation indicated that the social pattern in such colonies is communal. There is some evidence that the associated females are relatives. The chalcidoid wasp Leucospis was the principal nest parasite, and ants of the genus Crematogaster were nest predators. In multifemale nests, the rate of parasitism was significantly lower than in solitary nests, indicating that nest-sharing resulted in improved nest defense. on the other hand. The absence of predation on immatures of the first generation of M. corumbue in multifemale nests suggests that such nests are also more resistant to attack by predators.
The pattern of change in shape during postnatal development in skulls of punare (Thrichomys apereoides) skulls, was studied by geometric morphometric techniques. Skull shape observed in T. apereoides varied both with size and age, but variation in size explains most of the overall change in shape. Differences in shape observed among the eight age categories showed that main changes in shape occurred principally between the first and second age categories. Among the other age classes, changes became less pronounced leading to elongation of the snout and the mid-face and narrowing of the basicranium. The change in global shape resulted in lateral compression of the skull. Despite the high level of integration observed, localized transformations dominated the ontogenetic changes in shape indicating the presence of two large scale cranium components-the orofacial and the basicranial region. The ontogenetic pattern in this species seems to follow the same trends observed in the initial phases of development.
Protandry (the emergence of males before fe males) is currently explained either as a mating strategy to maximize number of matings in the males, or a way to minimize pre-reproductive mortality in females, Models of protandry have generally ignored variation in female quality (reproductive potential). We recorded the sex ratio, female body mass, wing length and potential fecundity (number and mass of eggs) of the tropical butterfly Brassolis sophorae through the emergence period. Temporal variation in female size and fecundity correlated with male potential for acquiring mates. Females from the end of the emergence period showed lower fecundity and size. Males emerging before and close to the median date of the female emergence period had greater mating opportunities. Males emerging either very early or late were penalized by few mating opportunities, or by encounters with small: low-quality females, respectively.
Multivariate morphometrics and image analysis were used to determine the number of well-distinguished infrageneric taxa of reddish freshwater Audouinella in North America. Three distinct groupings were differentiated from 83 populations collected from Alaska and Labrador in the north to central Mexico and Jamaica in the south. These groupings were statistically related to seven type specimens. The following species were recognized: A. eugenea (SKUJA) JAO, A. hermannii (ROTH) DUBY [syn.: A. violacea (KUTZ.) HAMEL and its varieties, alpina (KUTZ.) RAB., dalmatica (KUTZ.) RAB., expansa (WOOD) SMITH, and hercynica (KUTZ.) KUTZ.] and A. tenella (SKUJA) PAPENFUSS. These species are separated based on dimensions of vegetative cells and monosporangia. A. tenella is found only in California, A. eugenea in warm, alkaline and high-ion waters of the tropical rainforest and desert-chaparral, while A. hermannii occurs widely from the boreal to south temperate and in waters with relatively low temperatures and ion content.
Four new species of the Neotropical Lauxaniidae genus Bacilloflagellomera Papp & Silva, 1995 (Diptera, Lauxaniidae) from Brazil are described: B. flava sp. n, (Para, Belem); B. fusca sp. n. (São Paulo, Aracatuba), B. longicornus sp. n. (Amapa, Serra do Navio) and B. nigrifemuris sp. n. (Para, Belem). A key for the identification of the species, illustrations of head, wing and terminalia of the new species are provided. A short discussion on the structure and systematic value of the inner morphology of female terminalia is included.
Myotoxin-I (MjTX-I) was purified to homogeneity from the venom of Bothrops moojeni by ion-exchange chromatography on CM-Sepharose. Its molecular weight, estimated by SDS-PAGE, was 13,400 (reduced) or 26,000 (unreduced). The extinction coefficient (E-1.0 cm(1.0 mg/ml)) of MjTX-I was 1.145 at lambda = 278 nm, pH 7.0, and its isoelectric point was 8.2 at ionic strength mu = 0.1. When lyophilized and stored at 4 degrees C, dimeric, trimeric, and pentameric forms of the protein were identified by SDS-PAGE. This heterogeneous sample could be separated into three fractions by gel filtration on Sephadex 6-50. The fractions were analyzed by isoelectric focusing, immunoelectrophoresis, and amino acid composition, which indicated that heterogeneity was the result of different levels of self-association. Protein sequencing indicated that MjTX-I is a Lys49 myotoxin and consists of 121 amino acids (M-r = 13,669), containing a high proportion of basic and hydrophobic residues. It shares a high degree of sequence identity with other Lys49 PLA(2)-like myotoxins, but shows a significantly lower identity with catalytically active Asp49 PLA(2)s. The three-dimensional structure of MjTX-I was modeled based on the crystal structures of three highly homologous Lys49 PLA(2)-like myotoxins. This model showed that the amino acid substitutions are conservative, and mainly the beta-wing region, and the C-terminal extended random coil. MjTX-I displays local myotoxic and edema-inducing activities in mice, and is lethal by intraperitoneal injection, with an LD50 value of 8.5 +/- 0.8 mg/kg, In addition, it is cytotoxic to myoblasts/ myotubes in culture, and disrupts negatively charged liposomes. In comparison with the freshly prepared dimeric sample, the more aggregated forms showed significantly reduced myotoxic activity. However, the edema-inducing activity of MjTX-I was independent of molecular association. Phospholipase A(2) activity on egg yolk, as well as anticoagulant activity, were undetectable both in the native and in the more associated forms. His, Tyr, and Trp residues of the toxin were chemically modified by specific reagents. Although the myotoxic and lethal activities of the modified toxins were reduced by these treatments, neither its edema-inducing or Liposome-disrupting activities were significantly altered. Rabbit antibodies to native MjTX-I cross-reacted with the chemically modified forms, and both the native and modified MjTX-I preparations were recognized by antibodies against the C-terminal region 115-129 of myotoxin II from B. asper, a highly Lys49 PLA(2)-homologue with high sequencial similarity. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
Numerous nymphoid reproductives were found in three field nests of Armitermes euamignathus collected in Brazil. We report here a morphological description and a biometric study of these individuals. Nymphoid replacements displayed narrow wing buds when compared with those present in nymphs from the three last instars. Thorax morphology of the nymphoids was similar to the penultimate nymphal instar (N4) or to the ultimate nymphal instar (N5), and their origin from these instars of nymphs is discussed. All the nymphoids had eyes, ocelli, and 15 antennal segments. The nymphoid females from nest 1 had different grades of physogastry and royal fat body. The nymphoid females from nests 2 and 3, the nymphoid males from all nests, and the primary king from nests 2 acid 3 had a common fat body, which is similar to that present in alates. The ovaries and the testes of nymphoids were fully mature and the corpora allata larger than those in imagoes. The mandibular glands were also enlarged in nymphoids but the tergal glands were absent. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Split sting is the name given to a nonfunctional honey bee sting characterized by lancets not attached to the stylet. It has appeared in a mutant line in Brazil, and has provoked interest as a possible means to reduce honey bee colony defensiveness. We induced this alteration in Africanized Apis mellifera L. workers and queens by maintaining pupae at 20 degrees C. In particular, we determined the pupal phase most susceptible to alterations in the sting caused by cold treatment, and we investigated whether this treatment also affected survival to the adult phase and wing morphology. The highest frequency of split sting was detected in workers treated at the pink-eyed pupal phase. The lowest frequency was observed in the bees treated at the oldest worker pupal phase studied (brown-eyed pupae with lightly pigmented cuticle). Both queen pupal phases tested (white and pink-eyed pupae) were equally sensitive and produced high percentages of adults with split sting. However, the 20 degrees C treatment of workers and queens, at the different pupal phases, resulted in high frequencies of adults with deformed wings. Also, fewer workers and queens treated at the earlier pupal stages reached adult emergence. There was also an arrest in developmental time, corresponding to the period of cold treatment.
Spatial patterns of morphometric variation in Apis cerana indica were analysed. Factor and spatial autocorrelation analyses were applied to 29 characters, measured in 17 populations in India. Correlograms showed that 15 characters are patterned geographically, and 13 of them are related to overall size. These characters are distributed as a north-south cline, probably reflecting adaptations to environmental conditions. However, the great number of characteristics without geographical pattern suggests that part of the morphometric variability is due to local stochastic divergences.
Ontogenetic shape changes in the skull of three species of the genus Caiman (C. latirostris, C. sclerops, and C. yacare) are compared by geometric morphometrics for three-dimensional configurations (the least-squares analysis). The technique for obtaining the landmark coordinates is a simplification of the algorithm for multidimensional scaling. The ontogenetic nonlinear shape changes are similar in the three species but occur in a lesser extent in C. latirostris. These seem to be correlated with functional changes in the skull. The uniform shape change corresponds to an elongation of the skull, dorsoventral flattening, and lateral compression in C. sclerops and C. yacare. There is some lateral broadening in C. latirostris. Differences in the ontogenetic processes probably cause the differences in diet observed between C. latirostris and the other two species. Neotenic evolution seems to have acted in the skull of C. latirostris, and a posterior amplification of the early divergence led to a repatterning of the shape ontogenetic trajectory in this species. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Theory recently developed to construct confidence regions based on the parametric bootstrap is applied to add inferential information to graphical displays of sample centroids in canonical variate analysis. Problems of morphometric differentiation among subspecies and species are addressed using numerical resampling procedures.
Morphometric and colour pattern variation in the endemic Iberian salamander Chioglosso lusitanica is concordant with the genetic differentiation of two groups of populations separated by the Mondego river ill Portugal. Salamanders from the south have shorter digits than those from the north. Clinal variation with a south to north increase in limb. toe and finger length was found superiniposed on this dichotomy resulting in stepped clines for characters describing appendage size. Genetic variability was paralleled by colour pattern variability in the contact zone and in northern populations. To explain the observed parallels we invoke the neutral processes of vicariant isolation. admixture in a secondary contact zone, genetic drift in addition to selection acting along all environmental gradient. Morphological constraints imposed by a highly specialized ecological niche may explain why the genetic subdivision of C. lusitanica since the early, Pleistocene has remained fairly cryptic.