957 resultados para Venture creation process


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Abstract: The aim of this study was to characterize the trajectory of answerability in Brazil. In the light of studies based on the historical neo-institutionalism approach, formal institutional changes adopted at federal level between 1985 and 2014, and which favor the typical requirements of answerability - information and justification - were identified and analyzed through the content analysis technique. The conclusion is that the trajectory of answerability in contemporary Brazil can be characterized as continuous, primarily occurring through the layering strategy, and whose leitmotif, since its origin, has consisted of matters of financial and budgetary nature. Nevertheless, a recent influence of deeper democratic subjects on it has been observed.


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The main purpose of this research is to identify the hidden knowledge and learning mechanisms in the organization in order to disclosure the tacit knowledge and transform it into explicit knowledge. Most firms usually tend to duplicate their efforts acquiring extra knowledge and new learning skills while forgetting to exploit the existing ones thus wasting one life time resources that could be applied to increase added value within the firm overall competitive advantage. This unique value in the shape of creation, acquisition, transformation and application of learning and knowledge is not disseminated throughout the individual, group and, ultimately, the company itself. This work is based on three variables that explain the behaviour of learning as the process of construction and acquisition of knowledge, namely internal social capital, technology and external social capital, which include the main attributes of learning and knowledge that help us to capture the essence of this symbiosis. Absorptive Capacity provides the right tool to explore this uncertainty within the firm it is possible to achieve the perfect match between learning skills and knowledge needed to support the overall strategy of the firm. This study has taken in to account a sample of the Portuguese textile industry and it is based on a multisectorial analysis that makes it possible a crossfunctional analysis to check on the validity of results in order to better understand and capture the dynamics of organizational behavior.


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The main purpose of this research is to identify the hidden knowledge and learning mechanisms in the organization in order to disclosure the tacit knowledge and transform it into explicit knowledge. Most firms usually tend to duplicate their efforts acquiring extra knowledge and new learning skills while forgetting to exploit the existing ones thus wasting one life time resources that could be applied to increase added value within the firm overall competitive advantage. This unique value in the shape of creation, acquisition, transformation and application of learning and knowledge is not disseminated throughout the individual, group and, ultimately, the company itself. This work is based on three variables that explain the behaviour of learning as the process of construction and acquisition of knowledge, namely internal social capital, technology and external social capital, which include the main attributes of learning and knowledge that help us to capture the essence of this symbiosis. Absorptive Capacity provides the right tool to explore this uncertainty within the firm it is possible to achieve the perfect match between learning skills and knowledge needed to support the overall strategy of the firm. This study has taken in to account a sample of the Portuguese textile industry and it is based on a multisectorial analysis that makes it possible a crossfunctional analysis to check on the validity of results in order to better understand and capture the dynamics of organizational behavior.


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Nowadays, the Portuguese insurance industry operates in a market with a much more aggressive structure than a few decades ago. Markets and the economy have become globalised since the last decade of the 20th century. Market forces have gradually shifted – power is now mainly on the demand side. In order to meet the new requirements, the insurance industry must develop a strong strategic ability to respond to constant changes of the new international economic order.One of the basic aspects of this strategic development will focus on the ability to predict the future. We introduce the subject by briefly describing the sector, its organisational structure in the Portuguese market, and challenges arising from the development of the European Union. We then analyse the economic and financial structure of the sector. From this point of view, we aim at the possibility of designing models that could explain the demand for insurance, claims and technical reserves evolution. Such models, (even if based on the past), would resolve, at least partly, one of the greatest difficulties experienced by insurance companies when estimating the budget. Thus, we examine the existence of variables that explain the previous points, which are capable of forming a basis for designing models that are simple but efficient, and can be used for strategic planning.


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One of the major problems that prevents the spread of elections with the possibility of remote voting over electronic networks, also called Internet Voting, is the use of unreliable client platforms, such as the voter's computer and the Internet infrastructure connecting it to the election server. A computer connected to the Internet is exposed to viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, malware and other threats that can compromise the election's integrity. For instance, it is possible to write a virus that changes the voter's vote to a predetermined vote on election's day. Another possible attack is the creation of a fake election web site where the voter uses a malicious vote program on the web site that manipulates the voter's vote (phishing/pharming attack). Such attacks may not disturb the election protocol, therefore can remain undetected in the eyes of the election auditors. We propose the use of Code Voting to overcome insecurity of the client platform. Code Voting consists in creating a secure communication channel to communicate the voter's vote between the voter and a trusted component attached to the voter's computer. Consequently, no one controlling the voter's computer can change the his/her's vote. The trusted component can then process the vote according to a cryptographic voting protocol to enable cryptographic verification at the server's side.


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A área de comercialização de energia eléctrica conheceu uma profunda mudança após a liberalização do sector eléctrico, que levou à criação de algumas entidades, as quais gerem os mercados de electricidade europeus. Relativamente a Portugal e Espanha, durante esse processo de liberalização, deu-se também um acordo que os levou à criação de um mercado conjunto, um mercado Ibérico (MIBEL). Dentro deste mercado estão contemplados dois operadores, sendo que um deles representa o pólo Português (OMIP) e o outro representa o pólo Espanhol (OMEL). O OMIP contempla os mercados a prazo, ou futuros, normalmente apresenta contratos de energia comercializada com durabilidade de semanas, meses, trimestres, semestres ou mesmo anos. Diariamente estes contratos poderão vencer no OMEL, que engloba os mercados, diário e intradiário. Este, ao contrário do OMIP negoceia para o dia seguinte (mercado diário) ou para uma determinada altura do dia (mercado intra diário). O mercado diário será o exemplo usado para a criação do simulador interactivo do mercado de energia eléctrica. Este será composto por diversos utilizadores (jogadores), que através de uma plataforma HTML irão investir em centrais de energia eléctrica, negociar licitações e analisar o funcionamento e resultados deste mercado. Este jogo subdividir-se-á então em 3 fases: 1. Fase de investimento; 2. Fase de venda (licitações); 3. Fase de mercado. Na fase do investimento, o jogador terá a possibilidade de adquirir unidades de geração de energia eléctrica de seis tipos de tecnologia: 1. Central a Carvão; 2. Central de Ciclo Combinado; 3. Central Hídrica; 4. Central Eólica; 5. Central Solar; 6. Central Nuclear. Com o decorrer das jogadas o jogador poderá aumentar a sua capacidade de investimento, com a venda de energia, sendo o vencedor aquele que mais saldo tiver no fim do número de jogadas previamente definidos, ou aquele que mais depressa atingir o saldo definido como limite pelo administrador do jogo. A nível pedagógico este simulador é muito interessante pois para além de o utilizador ficar a conhecer as tecnologias em causa e as vantagens e desvantagens das centrais de energia renovável e das centrais a combustíveis fósseis, este ganha igualmente uma sensibilidade para questões de nível ambiental, tais como o aumento dos gases de estufa e o degelo resultante do aquecimento global provocado por esses gases. Para além do conhecimento adquirido na parte de energia eléctrica este jogo dará a conhecer ao utilizador o funcionamento do mercado da energia eléctrica, bem como as tácticas que este poderá usar a seu favor neste tipo de mercado.


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O trabalho que a seguir se apresenta tem como objectivo descrever a criação de um modelo que sirva de suporte a um sistema de apoio à decisão sobre o risco inerente à execução de projectos na área das Tecnologias de Informação (TI) recorrendo a técnicas de mineração de dados. Durante o ciclo de vida de um projecto, existem inúmeros factores que contribuem para o seu sucesso ou insucesso. A responsabilidade de monitorizar, antever e mitigar esses factores recai sobre o Gestor de Projecto. A gestão de projectos é uma tarefa difícil e dispendiosa, consome muitos recursos, depende de numerosas variáveis e, muitas vezes, até da própria experiência do Gestor de Projecto. Ao ser confrontado com as previsões de duração e de esforço para a execução de uma determinada tarefa, o Gestor de Projecto, exceptuando a sua percepção e intuição pessoal, não tem um modo objectivo de medir a plausibilidade dos valores que lhe são apresentados pelo eventual executor da tarefa. As referidas previsões são fundamentais para a organização, pois sobre elas são tomadas as decisões de planeamento global estratégico corporativo, de execução, de adiamento, de cancelamento, de adjudicação, de renegociação de âmbito, de adjudicação externa, entre outros. Esta propensão para o desvio, quando detectada numa fase inicial, pode ajudar a gerir melhor o risco associado à Gestão de Projectos. O sucesso de cada projecto terminado foi qualificado tendo em conta a ponderação de três factores: o desvio ao orçamentado, o desvio ao planeado e o desvio ao especificado. Analisando os projectos decorridos, e correlacionando alguns dos seus atributos com o seu grau de sucesso o modelo classifica, qualitativamente, um novo projecto quanto ao seu risco. Neste contexto o risco representa o grau de afastamento do projecto ao sucesso. Recorrendo a algoritmos de mineração de dados, tais como, árvores de classificação e redes neuronais, descreve-se o desenvolvimento de um modelo que suporta um sistema de apoio à decisão baseado na classificação de novos projectos. Os modelos são o resultado de um extensivo conjunto de testes de validação onde se procuram e refinam os indicadores que melhor caracterizam os atributos de um projecto e que mais influenciam o risco. Como suporte tecnológico para o desenvolvimento e teste foi utilizada a ferramenta Weka 3. Uma boa utilização do modelo proposto possibilitará a criação de planos de contingência mais detalhados e uma gestão mais próxima para projectos que apresentem uma maior propensão para o risco. Assim, o resultado final pretende constituir mais uma ferramenta à disposição do Gestor de Projecto.


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A liberalização do sector eléctrico, e a consequente criação de mercados de energia eléctrica regulados e liberalizados, mudou a forma de comercialização da electricidade. Em particular, permitiu a entrada de empresas nas actividades de produção e comercialização, aumentando a competitividade e assegurando a liberdade de escolha dos consumidores, para decidir o fornecedor de electricidade que pretenderem. A competitividade no sector eléctrico aumentou a necessidade das empresas que o integram a proporem preços mais aliciantes (do que os preços propostos pelos concorrentes), e contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de mercado que atraiam mais clientes e aumentem a eficiência energética e económica. A comercialização de electricidade pode ser realizada em mercados organizados ou através de contratação directa entre comercializadores e consumidores, utilizando os contratos bilaterais físicos. Estes contratos permitem a negociação dos preços de electricidade entre os comercializadores e os consumidores. Actualmente, existem várias ferramentas computacionais para fazer a simulação de mercados de energia eléctrica. Os simuladores existentes permitem simulações de transacções em bolsas de energia, negociação de preços através de contratos bilaterais, e análises técnicas a redes de energia. No entanto, devido à complexidade dos sistemas eléctricos, esses simuladores apresentam algumas limitações. Esta dissertação apresenta um simulador de contratos bilaterais em mercados de energia eléctrica, sendo dando ênfase a um protocolo de ofertas alternadas, desenvolvido através da tecnologia multi-agente. Em termos sucintos, um protocolo de ofertas alternadas é um protocolo de interacção que define as regras da negociação entre um agente vendedor (por exemplo um retalhista) e um agente comprador (por exemplo um consumidor final). Aplicou-se o simulador na resolução de um caso prático, baseado em dados reais. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o simulador, apesar de simplificado, pode ser uma ferramenta importante na ajuda à tomada de decisões inerentes à negociação de contratos bilaterais em mercados de electricidade.


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This article presents the design and test of a receiver front end aimed at LMDS applications at 28.5 GHz. It presents a system-level design after which the receiver was designed. The receiver comprises an LNA, quadrature mixer and quadrature local oscillator. Experimental results at 24 GHz center frequency show a conversion voltage gain of 15 dB and conversion noise figure of 14 5 dB. The receiver operates from a 2 5 V power supply with a total current consumption of 31 mA.


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Recently, several distributed video coding (DVC) solutions based on the distributed source coding (DSC) paradigm have appeared in the literature. Wyner-Ziv (WZ) video coding, a particular case of DVC where side information is made available at the decoder, enable to achieve a flexible distribution of the computational complexity between the encoder and decoder, promising to fulfill novel requirements from applications such as video surveillance, sensor networks and mobile camera phones. The quality of the side information at the decoder has a critical role in determining the WZ video coding rate-distortion (RD) performance, notably to raise it to a level as close as possible to the RD performance of standard predictive video coding schemes. Towards this target, efficient motion search algorithms for powerful frame interpolation are much needed at the decoder. In this paper, the RD performance of a Wyner-Ziv video codec is improved by using novel, advanced motion compensated frame interpolation techniques to generate the side information. The development of these type of side information estimators is a difficult problem in WZ video coding, especially because the decoder only has available some reference, decoded frames. Based on the regularization of the motion field, novel side information creation techniques are proposed in this paper along with a new frame interpolation framework able to generate higher quality side information at the decoder. To illustrate the RD performance improvements, this novel side information creation framework has been integrated in a transform domain turbo coding based Wyner-Ziv video codec. Experimental results show that the novel side information creation solution leads to better RD performance than available state-of-the-art side information estimators, with improvements up to 2 dB: moreover, it allows outperforming H.264/AVC Intra by up to 3 dB with a lower encoding complexity.


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We investigate shareholder value creation of Spanish listed firms in response to announcements of acquisitions of unlisted companies and compare this experience to the purchase of listed firms over the period 1991–2006. Similar to foreign markets, acquirers of listed targets earn insignificant average abnormal returns, whereas acquirers of unlisted targets gain significant positive average abnormal returns. When we relate these results to company and transaction characteristics our findings diverge from those reported in the literature for other foreign markets, as our evidence suggests that the listing status effect is mainly associated with the fact that unlisted firms tend to be smaller and lesser–known firms, and thus suffer from a lack of competition in the market for corporate control. Consequently, the payment of lower premiums and the possibility of diversifying shareholders’ portfolios lead to unlisted firm acquisitions being viewed as value–orientated transactions.


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Mestrado em Intervenção Socio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde.


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Link do editor: http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/role-lifelong-learning-creation-european/13314


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Paper accepted for the OKLC 2009 - International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (26-28th, April 2009, Amsterdam, the Netherlands).


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This paper summarizes a project that is contributing to a change in the way of teaching and learning Mathematics. Mathematics is a subject of the Accounting and Administration course. In this subject we teach: Functions and Algebra. The aim is that the student understand the basic concepts and is able to apply them in other issues, when possible, establishing a bridge between the issues that they have studied and their application in Accounting. As from this year, the Accounting course falls under in Bologna Process. The teacher and the student roles have changed. The time for theoretical and practical classes has been reduced, so it was necessary to modify the way of teaching and learning. In the theoretical classes we use systems of multimedia projection to present the concepts, and in the practical classes we solve exercises. We also use the Excel and the mathematical open source software wxMaxima. To supplement our theoretical and practical classes we have developed a project called MatActiva based on the Moodle platform offered by PAOL - Projecto de Apoio Online (Online Support Project). With the creation of this new project we wanted to take advantage already obtained results with the previous experiences, giving to the students opportunities to complement their study in Mathematics. One of the great objectives is to motivate students, encourage them to overcome theirs difficulties through an auto-study giving them more confidence. In the MatActiva project the students have a big collection of information about the way of the subject works, which includes the objectives, the program, recommended bibliography, evaluation method and summaries. It works as material support for the practical and theoretical classes, the slides of the theoretical classes are available, the sheets with exercises for the students to do in the classroom and complementary exercises, as well as the exams of previous years. Students can also do diagnostic tests and evaluation tests online. Our approach is a reflexive one, based on the professional experience of the teachers that explore and incorporate new tools of Moodle with their students and coordinate the project MatActiva.