895 resultados para VOIDING DYSFUNCTION


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Congenital hypothyroidism and the thyroid hormone (T3) resistance syndrome are associated with severe central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction. Because thyroid hormones are thought to act principally by binding to their nuclear receptors (TRs), it is unexplained why TR knock-out animals are reported to have normal CNS structure and function. To investigate this discrepancy further, a T3 binding mutation was introduced into the mouse TR-β locus by homologous recombination. Because of this T3 binding defect, the mutant TR constitutively interacts with corepressor proteins and mimics the hypothyroid state, regardless of the circulating thyroid hormone concentrations. Severe abnormalities in cerebellar development and function and abnormal hippocampal gene expression and learning were found. These findings demonstrate the specific and deleterious action of unliganded TR in the brain and suggest the importance of corepressors bound to TR in the pathogenesis of hypothyroidism.


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Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+), a clinical subset of febrile seizures (FS), is characterized by frequent episodes beyond 6 years of age (FS+) and various types of subsequent epilepsy. Mutations in β1 and αI-subunit genes of voltage-gated Na+ channels have been associated with GEFS+1 and 2, respectively. Here, we report a mutation resulting in an amino acid exchange (R187W) in the gene encoding the α-subunit of neuronal voltage-gated Na+ channel type II (Nav1.2) in a patient with FS associated with afebrile seizures. The mutation R187W occurring on Arg187, a highly conserved residue among voltage-gated Na+ channels, was not found in 224 alleles of unaffected individuals. Whole-cell patch clamp recordings on human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells expressing a rat wild-type (rNav1.2) and the corresponding mutant channels showed that the mutant channel inactivated more slowly than wild-type whereas the Na+ channel conductance was not affected. Prolonged residence in the open state of the R187W mutant channel may augment Na+ influx and thereby underlie the neuronal hyperexcitability that induces seizure activity. Even though a small pedigree could not show clear cosegregation with the disease phenotype, these findings strongly suggest the involvement of Nav1.2 in a human disease and propose the R187W mutation as the genetic defect responsible for febrile seizures associated with afebrile seizures.


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The active form of vitamin D, 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1α,25(OH)2D], is synthesized from its precursor 25 hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] via the catalytic action of the 25(OH)D-1α-hydroxylase [1α(OH)ase] enzyme. Many roles in cell growth and differentiation have been attributed to 1,25(OH)2D, including a central role in calcium homeostasis and skeletal metabolism. To investigate the in vivo functions of 1,25(OH)2D and the molecular basis of its actions, we developed a mouse model deficient in 1α(OH)ase by targeted ablation of the hormone-binding and heme-binding domains of the 1α(OH)ase gene. After weaning, mice developed hypocalcemia, secondary hyperparathyroidism, retarded growth, and the skeletal abnormalities characteristic of rickets. These abnormalities are similar to those described in humans with the genetic disorder vitamin D dependent rickets type I [VDDR-I; also known as pseudovitamin D-deficiency rickets (PDDR)]. Altered non-collagenous matrix protein expression and reduced numbers of osteoclasts were also observed in bone. Female mutant mice were infertile and exhibited uterine hypoplasia and absent corpora lutea. Furthermore, histologically enlarged lymph nodes in the vicinity of the thyroid gland and a reduction in CD4- and CD8-positive peripheral T lymphocytes were observed. Alopecia, reported in vitamin D receptor (VDR)-deficient mice and in humans with VDDR-II, was not seen. The findings establish a critical role for the 1α(OH)ase enzyme in mineral and skeletal homeostasis as well as in female reproduction and also point to an important role in regulating immune function.


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Stress early in postnatal life may result in long-term memory deficits and selective loss of hippocampal neurons. The mechanisms involved are poorly understood, but they may involve molecules and processes in the immature limbic system that are activated by stressful challenges. We report that administration of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), the key limbic stress modulator, to the brains of immature rats reproduced the consequences of early-life stress, reducing memory functions throughout life. These deficits were associated with progressive loss of hippocampal CA3 neurons and chronic up-regulation of hippocampal CRH expression. Importantly, they did not require the presence of stress levels of glucocorticoids. These findings indicate a critical role for CRH in the mechanisms underlying the long-term effects of early-life stress on hippocampal integrity and function.


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Reactive oxygen species play a central role in vascular inflammation and atherogenesis, with enhanced superoxide (O2.-) production contributing significantly to impairment of nitric oxide (.NO)-dependent relaxation of vessels from cholesterol-fed rabbits. We investigated potential sources of O2.- production, which contribute to this loss of endothelium-dependent vascular responses. The vasorelaxation elicited by acetylcholine (ACh) in phenylephrine-contracted, aortic ring segments was impaired by cholesterol feeding. Pretreatment of aortic vessels with either heparin, which competes with xanthine oxidase (XO) for binding to sulfated glycosaminoglycans, or the XO inhibitor allopurinol resulted in a partial restoration (36-40% at 1 muM ACh) of ACh-dependent relaxation. Furthermore, O2.(-)-dependent lucigenin chemiluminescence, measured in intact ring segments from hypercholesterolemic rabbits, was decreased by addition of heparin, allopurinol or a chimeric, heparin-binding superoxide dismutase. XO activity was elevated more than two-fold in plasma of hypercholesterolemic rabbits. Incubation of vascular rings from rabbits on a normal diet with purified XO (10 milliunits/ml) also impaired .NO-dependent relaxation but only in the presence of purine substrate. As with vessels from hypercholesterolemic rabbits, this effect was prevented by heparin and allopurinol treatment. We hypothesize that increases in plasma cholesterol induce the release of XO into the circulation, where it binds to endothelial cell glycosaminoglycans. Only in hypercholesterolemic vessels is sufficient substrate available to sustain the production of O2.- and impair NO-dependent vasorelaxation. Chronically, the continued production of peroxynitrite, (ONOO-) which the simultaneous generation of NO and O2.- implies, may irreversibly impair vessel function.


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Inherited defects in the gene for methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (EC result in the mut forms of methylmalonic aciduria. mut- mutations lead to the absence of detectable mutase activity and are not corrected by excess cobalamin, whereas mut- mutations exhibit residual activity when exposed to excess cobalamin. Many of the mutations that cause methylmalonic aciduria in humans affect residues in the C-terminal region of the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase. This portion of the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase sequence can be aligned with regions in other B12 (cobalamin)-dependent enzymes, including the C-terminal portion of the cobalamin-binding region of methionine synthase. The alignments allow the mutations of human methylmalonyl-CoA mutase to be mapped onto the structure of the cobalamin-binding fragment of methionine synthase from Escherichia coli (EC, which has recently been determined by x-ray crystallography. In this structure, the dimethylbenzimidazole ligand to the cobalt in free cobalamin has been displaced by a histidine ligand, and the dimethylbenzimidazole nucleotide "tail" is thrust into a deep hydrophobic pocket in the protein. Previously identified mut0 and mut- mutations (Gly-623 --> Arg, Gly-626 --> Cys, and Gly-648 --> Asp) of the mutase are predicted to interfere with the structure and/or stability of the loop that carries His-627, the presumed lower axial ligand to the cobalt of adenosylcobalamin. Two mutants that lead to severe impairment (mut0) are Gly-630 --> Glu and Gly-703 --> Arg, which map to the binding site for the dimethylbenzimidazole nucleotide substituent of adenosylcobalamin. The substitution of larger residues for glycine is predicted to block the binding of adenosylcobalamin.


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Long QT syndrome (LQT) is an autosomal dominant disorder that can cause sudden death from cardiac arrhythmias. We recently discovered that mutations in HERG, a K+-channel gene, cause chromosome 7-linked LQT. Heterologous expression of HERG in Xenopus oocytes revealed that HERG current was similar to a well-characterized cardiac delayed rectifier K+ current, IKr, and led to the hypothesis that mutations in HERG reduced IKr, causing prolonged myocellular action potentials. To define the mechanism of LQT, we injected oocytes with mutant HERG complementary RNAs, either singly or in combination with wild-type complementary RNA. Some mutations caused loss of function, whereas others caused dominant negative suppression of HERG function. These mutations are predicted to cause a spectrum of diminished IKr and delayed ventricular repolarization, consistent with the prolonged QT interval observed in individuals with LQT.


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Variability and complexity of phenotypes observed in microdeletion syndromes can be due to deletion of a single gene whose product participates in several aspects of development or can be due to the deletion of a number of tightly linked genes, each adding its own effect to the syndrome. The p6H deletion in mouse chromosome 7 presents a good model with which to address this question of multigene vs. single-gene pleiotropy. Mice homozygous for the p6H deletion are diluted in pigmentation, are smaller than their littermates, and manifest a nervous jerky-gait phenotype. Male homozygotes are sterile and exhibit profound abnormalities in spermiogenesis. By using N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (EtNU) mutagenesis and a breeding protocol designed to recover recessive mutations expressed hemizygously opposite a large p-locus deletion, we have generated three noncomplementing mutations that map to the p6H deletion. Each of these EtNU-induced mutations has adverse effects on the size, nervous behavior, and progression of spermiogenesis that characterize p6H deletion homozygotes. Because EtNU is thought to induce primarily intragenic (point) mutations in mouse stem-cell spermatogonia, we propose that the trio of phenotypes (runtiness, nervous jerky gait, and male sterility) expressed in p6H deletion homozygotes is the result of deletion of a single highly pleiotropic gene. We also predict that a homologous single locus, quite possibly tightly linked and distal to the D15S12 (P) locus in human chromosome 15q11-q13, may be associated with similar developmental abnormalities in humans.


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Purpose: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women worldwide. While undergoing chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer, patients often report experiencing "chemobrain." Previous literature reports correlations between psychological distress and these perceived cognitive problems. The aim of the present study was to examine the strength of the association between affective disturbance and subjective cognitive dysfunction.Methods: This study included a meta-analysis of the literature reporting a correlation between mood and subjective cognitive dysfunction. Eight studies with 1344 breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy were selected based on stringent study inclusion criteria. Studies reporting a correlation coefficient between mood and subjective cognitive dysfunction were included.Results: In these data, there was no significant correlation between affective disturbance and subjective cognitive dysfunction. A random effects model yielded an overall weighted mean effect size of 0.12.Conclusion: Although this meta-analysis did not confirm the correlation between mood and subjective cognitive dysfunction, there was a clear association between these factors in the original disaggregated analyses, and they are clearly impactful from the time of diagnosis through long-term after care. The clinical implications of the present study and future directions for research are discussed.


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La documentation scientifique fait état de la présence, chez l’adulte, de cellules souches et progénitrices neurales (CSPN) endogènes dans les zones sous-ventriculaire et sous-granulaire du cerveau ainsi que dans le gyrus denté de l’hippocampe. De plus, un postulat selon lequel il serait également possible de retrouver ce type de cellules dans la moelle épinière et le néocortex des mammifères adultes a été énoncé. L’encéphalopathie de Wernicke, un trouble neurologique grave toutefois réversible qui entraîne un dysfonctionnement, voire une défaillance du cerveau, est causée principalement par une carence importante en thiamine (CT). Des observations récentes laissent envisager que les facteurs en cause dans la prolifération et la différenciation des CSPN pourraient également jouer un rôle important lors d’un épisode de CT. L’hypothèse, selon laquelle l’identification de nouveaux métabolites entrant dans le mécanisme ou la séquence de réactions se soldant en une CT pourraient en faciliter la compréhension, a été émise au moyen d'une démarche en cours permettant d’établir le profil des modifications métaboliques qui surviennent en de telles situations. Cette approche a été utilisée pour constater les changements métaboliques survenus au niveau du foyer cérébral dans un modèle de rats déficients en thiamine (rats DT), particulièrement au niveau du thalamus et du colliculus inférieur (CI). La greffe de CSPN a quant à elle été envisagée afin d’apporter de nouvelles informations sur la participation des CSPN lors d’un épisode de CT et de déterminer les bénéfices thérapeutiques potentiels offerts par cette intervention. Les sujets de l’étude étaient répartis en quatre groupes expérimentaux : un premier groupe constitué de rats dont la CT était induite par la pyrithiamine (rats DTiP), un deuxième groupe constitué de rats-contrôles nourris ensemble (« pair-fed control rats » ou rats PFC) ainsi que deux groupes de rats ayant subi une greffe de CSPN, soit un groupe de rats DTiP greffés et un dernier groupe constitué de rats-contrôles (rats PFC) greffés. Les échantillons de foyers cérébraux (thalamus et CI) des quatre groupes de rats ont été prélevés et soumis à des analyses métabolomiques non ciblées ainsi qu’à une analyse visuelle par microscopie à balayage électronique (SEM). Une variété de métabolites-clés a été observée chez les groupes de rats déficients en thiamine (rats DTiP) en plus de plusieurs métabolites dont la documentation ne faisait pas mention. On a notamment constaté la présence d’acides biliaires, d’acide cynurénique et d’acide 1,9— diméthylurique dans le thalamus, alors que la présence de taurine et de carnosine a été observée dans le colliculus inférieur. L’étude a de plus démontré une possible implication des CSPN endogènes dans les foyers cérébraux du thalamus et du colliculus inférieur en identifiant les métabolites-clés ciblant les CSPN. Enfin, les analyses par SEM ont montré une amélioration notable des tissus à la suite de la greffe de CSPN. Ces constatations suggèrent que l’utilisation de CSPN pourrait s’avérer une avenue thérapeutique intéressante pour soulager la dégénérescence symptomatique liée à une grave carence en thiamine chez l’humain.


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The tricuspid valve is frequently affected in adults with congenital heart disease (CHD). Disease of this valve can occur primarily or develop secondary to changes in the right ventricle caused by other defects. Quantitative echocardiographic assessment of tricuspid regurgitation is essential to assess its cause and prognosis. Treatment options vary depending on the underlying defect and right ventricular function. Surgical management of tricuspid valve disease is complex and evolving.


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Muscular weakness and muscle wasting may often be observed in critically ill patients on intensive care units (ICUs) and may present as failure to wean from mechanical ventilation. Importantly, mounting data demonstrate that mechanical ventilation itself may induce progressive dysfunction of the main respiratory muscle, i.e. the diaphragm. The respective condition was termed 'ventilator-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction' (VIDD) and should be distinguished from peripheral muscular weakness as observed in 'ICU-acquired weakness (ICU-AW)'. Interestingly, VIDD and ICU-AW may often be observed in critically ill patients with, e.g. severe sepsis or septic shock, and recent data demonstrate that the pathophysiology of these conditions may overlap. VIDD may mainly be characterized on a histopathological level as disuse muscular atrophy, and data demonstrate increased proteolysis and decreased protein synthesis as important underlying pathomechanisms. However, atrophy alone does not explain the observed loss of muscular force. When, e.g. isolated muscle strips are examined and force is normalized for cross-sectional fibre area, the loss is disproportionally larger than would be expected by atrophy alone. Nevertheless, although the exact molecular pathways for the induction of proteolytic systems remain incompletely understood, data now suggest that VIDD may also be triggered by mechanisms including decreased diaphragmatic blood flow or increased oxidative stress. Here we provide a concise review on the available literature on respiratory muscle weakness and VIDD in the critically ill. Potential underlying pathomechanisms will be discussed before the background of current diagnostic options. Furthermore, we will elucidate and speculate on potential novel future therapeutic avenues.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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