Structuring integrated social-ecological systems (SES) research remains a core challenge for achieving sustainability. Numerous concepts and frameworks exist, but there is a lack of mutual learning and orientation of knowledge between them. We focus on two approaches in particular: the ecosystem services concept and Elinor Ostrom’s diagnostic SES framework. We analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each and discuss their potential for mutual learning. We use knowledge types in sustainability research as a boundary object to compare the contributions of each approach. Sustainability research is conceptualized as a multi-step knowledge generation process that includes system, target, and transformative knowledge. A case study of the Southern California spiny lobster fishery is used to comparatively demonstrate how each approach contributes a different lens and knowledge when applied to the same case. We draw on this case example in our discussion to highlight potential interlinkages and areas for mutual learning. We intend for this analysis to facilitate a broader discussion that can further integrate SES research across its diverse communities.
The purpose of the study was to explore how a public, IT services transferor, organization, comprised of autonomous entities, can effectively develop and organize its data center cost recovery mechanisms in a fair manner. The lack of a well-defined model for charges and a cost recovery scheme could cause various problems. For example one entity may be subsidizing the costs of another entity(s). Transfer pricing is in the best interest of each autonomous entity in a CCA. While transfer pricing plays a pivotal role in the price settings of services and intangible assets, TCE focuses on the arrangement at the boundary between entities. TCE is concerned with the costs, autonomy, and cooperation issues of an organization. The theory is concern with the factors that influence intra-firm transaction costs and attempting to manifest the problems involved in the determination of the charges or prices of the transactions. This study was carried out, as a single case study, in a public organization. The organization intended to transfer the IT services of its own affiliated public entities and was in the process of establishing a municipal-joint data center. Nine semi-structured interviews, including two pilot interviews, were conducted with the experts and managers of the case company and its affiliating entities. The purpose of these interviews was to explore the charging and pricing issues of the intra-firm transactions. In order to process and summarize the findings, this study employed qualitative techniques with the multiple methods of data collection. The study, by reviewing the TCE theory and a sample of transfer pricing literature, created an IT services pricing framework as a conceptual tool for illustrating the structure of transferring costs. Antecedents and consequences of the transfer price based on TCE were developed. An explanatory fair charging model was eventually developed and suggested. The findings of the study suggested that the Chargeback system was inappropriate scheme for an organization with affiliated autonomous entities. The main contribution of the study was the application of TP methodologies in the public sphere with no tax issues consideration.
Com a realização deste estágio pretende-se fazer um levantamento do número de pessoas que recorrem ao Serviço de Urgência Geral do centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, fazendo uma análise da sazonalidade dessa procura e posteriormente projetar possíveis adaptações à dotação de enfermeiros. Pretende-se também contribuir para a segurança dos cuidados de Enfermagem, prestados no Serviço de Urgência do Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira e calcular a dotação de Enfermeiros necessária baseada na necessidade de cuidados de Enfermagem por atendimento. Vamos fazer referência aos métodos de cálculo de dotação de Enfermagem nos serviços de Urgência e a legislação existente. Caracterizar o referido serviço e proceder ao levantamento, apresentação e análise do número de atendimentos no ano de 2010.
This paper studies the government procurement of services from foreign suppliers by conducting a statistical analysis of data submitted by Japan and Switzerland to the WTO's Committee on Government Procurement. Using several metrics, the paper examines if the WTO’s Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) has led to greater market access for foreign suppliers in services procurement. Our results indicate that despite the GPA, the proportions of services contracts awarded to foreigners have declined over time for both countries and in the absence of this decline, the value of services contracts awarded to foreign firms would have been more than 15 times higher in the case of Japan and nearly 68 times more in the case of Switzerland. We also find that for the same services categories, at least the Japanese government is not purchasing as much from abroad as it's private sector is importing from the rest of the world, a finding that further points to the home-bias in that government's public purchase decisions.
The financial and economic crisis which originated in 2008 has had a severe impact on the population of the Southern European countries. The economic policies of austerity and public deficit control, as well as the neo-liberal and conservative social policies are redefining the public social protection systems, in particular the Social Services. In order to get to understand the current situation, we shall explain how the Social Services were developed in Spain and analyse the causes and consequences of the economic crisis. The working hypothesis is that the greater the increase on the population’s needs, the more developed the Social Services should be. We carried out a descriptive analysis of the situation as far as the social impacts of the crisis per region are concerned. We tested the hypothesis through a parametric model of analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) triangulating with the non-parametric Kruscal-Wallis test. The working hypothesis failed. The regions with better developed Social Services show a lower level of poverty and social exclusion. The challenges that the public Social Services system faces in times of crisis is three-fold: 1) re-modelling of local administration and transferring of the municipal Social Services responsibilities to the regional administration; 2) an increase of the population at risk of poverty and social exclusion 3) impact on social policies.
La eliminación de barreras entre países es una consecuencia que llega con la globalización y con los acuerdos de TLC firmados en los últimos años. Esto implica un crecimiento significativo del comercio exterior, lo cual se ve reflejado en un aumento de la complejidad de la cadena de suministro de las empresas. Debido a lo anterior, se hace necesaria la búsqueda de alternativas para obtener altos niveles de productividad y competitividad dentro de las empresas en Colombia, ya que el entorno se ha vuelto cada vez más complejo, saturado de competencia no sólo nacional, sino también internacional. Para mantenerse en una posición competitiva favorable, las compañías deben enfocarse en las actividades que le agregan valor a su negocio, por lo cual una de las alternativas que se están adoptando hoy en día es la tercerización de funciones logísticas a empresas especializadas en el manejo de estos servicios. Tales empresas son los Proveedores de servicios logísticos (LSP), quienes actúan como agentes externos a la organización al gestionar, controlar y proporcionar actividades logísticas en nombre de un contratante. Las actividades realizadas pueden incluir todas o parte de las actividades logísticas, pero como mínimo la gestión y ejecución del transporte y almacenamiento deben estar incluidos (Berglund, 2000). El propósito del documento es analizar el papel de los Operadores Logísticos de Tercer nivel (3PL) como promotores del desempeño organizacional en las empresas colombianas, con el fin de informar a las MIPYMES acerca de los beneficios que se obtienen al trabajar con LSP como un medio para mejorar la posición competitiva del país.
The aim of the thesis is to assess the impact of depression in people with type 2 diabetes. Using Healthcare Utilization Databases, I estimated in a large population-based cohort with type 2 diabetes the incidence of depression over 10 year-period, identified the demographic and clinical predictors of depression, and determined the extent to which depression is a risk factor for acute and long-term complications and mortality. In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, I evaluated whether the presence of a history of depression in type 2 diabetes increased the Emergency Department (ED) access rate for diabetes-related complications, and I investigated changes in the incidence of depression during the first year of the pandemic. Findings from the first study indicated that developing depression was associated with being a woman, being over 65 years, living in rural areas, having insulin as initial diabetes medication and having comorbid conditions; the study also confirmed that depression was associated with an increased risk for acute and long-term diabetes complications and all-cause mortality. The second observational study showed a higher rate of ED access for diabetes-related complications during the pandemic in people with type 2 diabetes and a history of depression than in those without a history of depression, similar to what was observed in a pre-pandemic period. As shown in the third population-based study, the incidence of depression decreased in 2020 compared to 2019, mainly during the first and the second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, when people probably had difficulty reaching healthcare services. This new real-world evidence will help healthcare professionals identify timely patients at high risk of developing depression. Lastly, policymakers and physicians will benefit from new evidence of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on depression in people with type 2 diabetes to ensure a high level of care during crisis periods.
Unplanned excision of soft tissue sarcomas is common because benign soft tissue lesions are very frequent. This study evaluated the impact of unplanned resections on overall survival, local recurrence and distant metastasis in patients with soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities. In total, 52 patients who were diagnosed with soft tissue sarcomas between May 2001 and March 2011 were analyzed in a retrospective study. Of these patients, 29 (55.8%) had not undergone previous treatment and the remaining 23 (44.2%) patients had undergone prior resection of the tumor without oncological planning. All subsequent surgical procedures were performed at the same cancer referral center. The follow-up ranged from 6 to 122 months, with a mean of 39.89 months. Age, lesion size and depth, histological grade, surgical margins, overall survival, local and distant recurrence and adjuvant therapies were compared. Residual disease was observed in 91.3% of the re-resected specimens in the unplanned excision group, which exhibited greater numbers of superficial lesions, low histological grades and contaminated surgical margins compared with the re-resected specimens in the planned excision group. No differences were observed in local recurrence and 5-year overall survival between the groups, but distant metastases were significantly associated with planned excision after adjustment for the variables. There was no difference between patients undergoing unplanned excision and planned excision regarding local recurrence and overall survival. The planned excision group had a higher risk of distant metastasis, whereas there was a high rate of residual cancer in the unplanned excision group.
Purpose: A survey was carried out on one hundred patients of the Emergency Service of the Ophthalmology Department of the Hospital das Clinicas of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in order to analyze the personal characteristics and the barriers against getting resolving ophthalmologic assistance. Variables, were the following: sex, age, home town, average distance between the place of initial symptoms and first visit to the hospital, time spent between the first examination (if performed in any other service) and the examination performed at the Hospital das Clinicas of University of Campinas, diagnosis, veracity of emergency, need to refer patients previously seen in other services to our Service and possibility of assistance and treatment at a secondary level. Methods: The sample showed the following characteristics: distances between 20 and 100 kilometers covered by 50.0% of the patients to be seen at University of Campinas. 75.0% of those patients needed someone to stay with them and 67.0% came from other municipalities. The long distances covered meant additional expenses for the treatment of diseases which should be treated locally. Results: Among the patients referred to University of Campinas by ophthalmologists of other services, 87.5% could have their diseases treated at a secondary level of assistance and 66.7% of real emergencies and 60% of false emergencies took longer than 7 days to reach the emergency room of University of Campinas. This shows the poor infrastructure of secondary services regarding excellence of emergency care and education of patients. Conclusions: We recommend education of general physicians and ophthalmologists for emergency eye care and also the supply of both secondary and tertiary public services or medicare, strategically setup in the whole state of Sao Paulo.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the spatial intensity of urban violence events using wavelet-based methods and emergency room data. METHODS: Information on victims attended at the emergency room of a public hospital in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, from January 1, 2002 to January 11, 2003 were obtained from hospital records. The spatial distribution of 3,540 events was recorded and a uniform random procedure was used to allocate records with incomplete addresses. Point processes and wavelet analysis technique were used to estimate the spatial intensity, defined as the expected number of events by unit area. RESULTS: Of all georeferenced points, 59% were accidents and 40% were assaults. There is a non-homogeneous spatial distribution of the events with high concentration in two districts and three large avenues in the southern area of the city of São Paulo. CONCLUSIONS: Hospital records combined with methodological tools to estimate intensity of events are useful to study urban violence. The wavelet analysis is useful in the computation of the expected number of events and their respective confidence bands for any sub-region and, consequently, in the specification of risk estimates that could be used in decision-making processes for public policies.
OBJETIVO: Apesar da importância das causas externas como problema de saúde pública, pouco se conhece sobre a demanda de serviços de urgência e emergência. Este estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar a morbidade por causas externas em unidades de urgência e emergência do município de Cuiabá/MT. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo transversal e descritivo. Foram analisadas 3.786 vítimas de causas externas atendidas pelas cinco unidades de urgência e emergência da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Cuiabá/MT, no período de 1 de maio a 30 de junho de 2005. RESULTADOS: Aproximadamente 88% dos atendimentos se referiam a vítimas de acidentes, 9% corresponderam a agressões e 2% a lesões autoprovocadas. Os acidentes de transportes representaram 22% dos atendimentos, sendo os motociclistas as principais vítimas (49%); as quedas foram as causas mais freqüentes no grupo de outras causas externas de traumatismos acidentais. A prevalência em homens superou a de mulheres. A maior parte das vítimas era menor de 40 anos (79%). No entanto, a análise por tipo de causa externa apresenta resultados diferentes segundo sexo e faixa etária. Cerca da metade dos eventos ocorreu em casa e, em sua maioria, as vítimas receberam alta após o atendimento, sendo que a taxa de mortalidade foi baixa (0,4%). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados revelam a importância da análise sistemática dos dados referentes às vítimas de acidentes e violência atendidas em unidades de urgência e emergência, como complemento às informações sobre mortalidade e morbidade hospitalar visando o monitoramento dessas causas.
O estudo tem como ponto de partida a hipótese de que determinadas ocorrências nosológicas atendidas em pronto-socorro, escolhidas com base no conceito de evento sentinela, podem estar relacionadas a falhas da atenção básica e ser utilizadas na formulação de um indicador para o monitoramento desta atenção. Foram utilizados dados quantitativos e qualitativos sobre ocorrências previamente escolhidas e atendidas em pronto-socorro. Usando-se a triangulação de métodos, verificaram-se as diferenças das freqüências dessas ocorrências entre as áreas/unidades básicas de saúde (UBS) de procedência dos pacientes e as motivações determinantes da procura pelo pronto-socorro. As freqüências das ocorrências apresentaram valores de 30% a 42,8% conforme a área/UBS de procedência (Ç2 = 9,19 e p = 0,027). As entrevistas sugeriram a existência de causalidade entre o motivo declarado da procura do pronto-socorro e a atuação das unidades básicas. Conclui-se que: (1) a freqüência das ocorrências escolhidas foi influenciada pelas áreas/UBS de procedência das pessoas; (2) essa influência decorre, em parte, da situação da atenção básica; (3) o instrumental estudado é simples e pode contribuir para o gestor local no acompanhamento cotidiano da situação dos serviços básicos.
Summary: In 1984, children presented to the emergency department of a hospital in the small town of Promissão, São Paulo State, Brazil, with an acute febrile illness that rapidly progressed to death. Local clinicians and public health officials recognized that these children had an unusual illness, which led to outbreak investigations conducted by Brazilian health officials in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The studies that followed are an excellent example of the coordinated and parallel studies that are used to investigate outbreaks of a new disease, which became known as Brazilian purpuric fever (BPF). In the first outbreak investigation, a case-control study confirmed an association between BPF and antecedent conjunctivitis but the etiology of the disease could not be determined. In a subsequent outbreak, children with BPF were found to have bacteremia caused by Haemophilus influenzae biogroup aegyptius (H. aegyptius), an organism previously known mainly to cause self-limited purulent conjunctivitis. Molecular characterization of blood and other isolates demonstrated the clonal nature of the H. aegyptius strains that caused BPF, which were genetically distant from the diverse strains that cause only conjunctivitis. This led to an intense effort to identify the factors causing the unusual invasiveness of the BPF clone, which has yet to definitively identify the virulence factor or factors involved. After a series of outbreaks and sporadic cases through 1993, no additional cases of BPF have been reported
Com o objetivo de comparar a satisfação das mulheres com a experiência do parto em três modelos assistenciais, foi realizada pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, em dois hospitais públicos de São Paulo, um promovendo o modelo "Típico" e o outro com um centro de parto intra-hospitalar (modelo "CPNIH") e um peri-hospitalar (modelo "CPNPH"). A amostra foi constituída por 90 puérperas, 30 de cada modelo. A comparação entre os resultados referentes à satisfação das mulheres com o atendimento prestado pelos profissionais de saúde, com a qualidade da assistência e os motivos de satisfação e insatisfação, com a indicação ou recomendação dos serviços recebidos, com a sensação de segurança no processo e com as sugestões de melhorias, mostrou que o modelo CPHPH foi o melhor avaliado, vindo em seguida o CPNIH e por último o Típico. Conclui-se que o modelo peri-hospitalar de assistência ao parto deveria receber maior apoio do SUS, por se constituir em serviço em que as mulheres se mostram satisfeitas com a atenção recebida
INTRODUÇÃO: os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSi) constituem ponta de lança das ações da Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira e têm por finalidade o atendimento de crianças e adolescentes com transtornos psíquicos graves. O objetivo é caracterizar o perfil dos usuários de um CAPSi, considerando sexo, idade, hipótese diagnóstica, origem do encaminhamento, inserção escolar e motivo de consulta. MÉTODO: por meio de um protocolo, foram coletados dados da totalidade de prontuários ativos de uma unidade da Grande São Paulo - cento e três - no mês de janeiro de 2008. RESULTADOS: a maioria dos usuários atendidos está na faixa etária de cinco a quinze anos (68,9 por cento) e é do sexo masculino (61,2 por cento). O grupo de transtornos de comportamento e transtornos emocionais corresponde a 21,4 por cento, seguido pelos transtornos do desenvolvimento global (16,2 por cento) e retardo mental (10,5 por cento). A maioria dos usuários foi encaminhada pelo Conselho Tutelar (22,3 por cento) e tiveram como principal motivo da consulta queixas neuromotoras (17,5 por cento), escolares (15,5 por cento) e sociocomportamentais (14,6 por cento). CONCLUSÕES: o número elevado de crianças com problemas neuromotores pode indicar características específicas da instituição estudada que absorveu pacientes e profissionais de um antigo serviço de reabilitação. O grande número de questões relevantes não encontradas apontam para a falta de padronização dos prontuários