869 resultados para Twentieth century hispano-american stories


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) The present debate on the so-called "Deuteronomistic History" has become quite confusing and in recent years more and more scholars are inclined to deny the existence of a Deuteronomistic History as elaborated by Martin Noth or at least to modify this thesis radically. The contributions in this volume reflect the present state of discussion about the Deuteronomistic History. With one exception they have all been presented and discussed in three special sessions dedicated to "Deuteronomism" during the SBL International Meeting in Lausanne (July 1997). Three topics were treated: "The Future of the Deuteronomistic History", "Identity and Literary Strategies of the Deuteronomists", "Deuteronomism and the Hebrew Bible". The contributors are: R. Albertz, A.G. Auld, M. Bauks, W. Dietrich, D. Edelman, F. Garcia Lopez, E.A. Knauf, G. Knoppers, S.K. McKenzie, C. Nihan, T.C. Römer, N.H. Rösel, J. Van Seters and J. Vermeylen. Each contribution offers a valuable entry into one of the most important discussions of Old Testament scholarship at the end of the twentieth century.


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Anna Senyé, poeta és un treball que explora la vida i el treball literari d’una poeta catalana anònima. Anna Senyé Ramisa (Manlleu, 1881-Barcelona, 1956) fou una dona de caràcter aventurer que va tenir una vida poc convencional. Va escriure en diferents revistes i diaris catalans des de 1914 i durant la primera meitat del segle vint, tant com a poeta com a periodista i activista social, amb la publicació d’articles i manifestos en defensa dels drets dels animals. Senyé també participà en els Jocs Florals i va guanyar-hi premis en els celebrats a l’Escala i Molins de Rei. L’any 1922 va publicar el seu treball poètic en un volum, Remolinada. Els seus poemes mostren el seu amor pels animals i la natura, així com també el record de la infantesa a la seva vila natal. Presentem quatre retrats de l’escriptora: el ‘Retrat de la família’, el ‘Retrat de la dona’, el ‘de la poeta’ i finalment, el ‘Retrat de la viatgera’. Amb aquests retrats, els poemes d’Anna Senyé deixen de ser oblidats i la poeta passa a formar part de la genealogia d’escriptores catalanes. Paraules clau: Anna Senyé, poesia catalana, gènere i literatura.


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RÉSUMÉ L'exercice est utilisé dans le traitement de la lombalgie depuis plus de cent ans. La recherche dans ce domaine a commencé au milieu du XXème siècle puis s'est développée exponentiellement jusqu'à nos jours. La première étude de cette thèse a eu pour but de passer en revue cette abondante littérature scientifique. Il en est ressorti que l'exercice est un moyen efficace de prévention primaire et secondaire de la lombalgie. En tant que modalité de traitement, l'exercice permet de diminuer l'incapacité et la douleur et d'améliorer la condition physique et le statut professionnel des patients lombalgiques subaigus et chroniques. Parmi les caractéristiques de l'exercice, la supervision est essentielle. Des investigations ultérieures sont nécessaires afin d'identifier des sous-groupes de patients répondant favorablement à d'autres caractéristiques de l'exercice. L'exercice est souvent utilisé dans l'optique de maintenir les résultats obtenus à la suite d'un traitement, bien que peu d'études s'y soient penchées. La deuxième partie de cette thèse a eu pour objectifs d'évaluer l'efficacité d'un programme d'exercice (PE) suivi par des patients lombalgiques chroniques ayant complété une restauration fonctionnelle multidisciplinaire (RFM), en comparaison avec le suivi classique (SC) consistant simplement à encourager les patients à adopter un quotidien aussi actif que possible par la suite. Les résultats ont montré que les améliorations obtenues au terme de RFM étaient maintenues par les deux groupes à un an de suivi. Bien qu'aucune différence n'ait été obtenue entre les deux groupes, seul le groupe PE améliorait significativement l'incapacité et l'endurance isométrique des muscles du tronc. Une analyse économique a ensuite été réalisée afin d'évaluer la rentabilité de PE. L'évaluation de la qualité de vie des patients au terme de RFM et à un an de suivi permettait d'estimer les années de vie ajustées par leur qualité (QALYs) gagnées par chaque groupe. Les coûts directs (visites chez le médecin, spécialiste, physio, autres) et indirects (jours d'absence au travail) étaient estimés avant RFM et à un an de suivi à l'aide d'un agenda. Aucune différence significative n'était obtenue entre les groupes. Une mince différence de QALYs en faveur de PE ne se traduisait néanmoins pas en bénéfices mesurables. La recherche future devrait s'attacher à identifier un ou des sous-groupe(s) de patients pour lesquels SC ne permet pas de maintenir à long terme les améliorations obtenues au terme de RFM, et pour lesquels l'efficacité thérapeutique et la rentabilité économique de PE pourraient être accrues. ABSTRACT Exercise is used to treat low back pain for over a hundred years. Research in this area began in the mid-twentieth century and then grew exponentially until nowadays. The first study of this thesis was aimed to review this abundant scientific literature. It showed that exercise is effective in the primary and secondary prevention of low back pain. As a modality of treatment, exercise can reduce disability and pain and improve physical fitness and professional status of patients with subacute and chronic low back pain. Among different exercise characteristics, supervision is essential. Further investigations are needed to identify subgroups of patients responding positively to other characteristics of exercise. Exercise is often used as a post-treatment modality in order to maintain results over time, although only a few studies addressed this issue directly. The purpose of the second part of this thesis was to evaluate the effectiveness of an exercise program (EP) for patients with chronic low back pain who completed a functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation (FMR), compared to the routine follow-up (RF) which simply consisted of encouraging patients to adopt an active daily life thereafter. The results showed that improvements obtained at the end of FMR were maintained by both groups at one year follow-up. Although no difference was obtained between both groups, only the EP group significantly improved disability and isometric endurance of trunk muscles. An economic analysis was then carried out to assess the cost-effectiveness of EP. Based on the evaluation of patients' quality of life after FMR and at one year follow-up, an estimation of adjusted life years for their quality (QALYs) gained by each group was done. Direct costs (physician, specialist, physiotherapist, other therapists visits) and indirect costs (days off work) were measured before FMR and at one year follow-up using a cost diary. No significant difference was obtained between both groups. A slight difference in QALYs in favour of EP did yet not translate into measurable benefits. Future research should focus on identifying subgroups of patients for which RF is insufficient to reach long-term improvements after FMR, and for which the therapeutic effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of EP could be increased.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) This book provides in-depth discussions of Islamic thought across the twentieth century, encompassing the breadth of self-expression in Muslim communities world-wide. It explores key themes in modern Islamic thinking, including the social origins and ideological underpinnings of the late nineteenth- early twentieth-century Islamic reformist project, nationalism in the Muslim world, Islamist attitudes towards democracy, the science of Islamic economics, Islamist notions of family and the role of women, Muslim perceptions and constructions of the West, and aspects of Muslim thinking on Christians and Jews


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Aquest treball descriu els principis de disseny i els components essencials d'un hipotètic programa informàtic que té per finalitat facilitar el procés d'autoajuda i que també pot ser utilitzat com a eina de desenvolupament personal i motivació. Prèviament, l'autor fa una revisió dels mètodes existents, des de l'èxit dels llibres d'autoajuda del segle XX fins al'expansió de la interactivitat impulsada pel desenvolupament de les tecnologiesinformàtiques. A través d'aquest recorregut es constata la pobre implantació de les novestecnologies com a instruments populars d'autoajuda i s'advoca per la creació i ús deprogrames informàtics flexibles i generalistes com a mitjà de suport psicològic.


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La tesis titulada “La práctica médica en el ejercicio físico en la Barcelona de principios del siglo XX” trata de examinar cómo se relacionaba la práctica médica con los ejercicios físicos como la gimnasia y el deporte, y saber si realmente se llegó a formar una especialidad médica llamada medicina del deporte en la Barcelona de los principios del siglo XX. La primera parte se titula “Perspectiva histórica del ejercicio físico y la medicina”, y trata de la relación general entre el ejercicio físico y la medicina desde el punto de macro-vista histórico y regional. La segunda parte se titula “Hacia la formación de la especialización de la medicina del deporte en Barcelona”, y analiza la práctica médica relacionada con el deporte en una ciudad concreta durante un tiempo determinado, es decir, desde un punto de micro-vista. En el fondo de la creación de las especialidades médicas a partir de mediados del siglo XIX existe la formación de una sociedad moderna, simbolizada por el sistema administrativo de la democracia nacional y el sistema económico del capitalismo. Considerando los elementos comprendidos dentro del sistema de la modernidad que provocaron la especialización médica tales como la urbanización, la industrialización, el aumento de la población, el interés estatal, el desarrollo de la prensa, el elevado interés público, el progreso intelectual y tecnológico de la ciencia y la medicina, la creación de un sistema de atención de la salud, la formación y participación en las instituciones internacionales, el cambio de la identidad de los médicos, y la reposición de la medicina holística, investigo integralmente la formación de la especialidad de la medicina del deporte en Catalunya, y lo caracterizo por las iniciativas privadas emprendidas por un sector experto y profano, y la ausencia de un interés estatal suficiente en la dicha especialidad.


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Los sofisticados procesos de transfusión de sangre que conocemos hoy son el resultado de un largo y complicado recorrido de muchos siglos en los que diferentes científicos buscaron superar sus problemas inherentes de compatibilidad sanguínea, coagulación, conservación y otros más. El grupo empresarial Grifols se comprometió desde su nacimiento -a inicios del siglo XX- con el desarrollo científico y tecnológico de los hemoderivados, atravesando procesos históricos llenos de dificultades que incluyen todo el período del franquismo, la Segunda Guerra Mundial y las posteriores crisis económicas hasta establecerse actualmente en una de las principales empresas internacionales de esta industria. El presente trabajo constituye un análisis sistemático de los factores que han contribuido al éxito competitivo de este holding internacional y que ahora busca ampliar sus fronteras con nuevas alternativas en el área de la salud.


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The central question addressed in this paper is to what extent the influence of social origin on life chances has changed over time for both men and women. In order to capture this change, intergenerational social mobility of eight different birth-cohorts, covering most of the entire twentieth century, is analysed using a unique collection of twelve Swiss national population sample surveys. The main results show that social mobility has remained constant across cohorts born in 1912 and those born in 1974. This suggests that unlike some other industrialised countries, inequality based on social origin is persistent in Switzerland.


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Abstract: To cluster textual sequence types (discourse types/modes) in French texts, K-means algorithm with high-dimensional embeddings and fuzzy clustering algorithm were applied on clauses whose POS (part-ofspeech) n-gram profiles were previously extracted. Uni-, bi- and trigrams were used on four 19th century French short stories by Maupassant. For high-dimensional embeddings, power transformations on the chi-squared distances between clauses were explored. Preliminary results show that highdimensional embeddings improve the quality of clustering, contrasting the use of bi and trigrams whose performance is disappointing, possibly because of feature space sparsity.


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Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art (INHA), France, from 2010 to 2012. It has focused on the analysis and editing of tales of human apparitions from the other world belonging to the Catalan culture or referring to it. We have studied and edited different versions of the process of Esperança Alegre (Lleida, 1500) and the Peregrinació del Venturós Pelegrí. These medieval works have been preserved in sources of the late sixteenth century or later. We have located a manuscript of the Esperança Alegre's tale, unknown to us at the beginning of this research (Biblioteca Nacional de España, ms. 1701), which differs from the version of ms. Baluze 238 of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. The scribe of the ms. 1701 adds several paragraphs where considers the case as a diabolical phantasmagoria. About the Venturós Pelegrí, we have tried to establish firm criteria for the classification of many editions from the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries. We have been looking for printed books in the libràries of the world and we have made several requests for photographic reproductions, in order to classify undated editions by comparing woodcuts and other decorative elements. In the legend of Prince Charles of Viana (1421-1461), the appearances of his ghost are accompanied by rumors of his poisoning and of his sanctity. In addition, we have studied the cycles of masses for the souls in Purgatory linked to the hagiographies of St. Amadour and St. Vincent Ferrer, as well as the appearances described in L'Ànima d’Oliver of Francesc Moner, in the Carmelite chronicles of Father John of St. Joseph (1642-1718) and in some folktales collected from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. All this have allowed us to verify the evolution of certain cultural paradigms since the Middle Ages to the present.


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In much of the western world, and particularly in Europe, there is a widespread perception that multiculturalism has ‘failed’ and that governments who once embraced a multicultural approach to diversity are turning away, adopting a strong emphasis on civic integration. This reaction, we are told, “reflects a seismic shift not just in the Netherlands, but in other European countries as well” (JOPPKE 2007). This paper challenges this view. Drawing on an updated version of the Multiculturalism Policy Index introduced earlier (BANTING and KYMLICKA 2006), the paper presents an index of the strength of multicultural policies for European countries and several traditional countries of immigration at three points in time (1980, 2000 and 2010). The results paint a different picture of contemporary experience in Europe. While a small number of countries, including most notably the Netherlands, have weakened established multicultural policies during the 2000s, such a shift is the exception. Most countries that adopted multicultural approaches in the later part of the twentieth century have maintained their programs in the first decade of the new century; and a significant number of countries have added new ones. In much of Europe, multicultural policies are not in general retreat. As a result, the turn to civic integration is often being layered on top of existing multicultural programs, leading to a blended approach to diversity. The paper reflects on the compatibility of multiculturalism policies and civic integration, arguing that more liberal forms of civic integration can be combined with multiculturalism but that more illiberal or coercive forms are incompatible with a multicultural approach.


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This doctoral thesis deals with the rise and potential fall of achievement career as an institutional biographical pattern. I start with the assumption that the achievement career, as a result of the spread of large-scale bureaucratic companies, the male-breadwinner family model, and meritocratic ideals, came to life in the first half of the twentieth century. During the so-called 30 glorieuses, it became even a normatively dominant and also politically significant male biographical pattern. But the structural changes that announced the end of the post-war golden age seemed also to threaten and-according to certain scholars-erode this type of occupational trajectory. In order to understand this dynamic I will try to reconstruct the achievement career in Switzerland empirically. I examine (1) the structural changes of the economic field from 1970 to 2000, (2) the transformations of the trajectories during this period, and (3) ways in which the concerned individuals interpret and react to these changes.


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In 2001, extensive archaeological excavations were conducted at the Oneida Cheese Factory in Jones County. The county is a microcosm of larger dairying trends found throughout northeast Iowa, the state’s premier dairy-producing region. Jones County moved from homemade cheese and butter production by farm women, to the industrialization of the dairy farm and opening of cheese factories and butter creameries. A number of innovations affected the industry around the turn-of-the-twentieth century, including reliable butterfat testing, the introduction of ensilage (silos) that created yearround milk production, and consolidation of the many local creameries into larger creamery organizations, such as the Diamond Creamery run by Henry D. Sherman of Jones County. Iowa’s dairy industry of today looks very different from its heritage: consolidation and competition have drastically reduced the number of cows, dairy farms, and processing plants. In recent years, northeast Iowa has become the center of a movement to revitalize Iowa’s dairy industry, particularly through the use of value-added strategies, such as niche markets and large regional co-operatives: the lessons from Iowa’s dairying legacy are resurfacing as a solution to modern agricultural challenges.


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Aquest treball sorgeix amb l'intenció d'enriquir el meu propi llenguatge musical a través d'una cultura i d' una música màgica. És un petit viatge sobre els orígens del flamenc, dels gitanos, una recerca sobre recursos tècnics del meu instrument per poder acostar-me a la veu humana, i nombrant a personatges com Falla o Lorca, dos dels màxims exponents que van apostar completament per aquesta música.