953 resultados para Tamminen, Lea


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the contamination of toothbrushes and pacifiers by Streptococcus mutans, and the efficacy of microwave and chlorhexidine for their disinfection. Methods: Sixty pacifiers and 60 toothbrushes were contaminated with S mutans and then divided into groups according to the disinfection protocol: Group 1-chlorhexidine solution; Group 2-microwave sterilization; and Group 3-sterile tap water. The devices were evaluated microbiologically as to the formation of S mutans colonies/biofilms and were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The results were submitted for statistical analysis by Friedman`s test at a 5% significance level. Results: The results of both types of evaluation showed a large number of S mutans colonies/biofilms after spraying with sterile tap water, and chlorhexidine spraying and microwaving were effective in eliminate colonies/biofilms. Groups 1 and 2 were statistically similar to each other (P>.05) and differed significantly from Group 3 (P<.05). Conclusions: The 0.12% chlorhexidine solution spray and 7 minutes of microwave irradiation were effective for disinfection of pacifiers and toothbrushes. (Pediatr Dent 2011;33:10-3) Received July 29, 2009 I Last Revision January 26, 2010 I Accepted March 10, 2010


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Due to the major role of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus in the etiology of dental caries, it is important to use culture media that allow for differentiating these bacterial species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of a modified SB-20 culture medium (SB-20M) for the isolation and morphological differentiation of S. mutans and S. sobrinus, compared to biochemical identification (biotyping). Saliva samples were collected using the spatula method from 145 children, seeded on plates containing the SB-20M, in which sucrose was replaced by coarse granular cane sugar, and incubated in microaerophilia at 37 degrees C during 72 h. Identification of the microorganisms was performed under stereomicroscopy based on colony morphology of 4904 colonies. The morphological identification was examined by biochemical tests of 94 randomly selected colonies with the macroscopic characteristic of S. mutans and S. sobrinus using sugar fermentation, resistance to bacitracin and production of hydrogen peroxide. There was no statistically significant difference (p> 0.05) between morphological identification in the SB-20M medium and biochemical identification (biotyping). Biotyping confirmed that S. mutans and S. sobrinus colonies were correctly characterized in the SB-20M in 95.8% and 95.5% of the cases, respectively. Of the mutans streptococci detected in the children 98% were S. mutans and 2% S. sobrinus. The SB-20M medium is reliable for detection and direct morphological identification of S. mutans and S. sobrinus. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of electronic apex locators Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and ProPex, for root canal length determination in primary teeth. Fifteen primary molars (a total of 34 root canals) were divided into two groups: Group I - without physiological resorption (n = 16); and Group II - with physiological resorption (n = 18). The length of each canal was measured by introducing a file until its tip was visible and then it was retracted 1 mm. For electronic measurement, the devices were set to 1 mm short of the apical resorption. The data were analysed statistically using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results showed that the ICC was high for both electronic apex locators in all situations - with (ICC: DSP = 0.82 and Propex = 0.89) or without resorption (ICC: DSP = 0.92 and Propex = 0.90). Both apex locators were extremely accurate in determining the working length in primary teeth, both with or without physiological resorption.


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Objective. This study evaluated histopathologically the response of pulp and periradicular tissues after pulp capping with an all-in-one self-etching adhesive system in dogs` teeth. Study design. Forty teeth of 4 dogs were assigned to 3 groups according to the pulp capping material: G1 (n = 20): self-etching adhesive system; G2 (n = 10): Ca(OH)(2); G3 (n = 10): zinc oxide-eugenol. The animals were killed 7 and 70 days after pulp capping. The pieces containing the pulp-capped teeth were removed and processed for histologic analysis. Results. At 7 days, no dentin bridge formation was observed; G1 and G3 exhibited inflammatory pulpal alterations, whereas G2 presented only mild inflammatory infiltrate in the pulp tissue adjacent to the capping material, the remainder being intact. At 70 days, no specimen in G1 or G3 presented dentin bridge formation. The remaining pulp tissue exhibited severe inflammatory alterations and areas of necrosis. In G2, all specimens showed dentin bridge formation and absence of inflammation and mineralized tissue resorption. No bacteria were identified using Brown and Brenn staining techniques in all 3 groups at any observation period. Conclusion. According to the conditions of this study, direct pulp capping with the self-etching adhesive system did not allow pulp tissue repair and failed histopathologically in 100% of the cases. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: e34-e40)


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This paper describes a proteome analysis and changes in endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) contents during seed development of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. Megagametophytes and embryonic axis tissues exhibited a similar ABA variation pattern during seed development, reaching maximum values at the pre-cotyledonary stage. The embryonic axis protein content increased until the cotyledonary stage with following stabilization at mature seed. The two-dimensional electrophoresis at the torpedo developmental stage showed approximately 230 polypeptides against 340 in the mature stage. Peptide mass fingerprinting analyses identified three polypeptides, corresponding to an AtSAC4, a late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) and a storage protein, respectively.


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This paper describes a new mechanical samples positioning system that allows the safe placement and removal of biological samples for prolonged irradiation, in a nuclear reactor during full-power continuous operation. Also presented herein the materials of construction and operating principles. Additionally, this sample positioning system is compared with an existing pneumatic and automated transfer system, already available at the research reactors. The system consists of a mechanical arm with a claw, which can deliver the samples for irradiations without reactor shutdown. It was installed in the lEA-R1 research reactor at Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, Brazil, and for the past 5 years, the system has successfully operated and allowed the conducting of important experiments. As a result of its introduction, the facility has been in a position to positively respond to the increased demand in studies of biology, medicine, physics, engineering, detector/dosimeter calibrations, etc. It is one example of the appropriated technologies that save energy and resources. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The leaves and twigs of Piper krukoffii, collected in the Carajas National Forest, north Brazil, yielded essential oils (2.0% and 0.8%), the main constituents of which were myristicin (40.3% and 26.7%), apiole (25.4% and 34.1%) and elemicin (2.8% and 3.0%). The antioxidant activities of the oils, methanol extract and its sub-fractions were evaluated. The DPPH EC(50) values varied from the ethyl acetate sub-fraction (73.4 +/- 3.7 mu g/mL) to the methanol extract (24.9 +/- 0.8 mu g/mL), and the ABTS TEAC values ranged in the same order from 265.7 to 349.2 mu Mol TE/g. These results indicated a significant antioxidant activity for the plant. The lignans (-)-kusunokin, yatein, (-)-hinokin and cubebin were identified in the methanol extract. The hydro-methanolic sub-fraction showed a high value for total phenol content (106.5 +/- 0.7 mg GAE/g), as well as (1)H NMR signals for sugar moieties. Crude extracts and sub-fractions were also able to inhibit beta-carotene bleaching, varying from 22.4 to 47.1%. The oils from the leaves and twigs showed strong larvicidal (21.4 and 3.6 mu g/mL) and fungicide (0.5 and 0.1 mu g/mL) activities.


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This paper provides an examination of the emergence of open business models — entrepreneurial strategies that take advantage of the ease of digital reproduction to distribute free content, while earning money from the sale of related products and services. Locating the origins of open business in the open source software phenomenon, the authors suggest that the business strategies innovated there have broader economic relevance. Through a case study of the tecnobrega music scene in Belém, the paper illustrates how open business models can be applied to the production of cultural materials more generally


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The present volume is the fruit of a research initiative on Access to Knowledge begun in 2004 by Yochai Benkler, Eddan Katz, and myself. Access to Knowledge is both a social movement and an approach to international and domestic policy. In the present era of globalization, intellectual property and information and communications technology are major determinants of wealth and power. The principle of access to knowledge argues that we best serve both human rights and economic development through policies that make knowledge, knowledge-creating tools, and nowledgeembedded goods as widely available as possible for decentralized innovation and use. Open technological standards, a balanced approach to intellectual property rights, and expansion of an open telecommunications infrastructure enable ordinary people around the world to benefit from the technological advances of the information age and allow them to generate a vibrant, participatory and democratic culture. Law plays a crucial role in securing access to knowledge, determining whether knowledge and knowledge goods are shared widely for the benefit of all, or controlled and monopolized for the benefit of a few.


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Este trabalho examina a influência dos grandes produtores rurais sobre o processo de construção da agenda governamental a partir da percepção de atores locais de uma cidade do agronegócio da fronteira agrícola do Brasil. Busca-se aqui estabelecer uma contraposição entre a elite agrária tradicional, hegemônica no País até a década de 1930, e a atual elite empresarial rural, resultante da introdução do modelo do agronegócio em várias partes do território nacional, no início dos anos de 1970. Procura-se argumentar que tal modelo, centrado no mercado global de commodities agrícolas e agroindustriais, criou a figura do latifúndio moderno e administrado como empreendimento empresarial, o qual se impõe como padrão de ocupação da terra principalmente em regiões da fronteira agrícola localizadas no Centro-Oeste e partes do Nordeste do Brasil. Com o deslocamento espacial da agricultura e da agroindústria, surgiram nessas regiões diversas cidades do agronegócio, onde os grandes produtores rurais vêm se firmando como elite econômica e social local, além de ocuparem postos-chave nas prefeituras e governos estaduais. Como a interseção entre elites econômicas e políticas é uma constante na história do País, a tese se propõe a examinar como os atores de uma dessas cidades – Sorriso, no norte mato-grossense – percebem a organização e a influência dos grandes fazendeiros sobre a agenda pública e a vida local. Embora a análise se guie pela ótica do município, cuida-se aqui de inserir esta esfera no contexto mais amplo representado pelo nível nacional, onde se definem as principais políticas ligadas ao campo. O estudo se estende, assim, para a questão da intermediação de interesses, que tem como atores centrais as entidades classistas e setoriais, assim como a Bancada Ruralista, braço parlamentar da agropecuária no Congresso Nacional. A pesquisa indica que, no município, ao contrário do sugerido pela literatura acadêmica, o empenho dos grandes proprietários de terra na vida política se dá mais em função de motivações de recorte simbólico, relacionadas ao poder social, do que propriamente de interesses econômicos. Embora influentes, eles não têm uma representatividade política que lhes garanta o monopólio do poder local. Sua organização para a defesa de interesses junto às diferentes esferas governamentais parece pouca sólida nas bases, onde diferentes atores identificam uma cultura individualista que se traduz em baixo estoque de capital social.


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Esta dissertação trata da avenida Farrapos, uma das principais radiais da cidade de Porto Alegre. Embora inaugurada no ano de 1940, desde 1914 já existia como proposta. Estava inserida no contexto de mudanças ocorridas em Porto Alegre que tinham por objetivo modernizar a cidade, adaptando-a às novas exigências. Apesar de sua importância e do patrimônio arquitetônico que nesta se encontra, a avenida Farrapos não recebe a atenção que merece visto que aquela área da cidade sofreu um processo de degradação, que resultou no repúdio da maioria das pessoas. Neste estudo, buscou-se resgatar elementos históricos, urbanos e arquitetônicos da referida via, a fim de resgatar a sua importância e identificar em que aspectos esta foi resultado da “modernidade”.


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Este estudo pretendeu identificar, no sistema brasileiro, quais os principais fatores que dificultam a análise de risco de crédito para o sistema financeiro


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Este trabalho trata do emprego do modelo de dano dúctil de Gurson e de alguns aspectos relativos a sua implementação computacional. Emprega-se como ponto de partida o programa Metafor, código de elementos finitos voltado para a simulação de problemas de conformação mecânica, contemplando portanto grandes deformações plásticas. Estudam-se alguns casos simples procurando identificar a influência de cada parâmetro do modelo de Gurson na resposta. É discutida a aplicação dos modelos de nucleação de vazios usualmente empregados em conjunto com a superfície de escoamento de Gurson em situações onde há reversão de solicitação. São propostas alterações nos modelos usuais de nucleação de forma a minorar resultados incoerentes verificados. Apresenta-se um algoritmo alternativo ao método de Newton-Raphson para a solução do sistema de equações associado à forma fraca das equações de equilíbrio, em situações onde a rigidez fica muito pequena. Tal algoritmo é implementado e testado. Um algoritmo de integração de tensões é apresentado e implementado, mostrando-se sua vantagem do ponto de vista de robustez, ou seja, obtenção da resposta correta a despeito do tamanho de incremento empregado. Também é discutido um procedimento para desconsiderar elementos que apresentem ruptura local Estudam-se problemas envolvendo geração de calor por deformação plástica em conjunto com a formulação do modelo de Gurson, mostrando que a consideração de acoplamento termo-mecânico com dano traz vantagens em algumas simulações. É discutida a implementação do modelo de Gurson sobre a versão tridimensional do Metafor, que contempla a formulação lagrangiana-euleriana arbitrária (LEA). Ao final, é feita uma simulação inicial do comportamento de espumas metálicas.