955 resultados para Sympathetic denervation
La sclérose latérale amyotrophique est une maladie neurodégénérative fatale caractérisée par la dégénérescence progressive des neurones moteurs centraux et périphériques. L’un des premiers signes de la maladie est la dénervation de la jonction neuromusculaire (JNM). Les diverses unités motrices (UM) ne présentent toutefois pas la même vulnérabilité à la dénervation dans la SLA: les UM rapide fatigables sont en fait les plus vulnérables et les UM lentes sont les plus résistantes. Alors que des études précédentes ont démontré dans plusieurs modèles animaux de la SLA de nombreuses variations synaptiques, les découvertes ont été contradictoires. Par ailleurs, le type d’UM n’a pas été tenu en compte dans ces divers travaux. Nous avons donc émis l’hypothèse que la présence de la mutation SOD1 pourrait affecter différemment la transmission synaptique des UM, en accord avec leur vulnérabilité sélective. En effectuant des enregistrements électrophysiologiques et de l’immunohistochimie, nous avons étudié la transmission synaptique des différents types d’UM du muscle à contraction rapide Extensor Digitorum Longus (EDL; rapide fatigable (FF) MU) et du muscle à contraction lente Soleus (SOL; lente (S) and rapide fatigue-résistante (FR) MU) de la souris SOD1G37R et leur congénères WT. Pour identifier le type d’UM, un marquage par immunohistochimie des chaînes de myosine a été effectué. Un triple marquage de la JNM a également été effectué pour vérifier son intégrité aux différents stades de la maladie. À P160, dans la période asymptomatique de la maladie, alors qu’aucune altération morphologique n’était présente, l’activité évoquée était déjà altérée différemment en fonction des UM. Les JNMs FF mutantes ont démontré une diminution de l’amplitude des potentiels de plaque motrice (PPM) et du contenu quantique, alors que les JNMs lentes démontraient pratiquement le contraire. Les JNMs FR montraient quant à elles une force synaptique semblable au WT. À P380, dans la période présymtomatique, de nombreuses altérations morphologiques ont été observées dans le muscle EDL, incluant la dénervation complète, l’innervation partielle et les extensions du nerf. La transmission synaptique évoquée des UM FF étaient toujours réduites, de même que la fréquence des potentiels de plaque motrice miniatures. À P425, à l’apparition des premiers symptômes, l’activité synaptique des JNMs S était redevenue normale alors que les JNMs FR ont montré à ce moment une diminution du contenu quantique par rapport au contrôle. De manière surprenante, aucun changement du ratio de facilitation n’a été observé malgré les changements flagrants de la force synaptique. Ces résultats révèlent que la fonction de la JNM est modifiée différemment en fonction de la susceptibilité des UM dans l’ALS. Cette étude fournit des pistes pour une meilleure compréhension de la physiologie de la JNM durant la pathologie qui est cruciale au développement d’une thérapie adéquate ciblant la JNM dans la SLA.
The work is an attempt to understand the role of 5-HT, 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptors in the regulation of liver cell proliferation using in vivo and in vitro models. The work also focuses on the brain serotonergic changes associated with hapatocyte proliferation and apoptosis to delineate its regulatory function. The investigation of mechanisms involving different models of hepatocyte proliferation contributes to our knowledge about serotonergic regulation of cell growth, apoptosis and carcinogenesis of liver. The study reveals that the alteration of the 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptor function and gene expression in the brain stem, cerebral cortex and hypothalamus play an important role in the sympathetic regulation of cell proliferation, neoplastic transformation and apoptosis. The functional balance between 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptor plays an important role in regulating hepatocyte proliferation, neoplastic transformation and hepatic apoptosis. The regulatory role of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptor during neoplastic transformation and apoptosis could lead to possible therapeutic intervention in the treatment of cancers and have immense clinical importance.
The present study was to investigate the rote of central 5-11T and 5-HT,:v receptor Lindin4o and acne expression in it 'at mo(lel of pancreatic regeneration using 60" -, pancreatcutumy. The pancreatic regeneration was evaluated by 5-HT content and 5-HT,,receptor gene expression in the cerebral cortex (CC) and brain stem MS) of Alain opcrate,t, 7 It utd 7 (.lays panereatectomised rats. 5-11T content significantly increased in the CC' (I' 1.1)11 and 13S (P 0.05) of 72 Ii p.ntcreateetomiscd rats. Sympathetic activity was decreased as indicated by the significantly decreased norcpiuephrine (NIi) and epinephrine (FTI) Icvcl (1' < 0.001 and P < 0.05) in the plasma of 72 h panereateetomised rats. 5-111 ,^, receptor density and affinity was decreased in the CC (P < 0.01) and BS (P < 0.01). These rh:)nge; correlated with a diminished 5-IITIA receptor mRNA expression in the brain region. studied. Our resuils suggest that the brain 5-11T through 5-HTin receptor has it funcuon:0 rule iii 11w pi+ncreatic regcner:ttion through the sympathetic regulation.
Adrenergic stimulation has an inyortant role in the pancreatic It-cell proliferation and insulin secretion. In the present study. we have investigaled how sympathetic system mgulales the panrrealic n I rnerui nr ht an:ilyiing I'pinephi inn 1111 ), Norepinephrinc (NE) and /1-adrenergic receptor changes in the brain as (%eli is in the I swirls. Fill and NII showed a significant decrease in the brain regions, pancreas and plasma :rt 72Ius iller partial prurcrealectonty. We observed an increase in the circulating insulin levels at 72 hrs. Scatchard analysis using I CHI propranolol showed a significant increase in the number of loth the low affinity and high affinity t-adrenergic receplors in cerebral cortex and hypothalamus of partially pancreatectornised rats during peak DNA synthesis. The affinity of the receptors decrea,ed significantly in the low and high affinity receptors of cerebral cortex and the high affinity hypothalamic receptors. In file brain stein, low affinity receptors were increased significantly during regeneration whereas there was no change in the high affinity receptors. The pancreatic ff-adrenergic receptors were also up regulated at 72 firs after partial panerealectony. In vitro studies showed that /i-adrenergic receptors are positive regulators of islet cell proliferation and insulin secretion. Thus our results suggest that the t-adrenergic receptors are functionally enhanced during pancreatic regeneration, which in turn increases pancreatic ft-cell proliferation an(hilisulin secretion in wean hug rats.
Sympathetic stimulation inhibits insulin secretion. a2-Adrenergic receptor is known to have a regulatory role in the sympathetic function. We investigated the changes in the a2-adrenergic receptors in the brain stein and pancreatic islets using [3H]Yohimbine during pancreatic regeneration in weanling rats. Brain stem and pancreatic islets of experimental rats showed a significant decrease (p<0.001) in norepinephrine (NE) content at 72 h after partial pancreatectomy. The epinephrine (EPI) content showed a significant decrease (p<0.001) in pancreatic islets while it was not detected in brain stem at 72 h after partial pancreatectomy. Scatchard analysis of [3H]Yohimbine showed a significant decrease (p<0.05) and Kd at 72 h after partial pancreatectomy in the brain stem. In the pancreatic islets, Scatchard analysis of [3H]Yohimbine showed a signiinfiBca'nnatx decrease (p<0.001) in B,nax and Kd (p<0.05) at 72 h after partial pancreatectomy. The binding parameters reversed to near sham by 7 days after pancreatectomy both in brain stein and pancreatic islets. This shows that pancreatic insulin secretion is influenced by central nervous system inputs from the brain stem. In vitro studies with yohimbine showed that the a2-adrenergic receptors are inhibitory to islet DNA synthesis and insulin secretion. Thus our results suggest that decreased a2-adrenergic receptors during pancreatic regeneration functionally regulate insulin secretion and pancreatic 13-cell proliferation in weanling rats.
purpose of this study was to investigate the role of brain al-adrenergic receptor binding in the rat model of pancreatic regeneration using 60-70% pancre:dectorny. The a, -adrenergic receptors kinetics was studied in the cerebral cor:cx and brain stem of sham operated . 72 It pan- crea(ectoinised and 7 days pancreatectomised rats. Scar chard analysis with I `I I lprazocin in cerebral cartes and brain stein showed a significant decrease (/' < 0.01). (P < 0.05) in maximal binding ( 1),,,,,) with it significant decrease (P < 0.001 ), ( P < 0.01) in the K,,in 72 It pancreatecto- raised rats compared with sham , respectively . Competition analysis in cerebral cortex and brain stem showed it shift in affinity during pancreatic regeneration . The sympathetic activity was decreased as indicated by the significantly de- increased norepinephrine level in the plasma (P < 0.001), cerebral cortex (P < 0.01) and brain stem (P < 0.001) of 72 h pancreatectomised rats compared to sham . Thus, from our results it is suggested that the central a, -adrenergic receptors have a functional role in the pancreatic regenera- Lion mediated through the sympathetic pathway.
Muscarinic M1 and M3 receptor changes in the brain stem during pancreatic regeneration were investigated. Brain stem acetylcholine esterase activity decreased at the time of regeneration . Sympathetic activity also decreased as indicated by the norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) content of adrenals and also in the plasma. Muscarinic Ml and M3 receptors showed reciprocal changes in the brain stem during regeneration. Muscairnic M1 receptor number decreased at time of regeneration without any change in the affinity. High affinity M3 receptors showed an increase in the number. The affinity did not show any change . The number of low affinity receptors decreased with decreased Kd at 72 hours after partial pancreatectomy. The Kd reversed to control value with a reversal of the number of receptors to near control value . Gene expression studies also showed a similar change in the mRNA level of Ml and M3 receptors . These alterations in the muscarinic receptors regulate sympathetic activity and maintain glucose level during pancreatic regeneration. Central muscarinic M1 and M3 receptor subtypes functional balance is suggested to regulate sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, which in turn control the islet cell proliferation and glucose homeostasis.
In the present study, serotonin 2C (5-HT2c) receptor binding parameters in the brainstem and cerebral cortex were investigated during liver generation after partial hepatectomy (PH) and N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) induced hepatic neoplasia in male Wistar rats. The serotonin content increased significantly (p<0.01) in the cerebral cortex after PH and in NDEA induced hepatic neoplasia. Brain stem serotonin content increased significantly (p<0.05) after PH and (p<0.001) in NDEA induced hepatic neoplasia. The number and affinity of the 5-HT2c receptors in the crude synaptic membrane preparations of the brain stem showed a significant (p<0.001) increase after PH and in NDEA induced hepatic neoplasia. The number and affinity of 5-HT2c receptors increased significantly (p<0.001) in NDEA induced hepatic neoplasia in the crude synaptic membrane preparations of the cerebral cortex. There was a significant (p<0.01) increase in plasma norepinephrine in PH and (p<0.001) in NDEA induced hepatic neoplasia, indicating sympathetic stimulation. Thus, our results suggest that during active hepatocyte proliferation 5-HT2c receptor in the brain stem and cerebral cortex are up-regulated which in turn induce hepatocyte proliferation mediated through sympathetic stimulation.
GABAergic alterations in hypothalamus during compensatory hyperplasia after partial hepatectomy (PH), lead nitrate (LN) induced direct hyperplasia and N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) induced neoplasia in liver were investigated. Serum GABA levels were increased in all 3 experimental groups compared with the control. GABA content decreased in hypothalamus of PH and NDEA treated rats, while it increased in LN treated rats. GABAA receptor number and affinity in hypothalamic membrane preparations of rats showed a significant decrease in PH and NDEA treated rats, while in LN treated rats the affinity increased without any change in the receptor number. The GABAB receptor number increased in PH and NDEA treated rats, while it decreased in LN treated rats. The affinity of the receptor also increased in NDEA treated rats. Plasma NE levels showed significant increase in PH and NDEA rats compared with the control while it decreased in LN treated rats. The results of the present study suggests that liver cell proliferation is influencing the hypothalamic GABAergic neurotransmission and these changes regulate the hepatic proliferation through the sympathetic stimulation.
Moderate pyridoxine deficiency in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats results in significant hypertension, associated with a general sympathetic stimulation , including an increase in the turnover of norepinephrine in the heart. Treatment of these rats with pyridoxine reversed blood pressure to normal within 24 h. Treatment of pyridoxine-deficient rats with clonidine or x-methyl dihydroxyphenylalanine (x-methyl DOPA) also reduced the blood pressure of these animals to normal . There was also a significant increase in the Bma, of high and low affinity [3H]p-amino-clonidine binding to crude synaptosomal membrane preparations of the brain stem of deficient rats indicating chronic underexposure of)(, adrenoreceptors to endogenous norepinephrin.
In the present study we assessed plasma and platelet monoamine content using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The study included 22 subjects consisting of 12 freshly-detected male diabetic patients and 10 age and sex-matched healthy controls. The same parameters were measured in streptozotocin -induced diabetic rat models consisting of controls , diabetic and insulin - treated diabetic rats. The platelet counts were significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in rat models as well as human diabetic samples. The plasma norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) concentrations were significantly increased (P < 0.05). The platelet showed a significant increase (P < 0.01) in NE, EPI and serotonin content. Increase in the plasma and platelet content of neurotransmitters may be due to increased sympathetic function, which is an adaptation for the decreased platelet count observed in our study . The results indicate that changes in the neurotransmitter content of the platelet may be a good index to assess the neurotransmitter status in pathological condition such as diabetes mellitus.
Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) is the coenzyme of various decarboxylases involved in the formation of monoamine urotransmitters such as y-aminobulyric acid (GAE3A), serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine. 1-lowever; in the pyridoxine-deficient rats GABA and 5-HT are decreased in various brain areas including the hypothalamus, with no change in the catecholamine levels. Serotonin and GABA are known to be involved in blood pressure control mechanisms. In this study adult Sprague-Dawley rats placed on a pyridoxine-deficient diet for 8 weeks showed significant hypertension compared with pyridoxine-supplemented controls. This was associated with a general sympathetic stimulation. Treatment of deficient rats with a single dose of pyridoxine (10 mg/kg body weight) reversed the blood pressure to normal levels within 24 h, with concomitant restoration of hypothalamic 5-HT and GABA, as well as the return of plasma norepinephrine to nornr;l levels. The results indicate that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between pyridoxine deficiency and hypertension.
The present thesis is an attempt to understand the role of GABA, GABAA and GABAB receptors in the regulation of liver cell proliferation using in vivo and in vitro models. The work also focuses on the brain GABAergic changes associated with normal and neoplastic cell growth in liver and to delineate its regulatory function. The investigation of mechanisms involving mitogenic models without cell necrosis may contribute our knowledge about both on cell growth, carcinogenesis, liver pathology and treatment. Objectives of the present study are, to induce controlled liver cell proliferation by partial hepatectomy and lead nitrate administration and uncontrolled cell proliferation by N-nitrosodiethylamine treatment in male Wistar rats, the changes in the content of GABA, GABAA,GABAB in various rat brain regions. To study the GABAA and GABAB receptor changes in brain stem, hypothalamus, cerebellum and cerebral cortex during the active cortex during the period of active DNA synthesis in liver of different experimental groups. The changes in GABAA and GABAB receptor function of the brain stem, hypothalamus and cerebellum play an important role sympathetic regulation of cell proliferation and neoplastic growth in liver. The decrease in GABA content in brain stem, hypothalamus and cerebellum during regeneration and neoplasia in liver. The time course of brain GABAergic changes was closely correlated with that of heptic DNA synthesis. The functional significance of these changes was further explored by studying the changes in GABAA and GABAB receptors in brain.
The present study deals with the differential regulation of Dopamine content in pancreas and functional regulation of Dopamine D2 receptor in brain regions such as hypothalamus, brain stem, cerebral cortex and corpus striatum play an important role during pancreatic islets cell proliferation and insulin secretion. Though may reports are there implicating the functional interaction between DA receptor and pancreatic islets cell insulin secretion, the involvement of specific DA D2 receptors and changes in second messenger system during insulin secretion and pancreatic islets cell proliferation were not given emphasis. Down regulation of DA content in brain regions and pancreatic islets were observed during pancreatic regeneration. Up regulation of DA content in plasma and adrenals down regulated sympathetic activity in pancreas which cause an increase in insulin secretion and pancreatic islets cell proliferation during pancreatic regeneration. There was a differential regulation of DA D2 receptor in brain regions. The pancreatic islets DA D2 receptors were lip regulated during pancreatic regeneration. DA D2 receptor activation at specific concentration has accounted for increased pancreatic islets cell proliferation. In vitro experiments have proved the differential regulation of DA on insulin synthesis and pancreatic islets cell proliferation. Inhibitory effect of DA on cAMP and stimulatory effect of DA on IP3 through DA D2 receptors were observed in in vitro cell culture system. These effects are correlating with the DA, cAMP and IP3 content during pancreatic regeneration and islets cell proliferation. Up regulation of intracellular Ca2+ was also observed at 10-8 M DA, a specific concentration of DA which showed maximum increase of IP3 content in pancreatic islets through DA D2 receptor activation in in vitro culture. These in vitro data was highly correlating with the changes in DA, cAMP and IP3 content in pancreas during pancreatic regeneration and insulin secretion. Thus we conclude that there is a differential functional regulation of DA and DA D2 receptors in brain and pancreas during pancreatic regeneration. In vitro studies confirmed a concentration depend functional regulation of DA through DA D2 receptors on pancreatic islets cell proliferation and insulin secretion mediated through increased cAMP, IP3 and intracellular Ca2+ level. This will have immense clinical significance in the management in diabetes mellitus.
The present study demonstrate the functional alterations of the GABAA and GABAB receptors and the gene expression during the regeneration of pancreas following partial pancreatectomy. The role of these receptors in insulin secretion and pancreatic DNA synthesis using the specific agonists and antagonists also are studied in vitro. The alterations of GABAA and GABAR receptor function and gene expression in the brain stem, crebellum and hypothalamus play an important role in the sympathetic regulation of insulin secretion during pancreatic regeneration. Previous studies have given much information linking functional interaction between GABA and the peripheral nervous system. The involvement of specific receptor subtypes functional regulation during pancreatic regeneration has not given emphasis and research in this area seems to be scarce. We have observed a decreased GABA content, down regulation of GABAA receptors and an up regulation of GABAB receptors in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and hypothalamus. Real Time-PCR analysis confirmed the receptor data in the brain regions. These alterations in the GABAA and GABAB receptors of the brain are suggested to govern the regenerative response and growth regulation of the pancreas through sympathetic innervation. In addition, receptor binding studies and Real Time-PCR analysis revealed that during pancreatic regeneration GABAA receptors were down regulated and GABAB receptors were up regulated in pancreatic islets. This suggests an inhibitory role for GABAA receptors in islet cell proliferation i.e., the down regulation of this receptor facilitates proliferation. Insulin secretion study during 1 hour showed GABA has inhibited the insulin secretion in a dose dependent manner in normal and hyperglycaemic conditions. Bicuculline did not antagonize this effect. GABAA agonist, muscimol inhibited glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic islets except in the lowest concentration of 1O-9M in presence of 4mM glucose.Musclmol enhanced insulin secretion at 10-7 and 10-4M muscimol in presence of 20mM glucose- 4mM glucose represents normal and 20mM represent hyperglycaemic conditions. GABAB agonist, baclofen also inhibited glucose induced insulin secretion and enhanced at the concentration of 1O-5M at 4mM glucose and at 10-9M baclofen in presence of 20mM glucose. This shows a differential control of the GABAA and GABAB receptors over insulin release from the pancreatic islets. During 24 hours in vitro insulin secretion study it showed that low concentration of GABA has inhibited glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic islets. Muscimol, the GABAA agonist, inhibited the insulin secretion but, gave an enhanced secretion of insulin in presence of 4mM glucose at 10-7 , 10-5 and 1O-4M muscimol. But in presence of 20mM glucose muscimol significantly inhibited the insulin secretion. GABAB agonist, baclofen also inhibited glucose induced insulin secretion in presence of both 4mM and 20mM glucose. This shows the inhibitory role of GABA and its specific receptor subtypes over insulin synthesis from pancreatic bete-islets. In vitro DNA synthesis studies showed that activation of GABAA receptor by adding muscimol, a specific agonist, inhibited islet DNA synthesis. Also, the addition of baclofen, a specific agonist of GABAB receptor resulted in the stimulation of DNA synthesis.Thus the brain and pancreatic GABAA and GABAB receptor gene expression differentially regulates pancreatic insulin secretion and islet cell proliferation during pancreatic regeneration. This will have immense clinical significance in therapeutic applications in the management of Diabetes mellitus.