951 resultados para Webster, Pelatiah--1726-1795--Estate
One leaf containing a handwritten list of the salaries of Harvard presidents for the years 1737 to 1795.
Two leaves of a draft of a letter in Eliphalet Pearson's hand addressed to "Gentleman,"detailing the Committee of the town of Cambridge's attempts to tax real estate owned the College.
One leaf containing handwritten research questions regarding the holding of real estate and related tax exemptions, the College charters and temporary orders, and the tutors of the College.
Four folio-sized leaves containing a handwritten copy of a petition to the Massachusetts General Court from the Harvard Corporation requesting the College's amount of tax exempt real estate be enlarged.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a one-page handwritten list and description of the College real estate.
One octavo-sized leaf containing a short handwritten list of accounting figures.
Thirteen statements of trips of the Cyrus between April 23, 1795 and December 9, 1795 signed by Steward Caleb Gannett. The statements list the cords of wood added to the College's supply and the cords sold. The statements are on thirteen slips of paper of various sizes bound with thread.
Copy of the vessel enrollment certificate for the sloop Cyrus on one folio-sized leaf. All ships owned by United States citizens were required by federal law to be registered.
Bill of sale transferring William Winthrop's share of the sloop Cyrus to Treasurer Ebenezer Storer. This bill of the sale has a wax seal but is unsigned.
One-page brief handwritten letter requesting Baldwin appear in Cambridge in his capacity as a member of the committee for examining the senior and junior classes.
One-page brief handwritten letter requesting Baldwin attend an examination and committee meeting.
One-page handwritten copy of a letter of acceptance by Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin to join Judge Samuel Phillip (Harvard AB 1771) at the Harvard Commencement where his son John Phillips (Harvard AB 1795) was graduating.