986 resultados para Testosterona, Hormones sexuals


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Summary : PPARα is a ligand-activated transcription factor that is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily. In rodents, PPARα is highly expressed in liver, especially in parenchymal cells, where it has an impact on several hepatic functions such as nutrient metabolism, inflammation and metabolic stress. Ligands for PPARα comprise long chain unsaturated fatty acids, eicosanoids and lipid lowering fibrate drugs. In liver, many metabolic processes are orchestrated by the hepatic circadian clock. The aim of the hepatic clock is to synchronize cellular pathways allowing animals to adapt their metabolism to predictable daily changes in the environment. Indeed, similar to PPARα, the hepatic clock influences nutrient metabolism and detoxification through circadian output regulators :the PAR-domain basic leucine zipper proteins called PAR blip proteins. In this report, we showed that through a positive feedback loop mechanism, PAR. blip, proteins participate to the availability of PPARα endogenous ligands that contribute to the circadian expression and functions of PPARα. Interestingly, we also discovered some unexpected hepatic sexual dimorphic functions of PPARα. These functions are determined b PPARα sumoylation, interaction with DNA methylation mechanism and with unexpected proteins with gender specificity. The connection between circadian clock and hepatic sexual dimorphism opens new perspectives regarding the chronobiology of PPARα activity and the beneficial effects of PPARα agonist in the treatment of diseases related to steroid hormones metabolism characterized by inflammation and hepatotoxicity. Résumé : PPARα est un facteur de transcription activé par un ligand, membre de la superfamille des récepteurs nucléaires. Chez les rongeurs, PPARα est fortement exprimé dans le foie, spécialement dans les cellules du parenchyme dans lesquelles il joue un role important dans les fonctions hépatiques tels que le métabolisme des nutriments, l'inflammation et les stress métaboliques. Les ligands pour PPARα comprennent les acides gras à longues chaînes, les eicosanoides et les médicaments hypolipidémiques (fibrates). Dans le foie, beaucoup de processus métaboliques sont orchestrés par l'horloge circadienne hépatique. Le but de cette horloge est de synchroniser les voies métaboliqués permettant aux animaux d'adapter leurs métabolismes aux changements journaliers. Ainsi, l'horloge hépatique influence le métabolisme des nutriments tels que l'utilisation des lipides à travers certains régulateurs circadians appelés facteurs de transcription PAR bZips. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons montré qu'à travers une boucle de régulation, les protéines PAR bZip contrôlent la production des ligands endogènes à PPARα, jouant un rôle dans l'expression circadienne et les fonctions de PPARα. Nous avons également découvert des aspects méconnus des fonctions liées au dimorphisme sexuel de PPARα. Nous avons montré que PPARα est différemment sumoylisé entre les sexes et interagit avec la méthylation de l'ADN ainsi qu'avec des protéines insoupçonnées comme partenaires de PPARα. De part leur lien avec l'horloge circadienne et le dimorphisme sexuel, nos découvertes ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives concernant la chronobiologie de l'activité de PPARα et les effets bénéfiques des ses activateurs dans le traitement des maladies liées au métabolisme des hormones stéroides.


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The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) regulates the sodium reabsorption in the collecting duct principal cells of the nephron. ENaC is mainly regulated by hormones such as aldosterone and vasopressin, but also by serine proteases, Na+ and divalent cations. The crystallization of an ENaC/Deg member, the Acid Sensing Ion Channel, has been recently published but the pore-lining residues constitution of ENaC internal pore remains unclear. It has been reported that mutation aS589C of the selectivity filter on the aENaC subunit, a three residues G/SxS sequence, renders the channel permeant to divalent cations and sensitive to extracellular Cd2+. We have shown in the first part of my work that the side chain of aSer589 residue is not pointing toward the pore lumen, permitting the Cd2+ to permeate through the ion pore and to coordinate with a native cysteine, gCys546, located in the second transmembrane domain of the gENaC subunit. In a second part, we were interested in the sulfhydryl-reagent intracellular inhibition of ENaC-mediated Na+ current. Kellenberger et al. have shown that ENaC is rapidly and reversibly inhibited by internal sulfhydryl reagents underlying the involvement of intracellular cysteines in the internal regulation of ENaC. We set up a new approach comprising a Substituted Cysteine Analysis Method (SCAM) using intracellular MTSEA-biotin perfusion coupled to functional and biochemical assays. We were thus able to correlate the cysteine-modification of ENaC by methanethiosulfonate (MTS) and its effect on sodium current. This allowed us to determine the amino acids that are accessible to intracellular MTS and the one important for the inhibition of the channel. RESUME : Le canal épithélial sodique ENaC est responsable de la réabsorption du sodium dans les cellules principales du tubule collecteur rénal. Ce canal est essentiellement régulé par voie hormonale via l'aldostérone et la vasopressine mais également par des sérines protéases, le Na+ lui-même et certains cations divalents. La cristallisation du canal sodique sensible au pH acide, ASIC, un autre membre de la famille ENaC/Deg, a été publiée mais les acides aminés constituant le pore interne d'ENaC restent indéterminés. Il a été montré que la mutation aS589C du filtre de sélectivité de la sous-unité aENaC permet le passage de cations divalents et l'inhibition du canal par le Cd2+ extracellulaire. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que la chaîne latérale de la aSer589 n'est pas orientée vers l'intérieur du pore, permettant au Cd2+ de traverser le canal et d'interagir avec une cysteine native du second domaine transrnembranaire de la sous-unité γENaC, γCys546. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au mécanisme d'inhibition d'ENaC par les réactifs sulfhydryl internes. Kellenberger et al. ont montré l'implication de cystéines intracellulaires dans la régulation interne d'ENaC par les réactifs sulfhydryl. Nous avons mis en place une nouvelle approche couplant la méthode d'analyse par substitution de cystéines (SCAM) avec des perfusions intracellulaires de MTSEAbiotine. Ainsi, nous pouvons meure en corrélation les modifications des cystéines d'ENaC par les réactifs methanethiosulfonates (MTS) avec leur effet sur le courant sodique, et donc mettre en évidence les acides aminés accessibles aux MTS intracellulaires et ceux qui sont importants dans la fonction du canal.


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Nuclear receptors are a major component of signal transduction in animals. They mediate the regulatory activities of many hormones, nutrients and metabolites on the homeostasis and physiology of cells and tissues. It is of high interest to model the corresponding regulatory networks. While molecular and cell biology studies of individual promoters have provided important mechanistic insight, a more complex picture is emerging from genome-wide studies. The regulatory circuitry of nuclear receptor regulated gene expression networks, and their response to cellular signaling, appear highly dynamic, and involve long as well as short range chromatin interactions. We review how progress in understanding the kinetics and regulation of cofactor recruitment, and the development of new genomic methods, provide opportunities but also a major challenge for modeling nuclear receptor mediated regulatory networks.


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Obesity prevalence is generally higher in women than in men, and there is also a sex difference in body fat distribution. Sex differences in obesity can be explained in part by the influence of gonadal steroids on body composition and appetite; however, behavioural, socio-cultural and chromosomal factors may also play a role. This review, which evolved from the 2008 Stock Conference on sex differences in obesity, summarizes current research and recommendations related to hormonal and neuroendocrine influences on energy balance and fat distribution. A number of important gaps in the research are identified, including a need for more studies on chromosomal sex effects on energy balance, the role of socio-cultural (i.e. gender) factors in obesity and the potential deleterious effects of high-fat diets during pregnancy on the foetus. Furthermore, there is a paucity of clinical trials examining sex-specific approaches and outcomes of obesity treatment (lifestyle-based or pharmacological), and research is urgently needed to determine whether current weight loss programmes, largely developed and tested on women, are appropriate for men. Last, it is important that both animal and clinical research on obesity be designed and analysed in such a way that data can be separately examined in both men and women.


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The management of Crohn's disease usually consists of a succession of short-term acute phase treatments followed by long-term maintenance therapy. The disease affects young patients and for this reason the long-term safety of the drugs needs to be especially taken into consideration. The safety, dose, duration for optimal efficacy and the most frequent adverse events will be described in this article.


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Aquest treball s'estructura en una primera part de fonamentació teòrica. El procediment que s'ha seguit ha estat la recerca bibliogràfica. Es basa en els aspectes tècnics a tenir en compte per la detecció de l' Abusos Sexuals Infantils (ASI), la ubicació dels Serveis Bàsics d'Atenció Social (SBAS) dins el sistema català de serveis socials, el marc jurídic dels drets i de la protecció a la infància i l'adolescència així com de qüestions relatives al tractament de dades, de la confidencialitat de les informacions de què disposem els/les professionals, l'obligació de secret, complementat amb la deontologia professional, que ens pot orientar a l'hora de prendre les decisions més adequades a la nostra praxi. La segona part del treball és empírica. El procediment ha estat portar a terme un grup de reflexió ètica amb professionals del Consorci de Benestar Social del Pla de l'Estany-Banyoles. Partint de casos pràctics de sospita d'ASI, les persones participants han concretat els principals problemes (alguns dels quals relacionats amb l'ètica aplicada) davant els quals s'han trobat a la fase de detecció/intervenció. Les aportacions extretes de les diferents sessions en les quals es van treballar part dels objectius d'aquesta recerca ens permeten concretar la realitat i una primera deliberació sobre quina podria ser la bona pràctica general. La tercera part utilitza la fonamentació teòrica i els material del treball de camp per presentar la reflexió final que pretén donar resposta als objectius plantejats en aquesta recerca


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Sexual reproduction is extremely widespread in spite of its presumed costs relative to asexual reproduction, indicating that it must provide significant advantages. One postulated benefit of sex and recombination is that they facilitate the purging of mildly deleterious mutations, which would accumulate in asexual lineages and contribute to their short evolutionary life span. To test this prediction, we estimated the accumulation rate of coding (nonsynonymous) mutations, which are expected to be deleterious, in parts of one mitochondrial (COI) and two nuclear (Actin and Hsp70) genes in six independently derived asexual lineages and related sexual species of Timema stick insects. We found signatures of increased coding mutation accumulation in all six asexual Timema and for each of the three analyzed genes, with 3.6- to 13.4-fold higher rates in the asexuals as compared with the sexuals. In addition, because coding mutations in the asexuals often resulted in considerable hydrophobicity changes at the concerned amino acid positions, coding mutations in the asexuals are likely associated with more strongly deleterious effects than in the sexuals. Our results demonstrate that deleterious mutation accumulation can differentially affect sexual and asexual lineages and support the idea that deleterious mutation accumulation plays an important role in limiting the long-term persistence of all-female lineages.


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OBJECTIVE: The gluco-incretin hormones glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 and gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) protect beta-cells against cytokine-induced apoptosis. Their action is initiated by binding to specific receptors that activate the cAMP signaling pathway, but the downstream events are not fully elucidated. Here we searched for mechanisms that may underlie this protective effect. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We performed comparative transcriptomic analysis of islets from control and GipR(-/-);Glp-1-R(-/-) mice, which have increased sensitivity to cytokine-induced apoptosis. We found that IGF-1 receptor expression was markedly reduced in the mutant islets. Because the IGF-1 receptor signaling pathway is known for its antiapoptotic effect, we explored the relationship between gluco-incretin action, IGF-1 receptor expression and signaling, and apoptosis. RESULTS: We found that GLP-1 robustly stimulated IGF-1 receptor expression and Akt phosphorylation and that increased Akt phosphorylation was dependent on IGF-1 but not insulin receptor expression. We demonstrated that GLP-1-induced Akt phosphorylation required active secretion, indicating the presence of an autocrine activation mechanism; we showed that activation of IGF-1 receptor signaling was dependent on the secretion of IGF-2. We demonstrated, both in MIN6 cell line and primary beta-cells, that reducing IGF-1 receptor or IGF-2 expression or neutralizing secreted IGF-2 suppressed GLP-1-induced protection against apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: An IGF-2/IGF-1 receptor autocrine loop operates in beta-cells. GLP-1 increases its activity by augmenting IGF-1 receptor expression and by stimulating secretion; this mechanism is required for GLP-1-induced protection against apoptosis. These findings may lead to novel ways of preventing beta-cell loss in the pathogenesis of diabetes.


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Newborns are particularly susceptible to bacterial infections due to qualitative and quantitative deficiencies of the neonatal innate immune system. However, the mechanisms underlying these deficiencies are poorly understood. Given that fetuses are exposed to high concentrations of estradiol and progesterone during gestation and at time of delivery, we analyzed the effects of these hormones on the response of neonatal innate immune cells to endotoxin, bacterial lipopeptide, and Escherichia coli and group B Streptococcus, the two most common causes of early-onset neonatal sepsis. Here we show that at concentrations present in umbilical cord blood, estradiol and progesterone are as powerful as hydrocortisone for inhibition of cytokine production by cord blood mononuclear cells (CBMCs) and newborn monocytes. Interestingly, CBMCs and newborn monocytes are more sensitive to the effects of estradiol and progesterone than adult peripheral blood mononuclear cells and monocytes. This increased sensitivity is associated with higher expression levels of estrogen and membrane progesterone receptors but is independent of a downregulation of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), TLR4, and myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 in newborn cells. Estradiol and progesterone mediate their anti-inflammatory activity through inhibition of the NF-κB pathway but not the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in CBMCs. Altogether, these results suggest that elevated umbilical cord blood concentrations of estradiol and progesterone acting on mononuclear cells expressing high levels of steroid receptors contribute to impair innate immune responses in newborns. Therefore, intrauterine exposure to estradiol and progesterone may participate in increasing susceptibility to infection during the neonatal period.


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OBJECTIVE: A single course of antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) is associated with a reduction in respiratory distress syndrome and neonatal death. Multiple Courses of Antenatal Corticosteroids Study (MACS), a study involving 1858 women, was a multicentre randomized placebo-controlled trial of multiple courses of ACS, given every 14 days until 33+6 weeks or birth, whichever came first. The primary outcome of the study, a composite of neonatal mortality and morbidity, was similar for the multiple ACS and placebo groups (12.9% vs. 12.5%), but infants exposed to multiple courses of ACS weighed less, were shorter, and had smaller head circumferences. Thus for women who remain at increased risk of preterm birth, multiple courses of ACS (every 14 days) are not recommended. Chronic use of corticosteroids is associated with numerous side effects including weight gain and depression. The aim of this postpartum assessment was to ascertain if multiple courses of ACS were associated with maternal side effects. METHODS: Three months postpartum, women who participated in MACS were asked to complete a structured questionnaire that asked about maternal side effects of corticosteroid use during MACS and included the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Women were also asked to evaluate their study participation. RESULTS: Of the 1858 women randomized, 1712 (92.1%) completed the postpartum questionnaire. There were no significant differences in the risk of maternal side effects between the two groups. Large numbers of women met the criteria for postpartum depression (14.1% in the ACS vs. 16.0% in the placebo group). Most women (94.1%) responded that they would participate in the trial again. CONCLUSION: In pregnancy, corticosteroids are given to women for fetal lung maturation and for the treatment of various maternal diseases. In this international multicentre randomized controlled trial, multiple courses of ACS (every 14 days) were not associated with maternal side effects, and the majority of women responded that they would participate in such a study again.


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Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, synthetic chemicals which do not occur naturally in the environment. PCBs are considered potential endocrine disruptors. They are estrogen-like and anti-androgenic chemicals in the environment contain potentially hazardous effects on male reproductive axis resulting in infertility and other hormonal dependent reproductive functions. These toxic substance cause alteration of the endocrine systems, mimic natural hormones and inhibit the action of hormones. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on testicular development of male reproductive system in mice. The male mice were randomly assigned to five groups with each group comprising twenty-one members. In those mice were administered 0 μg/kg (control group) and 0.5, 5, 50, 500 μg/kg Aroclor 1254 (treated group) by gavages three time per week. Treatment was carried out for 50 days after which the mouse was sacrificed and the body weight, testicular weight; epedidymis weight, sperm mortality, sperm count and sperm abnormality were taken. However, there was no significant difference in testicular/body weight and epididymis/body weight ratio in treated group compared with the control group. According to the analysis of sperm quality, Aroclor 1254 treated group demonstrated significant increased in sperm mortality in 500 μg/kg; decreased the sperm count in 0.5 μg/kg, 5 μg/kg, 50 μg/kg and 500 μg/kg; and significantly elevate the sperm abnormality in 50 μg/kg and 500 μg/kg compared to the control in a dose-dependent manner. The sex hormone levels in the testes were detected by radio-immunoassay (RIA) method. The levels of testosterone and 17β-estradiol did not reveal significant alteration (p< 0.05) in PCBs treated groups compared to the control in a dose-dependent manner. The testis were obtained and subjected to routine histopathology following exposure to PCBs in supplement diet. The diameter of the seminiferous tubule and the number of Sertoli cells in the treated group increased significantly (p< 0.05) in comparison to the control group. For the spermatogenic cell, the number of germ cell in high concentration decreased significantly (p< 0.05). However, spermatogonia cells in PCB treated group showed non-significant difference (p< 0.05) compared to the control. vii Western blot analysis was used to determine the level of protein between the control and treated group. The level of Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was determined and the results have shown no significant alteration between the treated groups and the control. the level of sex hormone receptor (ER α/β); Androgen receptor (AR) were identified in the testes to detect the proliferative effect induced by PCBs. Statistical analyses of AR, ER α and ER β did not reveal significant difference between the control and the treated groups. In the present study, we continue to investigate adverse effect of Aroclor 1254 and their mechanism on spermatogenesis. The result of Sperm quality and histopathology showed that Aroclor 1254 at low concentration induce inhibitory effect on testicular function of male mouse.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily like the steroid, thyroid, or retinoid hormone receptors, which are ligand-activated transcription factors regulating gene expression. PPARs mediate the induction of the enzymes of the peroxisomal and microsomal fatty-acid oxidation pathways by hypolipidemic drugs such as clofibrate and are probably also involved in the gene expression of other lipid-metabolism-associated proteins that are controlled by fibrate hypolipidemic drugs. That PPARs play an important role in the regulation of lipid metabolism is reinforced by the discovery of their activation by physiologic concentrations of fatty acids. This observation raises the question of whether fatty acids are ligands of PPARs, which would imply that nutritional fatty acids can act like hormones.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Gluco-incretin hormones increase the glucose competence of pancreatic beta-cells by incompletely characterized mechanisms. METHODS: We searched for genes that were differentially expressed in islets from control and Glp1r-/-; Gipr-/- (dKO) mice, which show reduced glucose competence. Overexpression and knockdown studies; insulin secretion analysis; analysis of gene expression in islets from control and diabetic mice and humans as well as gene methylation and transcriptional analysis were performed. RESULTS: Fxyd3 was the most up-regulated gene in glucose incompetent islets from dKO mice. When overexpressed in beta-cells Fxyd3 reduced glucose-induced insulin secretion by acting downstream of plasma membrane depolarization and Ca++ influx. Fxyd3 expression was not acutely regulated by cAMP raising agents in either control or dKO adult islets. Instead, expression of Fxyd3 was controlled by methylation of CpGs present in its proximal promoter region. Increased promoter methylation reduced Fxyd3 transcription as assessed by lower abundance of H3K4me3 at the transcriptional start site and in transcription reporter assays. This epigenetic imprinting was initiated perinatally and fully established in adult islets. Glucose incompetent islets from diabetic mice and humans showed increased expression of Fxyd3 and reduced promoter methylation. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Because gluco-incretin secretion depends on feeding the epigenetic regulation of Fxyd3 expression may link nutrition in early life to establishment of adult beta-cell glucose competence; this epigenetic control is, however, lost in diabetes possibly as a result of gluco-incretin resistance and/or de-differentiation of beta-cells that are associated with the development of type 2 diabetes.


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Aldosterone increases transepithelial Na+ transport in the urinary bladder of Bufo marinus. The response is characterized by 3 distinct phases: 1) a lag period of about 60 min, ii) an initial phase (early response) of about 2 hr during which Na+ transport increases rapidly and transepithelial electrical resistance falls, and iii) a late phase (late response) of about 4 to 6 hr during which Na+ transport still increases significantly but with very little change in resistance. Triiodothyronine (T3, 6 nM) added either 2 or 18 hr before aldosterone selectively antagonizes the late response. T3 per se (up to 6 nM) has no effect on base-line Na+ transport. The antagonist activity of T3 is only apparent after a latent period of about 6 to 8 hr. It is not rapidly reversible after a 4-hr washout of the hormone. The effects appear to be selective for thyromimetic drugs since reverse T3 (rT3) is inactive and isopropyldiiodothyronine (isoT2) is more active than T3. The relative activity of these analogs corresponds to their relative affinity for T3 nuclear binding sites which we have previously described. Our data suggest that T3 might control the expression of aldosterone by regulating gene expression, e.g. by the induction of specific proteins, which in turn will inhibit the late mineralocorticoid response, without interaction with the early response.