947 resultados para Turtle Mountain
Verano de 1948. Buckminster Fuller en Black Mountain College. La arquitectura como acontecimiento
The computations involved in the processing of a visual scene invariably involve the interactions among neurons throughout all of visual cortex. One hypothesis is that the timing of neuronal activity, as well as the amplitude of activity, provides a means to encode features of objects. The experimental data from studies on cat [Gray, C. M., Konig, P., Engel, A. K. & Singer, W. (1989) Nature (London) 338, 334–337] support a view in which only synchronous (no phase lags) activity carries information about the visual scene. In contrast, theoretical studies suggest, on the one hand, the utility of multiple phases within a population of neurons as a means to encode independent visual features and, on the other hand, the likely existence of timing differences solely on the basis of network dynamics. Here we use widefield imaging in conjunction with voltage-sensitive dyes to record electrical activity from the virtually intact, unanesthetized turtle brain. Our data consist of single-trial measurements. We analyze our data in the frequency domain to isolate coherent events that lie in different frequency bands. Low frequency oscillations (<5 Hz) are seen in both ongoing activity and activity induced by visual stimuli. These oscillations propagate parallel to the afferent input. Higher frequency activity, with spectral peaks near 10 and 20 Hz, is seen solely in response to stimulation. This activity consists of plane waves and spiral-like waves, as well as more complex patterns. The plane waves have an average phase gradient of ≈π/2 radians/mm and propagate orthogonally to the low frequency waves. Our results show that large-scale differences in neuronal timing are present and persistent during visual processing.
The Richmond Mine of the Iron Mountain copper deposit contains some of the most acid mine waters ever reported. Values of pH have been measured as low as −3.6, combined metal concentrations as high as 200 g/liter, and sulfate concentrations as high as 760 g/liter. Copious quantities of soluble metal sulfate salts such as melanterite, chalcanthite, coquimbite, rhomboclase, voltaite, copiapite, and halotrichite have been identified, and some of these are forming from negative-pH mine waters. Geochemical calculations show that, under a mine-plugging remediation scenario, these salts would dissolve and the resultant 600,000-m3 mine pool would have a pH of 1 or less and contain several grams of dissolved metals per liter, much like the current portal effluent water. In the absence of plugging or other at-source control, current weathering rates indicate that the portal effluent will continue for approximately 3,000 years. Other remedial actions have greatly reduced metal loads into downstream drainages and the Sacramento River, primarily by capturing the major acidic discharges and routing them to a lime neutralization plant. Incorporation of geochemical modeling and mineralogical expertise into the decision-making process for remediation can save time, save money, and reduce the likelihood of deleterious consequences.
How a reacting system climbs through a transition state during the course of a reaction has been an intriguing subject for decades. Here we present and quantify a technique to identify and characterize local invariances about the transition state of an N-particle Hamiltonian system, using Lie canonical perturbation theory combined with microcanonical molecular dynamics simulation. We show that at least three distinct energy regimes of dynamical behavior occur in the region of the transition state, distinguished by the extent of their local dynamical invariance and regularity. Isomerization of a six-atom Lennard–Jones cluster illustrates this: up to energies high enough to make the system manifestly chaotic, approximate invariants of motion associated with a reaction coordinate in phase space imply a many-body dividing hypersurface in phase space that is free of recrossings even in a sea of chaos. The method makes it possible to visualize the stable and unstable invariant manifolds leading to and from the transition state, i.e., the reaction path in phase space, and how this regularity turns to chaos with increasing total energy of the system. This, in turn, illuminates a new type of phase space bottleneck in the region of a transition state that emerges as the total energy and mode coupling increase, which keeps a reacting system increasingly trapped in that region.
The O2 sensitivity of protein expression was assessed in hepatocytes from the western painted turtle. Anoxic cells consistently expressed proteins of 83.0, 70.4, 42.5, 35.3, and 16.1 kDa and suppressed proteins of 63.7, 48.2, 36.9, 29.5, and 17.7 kDa. Except for the 70.4-kDa protein, this pattern was absent during aerobic incubation with 2 mM NaCN, suggesting a specific requirement for O2. Aerobic incubation with Co2+ or Ni2+ increased expression of the 42.5-, 35.3-, and 16.1-kDa protein bands which was diminished with the heme synthesis inhibitor 4,6-dioxoheptanoic acid. Proteins suppressed in anoxia were also suppressed during aerobic incubation with Co2+ or Ni2+ but this was not relieved by 4,6-dioxoheptanoic acid. The anoxia- and Co2+/Ni2+-induced expression of the 42.5-, 35.3-, and 16.1-kDa protein bands was antagonized by 10% CO; however, with the exception of the 17.7-kDa protein, this was not found for any of the O2- or Co2+/Ni2+-suppressed proteins. Anoxia-induced proteins were compared with proteins expressed during heat shock. Heat shock proteins appeared at 90.2, 74.8, 63.4, 25, and 15.5 kDa and were of distinct molecular masses compared with the anoxia-induced proteins. These results suggest that O2-sensing mechanisms are active in the control of protein expression and suppression during anoxia and that, in the case of the 42.5-, 35.3-, 17.7-, and 16.1-kDa proteins, a conformational change in a ferro-heme protein is involved in transducing the O2 signal.
Juvenile loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) have recently been documented in the vicinity of Baja California and thousands of these animals have been captured in oceanic fisheries of the North Pacific. The presence of loggerhead turtles in the central and eastern North Pacific is a prominent enigma in marine turtle distribution because the nearest documented nesting concentrations for this species are in Australia and Japan, over 10,000 km from Baja California. To determine the origin of the Baja California feeding aggregate and North Pacific fishery mortalities, samples from nesting areas and pelagic feeding aggregates were compared with genetic markers derived from mtDNA control region sequences. Overall, 57 of 60 pelagic samples (95%) match haplotypes seen only in Japanese nesting areas, implicating Japan as the primary source of turtles in the North Pacific Current and around Baja California. Australian nesting colonies may contribute the remaining 5% of these pelagic feeding aggregates. Juvenile loggerhead turtles apparently traverse the entire Pacific Ocean, approximately one-third of the planet, in the course of developmental migrations, but mortality in high-seas fisheries raises concern over the future of this migratory population.
Nesting In The Clouds: Evaluating And Predicting Sea Turtle Nesting Beach Parameters From Lidar Data
Humans' desire for knowledge regarding animal species and their interactions with the natural world have spurred centuries of studies. The relatively new development of remote sensing systems using satellite or aircraft-borne sensors has opened up a wide field of research, which unfortunately largely remains dependent on coarse-scale image spatial resolution, particularly for habitat modeling. For habitat-specialized species, such data may not be sufficient to successfully capture the nuances of their preferred areas. Of particular concern are those species for which topographic feature attributes are a main limiting factor for habitat use. Coarse spatial resolution data can smooth over details that may be essential for habitat characterization. Three studies focusing on sea turtle nesting beaches were completed to serve as an example of how topography can be a main deciding factor for certain species. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data were used to illustrate that fine spatial scale data can provide information not readily captured by either field work or coarser spatial scale sources. The variables extracted from the LiDAR data could successfully model nesting density for loggerhead (Caretta caretta), green (Chelonia mydas), and leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) sea turtle species using morphological beach characteristics, highlight beach changes over time and their correlations with nesting success, and provide comparisons for nesting density models across large geographic areas. Comparisons between the LiDAR dataset and other digital elevation models (DEMs) confirmed that fine spatial scale data sources provide more similar habitat information than those with coarser spatial scales. Although these studies focused solely on sea turtles, the underlying principles are applicable for many other wildlife species whose range and behavior may be influenced by topographic features.
The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge is being re-seeded to native shortgrass prairie, but the effects of prairie dog colonization on some sites may be limiting successful native plant establishment. This Capstone Project compares vegetation monitoring data and prairie dog distributions in four refuge sites to evaluate the effects of prairie dog colonization on restoration. In general, native plant abundance has increased on study plots since initiation of restoration. Localized changes in plant abundance have occurred among transects, but prairie dog densities could not be correlated with the changes. Future prairie dog expansion is cause for concern due to intensified burrowing and grazing effects. Seven recommendations are presented to aid future restoration efforts.
Increasing demand from mountain bikers for greater access to riding in National Park Service (NPS) units is driving the need for park managers to seriously look at the impacts from and feasibility of permitting this recreational use. Currently, NPS units that permit mountain bicycling do not have formal mountain bicycling management plans. An analysis of recreational policies and existing research was conducted to identify criteria for effective mountain bicycling management strategies. Criteria were developed for trail selection, establishment, use, closures and rehabilitation. Criteria were also developed for user education, participatory planning and monitoring. This study shows that the NPS needs formal mountain bicycling management plans that focus on the preservation of natural and cultural resources and consider the appropriateness of proposed recreational uses.
Copper Mountain, a Colorado ski area, evaluated onsite renewable energy generation to save on energy costs and reduce carbon emissions. Multiple resort locations were analyzed to determine suitable sites for implementation of solar electricity generation, wind electricity generation and biomass heat production. Potential project sites were assessed based on four criteria: costs and financial returns, environmental impacts, implementation and maintenance, and public relations/marketing opportunities. Solar projects had the lowest capital cost of the three types of renewable energy, and wind projects had high capital costs and low financial returns. Biomass projects had high capital costs, solid financial projections and good marketing value compared to wind and solar technologies. Project implementation recommendations were given based upon the evaluation.