1000 resultados para UDK:224


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BACKGROUND: The correction of oculomotor disorder in Grave's disease is applied on pathological extraocular muscles. Based on the global muscular restriction (bilateral forced duction test) and angular measurements, we have used a non-adjustable technique. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of 21 patients (23 operations) with thyroid-associated orbitopathy operated for persisting diplopia. The angles of deviation in the 9 diagnostic directions of gaze and the field of binocular vision were measured with the Harm's tangent scale before and after surgery. Sixteen patients were operated only on vertical muscles. The mean follow-up was 45 months. RESULTS: 76 % of the patients (95 % confidence interval [CI], 58-94 %) obtained a large and centred field of binocular vision without prisms. 14 % (95 % CI, 0-29 %) had binocular vision with the use of prisms. Diplopia persisted in one patient despite 3 operations. Taking into consideration the interventions done before the patient was referred to us, the reintervention rate was 13 % (95 % CI, 0-28 %). CONCLUSIONS: A binocular field of vision can be successfully restored in the majority of patients with Graves' orbitopathy, using a non-adjustable surgical technique.


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Uveal melanoma metastases occur most commonly in the liver. Given the 50% mortality rate in patients at high risk of developing liver metastases, we tested an adjuvant intra-arterial hepatic (i.a.h.) chemotherapy with fotemustine after proton beam irradiation of the primary tumour. We treated 22 high-risk patients with adjuvant i.a.h. fotemustine. Planned treatment duration was 6 months, starting with four weekly doses of 100 mg/m(2), and after a 5-week rest, repeated every 3 weeks. The survival of this patient group was compared with that of a 3 : 1 matched control group randomly selected from our institutional database. Half of the patients experienced > or =grade 3 hepatotoxicity (one patient developing cholangitis 8 years later). Catheter-related complications occurred in 18%. With a median follow-up of 4.6 years for the fotemustine group and 8.5 years for the control group, median overall survival was 9 years [95% confidence interval (CI) 2.2-12.7] and 7.4 years (95% CI 5.4-12.7; P=0.5), respectively, with 5-year survival rates of 75 and 56%. Treatment with adjuvant i.a.h. fotemustine is feasible. However, toxicities are important. Although our data suggest a survival benefit, it was not statistically significant. Confirming such a benefit would require a large, internationally coordinated, prospective randomized trial.


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BACKGROUND: Control of blood pressure (BP) remains a major challenge in primary care. Innovative interventions to improve BP control are therefore needed. By updating and combining data from 2 previous systematic reviews, we assess the effect of pharmacist interventions on BP and identify potential determinants of heterogeneity. METHODS AND RESULTS: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the effect of pharmacist interventions on BP among outpatients with or without diabetes were identified from MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and CENTRAL databases. Weighted mean differences in BP were estimated using random effect models. Prediction intervals (PI) were computed to better express uncertainties in the effect estimates. Thirty-nine RCTs were included with 14 224 patients. Pharmacist interventions mainly included patient education, feedback to physician, and medication management. Compared with usual care, pharmacist interventions showed greater reduction in systolic BP (-7.6 mm Hg, 95% CI: -9.0 to -6.3; I(2)=67%) and diastolic BP (-3.9 mm Hg, 95% CI: -5.1 to -2.8; I(2)=83%). The 95% PI ranged from -13.9 to -1.4 mm Hg for systolic BP and from -9.9 to +2.0 mm Hg for diastolic BP. The effect tended to be larger if the intervention was led by the pharmacist and was done at least monthly. CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacist interventions - alone or in collaboration with other healthcare professionals - improved BP management. Nevertheless, pharmacist interventions had differential effects on BP, from very large to modest or no effect; and determinants of heterogeneity could not be identified. Determining the most efficient, cost-effective, and least time-consuming intervention should be addressed with further research.


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The application of the Fry method to measure strain in deformed porphyritic granites is discussed. This method requires that the distribution of markers has to satisfy at least two conditions. It has to be homogeneous and isotropic. Statistics on point distribution with the help of a Morishita diagram can easily test homogeneity. Isotropy can be checked with a cumulative histogram of angles between points. Application of these tests to undeformed (Mte Capanne granite, Elba) and to deformed (Randa orthogneiss, Alps of Switzerland) porphyritic granite reveals that their K-feldspars phenocrysts both satisfy these conditions and can be used as strain markers with the Fry method. Other problems are also examined. One is the possible distribution of deformation on discrete shear-bands. Providing several tests are met, we conclude that the Fry method can be used to estimate strain in deformed porphyritic granites. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Annotation of protein-coding genes is a key goal of genome sequencing projects. In spite of tremendous recent advances in computational gene finding, comprehensive annotation remains a challenge. Peptide mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for researching the dynamic proteome and suggests an attractive approach to discover and validate protein-coding genes. We present algorithms to construct and efficiently search spectra against a genomic database, with no prior knowledge of encoded proteins. By searching a corpus of 18.5 million tandem mass spectra (MS/MS) from human proteomic samples, we validate 39,000 exons and 11,000 introns at the level of translation. We present translation-level evidence for novel or extended exons in 16 genes, confirm translation of 224 hypothetical proteins, and discover or confirm over 40 alternative splicing events. Polymorphisms are efficiently encoded in our database, allowing us to observe variant alleles for 308 coding SNPs. Finally, we demonstrate the use of mass spectrometry to improve automated gene prediction, adding 800 correct exons to our predictions using a simple rescoring strategy. Our results demonstrate that proteomic profiling should play a role in any genome sequencing project.


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Traduction. commençant par : « Prologue ou preface du translateur de ce present livre. Combien que la commune oppinion des docteurs de l'Eglise et autres philozophes... » et finissant par : «... et laisse tel soing et cure à ceulx qui vivront apres toy. Cy finist le second livre, où il est disputé de fortune adverse »


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Traduction. commençant par : « Prologue ou preface du translateur de ce present livre. Combien que la commune oppinion des docteurs de l'Eglise et autres philozophes... » et finissant par : «... et laisse tel soing et cure à ceulx qui vivront apres toy. Cy finist le second livre, où il est disputé de fortune adverse »


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Legislatively Mandated Report. Iowa Code §8A.224 – “The department shall submit an annual report not later than January 31 to the members of the General Assembly and the Legislative Services Agency of the activities funded by and expenditures made from the revolving fund during the preceding fiscal year.”


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Les ff. 1-20, en papier, ont été ajoutés aux XVIIe-XVIIIe s. Ils renferment une série d'évangiles.


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Pesquisa quantitativa do tipo ecológico cujo objetivo foi identificar os fatores de risco que determinaram o óbito neonatal no município de Londrina, Paraná, entre 2000 e 2009. Verificou-se que idade materna, escolaridade, renda familiar, ocupação, situação conjugal, tipo de parto e número de consultas pré-natais não se associaram ao óbito neonatal. Entretanto, o peso ao nascer, a idade gestacional, o índice de Apgar no 1º e 5º minutos e local do parto mostraram-se estatisticamente significativos. Mais de 73,0% dos recém-nascidos evoluíram para óbito no período neonatal precoce. A causa básica predominante foi a afecção perinatal (77,7%), sendo que 72,6% das mortes foram consideradas evitáveis e a maioria, reduzível por controle adequado da gravidez e do parto. Tais resultados reforçam a necessidade de investimentos na prevenção do parto prematuro com assistência antenatal e ao parto equitativa, acessível e integral entre os diferentes níveis de atenção à saúde materno-infantil.


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Estudo epidemiológico, longitudinal e analítico, desenvolvido em um hospital de Minas Gerais, com o objetivo de analisar os fatores associados à infecção pelo uso do cateter central de inserção periférica em recém-nascidos internados em unidade de terapia intensiva. A coleta dos dados foi realizada por meio de uma ficha estruturada, preenchida pelos profissionais e verificada pelos pesquisadores. Foram estudados 291 cateteres inseridos em 233 recém-nascidos. Os fatores associados à retirada por suspeita de infecção foram: prematuridade, peso ao nascer até 1.500 gramas, cateter de poliuretano, localização não centralizada do cateter e tempo de uso superior a 30 dias. Após ajuste multivariado, permaneceram independentemente associados: peso inferior a 2.500 gramas na inserção, reparo e tempo de uso do cateter. Conclui-se que fatores relacionados à prática dos profissionais contribuíram para a retirada dos cateteres, sinalizando para a necessidade de intervenções que melhorem a segurança e a eficácia em seu uso.