882 resultados para Tests de performance
Many firms from emerging markets flocked to developed countries at high cost with hopes of acquiring strategic assets that are difficult to obtain in home countries. Adequate research has focused on the motivations and strategies of emerging country firms' (ECFs') internationalization, while limited studies have explored their survival in advanced economies years after their venturing abroad. Due to the imprinting effect of home country institutions that inhibit their development outside their home market, ECFs are inclined to hire executives with international background and affiliate to world-wide organizations for the purpose of linking up with the global market, embracing multiple perspectives for strategic decisions, and absorbing the knowledge of foreign markets. However, the effects of such orientation on survival are under limited exploration. Motivated by the discussion above, I explore ECFs’ survival and stock performance in a developed country (U.S.). Applying population ecology, signaling theory and institutional theory, the dissertation investigates the characteristics of ECFs that survived in the developed country (U.S.), tests the impacts of global orientation on their survival, and examines how global-oriented activities (i.e. joining United Nations Global Compact) affect their stock performance. The dissertation is structured in the form of three empirical essays. The first essay explores and compares different characteristics of ECFs and developed country firms (DCFs) that managed to survive in the U.S. The second essay proposes the concept of global orientation, and tests its influences on ECFs’ survival. Employing signaling theory and institutional theory, the third essay investigates stock market reactions to announcements of United Nation Global Compact (UNGC) participation. The dissertation serves to explore the survival of ECFs in the developed country (U.S.) by comparison with DCFs, enriching traditional theories by testing non-traditional arguments in the context of ECFs’ foreign operation, and better informing practitioners operating ECFs about ways of surviving in developed countries and improving stockholders’ confidence in their future growth.
Tall buildings are wind-sensitive structures and could experience high wind-induced effects. Aerodynamic boundary layer wind tunnel testing has been the most commonly used method for estimating wind effects on tall buildings. Design wind effects on tall buildings are estimated through analytical processing of the data obtained from aerodynamic wind tunnel tests. Even though it is widely agreed that the data obtained from wind tunnel testing is fairly reliable the post-test analytical procedures are still argued to have remarkable uncertainties. This research work attempted to assess the uncertainties occurring at different stages of the post-test analytical procedures in detail and suggest improved techniques for reducing the uncertainties. Results of the study showed that traditionally used simplifying approximations, particularly in the frequency domain approach, could cause significant uncertainties in estimating aerodynamic wind-induced responses. Based on identified shortcomings, a more accurate dual aerodynamic data analysis framework which works in the frequency and time domains was developed. The comprehensive analysis framework allows estimating modal, resultant and peak values of various wind-induced responses of a tall building more accurately. Estimating design wind effects on tall buildings also requires synthesizing the wind tunnel data with local climatological data of the study site. A novel copula based approach was developed for accurately synthesizing aerodynamic and climatological data up on investigating the causes of significant uncertainties in currently used synthesizing techniques. Improvement of the new approach over the existing techniques was also illustrated with a case study on a 50 story building. At last, a practical dynamic optimization approach was suggested for tuning structural properties of tall buildings towards attaining optimum performance against wind loads with less number of design iterations.
This study tests the effect of age diversity on firm performance among international firms. Based on the resource-based view of the firm, it argues that age diversity among employees will influence firm performance. Moreover, it argues that two contextual variables—a firm's level of market diversification and its country of origin—influence the relationship between age diversity and firm performance. By testing relevant hypotheses in a major emerging economy, that is, the People's Republic of China, this study finds a significant and positive effect of age diversity and a significant interactive effect between age diversity and firm strategy on profitability. We also find a significant relationship between age diversity and firm profitability for firms from Western societies, but not for firms from East Asian societies. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of this study's findings. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Children fromdevelopedanddevelopingcountriesdifferintheirbodysizeandshapedueto markeddifferencesacrosstheirlifehistorycausedbysocial,economicandculturaldifferenceswhicharealsolinkedtotheirmotorperformance(MP).Weusedallometricmodelsto identifysize/shapecharacteristicsassociatedwithMPtestsbetweenBrazilianandPeruvianschoolchildren.Atotalof4,560subjects,2,385girlsand2,175boysaged9–15years werestudied.Heightandweightweremeasured;biological maturation wasestimated with thematurityoffsettechnique;MPmeasuresincludedthe12minuterun(12MR),handgrip strength(HG),standinglongjump(SLJ)andtheshuttlerunspeed(SR)tests;physicalactivity(PA)wasassessedusingtheBaeckequestionnaire.Amultiplicativeallometricmodel wasadoptedtoadjustforbodysizedifferencesacrosscountries.Reciprocalponderalindex (RPI)wasfoundtobethemostsuitablebodyshapeindicatorassociatedwiththe12MR, SLJ,HGandSRperformance.Apositivematurationoffset parameterwasalsoassociated withabetterperformanceinSLJ,HGandSRtests.Sexdifferenceswerefoundinallmotor tests.BrazilianyouthshowedbetterscoresinMPthantheirPeruvianpeers,evenwhen controlling fortheirbodysizedifferencesThecurrentstudyidentifiedthekeybodysize associatedwithfourbodymass-dependentMPtests.Biological maturationandPAwere associatedwithstrengthandmotorperformance.Sexdifferenceswerefoundinallmotor tests,aswellasacrosscountriesfavoringBrazilianchildrenevenwhenaccountingfortheir bodysize/shapedifferences.
Despite the development of improved performance test protocols by renowned researchers, there are still road networks which experience premature cracking and failure. One area of major concern in asphalt science and technology, especially in cold regions in Canada is thermal (low temperature) cracking. Usually right after winter periods, severe cracks are seen on poorly designed road networks. Quality assurance tests based on improved asphalt performance protocols have been implemented by government agencies to ensure that roads being constructed are at the required standard but asphalt binders that pass these quality assurance tests still crack prematurely. While it would be easy to question the competence of the quality assurance test protocols, it should be noted that performance tests which are being used and were repeated in this study, namely the extended bending beam rheometer (EBBR) test, double edge-notched tension test (DENT), dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) test and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis have all been verified and proven to successfully predict asphalt pavement behaviour in the field. Hence this study looked to probe and test the quality and authenticity of the asphalt binders being used for road paving. This study covered thermal cracking and physical hardening phenomenon by comparing results from testing asphalt binder samples obtained from the storage ‘tank’ prior to paving (tank samples) and recovered samples for the same contracts with aim of explaining why asphalt binders that have passed quality assurance tests are still prone to fail prematurely. The study also attempted to find out if the short testing time and automated procedure of torsion bar experiments can replace the established but tedious procedure of the EBBR. In the end, it was discovered that significant differences in performance and composition exist between tank and recovered samples for the same contracts. Torsion bar experimental data also indicated some promise in predicting physical hardening.
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia
Children fromdevelopedanddevelopingcountriesdifferintheirbodysizeandshapedueto markeddifferencesacrosstheirlifehistorycausedbysocial,economicandculturaldifferenceswhicharealsolinkedtotheirmotorperformance(MP).Weusedallometricmodelsto identifysize/shapecharacteristicsassociatedwithMPtestsbetweenBrazilianandPeruvianschoolchildren.Atotalof4,560subjects,2,385girlsand2,175boysaged9–15years werestudied.Heightandweightweremeasured;biological maturation wasestimated with thematurityoffsettechnique;MPmeasuresincludedthe12minuterun(12MR),handgrip strength(HG),standinglongjump(SLJ)andtheshuttlerunspeed(SR)tests;physicalactivity(PA)wasassessedusingtheBaeckequestionnaire.Amultiplicativeallometricmodel wasadoptedtoadjustforbodysizedifferencesacrosscountries.Reciprocalponderalindex (RPI)wasfoundtobethemostsuitablebodyshapeindicatorassociatedwiththe12MR, SLJ,HGandSRperformance.Apositivematurationoffset parameterwasalsoassociated withabetterperformanceinSLJ,HGandSRtests.Sexdifferenceswerefoundinallmotor tests.BrazilianyouthshowedbetterscoresinMPthantheirPeruvianpeers,evenwhen controlling fortheirbodysizedifferencesThecurrentstudyidentifiedthekeybodysize associatedwithfourbodymass-dependentMPtests.Biological maturationandPAwere associatedwithstrengthandmotorperformance.Sexdifferenceswerefoundinallmotor tests,aswellasacrosscountriesfavoringBrazilianchildrenevenwhenaccountingfortheir bodysize/shapedifferences.