844 resultados para Vitamin C deficiency
A rapid, sensitive and specific method for quantifying hydroxocobalamin in human plasma using paracetamol as the internal standard (IS) is described. The analyte and the IS were extracted from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction using an organic solvent (ethanol 100%; -20°C). The extracts were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS-MS). Chromatography was performed on Prevail C8 3 μm, analytical column (2.1×100 mm i.d.). The method had a chromatographic run time of 3.4 min and a linear calibration curve over the range 5-400 ng.mL-1 (r>0.9983). The limit of quantification was 5 ng.mL-1. The method was also validated without the use of the internal standard. The precision in the intra-batch validation with IS was 9.6%, 8.9%, 1.0% and 2.8% whereas without IS was 9.2%, 8.2%, 1.8% and 1.5% for 5, 15, 80 and 320 ng/mL, respectively. The accuracy in intra-batch validation with IS was 108.9%, 99.9%, 98.9% and 99.0% whereas without IS was 101.1%, 99.3%, 97.5% and 92.5% for 5, 15, 80 and 320 ng/mL, respectively. The precision in the inter-batch validation with IS was 9.4%, 6.9%, 4.6% and 5.5% whereas without IS was 10.9%, 6.4%, 5.0% and 6.2% for 5, 15, 80 and 320 ng/mL, respectively. The accuracy in inter-batch validation with IS was 101.9%, 104.1%, 103.2% and 99.7% whereas without IS was 94.4%, 101.2%, 101.6% and 96.0% for 5, 15, 80 and 320 ng/mL, respectively. This HPLC-MS-MS procedure was used to assess the pharmacokinetics of Hydroxo cobalamin following intramuscular injection 5000 μg in healthy volunteers of both sexes (10 males and 10 females). The volunteers had the following clinical characteristics (according to gender and expressed as mean ± SD [range]): males: age: 32.40 ± 8.00 y [23.00-46.00], height: 1.73 ± 0.07 m [1.62-1.85], body weight: 72.48 ± 10.22 Kg [60.20- 88.00]; females: age: 28.60 ± 9.54 y [18.00-44.00], height: 1.60 ± 0.05 m [1.54-1.70], body weight: 58.64 ± 6.09 Kg [51.70- 66.70]. The following pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained from the hydroxocobalamin plasma concentration vs. time curves: AUClast, T1/2, Tmax, Vd, Cl, Cmax and Clast. The pharmacokinetic parameters were 120 (± 25) ng/mL for Cmax, 2044 (± 641) ng.h/mL for AUClast, 8 (± 3.2) ng.mL-1 for Clast, 38 (± 15.8) hr for T1/2 and 2.5 (range 1-6) hr for Tmax. Female volunteers presented significant (p=0.0136) lower AUC (1706 ± 704) ng.h/mL) and larger (p=0.0205) clearance (2.91 ± 1.41 L/hr), as compared to male 2383 ± 343 ng.h/mL and 1.76 ± 0.23 L/hr, respectively. These pharmacokinetic differences could explain the higher prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency in female patients. The method described validated well without the use of the internal standard and this approach should be investigated in other HPLC-MS-MS methods.
Nach heutigen Erkenntnissen sind für die Krebsentstehung Mutationen in Genen somatischer Zellen verantwortlich, die vor allem durch chemische Modifikationen der DNA (DNA-Schäden) hervorgerufen werden. Als DNA-schädigende Agentien sind besonders reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) von Bedeutung, die sowohl endogen, z.B. in der Lipidperoxidation und der mitochondrialen Atmungskette, als auch exogen, z.B. durch Xenobiotika und Strahlung, entstehen können. Der stets in jeder Zelle vorhandene Untergrundspiegel an DNA-Modifikationen ergibt sich aus dem Gleichgewicht zwischen Schadensbildung und den zellulären antioxidativen Schutz- und den Reparaturmechanismen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war, die Beeinflussung oxidativer DNA-Schäden durch verschiedene, vom Menschen zumeist oral aufgenommene Stoffe (Ascorbinsäure, Derivat des Carazostatin (MMPDCD), Eicosapentaensäure (EPA) und Ethanol) unter Bedingungen ohne weitere exogene Schädigung und unter zusätzlich induziertem oxidativem Stress zu untersuchen. Zur Induktion von oxidativen Stress wurden AS52-Zellen (CHO-Zellen) mit UVB, sichtbarem Licht oder sichtbarem Licht und Photosensibilisator bestrahlt. Die Bestimmung der oxidativen DNA-Schäden in den Zellen (AS52 oder humane Lymphozyten) erfolgte mit Hilfe der Alkalischen Elution, wobei als Sonde das Fpg-Protein, eine DNA-Reparaturendonuklease, die vor allem 8-Hydroxyguanin erkennt, verwendet wurde. Darüberhinaus wurde der Einfluß der jeweiligen Vorbehandlung auf die Bildung von Mikrokernen und auch deren Zytotoxizität untersucht. Außerdem lag ein besonderes Augenmerk auch auf Untersuchungen von Effekten in humanen Lymphozyten in vivo.Bei den Untersuchungen an kultivierten Säugerzellen zeigte sich bei keiner Substanz in dem untersuchten Konzentrationsbereich ein Einfluß auf oxidative DNA-Schäden. Lediglich bei MMPDCD war ein geringer, protektiver Effekt zu erkennen, der abhängig von der eingesetzten Konzentration war. Dagegen konnte die Induktion von Mikrokernen sowohl durch Präinkubation mit Vitamin C, EPA als auch mit MMPDCD effektiv verhindert werden, obwohl sie z.T. die spontane Mikrokernrate erhöhten. In den in vivo Studien hatte weder eine akute Gabe von Vitamin C noch eine dreimonatige Supplementation mit EPA einen Einfluß auf die Untergrundspiegel oxidativer DNA-Schäden in humanen Lymphozyten. Bei der Studie zum Einfluß von chronischem Alkoholmißbrauch auf oxidative DNA-Schäden in Lymphozyten fand sich in der Patientengruppe ein signifikant erhöhter Spiegel an Schäden. Dieser erniedrigte sich nach erfolgter Entgiftung nicht auf das Niveau der Kontrollgruppe sondern erhöhte sich noch weiter.Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, daß Vitamin C und EPA zwar in vitro einen teilweise protektiven Effekt haben, sich dieser aber nicht in vivo finden läßt. Außerdem hat Ethanol eine schädigende Wirkung auf den DNA-Schaden in vivo, was dem vielfach propagierten protektiven Effekt alkoholischer Getränke widerspricht.
L'insufficienza renale cronica (CKD) è associata ad un rischio cardiovascolare più elevato rispetto alla popolazione generale: fattori come uremia, stress ossidativo, età dialitica, infiammazione, alterazioni del metabolismo minerale e presenza di calcificazioni vascolari incidono fortemente sulla morbosità e mortalità per cause cardiovascolari nel paziente uremico. Diversi studi hanno verificato il coinvolgimento dei progenitori endoteliali (EPC) nella malattia aterosclerotica ed è stato dimostrato che esprimono osteocalcina, marcatore di calcificazione. Inoltre, nella CKD è presente una disfunzione in numero e funzionalità delle EPC. Attualmente, il ruolo delle EPC nella formazione delle calcificazioni vascolari nei pazienti in dialisi non è stato ancora chiarito. Lo scopo della tesi è quello di studiare le EPC prelevate da pazienti con CKD, al fine di determinarne numero e fenotipo. È stato anche valutato l'effetto del trattamento in vitro e in vivo con calcitriolo e paracalcitolo sulle EPC, dato il deficit di vitamina D dei pazienti con CKD: il trattamento con vitamina D sembra avere effetti positivi sul sistema cardiovascolare. Sono stati valutati: numero di EPC circolanti e la relativa espressione di osteocalcina e del recettore della vitamina D; morfologia e fenotipo EPC in vitro; effetti di calcitriolo e paracalcitolo sull’espressione di osteocalcina e sui depositi di calcio. I risultati dello studio suggeriscono che il trattamento con vitamina D abbia un effetto positivo sulle EPC, aumentando il numero di EPC circolanti e normalizzandone la morfologia. Sia calcitriolo che paracalcitolo sono in grado di ridurre notevolmente l’espressione di OC, mentre solo il paracalcitolo ha un effetto significativo sulla riduzione dei depositi di calcio in coltura. In conclusione, il trattamento con vitamina D sembra ridurre il potenziale calcifico delle EPC nell’uremia, aprendo nuove strade per la gestione del rischio cardiovascolare nei pazienti affetti da CKD.
In Leber und Dünndarm bauen CYP3A-Enzyme eine Vielzahl von Fremdstoffen ab, die in den Körper gelangt sind. Zudem aber sind diese Enzyme auch in anderen Organen, wie der Haut exprimiert. Doch weder die genaue Zusammensetzung der CYP3A-Isozyme noch deren physiologische Rolle in der Haut sind bisher bekannt. Basierend auf begrenzten in vitro-Daten ist eine Rolle der CYP3A in der kutanen Vitamin D-Synthese denkbar. Auf der anderen Seite könnten die kutanen CYP3A auch lokal oder systemisch verabreichte Medikamente in der Haut verstoffwechseln und so zur Entstehung immunologischer und nicht-immunologischer unerwünschter Arzneimittelwirkungen beitragen, von denen sich bis zu 45 % in der Haut manifestieren.rnDie Arbeitshypothese dieses Projekts war, dass die CYP3A die kutane Synthese von Vitamin D regulieren. In dieser Funktion wurden sie zur Vermeidung von Vitamin D-Mangel-Erkrankungen wie Rachitis oder Osteomalazie in Europäern negativ selektiert. rnDie Expression und Regulation der CYP3A wurde in Hautbiopsien, einer Zelllinie epidermalen Ursprungs und primären Hautzellen wie auch in transgenen Mäusen untersucht. Die metabolische Aktivität der CYP3A gegenüber den kutanen Vitamin D-Vorstufen wurde mit Hilfe rekombinant exprimierter Enzyme untersucht. CYP3A5-mRNA war die häufigste der CYP3A in humanen Hautproben und überstieg die von CYP3A4 um das Dreifache, die von CYP3A7 um das 130-Fache. Damit entsprach diese 1,3 %, 0,01 % bzw. 0,01 % der jeweiligen hepatischen Genexpression. Die Expression von CYP3A43 war zu vernachlässigen. CYP3A5 zeigte eine bimodale Expression sowohl auf mRNA- als auch auf Proteinebene. So zeigten Träger der Wildtyp-Allels *1 eine 3,3-fach höhere mRNA- und 1,8-fach höhere Proteinmenge als homozygote Träger des Nullallels *3. CYP3A4/7- und CYP3A5-Protein wurde v. a. in den Keratinozyten der Epidermis und den Talgdrüsen, also den Bereichen der kutanen Vitamin D-Synthese lokalisiert. Die CYP3A5-Expression wurde ferner in der Haut transgener Mäusen gezeigt, die das Reportergen Luziferase unter Kontrolle des humanen CYP3A5-Promoters exprimieren. Verglichen mit der Leber war die kutane Expression des Vitamin D-Rezeptors (VDR) 100-fach höher, die der Xenosensoren CAR und PXR vergleichbar bzw. zu vernachlässigen. Dementsprechend erhöhte die Behandlung mit 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D, dem aktiven Vitamin D-Hormon, und dessen Vorstufen außer 7-Dehydrocholesterol, jedoch nicht der PXR-Ligand Rifampicin, die Expression der CYP3A. Wie in Zwei-Hybrid-Experimenten gezeigt, wurden die Effekte des 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D und dessen Vorstufen alleinig durch VDR vermittelt. Die Effektstärke hingegen war abhängig von Zellspender, Zellpassage und Zelltypus. Alle drei CYP3A-Isozyme metabolisieren Vitamin D zu einem oder mehreren unbekannten Metaboliten, jedoch nicht zu 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, dem direkten Vorläufer des aktiven Vitamin D. rnZusammengefasst legen die Daten nahe, dass die kutanen CYP3A, allen voran CYP3A5, die Vitamin D-Homöostase durch VDR-vermittelte Induktion des Abbaus von Vitamin D-Vorstufen regulieren. Dies zusammen mit Sequenzdaten liefert starke Indizien für Vitamin D als treibende Kraft der Selektion des CYP3A-Lokus in Europäern. Der Einfluss der CYP3A-Expression auf selektiv wirksame, klinisch relevante Knochenveränderungen wie Rachitis oder Osteomalazie müssen folgen.rn
Organophosphate können chronische Lungenerkrankungen und Vergiftungen hervorrufen. Bei der Vergiftung erfolgt eine Immunreaktion, welche noch nicht erforscht ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden Toxizitätsstudien an dendritischen Zellen und einem bronchialen Triple-Kultur-Modell durchgeführt. Dendritische Zellen spielen bei der ersten Immunabwehr in der Lunge eine große Rolle. Aus der Zell-Linie THP-1 und primären Monozyten wurden reife dendritische Zellen differenziert und mittels Durchflusszytometrie und Immunfluoreszenz auf spezifische Zellmarker, wie zum Beispiel CD11c, CD83 oder auch CD209, charakterisiert und etabliert. Durch die Vergiftung der Zellen mit Dimethoat und Chlorpyrifos konnte eine Erhöhung des Zelltodes, die Sekretion von proinflammatorischen Mediatoren, Veränderungen in der Morphologie der Zellen und ein Effekt auf den Proteinkinase-Signalweg festgestellt werden. Spezifische dendritische Zellmarker (CD83, CD209) wurden inhibiert und die Dendriten der Dendritischen Zellen kürzer und beschädigt. Die Schädigung von Chlorpyrifos war erheblich größer, als die bei Dimethoat.rnDie weiteren Toxizitätsstudien wurden an einem bronchialen Triple-Kultur-Modell durchgeführt. Hierzu wurden auf Transwell-Filtermembranen bronchiale Epithelzellen, Fibroblastenzellen und Dendritische Zellen verwendet. Die bronchialen Epithelzellen und Fibroblastenzellen waren hier physiologisch voneinander getrennt, konnten aber durch Poren in der Membran miteinander interagieren. Die Etablierung des Triple-Kultur-Modells erfolgte durch die Untersuchung von Entzündungsprozessen, durch Stimulation mit LPS, TNF-alpha und Interferon-gamma. In der Ko-Kultur konnten Zell-Zell-Kontakt Schädigungen und Erhöhung von proinflammatorischen Markern, wie zum Beispiel IL-1ß, IL-6 oder auch IL-8 gemessen werden. Versuche in der Triple-Kultur zeigten den positiven Effekt von Dendritischen Zellen. Bei höheren Konzentrationsbereichen von Dimethoat und Chlorpyrifos konnte ein Wandern der Zellen zu den geschädigten Zell-Zell-Kontakten nachgewiesen werden. Die Ausschüttung der proinflammatorischen Mediatoren wurde inhibiert, vor allem bei IL-10 war eine deutliche Reduktion, um mehr als 70% messbar. Ebenso konnten Veränderungen in dem Apoptose-Signalblick festgestellt werden. Vor allem anti-apoptotische Proteine wurden nach einer Vergiftung der Triple-Kultur induziert. Interventionsstudien mit Vitamin C zeigten allerdings keinen positiven Effekt.
Transporters for vitamin C and its oxidized form dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) are crucial to maintain physiological concentrations of this important vitamin that is used in a variety of biochemical processes. The human SLC23 family consists of the Na(+)-dependent vitamin C transporters SVCT1 (encoded by the SLC23A1 gene) and SVCT2 (SLC23A2) as well as an orphan transporter SVCT3 (SLC23A3). Phylogenetically, the SLC23 family belongs to the nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (NAT) family, although no nucleobase transport has yet been demonstrated for the human members of this family. The SVCT1 and SVCT2 transporters are rather specific for ascorbic acid, which is an important antioxidant and plays a crucial role in a many metal-containing enzymes. SVCT1 is expressed predominantly in epithelial tissues such as intestine where it contributes to the supply and maintenance of whole-body ascorbic acid levels. In contrast to various other mammals, humans are not capable of synthesizing ascorbic acid from glucose and therefore the uptake of ascorbic acid from the diet via SVCT1 is essential for maintaining appropriate concentrations of vitamin C in the human body. The expression of SVCT2 is relatively widespread, where it serves to either deliver ascorbic acid to tissues with high demand of the vitamin for enzymatic reactions or to protect metabolically highly active cells or specialized tissues from oxidative stress. The murine Slc23a3 gene encoding the orphan transporter SVCT3 was originally cloned from mouse yolk sac, and subsequent studies showed that it is expressed in the kidney. However, the function of SVCT3 has not been reported and it remains speculative as to whether SVCT3 is a nucleobase transporter.
We report on a family with a 12-year-old boy who suffered from a maternally inherited syndrome characterized by a combination of sensorineural hearing loss, myoclonus epilepsy, ataxia, severe psychomotor retardation, short stature, and diabetes mellitus. First, he showed a muscular hypotonia with hearing loss; later, he developed a myoclonus epilepsy, growth failure, and severe psychomotor retardation. At the age of 10 years, he developed diabetes mellitus. After initiation of combined ubiquinone and vitamin C treatment, we observed a progression in psychomotor development. Lactate and pyruvate levels in blood and cerebrospinal fluid were normal. No ragged red fibers or ultrastructural abnormalities were seen in a skeletal muscle biopsy. Biochemical assays of respiratory chain complex activities revealed decreased activity of complexes I and IV. By sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA encoding transfer ribonucleic acids (RNAs), a homoplasmic T to C substitution at nucleotide position 7512 was found affecting a highly conserved base pair in the tRNA(ser(UCN)) acceptor stem. Asymptomatic family members of the maternal line were heteroplasmic for the mutation in blood samples. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA in patients with hearing loss and myoclonus epilepsy is recommended, even in the absence of laboratory findings. Therapeutically, ubiquinone and antioxidants can be beneficial.
Pernicious anemia and Vitamin B12 deficiency have a wide range of symptoms and are a common finding in the elderly. A 73 year old female is admitted to the hospital because of dyspnea, fatigue and loss of appetite and weight. While previous medical history and physical examination are inconspicuous, laboratory findings show severe pancytopenia with macrocytosis, low reticulocyte count and marked signs of hemolysis. A very low serum level of vitamin B12 and chronic atrophic type A gastritis upon endoscopy with presence of parietal cell antibodies in the serum lead to the diagnosis of pernicious anemia. Complete restitution is achieved by parenteral vitamin B12 substitution. Nowadays, severe pernicious anemia is only rarely seen. The differential diagnosis of pancytopenia (with macrocytic anemia) combined with hemolysis and the essential hints to the diagnosis of pernicious anemia are discussed, and thereby practical aspects including therapy actualized.
Gamma-tocopherol (gammaT) complements alpha-tocopherol (alphaT) by trapping reactive nitrogen oxides to form a stable adduct, 5-nitro-gammaT [Christen et al., PNAS 94:3217-3222; 1997]. This observation led to the current investigation in which we studied the effects of gammaT supplementation on plasma and tissue vitamin C, vitamin E, and protein nitration before and after zymosan-induced acute peritonitis. Male Fischer 344 rats were fed for 4 weeks with either a normal chow diet with basal 32 mg alphaT/kg, or the same diet supplemented with approximately 90 mg d-gammaT/kg. Supplementation resulted in significantly higher levels of gammaT in plasma, liver, and kidney of control animals without affecting alphaT, total alphaT+gammaT or vitamin C. Intraperitoneal injection of zymosan caused a marked increase in 3-nitrotyrosine and a profound decline in vitamin C in all tissues examined. Supplementation with gammaT significantly inhibited protein nitration and ascorbate oxidation in the kidney, as indicated by the 29% and 56% reduction of kidney 3-nitrotyrosine and dehydroascorbate, respectively. Supplementation significantly attenuated inflammation-induced loss of vitamin C in the plasma (38%) and kidney (20%). Zymosan-treated animals had significantly higher plasma and tissue gammaT than nontreated pair-fed controls, and the elevation of gammaT was strongly accentuated by the supplementation. In contrast, alphaT did not significantly change in response to zymosan treatment. In untreated control animals, gammaT supplementation lowered basal levels of 3-nitrotyrosine in the kidney and buffered the starvation-induced changes in vitamin C in all tissues examined. Our study provides the first in vivo evidence that in rats with high basal amounts of alphaT, a moderate gammaT supplementation attenuates inflammation-mediated damage, and spares vitamin C during starvation-induced stress without affecting alphaT.
BACKGROUND: Lack of reliable dietary data has hampered the ability to effectively distinguish between effects of smoking and diet on plasma antioxidant status. As confirmed by analyses of comprehensive food-frequency questionnaires, the total dietary intakes of fruit and vegetables and of dietary antioxidants were not significantly different between the study groups in the present study, thereby enabling isolation of the effect of smoking. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to investigate the effect of smoking on plasma antioxidant status by measuring ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, beta-carotene, and lycopene, and subsequently, to test the effect of a 3-mo dietary supplementation with a moderate-dose vitamin cocktail. DESIGN: In a double-blind, placebo-controlled design, the effect of a vitamin cocktail containing 272 mg vitamin C, 31 mg all-rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, and 400 microg folic acid on plasma antioxidants was determined in a population of smokers (n = 37) and nonsmokers (n = 38). The population was selected for a low intake of fruit and vegetables and recruited from the San Francisco Bay area. RESULTS: Only ascorbic acid was significantly depleted by smoking per se (P < 0.01). After the 3-mo supplementation period, ascorbic acid was efficiently repleted in smokers (P < 0.001). Plasma alpha-tocopherol and the ratio of alpha- to gamma-tocopherol increased significantly in both supplemented groups (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that previous reports of lower concentrations of plasma vitamin E and carotenoids in smokers than in nonsmokers may primarily have been caused by differences in dietary habits between study groups. Plasma ascorbic acid was depleted by smoking and repleted by moderate supplementation.
The objective of this cross-sectional study is to compare the dietary behaviors of children from low food secure (LFS) households with children from very low food secure (VLFS) households over an entire day, and during meals specifically consumed at home —breakfast, snack, and dinner. Parents of the recruited children completed a demographic questionnaire, along with USDA's 6-item short form food security questionnaire. Children completed 24-hour dietary recalls in person. Complete data from 102 children 9 to 12 years old were used. Using ANOVA to assess the differences among groups in intakes over an entire day and during meals consumed at home, no significant differences were found, except for vitamin C intake during breakfast. Based on the definitions of LFS and VLFS, it was hypothesized that children from VLFS group would have lower dietary intakes compared to children from the LFS group. However, this study found little difference. Speculations have been made for these findings and implications for research have been presented.
Introduction Notochordal cells (NC) are shifted back into focus due to their apparent action of activating other disc cells via indirect release of yet unknown factors into the medium (conditioned medium = CM).1,2 Recent evidence confirms the results from the late 1990s.3,4 Here, we test porcine (p) NC cultured in 3D and the influence of adding serum or using serum-free medium onto the culture on NC cells and its stimulating effects for subsequent coculture with primary bovine (b) nucleus pulposus (bNPC) and annulus fibrous cells (bAFC). Materials and Methods Primary pNC, bNPC, and bAFC were isolated from porcine tails (< 6-12 months age) or bovine tails (∼1 year age), which were obtained from the food chain (N = 4 repeats) within 4 hours postmortem. All cells were seeded into 1.2% alginate, each with a density of 4 × 106/mL. NC were then either cultured for 7 days in serum free medium (SFM = Dulbecco modified eagle medium [DMEM] supplied with ITS+, 50 µg/mL vitamin C and nonessential amino acids) or DMEM + 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). CM was produced from NC collecting 4 mL SFM and keeping approximately 30 beads for 7 days. Then, a coculture was set up in SFM for 14 days using indirect cell-cell contact (culture insert, high density pore, 0.4 µm) using a 50:50% ratio5 of pNC:bNP or bAF, or by addition of CM, respectively. The cell activity, glycosaminoglycan per DNA (GAG/DNA) ratio, and real-time RT-PCR of IVD relevant genes were monitored. Mass spectrometry was performed on the SFM and the cocultured medium as well as the CM of the pNC to identify possible key cytokines to the stimulatory effects. Results The results for cell activity confirmed that pNC are highly responsive on the nutritional condition in the culture (K-W test, p = 0.048) after 7 days of coculture. bNPC and bAFC did not respond significantly different to coculture or addition of CM with respect to cell activity. However, GAG/DNA ratio of pNC was significantly upregulated if they were initially pre-exposed to FCS and in coculture with bNPC after 14 days, for both normoxia and hypoxia (K-W, p = 0.03). The bNPC were stimulated by both, 1:1 coculture with pNC but also by addition of CM only, which resulted in approximately 200% increased GAG/DNA values relative to the day 0 state. However, this doubling of the GAG/DNA ratio was nonsignificant after 14 days. The aggrecan/collagen type 2 ratio as quantified from real-time RT-PCR pointed to a beneficial state of the bNPC if cultured either in indirect coculture with pNC or by the addition of CM (Fig. 1). The mass spectrometric analysis of the CM revealed that there was connecting tissue growth factor present (CTGF) among the cytokine CLC11, a cytokine that has been found to be expressed in skeletal tissues including bone marrow and chondrocytes among other factors that might have immunoregulatory and cell proliferative functions.
The excavation site Reigoldswil is located at 550 m above sea level on the Jura chain hillside in north-western Switzerland. The mountains divide the Rhine valley from an agriculturally rich region. The origin of the village lies in the early medieval time. Until now the skeletons of one cemetery have been morphologically studied. Around 216 individuals were excavated from under the foundation walls of a church and in the open field. They date to the 7/8th up to the 10th century. The striking part is the high amount of subadult (0-18 years) individuals with 58% (n=126). One of these children, an approximately 1.5 year old toddler from the 7th century, was buried in a stone cist. Its bones show morphological traces like porotic lesions of the greater wings of the sphenoidale, the squama, the mandibule and the scapula as new bone formation on both femora and tibiae. These signs could be an indicator for Möller-Barlow disease (Ortner 2003, Brickley and Ives 2008, Stark in press). As scurvy is associated with an insufficient intake of vitamin C, malnutrition must be assumed. A reason might be the geographic location or/and a harsh climat with crop failure and famine the first settler had to face. Besides the morphological diagnose amino acids of the bone collagen have been analyzed (Kramis et. al.). Further examinations, such as radiocarbon dating and stable isotope ratios (C, N, O, S) to specify nutrition, are planned.
Falls in the elderly are a major source of injury resulting in disability and hospitalization. They have a significant impact on individual basis (loss of quality of live, nursing home admissions) and social basis (healthcare costs). Even though falls in the elderly are common there are some well studied risk factors. Special emphasis should be put on sarcopenia/frailty, polypharmacy, multimorbidity, vitamin D status and home hazards. There are several well evaluated fall prevention approaches that either target a single fall risk factor or focus on multiple risk factors. It has to be kept in mind that not all fall prevention strategies are useful for all patients as for example dietary substitution of vitamin D is only recommended in people with increased risk for a vitamin D deficiency. Home hazard reduction strategies are more effective when combined with other fall prevention approaches such as for example exercise programs. In conclusion elderly patients should routinely be screened for relevant risk factors and if need an indiviudally targeted fall prevention program compiled.
We used multiple sets of simulations both at the atomistic and coarse-grained level of resolution to investigate interaction and binding of α-tochoperol transfer protein (α-TTP) to phosphatidylinositol phosphate lipids (PIPs). Our calculations indicate that enrichment of membranes with such lipids facilitate membrane anchoring. Atomistic models suggest that PIP can be incorporated into the binding cavity of α-TTP and therefore confirm that such protein can work as lipid exchanger between the endosome and the plasma membrane. Comparison of the atomistic models of the α-TTP-PIPs complex with membrane-bound α-TTP revealed different roles for the various basic residues composing the basic patch that is key for the protein/ligand interaction. Such residues are of critical importance as several point mutations at their position lead to severe forms of ataxia with vitamin E deficiency (AVED) phenotypes. Specifically, R221 is main residue responsible for the stabilization of the complex. R68 and R192 exchange strong interactions in the protein or in the membrane complex only, suggesting that the two residues alternate contact formation, thus facilitating lipid flipping from the membrane into the protein cavity during the lipid exchange process. Finally, R59 shows weaker interactions with PIPs anyway with a clear preference for specific phosphorylation positions, hinting a role in early membrane selectivity for the protein. Altogether, our simulations reveal significant aspects at the atomistic scale of interactions of α-TTP with the plasma membrane and with PIP, providing clarifications on the mechanism of intracellular vitamin E trafficking and helping establishing the role of key residue for the functionality of α-TTP.