997 resultados para Vs. Phosphorus Limitation


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Nutrient impoverishment in mesocosms was carried out in a shallow eutrophic reservoir aiming to evaluate the nutrient removal technique as a method for eutrophication reduction. Garças Pond is located in the Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga Biological Reserve situated in the southeast region of the municipality of São Paulo. Three different treatments were designed, each consisting of two enclosures containing 360 liters of water each. Mesocosms were made of polyethylene bags and PVC pipes, and were attached to the lake bottom. Treatment dilutions followed Carlson's trophic state index modified by Toledo and collaborators, constituting the oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic treatments. Ten abiotic and 9 biological samplings were carried out simultaneously. Trophic states previously calculated for the treatments were kept unaltered during the entire experiment period, except for the mesotrophic mesocosms in which TP reached oligotrophic concentrations on the 31st day of the experiment. In all three treatments a reduction of DO was observed during the study period. At the same time, NH4+ and free CO2 rose, indicating decomposition within the enclosures. Nutrient impoverishment caused P limitation in all three treatments during most of the experiment period. Reduction of algal density, chlorophyll a, and phaeophytin was observed in all treatments. Competition for nutrients led to changes in phytoplankton composition. Once isolated and diluted, the mesocosms' trophic state did not change. This led to the conclusion that isolation of the allochthonous sources of nutrients is the first step for the recovery of the Garças Pond.


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It is well known that saccadic reaction times (SRT) are reduced when the target is preceded by the offset of the fixation point (FP) - the gap effect. Some authors have proposed that the FP offset also allows the saccadic system to generate a separate population of SRT, the express saccades. Nevertheless, there is no agreement as to whether the gap effect and express responses are also present for manual reaction times (MRT). We tested the gap effect and the MRT distribution in two different conditions, i.e., simple and choice MRT. In the choice MRT condition, subjects need to identify the side of the stimulus and to select the appropriate response, while in the simple MRT these stages are not necessary. We report that the gap effect was present in both conditions (22 ms for choice MRT condition; 15 ms for simple MRT condition), but, when analyzing the MRT distributions, we did not find any clear evidence for express manual responses. The main difference in MRT distribution between simple and choice conditions was a shift towards shorter values for simple MRT.


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The repercussions of secondary hyperparathyroidism on the nutritional status of chronic renal failure patients have not been well established. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the nutritional indices of hemodialysis patients with and without secondary hyperparathyroidism. Sixteen hemodialysis patients with serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels higher than 420 pg/ml (hyperparathyroidism group) were matched for gender, age and length of dialysis treatment to 16 patients with serum PTH between 64 and 290 pg/ml (control group). The following parameters were assessed: anthropometric indices (body mass index, skinfold thickness, midarm muscle circumference and body fat), 4-day food diaries, protein catabolic rate, biochemical indices (blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, albumin, ionized calcium, inorganic phosphorus, serum alkaline phosphatase, PTH, pH and HCO3) and dialysis efficiency. We did not observe differences in the anthropometric indices between the two groups. Only calcium intake was significantly different between groups (307.9 mg/day for the hyperparathyroidism group vs 475.8 mg/day for the control group). Protein catabolic rate tended to be higher in the hyperparathyroidism group compared to the control group (1.3 vs 0.9 g kg-1 day-1; P = 0.08). Except for blood urea nitrogen (86.4 vs 75.7 mg/dl), alkaline phosphatase (175 vs 65 U/l) and PTH (898 vs 155 pg/ml), no other differences were found between groups in the biochemical indices studied. PTH was directly correlated with protein catabolic rate (r = 0.61; P<0.05) and length of dialysis (r = 0.53; P<0.05) only in the hyperparathyroidism group. Considering the indices used, we could not demonstrate the deleterious effect of high PTH levels on the nutritional status of hemodialysis patients. Indirect evidence, however, suggests an action of PTH on protein metabolism.


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Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tarkastelee, miten keittokirjat muovaavat pääasiassa naispuolista lukijakuntaansa. Tärkein kysymys, johon tutkielmassa on etsitty vastausta on, että onko naisilla, menneiden sukupolvien taisteltua vuosikymmeniä tasa-arvon puolesta, oikeus valita viettää aikaa keittiössä ja oikeasti nauttiakin siitä. Kahtena päälähteenä tutkielmassa on käytetty brittiläisen Nigella Lawsonin keittokirjoja How to Eat ja How to be a Domestic Goddess. Näiden kirjojen analysoinnin ja muiden lähteiden avulla tutkielmassa on käsitelty ruuanlaiton ja leipomisen nautittavuutta ja sitä onko se ylipäätään sallittua vai syntistä. Lawson on julkaissut urallaan sitten vuoden 1998 yhteensä yhdeksän keittokirjaa, joiden lisäksi kirjojen tueksi on tehty useita televisiosarjoja. How to Eat on yleispätevä opas hyvän ruuan nautintoihin ja periaatteisiin, How to be a Domestic Goddess taas sisältää lähinnä leivontareseptejä. Nämä kaksi kirjaa ovat Lawsonin ensimmäiset keittokirjat. Nigella Lawsonin keittokirjat eivät ole vain reseptikokelmia eivätkä reseptit vain aineisosalistoja ja valmistusohjeita. Lawsonin kirjoja voi lukea kirjallisuutena eikä vain reseptien takia. Lawson viittaa usein naisen asemaan ja yrittää vakuuttaa lukijoitaan ruuanlaiton ja leipomisen nautittavuudesta.


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Hallinnon tarkastus on osa lakisääteistä tilintarkastusta kirjanpidon, tilinpäätöksen ja toimintakertomuksen tarkastamisen ohella. Hallinnon tarkastuksen suorittamiselle ei kuitenkaan ole määritelty yksityiskohtaisia ohjeistuksia tilintarkastuslaissa. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella, miten hallinnon tarkastuksen suorittaminen käytännössä eroaa hallinnon tarkastuksen varsin niukoista normeista sekä selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat näiden käytäntöjen muodostumiseen. Tarkastelussa käytetään apuna institutionaalista teoriaa selittämään käytäntöjen muodostumista. Tämän tutkielman tutkimusote on toiminta-analyyttinen. Empiirinen aineisto on hankittu haastattelemalla kuutta eri tilintarkastajaa, joilla kaikilla on mittava kokemus hallinnon tarkastuksen suorittamisesta. Haastateltavat ovat joko HTM– tai KHT-tilintarkastajia. Haastattelut on suoritettu teemahaastatteluina. Tutkielman tuloksena päädyttiin siihen, että hallinnon tarkastuksen käytäntö eroaa normeista osittain jopa merkittävästi. Tutkimuksen johtopäätösten mukaan kokemus on ratkaisevan keskeisessä roolissa hallinnon tarkastuksen suorittamisessa. Ilman kattavaa kokemusta hallinnon tarkastuksen suorittaminen voi osoittautua jopa mahdottomaksi. Hallinnon tarkastuksen rooli osana tilintarkastusta nähdään myös hyvin keskeisenä huolimatta siitä, että sitä ei ole laissa tarkasti määritelty. Tilintarkastajien voidaan myös nähdä jakautuvan selkeästi kahteen heidän tavassa suhtautua hallinnon tarkastukseen ja tilintarkastukseen yleisesti. Osa näkee sen puhtaasti laillisuustarkastuksena, kun taas osa painottaa siihen sisältyvän myös tarkoituksenmukaisuuden tarkastamista. Hallinnon tarkastus nähdään siis hyvin monimuotoisena osana tilintarkastusta ja tämä näkyy myös tilintarkastajien tavassa suorittaa hallinnon tarkastusta. Tilintarkastajalla on valta määrittää hallinnon tarkastus kattamaan haluamansa alue tilintarkastuksen yhteydessä. Yhtenä selkeänä johtopäätöksenä tutkielmassa voidaan nähdä erot suurempien ja pienempien tilintarkastusyhteisöjen välillä. Useissa tapauksissa suuremmissa tilintarkastusyhteisöissä hallinnon tarkastuksen suorittaminen on hyvin strukturoitua ja perustuu vahvasti ennalta laadittujen listojen noudattamiselle. Pienemmät tilintarkastusyhteisöt sen sijaan painottavat vapautta ja tapauskohtaisuutta hallinnon tarkastuksen yhteydessä.


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We assessed the effect of chronic hyperglycemia on bone mineral density (BMD) and bone remodeling in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. We investigated 42 patients with type 2 diabetes under stable control for at least 1 year, 22 of them with good metabolic control (GMC: mean age = 48.8 ± 1.5 years, 11 females) and 20 with poor metabolic control (PMC: mean age = 50.2 ± 1.2 years, 8 females), and 24 normal control individuals (CG: mean age = 46.5 ± 1.1 years, 14 females). We determined BMD in the femoral neck and at the L2-L4 level (DEXA) and serum levels of glucose, total glycated hemoglobin (HbA1), total and ionic calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, follicle-stimulating hormone, intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH-D), insulin-like growth factor I (IGFI), osteocalcin, procollagen type I C propeptide, as well as urinary levels of deoxypyridinoline and creatinine. HbA1 levels were significantly higher in PMC patients (12.5 ± 0.6 vs 7.45 ± 0.2% for GMC and 6.3 ± 0.9% for CG; P < 0.05). There was no difference in 25-OH-D, iPTH or IGFI levels between the three groups. BMD values at L2-L4 (CG = 1.068 ± 0.02 vs GMC = 1.170 ± 0.03 vs PMC = 1.084 ± 0.02 g/cm²) and in the femoral neck (CG = 0.898 ± 0.03 vs GMC = 0.929 ± 0.03 vs PMC = 0.914 ± 0.03 g/cm²) were similar for all groups. PMC presented significantly lower osteocalcin levels than the other two groups, whereas no significant difference in urinary deoxypyridine was observed between groups. The present results demonstrate that hyperglycemia is not associated with increased bone resorption in type 2 diabetes mellitus and that BMD is not altered in type 2 diabetes mellitus.


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Type II reaction in leprosy, or erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL), is often characterized by severe clinical symptoms together with nerve function impairment leading to permanent disabilities. Thalidomide has been shown to be a highly effective drug for the treatment of ENL. It is, however, contraindicated for women of childbearing age due to its teratogenicity. On the other hand, pentoxifylline, used to treat hypercoagulable states, is not teratogenic and, like thalidomide, can inhibit the synthesis of tumor necrosis factor-a and other cytokines. In the present randomized double-blind clinical study we compared the effectiveness of orally administered pentoxifylline vs thalidomide in treating type II reaction in 44 patients. Daily doses of 300 mg thalidomide or 1.2 g pentoxifylline were administered for 30 days to multibacillary leprosy patients undergoing type II reaction. Randomly chosen patients were included in the study before, during, and after specific multidrug therapy. Clinical evaluations were performed on the 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st, and 30th days of treatment and laboratory tests were carried out on the 1st and 30th days. As expected, overall, thalidomide proved to be more effective in the treatment of type II leprosy reaction. Nevertheless, continuous treatment with pentoxifylline was effective in relieving the clinical signs of ENL, especially limb edema and systemic symptoms, in 62.5% of the patients.


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Data about the impact of bariatric surgery (BS) and subsequent weight loss on bone are limited. The objective of the present study was to determine bone mineral density (BMD), bone remodeling metabolites and hormones that influence bone trophism in premenopausal women submitted to BS 9.8 months, on average, before the study (OGg, N = 16). The data were compared to those obtained for women of normal weight (CG, N = 11) and for obese women (OG, N = 12). Eight patients in each group were monitored for one year, with the determination of BMD, of serum calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, parathyroid hormone, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and osteocalcin, and of urinary calcium and deoxypyridinoline. The biochemical determinations were repeated every three months in the longitudinal study and BMD was measured at the end of the study. Parathyroid hormone levels were similar in the three groups. IGF-I levels (CG = 332 ± 62 vs OG = 230 ± 37 vs OGg = 128 ± 19 ng/mL) were significantly lower in the operated patients compared to the non-operated obese women. Only OGg patients presented a significant fall in BMD of 6.2% at L1-L4, of 10.2% in the femoral neck, and of 5.1% in the forearm. These results suggest that the weight loss induced by BS is associated with a significant loss of bone mass even at sites that are not influenced by weight overload, with hormonal factors such as IGF-I being associated with this process.


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Subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) present breathing pattern and thoracoabdominal motion abnormalities that may contribute to exercise limitation. Twenty-two men with stable COPD (FEV1 = 42.6 ± 13.5% predicted; age 68 ± 8 years; mean ± SD) on usual medication and with at least 5 years of diagnosis were evaluated at rest and during an incremental cycle exercise test (10 watts/2 min). Changes in respiratory frequency, tidal volume, rib cage and abdominal motion contribution to tidal volume and the phase angle that measures the asynchrony were analyzed by inductive respiratory plethysmography at rest and during three levels of exercise (30-50, 70-80, and 100% maximal work load). Repeated measures ANOVA followed by pre-planned contrasts and Bonferroni corrections were used for analyses. As expected, the greater the exercise intensity the higher the tidal volume and respiratory frequency. Abdominal motion contributed to the tidal volume increase (rest: 49.82 ± 11.19% vs exercise: 64.15 ± 9.7%, 63.41 ± 10%, and 65.56 ± 10.2%, respectively, P < 0.001) as well as the asynchrony [phase angle: 11.95 ± 7.24° at rest vs 22.2 ± 15° (P = 0.002), 22.6 ± 9° (P < 0.001), and 22.7 ± 8° (P < 0.001), respectively, at the three levels of exercise]. In conclusion, the increase in ventilation during exercise in COPD patients was associated with the major motion of the abdominal compartment and with an increase in the asynchrony independent of exercise intensity. It suggests that cycling exercise is an effective way of enhancing ventilation in COPD patients.


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During cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET), stroke volume can be indirectly assessed by O2 pulse profile. However, for a valid interpretation, the stability of this variable over time should be known. The objective was to analyze the stability of the O2 pulse curve relative to body mass in elite athletes. VO2, heart rate (HR), and relative O2 pulse were compared at every 10% of the running time in two maximal CPETs, from 2005 to 2010, of 49 soccer players. Maximal values of VO2 (63.4 ± 0.9 vs 63.5 ± 0.9 mL O2•kg-1•min-1), HR (190 ± 1 vs188 ± 1 bpm) and relative O2 pulse (32.9 ± 0.6 vs 32.6 ± 0.6 mL O2•beat-1•kg-1) were similar for the two CPETs (P > 0.05), while the final treadmill velocity increased from 18.5 ± 0.9 to 18.9 ± 1.0 km/h (P < 0.01). Relative O2 pulse increased linearly and similarly in both evaluations (r² = 0.64 and 0.63) up to 90% of the running time. Between 90 and 100% of the running time, the values were less stable, with up to 50% of the players showing a tendency to a plateau in the relative O2 pulse. In young healthy men in good to excellent aerobic condition, the morphology of the relative O2 pulse curve is consistent up to close to the peak effort for a CPET repeated within a 1-year period. No increase in relative O2pulse at peak effort could represent a physiologic stroke volume limitation in these athletes.


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Myocardial ischemia, as well as the induction agents used in anesthesia, may cause corrected QT interval (QTc) prolongation. The objective of this randomized, double-blind trial was to determine the effects of high- vs conventional-dose bolus rocuronium on QTc duration and the incidence of dysrhythmias following anesthesia induction and intubation. Fifty patients about to undergo coronary artery surgery were randomly allocated to receive conventional-dose (0.6 mg/kg, group C, n=25) or high-dose (1.2 mg/kg, group H, n=25) rocuronium after induction with etomidate and fentanyl. QTc, heart rate, and mean arterial pressure were recorded before induction (T0), after induction (T1), after rocuronium (just before laryngoscopy; T2), 2 min after intubation (T3), and 5 min after intubation (T4). The occurrence of dysrhythmias was recorded. In both groups, QTc was significantly longer at T3 than at baseline [475 vs 429 ms in group C (P=0.001), and 459 vs 434 ms in group H (P=0.005)]. The incidence of dysrhythmias in group C (28%) and in group H (24%) was similar. The QTc after high-dose rocuronium was not significantly longer than after conventional-dose rocuronium in patients about to undergo coronary artery surgery who were induced with etomidate and fentanyl. In both groups, compared with baseline, QTc was most prolonged at 2 min after intubation, suggesting that QTc prolongation may be due to the nociceptive stimulus of intubation.


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The oxygen uptake efficiency slope (OUES) is a submaximal index incorporating cardiovascular, peripheral, and pulmonary factors that determine the ventilatory response to exercise. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of continuous exercise training and interval exercise training on the OUES in patients with coronary artery disease. Thirty-five patients (59.3±1.8 years old; 28 men, 7 women) with coronary artery disease were randomly divided into two groups: continuous exercise training (n=18) and interval exercise training (n=17). All patients performed graded exercise tests with respiratory gas analysis before and 3 months after the exercise-training program to determine ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VAT), respiratory compensation point, and peak oxygen consumption (peak VO2). The OUES was assessed based on data from the second minute of exercise until exhaustion by calculating the slope of the linear relation between oxygen uptake and the logarithm of total ventilation. After the interventions, both groups showed increased aerobic fitness (P<0.05). In addition, both the continuous exercise and interval exercise training groups demonstrated an increase in OUES (P<0.05). Significant associations were observed in both groups: 1) continuous exercise training (OUES and peak VO2 r=0.57; OUES and VO2 VAT r=0.57); 2) interval exercise training (OUES and peak VO2 r=0.80; OUES and VO2 VAT r=0.67). Continuous and interval exercise training resulted in a similar increase in OUES among patients with coronary artery disease. These findings suggest that improvements in OUES among CAD patients after aerobic exercise training may be dependent on peripheral and central mechanisms.