977 resultados para Subscription libraries.
The current research activities of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMI—BAS) include the study and application of knowledge-based methods for the creation, integration and development of multimedia digital libraries with applications in cultural heritage. This report presents IMI-BAS’s developments at the digital library management systems and portals, i.e. the Bulgarian Iconographical Digital Library, the Bulgarian Folklore Digital Library and the Bulgarian Folklore Artery, etc. developed during the several national and international projects: - "Digital Libraries with Multimedia Content and its Application in Bulgarian Cultural Heritage" (contract 8/21.07.2005 between the IMI–BAS, and the State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications; - FP6/IST/P-027451 PROJECT LOGOS "Knowledge-on-Demand for Ubiquitous Learning", EU FP6, IST, Priority 2.4.13 "Strengthening the Integration of the ICT research effort in an Enlarged Europe" - NSF project D-002-189 SINUS "Semantic Technologies for Web Services and Technology Enhanced Learning". - NSF project IO-03-03/2006 ―Development of Digital Libraries and Information Portal with Virtual Exposition "Bulgarian Folklore Heritage". The presented prototypes aims to provide flexible and effective access to the multimedia presentation of the cultural heritage artefacts and collections, maintaining different forms and format of the digitized information content and rich functionality for interaction. The developments are a result of long- standing interests and work in the technological developments in information systems, knowledge processing and content management systems. The current research activities aims at creating innovative solutions for assembling multimedia digital libraries for collaborative use in specific cultural heritage context, maintaining their semantic interoperability and creating new services for dynamic aggregation of their resources, access improvement, personification, intelligent curation of content, and content protection. The investigations are directed towards the development of distributed tools for aggregating heterogeneous content and ensuring semantic compatibility with the European digital library EUROPEANA, thus providing possibilities for pan- European access to rich digitalised collections of Bulgarian cultural heritage.
The proposed event is part of the 2013 program of IFLA (International Federation of Library Association) as well IFLA – CLM Committee on eBooks and e-lending. The proposed event is also part of the activities of a research project with international participation "Copyright Policies of libraries and other cultural institutions” (2012-2014), (financed by National Science Fund of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, Contract No ДФНИ-К01/0002-21.11.2012).
This paper presents an innovative approach for enhancing digital libraries functionalities. An innovative distributed architecture involving digital libraries for effective and efficient knowledge sharing was developed. In the frame of this architecture semantic services were implemented, offering multi language and multi culture support, adaptability and knowledge resources recommendation, based on the use of ontologies, metadata and user modeling. New methods for teacher education using digital libraries and knowledge sharing were developed. These new methods were successfully applied in more than 15 pilot experiments in seven European countries, with more than 3000 teachers trained.
The paper presents recent developments in the domain of digital mathematics libraries towards the envisioned 21st Century Global Library for Mathematics. The Bulgarian Digital Mathematical Library BulDML and the Czech Digital Mathematical Library DML-CZ are founding partners of the EuDML Initiative and through it contribute to the sustainable development of the European Digital Mathematics Library EuDML and to the global advancements in this area.
The Florida International University Libraries Web site’s new look was launched in Fall 2001. As a result of the new look, a group formed to undertake a usability study on the top page of the site. The group tested three target groups to determine the usability of the top page. The study pointed out some revisions for the top page; however, more importantly, it suggested areas for future research.
This research paper sets up a typology of libraries managed by cultural centres abroad. Nearly 2,200 libraries linked to a dozen of different cultural organizations provide not only traditional services such as loan and access to printed and audiovisual materials but they also approach local citizens, offering help and services in matters of education, literacy, cooperation, social issues or development. These actions may fit under the label of cultural diplomacy actions. This paper analyses the relevance of those cultural centres and offers a classification through a table including networks of institutions of the thirty most significant cultural centres worldwide.
Object-oriented design and object-oriented languages support the development of independent software components such as class libraries. When using such components, versioning becomes a key issue. While various ad-hoc techniques and coding idioms have been used to provide versioning, all of these techniques have deficiencies - ambiguity, the necessity of recompilation or re-coding, or the loss of binary compatibility of programs. Components from different software vendors are versioned at different times. Maintaining compatibility between versions must be consciously engineered. New technologies such as distributed objects further complicate libraries by requiring multiple implementations of a type simultaneously in a program. This paper describes a new C++ object model called the Shared Object Model for C++ users and a new implementation model called the Object Binary Interface for C++ implementors. These techniques provide a mechanism for allowing multiple implementations of an object in a program. Early analysis of this approach has shown it to have performance broadly comparable to conventional implementations.
A spring 2016 report about public computer usage on the first floor of Perkins and Bostock libraries. This report includes data from survey questions, an observational study, and transaction logs. The report also includes recommendations for changes based on the data collected.
La historia de las subscriptiones latinas revela alteraciones tanto en su frecuencia como en el tipo de información que transmiten, y en consecuencia también en su función. En un primer momento proporcionan datos escuetos con una finalidad práctica: la identificación del contenido de un libro concreto. En la Antigüedad tardía su número aumenta y transmiten mayor volumen de información, pero sobre todo adquieren relevancia los individuos que las firman, convirtiéndose en un instrumento de autorrepresentación social. Sin embargo, en época posterior estas subscriptiones tardoantiguas se siguen copiando en nuevos manuscritos y pierden su relación inicial con un ejemplar concreto; se transforman en paratextos que contribuyen a dar prestigio, ya no a un libro singular, sino a un autor o una obra.
Public libraries and historical societies should work together in collecting and preserving materials of local history. This brochure is a guide for their collaboration.
This was presented during the 2nd annual Library Research and Innovation Practices at the University of Maryland Libraries, McKeldin Library, on June 8, 2016.
Discusses the roles that subject librarians (or 'subject specialists') play in contemporary UK academic libraries. Argues that subject librarians, who still form a significant grouping of senior staff in most UK academic libraries, continue to have a significant role to play in the delivery of library services and that applies to both traditional and electronic library services. Discusses the traditional role of subject librarians and analyzes the way in which this role is changing. Those areas where the changing responsibilities are extensions of traditional roles into new areas are pinpointed, together with examples of where subject librarians are performing new roles and adopting new ways of working. Areas where the changing role of subject librarians can be specifically identified include: greater emphasis on liaison with users; advocacy of the collections; adopting new roles; dealing with user enquiries in new ways; working with technical staff; selecting electronic library materials; carrying out more information skills training; having a greater involvement in the implementation of educational technology; team working and project working. Presents practical examples based on experiences at Nottingham university and other UK research libraries. The redesign and relaunch of Nottingham University Library Web site is described to illustrate many of these points.
The technical, social and economic issues of electronic publishing are examined by using as a case study the evolution of the journal Electronic Publishing Origination, Dissemination and Design (EP-odd) which is published by John Wiley Ltd. The journal is a `hybrid' one, in the sense that it appears in both electronic and paper form, and is now in its ninth year of publication. The author of this paper is the journal's Editor-in- Chief. The first eight volumes of EP-odd have been distributed via the conventional subscription method but a new method, from volume 9 onwards, is now under discussion whereby accepted papers will first be published on the EP-odd web site, with the printed version appearing later as a once-per-volume operation. Later sections of the paper lead on from the particular experiences with EP-odd into a more general discussion of peer review and the acceptability of e-journals in universities, the changing role of libraries, the sustainability of traditional subscription pricing and the prospects for `per paper' sales as micro-payment technologies become available.
This viewpoint article looks at the challenges facing academic libraries and argues that collaboration and engagement are vital to their survival. Cet article d’opinion examine des défis auxquels des bibliothèques académiques font face, et soutient que la collaboration et l’engagement sont indispensables pour leur survie.