976 resultados para Stress degradation studies


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The potential effects of early environmental conditions on adult female mate choice have been largely neglected in studies of sexual selection. Our study tested whether developmental stress affects the mate choice behaviour of female zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, when choosing between potential mates. In an experiment manipulating developmental condition, female zebra finches were raised under nutritional stress or control conditions. In adulthood, female preferences were assessed using extensive four-stimulus mate choice trials. Nutritional stress affected growth rates during the period of stress, with experimentally stressed females lighter than controls. During mate choice trials stressed females were almost three times less active than controls and made fewer sampling visits to the stimulus males, although we found no evidence of a direct effect of developmental experience on which males were preferred. Thus, developmental experience had a clear effect on behavioural patterns in a mate choice context. To test whether this effect is specific to a mate choice context, we also investigated the effect of developmental stress on female activity rates in three social contexts: isolation, contact with a conspecific male (a potential mate) and contact with a conspecific female. Here, female activity did not differ between the experimental treatments in any of the social situations. Overall, our findings suggest that environmental conditions during early development can have long-term context-dependent consequences for adult female mate choice behaviour, mediated by changes in activity rates.


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Oxidative stress plays a central role in neuronal injury and cell death in acute and chronic pathological conditions. The cellular responses to oxidative stress embrace changes in mitochondria and other organelles, notably endoplasmic reticulum, and can lead to a number of cell death paradigms, which cover a spectrum from apoptosis to necrosis and include autophagy. In Alzheimer's disease, and other pathologies including Parkinson's disease, protein aggregation provides further cellular stresses that can initiate or feed into the pathways to cell death engendered by oxidative stress. Specific attention is paid here to mitochondrial dysfunction and programmed cell death, and the diverse modes of cell death mediated by mitochondria under oxidative stress. Novel insights into cellular responses to neuronal oxidative stress from a range of different stressors can be gained by detailed transcriptomics analyses. Such studies at the cellular level provide the key for understanding the molecular and cellular pathways whereby neurons respond to oxidative stress and undergo injury and death. These considerations underpin the development of detailed knowledge in more complex integrated systems, up to the intact human bearing the neuropathology, facilitating therapeutic advances.


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1. The oxidative stress theory of ageing predicts that animals living longer will have less cumulative oxidative damage together with structural characteristics that make them more resistant to oxidative damage itself.
2. Although a general relationship between body size, metabolism and longevity does not exist in marine invertebrates, they are generally characterized by low rates of metabolism and reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation associated with lower antioxidant enzyme activities compared to vertebrates.
3. Birds and mammals have very similar size-affected metabolic rates and their metabolic intensity explains only some of the variation in maximum lifespan potential (MLSP).Within each class, smaller animals have higher rates of metabolism and ROS production and membranes that are more susceptible to oxidative damage and autocatalytic propagation of free radicals than larger ones.
4. Although the high variation in life-history strategies is accompanied by substantial variation in MLSP, there is a consistent positive correlation between rates of ROS formation and antioxidant levels among most animals examined so far for these traits. The consensus of these studies is that ROS and antioxidant levels are inversely related to MLSP.
5. The lack of a clear stoichiometric relation between variables contributing to oxidative stress limits our capacity to infer longevity consequences from measures of pro-oxidant or antioxidant status among or within species


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Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diverse disease states, and may be a common pathogenic mechanism underlying many major psychiatric disorders, as the brain has comparatively greater vulnerability to oxidative damage. This review aims to examine the current evidence for the role of oxidative stress in psychiatric disorders, and its academic and clinical implications. A literature search was conducted using the Medline, Pubmed, PsycINFO, CINAHL PLUS, BIOSIS Previews, and Cochrane databases, with a time-frame extending to September 2007. The broadest data for oxidative stress mechanisms have been derived from studies conducted in schizophrenia, where evidence is available from different areas of oxidative research, including oxidative marker assays, psychopharmacology studies, and clinical trials of antioxidants. For bipolar disorder and depression, a solid foundation for oxidative stress hypotheses has been provided by biochemical, genetic, pharmacological, preclinical therapeutic studies and one clinical trial. Oxidative pathophysiology in anxiety disorders is strongly supported by animal models, and also by human biochemical data. Pilot studies have suggested efficacy of N-acetylcysteine in cocaine dependence, while early evidence is accumulating for oxidative mechanisms in autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In conclusion, multi-dimensional data support the role of oxidative stress in diverse psychiatric disorders. These data not only suggest that oxidative mechanisms may form unifying common pathogenic pathways in psychiatric disorders, but also introduce new targets for the development of therapeutic interventions.


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Objective: This study aimed to test the validity of the 21-item Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21) as a routine clinical outcome measure in the private in-patient setting. We hypothesized that it would be a suitable routine outcome instrument in this setting.

Method: All in-patients treated at a private psychiatric hospital over a period of 24 months were included in the study. Data were collected on demographics, service utilization, diagnosis and a set of four routine measures both at admission and discharge. These measures consisted of the Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) scales, Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS), the Mental Health Questionnaire (MHQ-14) and DASS-21. The results of these measures were compared.

Results: Of 786 admissions in total, the number of fully completed (ie paired admission and discharge) data sets for the DASS-21 depression, anxiety and stress subscales were 337, 328 and 347, respectively. All subscales showed statistically significant reductions in mean scores from admission to discharge (P < 0.001) and were significantly correlated with all MHQ-14 subscales and significantly related to CGI scale categories. The total DASS-21 and total HoNOS scores were also significantly correlated.

Conclusions: The findings from the present study support the validity of DASS-21 as a routine clinical outcome measure in the private in-patient setting.


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Female birds have been shown to have a remarkable degree of control over the sex ratio of the offspring they produce. However, it remains poorly understood how these skews are achieved. Female condition, and consequent variation in circulating hormones, provides a plausible mechanistic link between offspring sex biases and the environmental and social stresses commonly invoked to explain adaptive sex allocation, such as diet, territory quality, and body condition. However, although experimental studies have shown that female perception of male phenotype alone can lead to sex ratio biases, it is unknown how partner quality influences female physiological state. Using a controlled within-female experimental design where female Gouldian finches (Erythrura gouldiae) bred with both high- and low-quality males, we found that partner quality directly affects female hormonal status and subsequent fitness. When constrained to breeding with low-quality males, females had highly elevated stress responses (corticosterone levels) and produced adaptive male-biased sex ratios, whereas when they bred with high-quality males, females had low corticosterone levels and produced an equal offspring sex ratio. There was no effect of other maternal hormones (e.g., testosterone) or body condition on offspring sex ratios. Female physiological condition during egg production, and variation in circulating hormones in particular, may provide a general mechanistic route for strategic sex allocation in birds.


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Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a cAMP-activated Cl− channel expressed in the apical membrane of fluid-transporting epithelia. The apical membrane density of CFTR channels is determined, in part, by endocytosis and the postendocytic sorting of CFTR for lysosomal degradation or recycling to the plasma membrane. Although previous studies suggested that ubiquitination plays a role in the postendocytic sorting of CFTR, the specific ubiquitin ligases are unknown. c-Cbl is a multifunctional molecule with ubiquitin ligase activity and a protein adaptor function. c-Cbl co-immunoprecipitated with CFTR in primary differentiated human bronchial epithelial cells and in cultured human airway cells. Small interfering RNA-mediated silencing of c-Cbl increased CFTR expression in the plasma membrane by inhibiting CFTR endocytosis and increased CFTR-mediated Cl− currents. Silencing c-Cbl did not change the expression of the ubiquitinated fraction of plasma membrane CFTR. Moreover, the c-Cbl mutant with impaired ubiquitin ligase activity (FLAG-70Z-Cbl) did not affect the plasma membrane expression or the endocytosis of CFTR. In contrast, the c-Cbl mutant with the truncated C-terminal region (FLAG-Cbl-480), responsible for protein adaptor function, had a dominant interfering effect on the endocytosis and plasma membrane expression of CFTR. Moreover, CFTR and c-Cbl co-localized and co-immunoprecipitated in early endosomes, and silencing c-Cbl reduced the amount of ubiquitinated CFTR in early endosomes. In summary, our data demonstrate that in human airway epithelial cells, c-Cbl regulates CFTR by two mechanisms: first by acting as an adaptor protein and facilitating CFTR endocytosis by a ubiquitin-independent mechanism, and second by ubiquitinating CFTR in early endosomes and thereby facilitating the lysosomal degradation of CFTR.


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Issue addressed: Climate changes and environmental degradation caused by anthropogenic activities are having an irrefutable impact on human health. The critical role played by health promotion in addressing environmental challenges has a history in seminal charters − such as the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion − that explicitly link human well-being with the natural environment. The lack of documented practice in this field prompted an investigation of health promotion practice that addresses climate change issues within health care settings.

Methods: This qualitative study involved five case studies of Victorian health care agencies that explicitly identified climate change as a priority. Individual and group interviews with ten health promotion funded practitioners as well as document analysis techniques were used to explore diverse practices across these rural, regional and urban health care agencies.

Results: Health promotion practice in these agencies was oriented toward: active and sustainable transport; healthy and sustainable food supply; mental health and community resilience; engaging vulnerable population groups such as women; and organisational development.

Conclusion: Despite differences in approach, target population and context, the core finding was that health promotion strategies, competencies and frameworks were transferable to action on climate change in these health care settings.


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The way in which researchers conceptualise and thus define stress shapes the way in which they approach the task of mapping the brain's stress control pathways. Unfortunately, much of the research currently being done on stress neurocircuitry is occurring within a poorly developed conceptual framework, a framework that limits the depth of the questions that our studies ask, and even our ability to fully appreciate and make use of the data that they yield. Consequently, any attempt to improve our conceptual framework merits close attention. In that regard it is notable that in recent years it has been argued that the concept of homeostasis should be supplemented by the concepts of allostasis (literally ‘stability through change’) and allostatic load (in effect, the cost of allostasis). One of the purported benefits of this change has been that it will clarify the concept of stress. A close review of the arguments leads us to conclude that the introduction of the concept of allostasis has largely occurred as a result of misunderstandings and misapprehensions concerning the concept of homeostasis. In terms of understanding how the organism operates, it is not clear that the concepts of ‘allostasis’ or ‘allostatic load’ offer us anything that was not already apparent, or at least readily derivable, from an accurate reading of the original concept of homeostasis. Not surprisingly then, these more recently proposed concepts also offer little help in clarifying our understanding of stress. Indeed, rather than clarifying the concept of stress, the primary effort appears to be directed at subsuming the concept of stress within the concept of allostasis, which has the inadvertent effect of collapsing the study of homeostatic responses and stress responses together. This seems to be out of step with the fact that there is now considerable evidence that the brain does indeed possess certain pathways that merit the title of ‘stress neurocircuitry’. The attempt to subsume the concept of stress within the concept of allostasis is also counter-productive in that it distracts stress researchers from the important task of developing conceptual frameworks that allow us to tackle fundamental issues such as how the organism differentiates stressful from non-stressful challenges.


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The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been strongly implicated in control of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) response to stress. Because of the paucity of direct projections from the mPFC to the PVN, we sought to investigate possible brain regions that might act as a relay between the two during psychological stress. Bilateral ibotenic acid lesions of the rat mPFC enhanced the number of Fos-immunoreactive cells seen in the PVN after exposure to the psychological stressor, air puff. Altered neuronal recruitment was seen in only one of the candidate relay populations examined, the ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vBNST). Furthermore, bilateral ibotenic acid lesions of the BNST caused a significant attenuation of the PVN response to air puff. To better characterize the structural relationships between the mPFC and PVN, retrograde tracing studies were conducted examining Fos expression in cells retrogradely labeled with cholera toxin b subunit (CTb) from the PVN and the BNST. Results obtained were consistent with an important role for both the mPFC and BNST in the mpPVN CRF cell response to air puff. We suggest a set of connections whereby a direct PVN projection from the ipsilateral vBNST is involved in the mpPVN response to air puff and this may, in turn, be modulated by an indirect projection from the mPFC to the BNST.


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1. It is currently unknown whether long-term voluntary exercise has enduring cardioprotective effects in animal models.

2. The present study was conducted in three groups of rats: (i) sedentary controls (n = 6); (ii) 24 h runners (n = 8; unlimited access to running wheels); and (iii) 2 h runners (n = 8; access to running wheels limited to 2 h daily). After termination of the 6 week exercise protocol, all rats were implanted with the telemetric electrocardiogram transmitters and were studied 1 week later.

3. Resting heart rate (HR) values in the control rats, 24 h runners and 2 h runners were 372 ± 7, 361 ± 9 and 298 ± 5 b.p.m., respectively (P < 0.05 for 2 h runners vs controls). The high-frequency spectral power in the control rats, 24 h runners and 2 h runners was 3.9 ± 0.2, 4.3 ± 0.3 and 5.3 ± 0.3 s2, respectively (P < 0.05 for 2 h runners vs controls), whereas intrinsic HR was 383 ± 3, 377 ± 2 and 346 ± 3 b.p.m., respectively (P < 0.001 for 2 h runners vs controls). Restraint stress provoked tachycardia of similar magnitude in all groups.

4. After completion of telemetric studies, haemodynamic indices and susceptibility to cardiac arrhythmias were assessed in anaesthetized animals, there were no major between-group differences in HR, arterial pressure, contractility indices or sensitivity to β-adrenoceptor stimulation (dobutamine) or blockade (atenolol). The effective refractory period in the control rats, 24 h runners and 2 h runners was 49 ± 2, 55 ± 2 and 60 ± 4 ms, respectively (P = 0.054 for 2 h runners vs controls). A significantly higher dose of aconitine was required to provoke ventricular arrhythmias in the 24 h and 2 h running groups compared with controls (489 ± 76, 505 ± 88 and 173 ± 33 μg, respectively; P < 0.05).

5. We conclude that, in rats, long-term voluntary exercise has enduring cardioprotective effects mediated at the level of both the central nervous system and the heart.


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Deposition of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) as islet amyloid in type 2 diabetes contributes to loss of β-cell function and mass, yet the mechanism for its occurrence is unclear. Neprilysin is a metallopeptidase known to degrade amyloid in Alzheimer disease. We previously demonstrated neprilysin to be present in pancreatic islets and now sought to determine whether it plays a role in degrading islet amyloid. We used an in vitro model where cultured human IAPP (hIAPP) transgenic mouse islets develop amyloid and thereby have increased β-cell apoptosis. Islet neprilysin activity was inhibited or up-regulated using a specific inhibitor or adenovirus encoding neprilysin, respectively. Following neprilysin inhibition, islet amyloid deposition and β-cell apoptosis increased by 54 and 75%, respectively, whereas when neprilysin was up-regulated islet amyloid deposition and β-cell apoptosis both decreased by 79%. To determine if neprilysin modulated amyloid deposition by cleaving hIAPP, analysis of hIAPP incubated with neprilysin was performed by mass spectrometry, which failed to demonstrate neprilysin-induced cleavage. Rather, neprilysin may act by reducing hIAPP fibrillogenesis, which we showed to be the case by fluorescence-based thioflavin T binding studies and electron microscopy. In summary, neprilysin decreases islet amyloid deposition by inhibiting hIAPP fibril formation, rather than degrading hIAPP. These findings suggest that targeting the role of neprilysin in IAPP fibril assembly, in addition to IAPP cleavage by other peptidases, may provide a novel approach to reduce and/or prevent islet amyloid deposition in type 2 diabetes.


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Endothelial dysfunction is a hallmark of cardiovascular disease, and the l-arginine:NO pathway plays a critical role in determining endothelial function. Recent studies suggest that smoking, a well-recognized risk factor for vascular disease, may interfere with l-arginine and NO metabolism; however, this remains poorly characterized. Accordingly, we performed a series of complementary in vivo and in vitro studies to elucidate the mechanism by which cigarette smoke adversely affects endothelial function. In current smokers, plasma levels of asymmetrical dimethyl-arginine (ADMA) were 80% higher (P=0.01) than nonsmokers, whereas citrulline (17%; P<0.05) and N-hydroxy-l-arginine (34%; P<0.05) were significantly lower. Exposure to 10% cigarette smoke extract (CSE) significantly affected endothelial arginine metabolism with reductions in the intracellular content of citrulline (81%), N-hydroxy-l-arginine (57%), and arginine (23%), while increasing ADMA (129%). CSE significantly inhibited (38%) arginine uptake in conjunction with a 34% reduction in expression of the arginine transporter, CAT1. In conjunction with these studies, CSE significantly reduced the activity of eNOS and NO production by endothelial cells, while stimulating the production of reactive oxygen species. In conclusion, cigarette smoke adversely affects the endothelial l-arginine NO synthase pathway, resulting in reducing NO production and elevated oxidative stress. In conjunction, exposure to cigarette smoke increases ADMA concentration, the latter being a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.


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Background Multiple studies have demonstrated that rates of smoking and nicotine dependence are increased in individuals with anxiety disorders. However, significant variability exists in the epidemiological literature exploring this relationship, including study design (cross-sectional versus prospective), the population assessed (random sample versus clinical population) and diagnostic instrument utilized.

Methods We undertook a systematic review of population-based observational studies that utilized recognized structured clinical diagnostic criteria (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or International Classification of Diseases (ICD)) for anxiety disorder diagnosis to investigate the relationship between cigarette smoking, nicotine dependence and anxiety disorders.

Results In total, 47 studies met the predefined inclusion criteria, with 12 studies providing prospective information and 5 studies providing quasiprospective information. The available evidence suggests that some baseline anxiety disorders are a risk factor for initiation of smoking and nicotine dependence, although the evidence is heterogeneous and many studies did not control for the effect of comorbid substance use disorders. The identified evidence however appeared to more consistently support cigarette smoking and nicotine dependence as being a risk factor for development of some anxiety disorders (for example, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder), although these findings were not replicated in all studies. A number of inconsistencies in the literature were identified.

Conclusions Although many studies have demonstrated increased rates of smoking and nicotine dependence in individuals with anxiety disorders, there is a limited and heterogeneous literature that has prospectively examined this relationship in population studies using validated diagnostic criteria. The most consistent evidence supports smoking and nicotine dependence as increasing the risk of panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. The literature assessing anxiety disorders increasing smoking and nicotine dependence is inconsistent. Potential issues with the current literature are discussed and directions for future research are suggested.