976 resultados para Strontium.


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Die im Süden der Türkei gelegen, antiken Städte Aspendos und Patara, waren in der Römerzeit zwei bedeutende Handelszentren mit hoher Bevölkerungsdichte. Aquädukte versorgten beide Städte mit carbonathaltigem Wasser, wobei sich Kalksinter (Calciumcarbonat) in der Kanalrinne ablagerte. Dabei lagern sich im Wechsel eine hellere und dunklere Kalksinterlage ab, die als Sinterpaar bezeichnet wird. Um die Entstehung dieser Sinterpaare besser zu verstehen, und die beteiligten Prozesse mit saisonalen Veränderungen der Umwelt zu korrelieren, werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit laminierten Sinterablagerungen mit geochemischen und petrographischen Methoden untersucht.rnEntlang der Kanalrinne beider Aquädukte wurden an mehreren Stellen Proben entnommen. Es wurde untersucht in wieweit sich die Sinterstruktur aufgrund von Änderungen in der Neigung des Wasserkanals oder des Kanaltyps ändert. Um die Kristallform und die kristallografische Orientierung der Kristalle innerhalb der verschiedenen Sinterpaare zu untersuchen, wurden die entnommenen laminierten Kalksinterablagerungen mit Hilfe optischer Mikroskopie und EBSD (Electron Backscatter Diffraction) analysiert. Der Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer (EPMA) wurde verwendet, um saisonale Schwankungen der Hauptelementverteilung und den Anteil der stabilen Isotope im Wasser zu bestimmen. Die LA-ICP-MS (Laser Ablation-induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma-Massenspektrometrie) Spurenelementanalyse wurde durchgeführt, um kleinste Schwankungen der Spurenelemente zu finden. Basierend auf diesen Analysen wurde festgestellt, dass laminierten Kalksinterablagerungen laterale Änderungen in der Aquäduktstruktur und -neigung, jahreszeitliche Änderungen der Wasserchemie, der Temperatur sowie der Entgasungsrate während eines Jahres widerspiegeln. Die Kalksinterablagerungen zeigen eine deutliche Laminierung in Form von feinkörnig-porösen und grobkörnig-dichten Schichten, die trockene und nasse Jahreszeiten anzeigen. Feinkörnige Schichten zeigen eine hohe Epifluoreszenz aufgrund reichhaltiger organischer Inhalte, die vermutlich eine Folge der bakteriellen Aktivität während der warmen und trockenen Jahreszeit sind. Stabile Sauerstoff und Kohlenstoff-Isotop-Kurven entsprechen auch den jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen der verschiedenen Schichtenpaare. Vor allem δ 18O spiegelt jährliche Veränderungen in der Temperatur und jahreszeitliche Veränderungen des Abflusses wieder. Das wichtigste Ergebnis ist, dass die Periodizität von δ 18O durch Erwärmen des Wassers im Wasserkanal und nicht durch die Verdunstung oder der Brunnenwasser-Charakteristik verursacht wird. Die Periodizität von δ 13C ist komplexer Natur, vor allem zeigen δ 18O und δ 13C eine Antikorrelation entlang der Lamellenpaare. Dies wird wohl vor allem durch Entgasungsprozesse im Aquädukt verursacht. Die Ergebnisse der Spurenelemente sind meist inkonsistent und zeigen keine signifikanten Veränderungen in den verschiedenen Lamellenpaaren. Die Isotope Mg, Sr und Ba zeigen hingegen bei einigen Proben eine positive Korrelation und erreichen Höchstwerte innerhalb feinkörnig-poröser Schichten. Auch sind die Hauptelementwerte von Fe, K, Si und anderer detritischer Elemente innerhalb der feinkörnige-porösen Schichten maximal. Eine genaue Datierung der Kalksinterablagerungen ist wünschenswert, da der Zeitraum, in dem die Aquädukte aktiv waren, bereits archäologisch auf 200-300 Jahre festgelegt wurde. Paläomagnetische und 14C-Datierung geben keine brauchbare Ergebnisse. Die U/Th Isotopie wird durch eine hohe Anfangskonzentration von Th in den Proben behindert. Trotz dieser Schwierigkeiten war eine U/Th Datierung an einem Testbeispiel des Béziers Aquädukt erfolgreich. Mit Hilfe von analogen Untersuchungen an aktiven Wasserkanälen der heutigen Zeit, werden die Ablagerungsmechanismen und die geochemische Entwicklung der laminierten Sinterschichten besser verstanden. Ein weiteres laufendes Projekt dieser Doktorarbeit ist die Überwachung von Sinterabscheidungen und der saisonale Zusammensetzung des Wassers an einigen heute noch aktiven Aquädukten. Das Ziel ist die Untersuchung der jetzigen Calciumcarbonatabscheidungen in Aquäduktkanälen unter den heutigen Umgebungsbedingungen. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, dass kleine regelmäßige jahreszeitliche Veränderungen in der Isotopenzusammensetzung des Wassers vorliegen, und dass die beobachtete Periodizität der stabilen Isotope aufgrund von Änderungen im eigentlichen Kanal entstanden ist. Die Untersuchung von Kalksinterablagerungen in römischen Aquädukten liefern vielversprechende Ergebnisse, für die Untersuchung des Paläöklimas, der Archaeoseismologie und anderer Umweltbedingungen in der Römerzeit. Diese Studie beschränkt sich auf zwei Aquädukte. Die Untersuchungen weiterer Aquädukte und einer Überwachung, der noch in Betrieb stehenden Aquädukte werden genauere Ergebnisse liefern.


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Although the period of the historic “Celtic migrations” is archaeologically extensively studied, the long-lasting question whether mass migration or increased individual mobility caused the expansion of the La Tène culture throughout continental Europe persist. Strontium (Sr) and in part oxygen (O) isotope analysis of human remains from the early La Tène cemeteries of Nebringen (Germany), Münsingen-Rain (Switzerland), Monte Bibele (Italy) and the Czech cemeteries of Radovesice I, Radovesice II and Kutná Hora was, therefore, carried out to investigate the importance of residential changes during this time period. These isotope analyses showed that most analysed individuals either came from the area they were buried in or from the surrounding area of the cemetery. An exception was formed by the Czech cemeteries, where almost a quarter of the studied individuals appeared non-local. Together with Nebringen, these cemeteries also had the most varied Sr isotope ratios, which suggest highly mobile communities in which individuals regularly changed their residency. The isotopic ratios of the cemeteries of Münsingen-Rain and Monte Bibele appeared far less varied. In part, these differences might be explained by the community structures of these cemeteries. Morphological kinship analysis in Münsingen-Rain demonstrated biological relatedness among most of the analysed individuals. These related individuals also shared similar isotope signatures, which suggest an origin from the surrounding Aar Valley. In the vicinity of the cemetery of Monte Bibele, an associated settlement site was discovered. The deceased presumably not only shared this settlement, but also cultivated the same land plots. Dispersed settlement structures were suggested for Nebringen, Radovesice and Kutná Hora, as these agriculturally favourable landscapes were densely populated during prehistoric times. Connected to these community structures are the prevailing geological conditions in these areas. Both Münsingen-Rain and Monte Bibele are located in a region where homogeneous geological conditions prevail, whereas the landscapes of Nebringen, Radovesice and Kutná Hora are characterised by complex heterogeneous geological conditions. As the majority of individuals in Nebringen and the Czech cemeteries correspond to the expected isotope values for the studied areas, regularly changing land plots might have contributed to the observed variation. Although mass migration as depicted by the historical sources was not observed individual mobility of a small part of these studied communities certainly played a role. Males appeared, thereby, to have slightly more often a non-local birthplace or moved during childhood. Male mobility was, however, not always associated with burial as a warrior. Females, on the other hand, originated more often from the region. Patrilocal residential patterns, with the exception of the Czech cemeteries, were nevertheless not observed. Objects and ideas also seem to have been exchanged freely, as there are no indications that individuals with particular grave goods came from specific areas. It rather appears that the individuals buried with them were either local or had different places of origin. This can be explained by the fact that the exact origin of grave goods is difficult to establish and the occurrence of similar 87Sr/86Sr values in different areas. This study provided important new insights on the period of the “Celtic migrations” and the way of life of these prehistoric people.


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We present a mechanistic modeling methodology to predict both the percolation threshold and effective conductivity of infiltrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) electrodes. The model has been developed to mirror each step of the experimental fabrication process. The primary model output is the infiltrated electrode effective conductivity which provides results over a range of infiltrate loadings that are independent of the chosen electronically conducting material. The percolation threshold is utilized as a valuable output data point directly related to the effective conductivity to compare a wide range of input value choices. The predictive capability of the model is demonstrated by favorable comparison to two separate published experimental studies, one using strontium molybdate and one using La0.8Sr0.2FeO3-δ as infiltrate materials. Effective conductivities and percolation thresholds are shown for varied infiltrate particle size, pore size, and porosity with the infiltrate particle size having the largest impact on the results.


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We present a mechanistic modeling methodology to predict both the percolation threshold and effective conductivity of infiltrated Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) electrodes. The model has been developed to mirror each step of the experimental fabrication process. The primary model output is the infiltrated electrode effective conductivity which provides results over a range of infiltrate loadings that are independent of the chosen electronically conducting material. The percolation threshold is utilized as a valuable output data point directly related to the effective conductivity to compare a wide range of input value choices. The predictive capability of the model is demonstrated by favorable comparison to two separate published experimental studies, one using strontium molybdate and one using La0.8Sr0.2FeO3-delta as infiltrate materials. Effective conductivities and percolation thresholds are shown for varied infiltrate particle size, pore size, and porosity with the infiltrate particle size having the largest impact on the results. (C) 2013 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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The hydraulic fracturing of the Marcellus Formation creates a byproduct known as frac water. Five frac water samples were collected in Bradford County, PA. Inorganic chemical analysis, field parameters analysis, alkalinity titrations, total dissolved solids(TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), biological oxygen demand (BOD), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were conducted on each sample to characterize frac water. A database of frac water chemistry results from across the state of Pennsylvania from multiple sources was compiled in order to provide the public and research communitywith an accurate characterization of frac water. Four geochemical models were created to model the reactions between frac water and the Marcellus Formation, Purcell Limestone, and the oil field brines presumed present in the formations. The average concentrations of chloride and TDS in the five frac water samples were 1.1 �± 0.5 x 105 mg/L (5.5X average seawater) and 140,000 mg/L (4X average seawater). BOD values for frac water immediately upon flow back were over 10X greater than the BOD of typical wastewater, but decreased into the range of typical wastewater after a short period of time. The COD of frac water decreases dramatically with an increase in elapsed time from flow back, but remain considerably higher than typicalwastewater. Different alkalinity calculation methods produced a range of alkalinity values for frac water: this result is most likely due to high concentrations of aliphatic acid anions present in the samples. Laboratory analyses indicate that the frac watercomposition is quite variable depending on the companies from which the water was collected, the geology of the local area, and number of fracturing jobs in which the frac water was used, but will require more treatment than typical wastewater regardless of theprecise composition of each sample. The geochemical models created suggest that the presence of organic complexes in an oil field brine and Marcellus Formation aid in the dissolution of ions such as bariumand strontium into the solution. Although equilibration reactions between the Marcellus Formation and the slickwater account for some of the final frac water composition, the predominant control of frac water composition appears to be the ratio of the mixture between the oil field brine and slickwater. The high concentration of barium in the frac water is likely due to the abundance of barite nodules in the Purcell Limestone, and the lack of sulfate in the frac water samples is due to the reducing, anoxic conditions in the earth's subsurface that allow for the degassing of H2S(g).


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The intent of this study was the development of new ceramic SOFC anode materials which possess electrical conductivity as well as redox stability.


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The project aimed to use results of contamination of city vegetation with heavy metals and sulphur compounds as the basis for analysing the integral response of trees and shrubs to contamination, through a complex method of phytoindication. The results were used to draw up recommendations on pollution reduction in the city and to develop the method of phytoindication as a means of monitoring environmental pollution in St. Petersburg and other large cities. Field investigations were carried out in August 1996, and 66 descriptions of green areas were made in order to estimate the functional state of plants in the Vasileostrovsky district. Investigations of the spectrum reflecting properties of plants showed considerable variation of albedo meanings of leaves under the influence of various internal and external factors. The results indicated that lime trees most closely reflect the condition of the environment. Practically all the green areas studied were in poor condition, the only exceptions being areas of ash trees, which are more resistant to environmental pollution, and one lime-tree alley in a comparatively unpolluted street. The study identified those types of trees which are more or less resistant to complex environmental pollution and Ms. Terekhina recommends that the species in the present green areas be changed to include a higher number of the more resistant species. The turbidimetric analysis of tree barks for sulphates gave an indication of the level and spatial distribution of each pollutant, and the results also confirmed other findings that electric conductivity is a significant feature in determining the extent of sulphate pollution. In testing for various metals, the lime tree showed the highest contents for all elements except magnesium, copper, zinc, cadmium and strontium, again confirming the species' vulnerability to pollution. Medium rates of concentration in the city and environs showed that city plants concentrate 3 times as many different elements and 10 times more chromium, copper and lead than do those in the suburbs. The second stage of the study was based on the concept of phytoindication, which presupposes that changes in the relation of chemical elements in regional biological circulation under the influence of technogenesis provide a criterion for predicting displacements in people's health. There are certain basic factors in this concept. The first is that all living beings are related ecologically as well as by their evolutionary origin, and that the lower an organism is on the evolutionary scale, the less adaptational reserve it has. The second is that smaller concentrations of chemical elements are needed for toxicological influence on plants than on people and so the former's reactions to geochemical factors are easier to characterise. Visual indicational features of urban plants are well defined and can form the basis of a complex "environment - public health" analysis. Specific plant reactions reflecting atmospheric pollution and other components of urbogeosystems make it possible to determine indication criteria for predicting possible disturbances in the general state of health of the population. Thirdly the results of phytoindication investigations must be taken together with information about public health in the area. It only proved possibly to analyse general indexes of public health based on statistical data from the late 1980s and early 1990s as the data of later years were greatly influenced by social factors. These data show that the rates of illness in St. Petersburg (especially for children) are higher than in Russia as a whole, for most classes of diseases, indicating that the population there is more sensitive to the ecological state of the urban environment. The Vasileostrovsky district had the second highest sick rate for adullts, while the rate of infant mortality in the first year of life was highest there. Ms. Terekhina recommends further studies to more precisely assess the effectiveness of the methods she tested, but has drawn up a proposed map of environmental hazard for the population, taking into account prevailing wind directions.


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Glucocorticosteroid-induced spinal osteoporosis (GIOP) is the most frequent of all secondary types of osteoporosis. The understanding of the pathophysiology of glucocorticoid (GC) induced bone loss is of crucial importance for appropriate treatment and prevention of debilitating fractures that occur predominantly in the spine. GIOP results from depressed bone formation due to lower activity and higher death rate of osteoblasts on the one hand, and from increase bone resorption due to prolonged lifespan of osteoclasts on the other. In addition, calcium/phosphate metabolism may be disturbed through GC effects on gut, kidney, parathyroid glands and gonads. Therefore, therapeutic agents aim at restoring balanced bone cell activity by directly decreasing apoptosis rate of osteoblasts (e.g., cyclical parathyroid hormone) or by increasing apoptosis rate of osteoclasts (e.g., bisphosphonates). Other therapeutical efforts aim at maintaining/restoring calcium/phosphate homeostasis: improving intestinal calcium absorption (using calcium supplementation, vitamin D and derivates) and avoiding increased urinary calcium loss (using thiazides) prevent or counteract a secondary hyperparthyroidism. Bisphosphonates, particularly the aminobisphosphonates risedronate and alendronate, have been shown to protect patients on GCs from (further) bone loss to reduce vertebral fracture risk. Calcitonin may be of interest in situation where bisphosphonates are contraindicated or not applicable and in cases where acute pain due to vertebral fracture has to be manage. The intermittent administration of 1-34-parathormone may be an appealing treatment alternative, based on its documented anabolic effects on bone resulting from the reduction of osteoblastic apoptosis. Calcium and vitamin D should be a systematic adjunctive measure to any drug treatment for GIOP. Based on currently available evidence, fluoride, androgens, estrogens (opposed or unopposed) cannot be recommended for the prevention and treatment of GIOP. However, substitution of gonadal hormones may be indicated if GC-induced hypogonadism is present and leads to clinical symptoms. Data using the SERM raloxifene to treat or prevent GIOP are lacking, as are data using the promising bone anabolic agent strontium ranelate. Kyphoplasty performed in appropriately selected osteoporotic patients with painful vertebral fractures is a promising addition to current medical treatment.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are interesting materials with extraordinary properties for various applications. Here, vertically-aligned multiwalled CNTs (VA-MWCNTs) are grown by our dual radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). After optimizing the synthesis processes, these VA-MWCNTs were fabricated in to a series of devices for applications in vacuum electronics, glucose biosensors, glucose biofuel cells, and supercapacitors In particular, we have created the so-called PMMA-CNT matrices (opened-tip CNTs embedded in poly-methyl methacrylate) that are promising components in a novel energy sensing, generation and storage (SGS) system that integrate glucose biosensors, biofuel cells, and supercapacitors. The content of this thesis work is described as follows: 1. We have first optimized the synthesis of VA-MWCNTs by our PECVD technique. The effects of CH4 flow rate and growth duration on the lengths of these CNTs were studied. 2. We have characterized these VA-MWCNTs for electron field emission. We noticed that as grown CNTs suffers from high emission threshold, poor emission density and poor long-term stability. We attempted a series of experiments to understand ways to overcome these problems. First, we decrease the screening effects on VA-MWCNTs by creating arrays of self-assembled CNT bundles that are catalyst-free and opened tips. These bundles are found to enhance the field emission stability and emission density. Subsequently, we have created PMMA-CNT matrices that are excellent electron field emitters with an emission threshold field of more than two-fold lower than that of the as-grown sample. Furthermore, no significant emission degradation was observed after a continuous emission test of 40 hours (versus much shorter tests in reported literatures). Based on the new understanding we learnt from the PMMA-CNT matrices, we further created PMMA-STO-CNT matrices by embedding opened-tip VA-MWCNTs that are coated with strontium titanate (SrTiO3) with PMMA. We found that the PMMA-STO-CNT matrices have all the desired properties of the PMMA-CNT matrices. Furthermore, PMMA-STO-CNT matrices offer much lower emission threshold field, about five-fold lower than that of as grown VA-MWCNTs. The new understandings we obtained are important for practical application of VA-MWCNTs in field emission devices. 3. Subsequently, we have functionalized PMMA-CNT matrices for glucose biosensing. Our biosensor was developed by immobilized glucose oxidase (GOχ) on the opened-tip CNTs exposed on the matrices. The durability, stability and sensitivity of the biosensor were studied. In order to understand the performance of miniaturized glucose biosensors, we have then investigated the effect of working electrode area on the sensitivity and current level of our biosensors. 4. Next, functionalized PMMA-CNT matrices were utilized for energy generation and storage. We found that PMMA-CNT matrices are promising component in glucose/O2 biofuel cells (BFCs) for energy generation. The construction of these BFCs and the effect of the electrode area on the power density of these BFCs were investigated. Then, we have attempted to use PMMA-CNT matrices as supercapacitors for energy storage devices. The performance of these supercapacitors and ways to enhance their performance are discussed. 5. Finally, we further evaluated the concept of energy SGS system that integrated glucose biosensors, biofuel cells, and supercapacitors. This SGS system may be implantable to monitor and control the blood glucose level in our body.


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The goals of this project are to develop a Reactive Air Brazing (RAB) alloy and process for joining Barium strontium cobalt ferrite (BSCF), and to develop a fundamental understanding of the wettability and microstructral development due to reaction kinetics in BSCF/Ag-MexOy systems.


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Although osteoporosis is a systemic disease, vertebral fractures due to spinal bone loss are a frequent, sometimes early and often neglected complication of the disease, generally associated with considerable disability and pain. As osteoporotic vertebral fractures are an important predictor of future fracture risk, including at the hip, medical management is targeted at reducing fracture risk. A literature search for randomized, double-blind, prospective, controlled clinical studies addressing medical treatment possibilities of vertebral fractures in postmenopausal Caucasian women was performed on the leading medical databases. For each publication, the number of patients with at least one new vertebral fracture and the number of randomized patients by treatment arm was retrieved. The relative risk (RR) and the number needed to treat (NNT, i.e. the number of patients to be treated to avoid one radiological vertebral fracture over the duration of the study), together with the respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were calculated for each study. Treatment of steroid-induced osteoporosis and treatment of osteoporosis in men were reviewed separately, based on the low number of publications available. Forty-five publications matched with the search criteria, allowing for analysis of 15 different substances tested regarding their anti-fracture efficacy at the vertebral level. Bisphosphonates, mainly alendronate and risedronate, were reported to have consistently reduced the risk of a vertebral fracture over up to 50 months of treatment in four (alendronate) and two (risedronate) publications. Raloxifene reduced vertebral fracture risk in one study over 36 months, which was confirmed by 48 months' follow-up data. Parathormone (PTH) showed a drastic reduction in vertebral fracture risk in early studies, while calcitonin may also be a treatment option to reduce fracture risk. For other substances published data are conflicting (calcitriol, fluoride) or insufficient to conclude about efficacy (calcium, clodronate, etidronate, hormone replacement therapy, pamidronate, strontium, tiludronate, vitamin D). The low NNTs for the leading substances (ranges: 15-64 for alendronate, 8-26 for risedronate, 23 for calcitonin and 28-31 for raloxifene) confirm that effective and efficient drug interventions for treatment and prevention of osteoporotic vertebral fractures are available. Bisphosphonates have demonstrated similar efficacy in treatment and prevention of steroid-induced and male osteoporosis as in postmenopausal osteoporosis. The selection of the appropriate drug for treatment of vertebral osteoporosis from among a bisphosphonate (alendronate or risedronate), PTH, calcitonin or raloxifene will mainly depend on the efficacy, tolerability and safety profile, together with the patient's willingness to comply with a long-term treatment. Although reduction of vertebral fracture risk is an important criterion for decision making, drugs with proven additional fracture risk reduction at all clinically relevant sites (especially at the hip) should be the preferred options.


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The gladiator cemetery discovered in Ephesus (Turkey) in 1993 dates to the 2nd and 3rd century AD. The aim of this study is to reconstruct diverse diet, social stratification, and migration of the inhabitants of Roman Ephesus and the distinct group of gladiators. Stable carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur isotope analysis were applied, and inorganic bone elements (strontium, calcium) were determined. In total, 53 individuals, including 22 gladiators, were analysed. All individuals consumed C3 plants like wheat and barley as staple food. A few individuals show indication of consumption of C4 plants. The δ13C values of one female from the gladiator cemetery and one gladiator differ from all other individuals. Their δ34S values indicate that they probably migrated from another geographical region or consumed different foods. The δ15N values are relatively low in comparison to other sites from Roman times. A probable cause for the depletion of 15N in Ephesus could be the frequent consumption of legumes. The Sr/Ca-ratios of the gladiators were significantly higher than the values of the contemporary Roman inhabitants. Since the Sr/Ca-ratio reflects the main Ca-supplier in the diet, the elevated values of the gladiators might suggest a frequent use of a plant ash beverage, as mentioned in ancient texts.


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Drought strongly influences root activities in crop plants and weeds. This paper is focused on the performance of the heavy metal accumulator Solanum nigrum, a plant which might be helpful for phytoremediation. The water potential in a split root system was decreased by the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000). Rubidium, strontium and radionuclides of heavy metals were used as markers to investigate the uptake into roots, the release to the shoot via the xylem, and finally the basipetal transport via the phloem to unlabeled roots. The uptake into the roots (total contents in the plant) was for most makers more severely decreased than the transport to the shoot or the export from the shoot to the unlabeled roots via the phloem. Regardless of the water potential in the labeling solution, 63Ni and 65Zn were selectively redistributed within the plant. From autoradiographs, it became evident that 65Zn accumulated in root tips, in the apical shoot meristem and in axillary buds, while 63Ni accumulated in young expanded leaves and roots but not in the meristems. Since both radionuclides are mobile in the phloem and are, therefore, well redistributed within the plant, the unequal transfer to shoot and root apical meristems is most likely caused by differences in the cell-to-cell transport in differentiation zones without functional phloem (immature sieve tubes).


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The alkali metals cesium, rubidium, lithium and sodium were introduced together with strontium via flaps into leaf laminas or into the stem of maturing, intact winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Arina) grown in a field. Long-distance transport of these elements and the influence of the application date and of different application positions were investigated. The phloem-immobile Sr served as a marker for the distribution of the xylem sap in the plants. Dry matter accumulation in the grains and the transpiration per shoot were not markedly affected by the treatments as compared to control plants. The phloem mobility was rather high for Cs and Rb. Li was almost immobile in the phloem (similarly to Sr). An application into the cut stem xylem below the second leaf node contributed more to the contents in the grains than an application into the flag leaf. An earlier feeding date led to a higher accumulation in the grains. The marked losses of the elements applied during maturation (most pronounced for Li) can be explained by leakage in the rain.


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Cobalt, nickel and strontium were introduced via flaps into leaf laminas or into the stem of maturing, intact winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. `Arina') grown under natural conditions in a field. Long-distance transport of these elements and the influence of the application date and of different application positions were investigated. The dry-matter accumulation in the grains was not markedly affected by the treatments as compared to untreated control plants. The phloem-immobile strontium served as a marker for the distribution of the xylem sap in the plants. After foliar application, nickel accumulated more rapidly and in higher quantities in the grains than cobalt. Therefore, nickel has a slightly better phloem mobility than cobalt. Regardless of the application date, a higher percentage of the two elements was transported from the flag leaf lamina than from the second or third lamina from the top to the grains. These results indicate that the leaf position is highly relevant for the transfer of the heavy metals investigated to the ear. Introduction into the stem led to a higher accumulation of nickel and cobalt in the grains than introduction into one of the leaves. An earlier feeding date caused a higher accumulation of nickel and cobalt in the grains when introduced into the stem. In contrast, no major differences between earlier and later feeding dates were detected when the elements were introduced into the leaves. Losses of the applied elements were detected during maturation and can be explained by leakage in the rain.