768 resultados para Takagi-sugeno fuzzy
This paper presents a novel intonation modelling approach and demonstrates its applicability using the Standard Yorùbá language. Our approach is motivated by the theory that abstract and realised forms of intonation and other dimensions of prosody should be modelled within a modular and unified framework. In our model, this framework is implemented using the Relational Tree (R-Tree) technique. The R-Tree is a sophisticated data structure for representing a multi-dimensional waveform in the form of a tree. Our R-Tree for an utterance is generated in two steps. First, the abstract structure of the waveform, called the Skeletal Tree (S-Tree), is generated using tone phonological rules for the target language. Second, the numerical values of the perceptually significant peaks and valleys on the S-Tree are computed using a fuzzy logic based model. The resulting points are then joined by applying interpolation techniques. The actual intonation contour is synthesised by Pitch Synchronous Overlap Technique (PSOLA) using the Praat software. We performed both quantitative and qualitative evaluations of our model. The preliminary results suggest that, although the model does not predict the numerical speech data as accurately as contemporary data-driven approaches, it produces synthetic speech with comparable intelligibility and naturalness. Furthermore, our model is easy to implement, interpret and adapt to other tone languages.
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a methodology for measuring the relative efficiencies of a set of decision making units (DMUs) that use multiple inputs to produce multiple outputs. Crisp input and output data are fundamentally indispensable in conventional DEA. However, the observed values of the input and output data in real-world problems are sometimes imprecise or vague. Many researchers have proposed various fuzzy methods for dealing with the imprecise and ambiguous data in DEA. This chapter provides a taxonomy and review of the fuzzy DEA (FDEA) methods. We present a classification scheme with six categories, namely, the tolerance approach, the α-level based approach, the fuzzy ranking approach, the possibility approach, the fuzzy arithmetic, and the fuzzy random/type-2 fuzzy set. We discuss each classification scheme and group the FDEA papers published in the literature over the past 30 years. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Inventory control in complex manufacturing environments encounters various sources of uncertainity and imprecision. This paper presents one fuzzy knowledge-based approach to solving the problem of order quantity determination, in the presence of uncertain demand, lead time and actual inventory level. Uncertain data are represented by fuzzy numbers, and vaguely defined relations between them are modeled by fuzzy if-then rules. The proposed representation and inference mechanism are verified using a large numbers of examples. The results of three representative cases are summarized. Finally a comparison between the developed fuzzy knowledge-based and traditional, probabilistic approaches is discussed.
Health care organizations must continuously improve their productivity to sustain long-term growth and profitability. Sustainable productivity performance is mostly assumed to be a natural outcome of successful health care management. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a popular mathematical programming method for comparing the inputs and outputs of a set of homogenous decision making units (DMUs) by evaluating their relative efficiency. The Malmquist productivity index (MPI) is widely used for productivity analysis by relying on constructing a best practice frontier and calculating the relative performance of a DMU for different time periods. The conventional DEA requires accurate and crisp data to calculate the MPI. However, the real-world data are often imprecise and vague. In this study, the authors propose a novel productivity measurement approach in fuzzy environments with MPI. An application of the proposed approach in health care is presented to demonstrate the simplicity and efficacy of the procedures and algorithms in a hospital efficiency study conducted for a State Office of Inspector General in the United States. © 2012, IGI Global.
Descriptions of vegetation communities are often based on vague semantic terms describing species presence and dominance. For this reason, some researchers advocate the use of fuzzy sets in the statistical classification of plant species data into communities. In this study, spatially referenced vegetation abundance values collected from Greek phrygana were analysed by ordination (DECORANA), and classified on the resulting axes using fuzzy c-means to yield a point data-set representing local memberships in characteristic plant communities. The fuzzy clusters matched vegetation communities noted in the field, which tended to grade into one another, rather than occupying discrete patches. The fuzzy set representation of the community exploited the strengths of detrended correspondence analysis while retaining richer information than a TWINSPAN classification of the same data. Thus, in the absence of phytosociological benchmarks, meaningful and manageable habitat information could be derived from complex, multivariate species data. We also analysed the influence of the reliability of different surveyors' field observations by multiple sampling at a selected sample location. We show that the impact of surveyor error was more severe in the Boolean than the fuzzy classification. © 2007 Springer.
To be competitive in contemporary turbulent environments, firms must be capable of processing huge amounts of information, and effectively convert it into actionable knowledge. This is particularly the case in the marketing context, where problems are also usually highly complex, unstructured and ill-defined. In recent years, the development of marketing management support systems has paralleled this evolution in informational problems faced by managers, leading to a growth in the study (and use) of artificial intelligence and soft computing methodologies. Here, we present and implement a novel intelligent system that incorporates fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms to operate in an unsupervised manner. This approach allows the discovery of interesting association rules, which can be linguistically interpreted, in large scale databases (KDD or Knowledge Discovery in Databases.) We then demonstrate its application to a distribution channel problem. It is shown how the proposed system is able to return a number of novel and potentially-interesting associations among variables. Thus, it is argued that our method has significant potential to improve the analysis of marketing and business databases in practice, especially in non-programmed decisional scenarios, as well as to assist scholarly researchers in their exploratory analysis. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
The author analyzes the localization procedures of the vector of weighting coefficients which are based on presenting the function of value by additive reduction adapted to fuzzy models of choice.
The basic matrixes method is suggested for the Leontief model analysis (LM) with some of its components indistinctly given. LM can be construed as a forecast task of product’s expenses-output on the basis of the known statistic information at indistinctly given several elements’ meanings of technological matrix, restriction vector and variables’ limits. Elements of technological matrix, right parts of restriction vector LM can occur as functions of some arguments. In this case the task’s dynamic analog occurs. LM essential complication lies in inclusion of variables restriction and criterion function in it.
The problem of the lack of answer in questions of survey is usually dealt with different estimation and classification procedures from the answers to other questions. In this document, the results of applying fuzzy control methods for the vote -one of the variables with bigger lack of answer in opinion polls- are presented.
The author analyzes some peculiarities of information perception and the problems of tests evaluation. A fuzzy model of tests evaluation as means of increasing the effectiveness of knowledge control is suggested.
This paper aims at development of procedures and algorithms for application of artificial intelligence tools to acquire process and analyze various types of knowledge. The proposed environment integrates techniques of knowledge and decision process modeling such as neural networks and fuzzy logic-based reasoning methods. The problem of an identification of complex processes with the use of neuro-fuzzy systems is solved. The proposed classifier has been successfully applied for building one decision support systems for solving managerial problem.
The so called “Plural Uncertainty Model” is considered, in which statistical, maxmin, interval and Fuzzy model of uncertainty are embedded. For the last case external and internal contradictions of the theory are investigated and the modified definition of the Fuzzy Sets is proposed to overcome the troubles of the classical variant of Fuzzy Subsets by L. Zadeh. The general variants of logit- and probit- regression are the model of the modified Fuzzy Sets. It is possible to say about observations within the modification of the theory. The conception of the “situation” is proposed within modified Fuzzy Theory and the classifying problem is considered. The algorithm of the classification for the situation is proposed being the analogue of the statistical MLM(maximum likelihood method). The example related possible observing the distribution from the collection of distribution is considered.
* This work is partially supported by CICYT (Spain) under project TIN 2005-08943-C02-001 and by UPM-CAM (Spain) under project R05/11240.
The problems of formalization of the process of matching different management subjects’ functioning characteristics obtained on the financial flows analysis basis is considered. Formal generalizations for gaining economical security system knowledge bases elements are presented. One of feedback directions establishment between knowledge base of the system of economical security and financial flows database analysis is substantiated.
The issues relating fuzzy sets definition are under consideration including the analogue for separation axiom, statistical interpretation and membership function representation by the conditional Probabilities.