949 resultados para Travailleurs migrants


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There are established migrant reasons to explain rural in-migration. These include quality of life, rural idyll and lifestyle motivations. However, such one-dimensional sound bites portray rural in-migration in overly simplistic and stereotypical terms. In contrast, this paper distinguishes the decision to move from the reason for moving and in doing so sheds new light on the interconnections between different domains (family, work, finance, health) of the migrant's life which contribute to migration behaviour. Focussing on early retirees to mid-Wales and adopting a life course perspective the overall decision to move is disaggregated into a series of decisions. Giving voices to the migrants themselves demonstrates the combination of life events necessary to lead to migration behaviour, the variable factors (and often economic dominance) considered in the choice of destination (including that many are reluctant migrants to Wales), and the perceived 'accidental' choice of location and/or property. It is argued that quality of life, rural idyll and lifestyle sound bites offer an inadequate understanding of rural in-migration and associated decision-making processes. Moreover, they disguise the true nature of migrant decision making.


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This paper questions the ongoing dominant coverage given to counterurbanisation in the rural population literature. It is argued that this provides only a partial account of the true diversity of contemporary migration processes operating in rural areas and has the potential to fuse together different in-migration processes. Specifically, lateral rural migration has been under-researched to date. Using empirical data from a survey of 260 migrant households to 3 UK case study areas (in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland), the significance of lateral rural migration is revealed and compared with counterurban migration and migrants. The last change of address shows that 59% relocated from an urban area (participating in a counterurban flow) whilst 41% moved from another rural location (lateral rural flow). The boundary between migration processes can, however, be blurred: Some moves are an example of both counterurbanisation and lateral rural flows. Incorporating lifetime migration histories data demonstrates the contemporary complexity and messiness of rural in-migration processes. For example, 26% of these migrant households only ever undertook a lateral rural move during their lifetime. For others, the direction of migration has changed numerous times and intertwined with each move are aspects of life course, return, and inter-regional migration. Comparing the survey characteristics and motivations of counterurban and lateral rural migrants, alongside interview material, highlights important similarities and differences. The paper concludes by calling on rural population geographers to more fully engage with the complexity, totality, and indeed messiness of contemporary rural in-migration processes.


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This report provides an overview of the research evidence on the relationship between poverty and ethnicity in Northern Ireland. After a period of increasing ethnic diversity, the review was concerned with understanding how issues of poverty affect people from different minority ethnic communities and their ability to access and secure good outcomes from key services. A comprehensive literature review and focus groups with people from the Roma, Somali, Chinese and Polish communities, and with local stakeholders, provide the basis for the report. The report discusses: • how new migrants have joined long-standing communities of people from minority ethnic groups; • how the policy framework to address racial inequalities in Northern Ireland is relatively new; • how people from minority ethnic groups experience low incomes and access services; and • how the legacy of conflict in the region may affect minority ethnic groups.


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Since 2012, refugee protest camps and occupations have been established throughout Europe that contest the exclusion of refugees and asylum seekers, but that also make concrete demands for better living conditions and basic rights. It is a movement that is led by migrants as noncitizens, and so reveals new ways of thinking of the political agency and status of noncitizenship not as simply reactive to an absence of citizenship, but as a powerful and transgressive subjectivity in its own right. This paper argues that we should resist collapsing analysis back into the frameworks of citizenship, and instead be attentive to the politics of presence and solidarity manifest in these protest camps as a way of understanding, and engaging, noncitizen activism.


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The large-scale persecution of Jews during World War II generated massive refugee movements. Using data from 20,441 predominantly Jewish passengers from 19 countries traveling from Lisbon to New York between 1940 and 1942, we analyze the last wave of refugees escaping the Holocaust and verify the validity of height as a proxy for human and health capital. We further show this episode of European migration displays well-known features of migrant self-selection: early migrants were taller than late migrants; a large migrant stock reduces migrant selectivity; and economic barriers to migration
apply. Our findings show that Europe experienced substantial losses in human and health capital while the US benefitted from the immigration of European refugees.


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One out of ten of China's population are migrants, moving from rural to urban areas. Many leave their families behind resulting in millions of school children living in their rural home towns without one or both their parents. Little is known about the health status of these left behind children (LBC). This study compares the health status and health-related behaviours of left behind adolescent school children and their counterparts in a rural area in Southern China.


A cross-sectional study was conducted among middle school students in Fuyang Township, Guangdong, China (2007-2008). Information about health behaviours, parental migration and demographic characteristics was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Overweight/obesity and stunting were defined based on measurements of height and weight. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to estimate the differences in health outcomes between LBC and non-LBC.


18.1% of the schoolchildren had one or both parents working away from home. Multivariate analysis showed that male LBC were at higher risk of skipping breakfast, higher levels of physical inactivity, internet addiction, having ever smoked tobacco, suicide ideation, and being overweight. LBC girls were more likely to drink excessive amounts of sweetened beverage, to watch more TV, to have ever smoked or currently smoke tobacco, to have ever drunk alcohol and to binge drinking. They were also more likely to be unhappy, to think of planning suicide and consider leaving home.


Our findings suggest that parental migration is a risk factor for unhealthy behaviours amongst adolescent school children in rural China. Further research is required in addition to the consideration of the implications for policies and programmes to protect LBC.


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Administrative systems such as health care registration are of increasing importance in providing information for statistical, research, and policy purposes. There is thus a pressing need to understand better the detailed relationship between population characteristics as recorded in such systems and conventional censuses. This paper explores these issues using the unique Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS). It takes the 2001 Census enumeration as a benchmark and analyses the social, demographic and spatial patterns of mismatch with the health register at individual level. Descriptive comparison is followed by multivariate and multilevel analyses which show that approximately 25% of individuals are reported to be in different addresses and that age, rurality, education, and housing type are all important factors. This level of mismatch appears to be maintained over time, as earlier migrants who update their address details are replaced by others who have not yet done so. In some cases, apparent mismatches seem likely to reflect complex multi-address living arrangements rather than data error.


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It is now apparent that socio-cultural constructions of masculinity variously impact men’s experiences of their HIV positive status, yet how being a father can feature in this mix remains under-researched. This study employed in-depth semi-structured interviews and Foucauldian-informed discourse analysis to explore the accounts of six self-identifying heterosexual fathers (four black African migrants, two white European) who had been living with HIV from five to 24 years. While the HIV-related literature calls for the need to subvert ‘traditional’ expressions of masculinity as a means of promoting HIV prevention and HIV health, we argue that the lived experience for HIV positive men as fathers is more socially, discursively and thus more psychologically nuanced. We illustrate this by highlighting ways in which HIV positive men as fathers are not simply making sense of themselves as a HIV positive man for whom the modern (new) man and father positions are useful strategies for adapting to HIV and combating associated stigma. Discourses of modern and patriarchal fatherhoods, a gender-specific discourse of irresponsibility, and the neoliberal conflation of heath and self-responsibility are also at work in the sense making frames that HIV positive men, who are also fathers, can variously deploy. Our analysis shows how this discursive mix can underpin possibilities of often conflicted meaning and identity when living as a man and father with HIV in the UK, and specifically how discourses of fatherhood and HIV ‘positive’ health can complicate these men’s expressions and inhabitations of masculinity.


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Makeshift shelters are becoming increasingly evident in European cities as a consequence of the momentous influx of refugees seeking asylum in European countries. These individuals have endured long gruelling journeys to reach their target countries, often having to have survived appalling living conditions (figure 1a). One of the routes chosen by migrants is that from East Africa, through Sudan and Libya before reaching North Africa and eventually Europe (see figure 1b). Not unsurprisingly, this has led to the introduction of infectious diseases rarely encountered in developed nations, most notably louse-borne relapsing fever (LBRF).


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À travers la littérature théorique sur le sujet, nous avons pu remarquer que pendant les dernières années, le processus migratoire a subi des changements : le nombre de migrations internationales a augmenté et les flux migratoires ont privilegié des directions nouvelles. En même temps, grâce au développement accélére des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) et à la baisse de leurs coûts, les caractéristiques de la migration ont été modifiées : les pratiques de communication transnationales sont devenues facilement accessibles et plus fréquentes. Les TIC ont mis au service des migrants de nouveaux circuits pour communiquer et ont introduit des changements dans la façon de le faire. Le discours transmis au moyen des TIC n'est pas limité au récit d'événements : il est composé par des expressions d'émotions, d'états d'âme récents, des sensations, qui permettent de rapprocher les territoires, et même de les unifier, donnant l'image d'une présence connectée. Ce lointain devenu accessible par les TIC crée un espace social de présences simultanées, ou plutôt de coprésences, défini par une forte interaction qui a remplacé aujourd'hui le sentiment ancien de double absence (n'être plus là et pas encore ici). L'ancienne image du migrant déraciné s'est vue remplacée par celle d'un migrant qui circule en gardant le contact avec son pays d'origine. Ce nouveau modèle, celui du migrant connecté, est caracterisé par l'hypermobilité et la multiappartenance qui l'installent dans une mobilité perçue, de nos jours, comme positive. L'usage répandu des nouvelles technologies a permis l'expression d'une culture du lien (jusqu'ici existante à l'état latent et peu développée), axée sur la création de réseaux. Les réseaux pourraient occuper une importance majeure dans le processus d'intégration à un nouveau territoire, dans la participation à la vie associative ainsi que dans la conservation de la mémoire identitaire. Notre cadre théorique est constitué par la littérature sur le sujet et nous allons nous appuyer sur une recherche de terrain pour constater à quel degré un groupe précis, celui des immigrants argentins à Sherbrooke, se sert des TIC dans son vécu migratoire et de quelle manière cet usage peut avoir une influence sur son intégration au pays d'accueil.


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Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino da História e da Geografia, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011


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Cette recherche qualitative a pour objectif de contribuer aux connaissances sur le trouble d’accumulation compulsive (TAC) afin de donner des assises empiriques à la pratique des travailleurs sociaux, techniciens en travail social, éducateurs spécialisés, psychoéducateurs et autres professionnels intervenant au sein des services sociaux. Par extension, elle vise aussi à fournir des pistes pour l’amélioration des services offerts aux personnes aux prises avec ce problème. La question de départ de cette recherche était : Comment les usagers des CSSS ayant eu des services pour un TAC perçoivent et évaluent-ils les interventions effectuées par les intervenants sociaux? Afin d’y répondre, des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées ont été effectuées auprès d’usagers de Centres de santé et de services sociaux de Québec et ses environs (CSSS Alphonse-Desjardins, Québec-Nord, Portneuf et de la Vieille-Capitale). Ces usagers ont complété le questionnaire Working Alliance Inventory-SR (WAI-SR), version française. Des intervenants sociaux des CSSS ont également participé à des groupes de discussion, afin de compléter et contextualiser les données obtenues. Résultats : Le TAC est une expérience et une situation de vie avant d’être une condition au sens psychiatrique, et les comportements d’accumulation s’inscrivent dans les perceptions que les usagers ont d’eux-mêmes, de leurs priorités et objectifs et des conditions dans lesquelles ils veulent vivre. Les usagers rencontrés ont majoritairement une opinion favorable des services psychosociaux des CSSS, ce qui peut être lié à un bon niveau de reconnaissance de la problématique. La perception favorable des services semble liée à une bonne alliance thérapeutique. Autant les usagers que les intervenants sociaux percevaient qu’il y avait un manque de ressources dans la région de Québec pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des personnes aux prises avec des problèmes inhérents au TAC. Mots-clés : accumulation compulsive, santé mentale, alliance thérapeutique, intervention psychosociale, perception services, Centre local de services communautaires.


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Tese de doutoramento, Antropologia (Antropologia da Religião e do Simbólico), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2013