911 resultados para Stick-slip


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In recent years the advances in genomics allowed to understand the importance of Transposable Elements (TE) in the evolution of eukaryotic genomes. In this thesis I face two aspects of the TE impact on the in the animal kingdom. The first part is a comparison of the dynamics of the TE dynamics in three species of stick-insects of the Genus Bacillus. I produced three random genomic libraries of 200 Kbps for the three parental species of the taxon: a gonochoric population of Bacillus rossius (facultative parthenogenetic), Bacillus grandii (gonochoric) and Bacillus atticus (obligate parthenogenetic). The unisexual taxon Bacillus atticus does not shows dramatic differences in TE total content and activity with respect to Bacillus grandii and Bacillus rossius. This datum does not confirm the trend observed in other animal models in which unisexual taxa tend to repress the activity of TE to escape the extinction by accumulation of harmful mutations. In the second part I tried to add a contribute to the debate initiated in recent years about the possibility that a high TE content is linked to a high rate of speciation. I designed an evolutionary framework to establish the different rate of speciation among two or more taxa, then I compared TE dynamics considering the different rates of speciation. The species dataset comprises: 29 mammals, four birds, two fish and two insects. On the whole the majority of comparisons confirms the expected trend. In particular the amount of species analyzed in Mammalia allowed me to get a statistical support (p<0,05) of the fact that the TE activity of recently mobilized elements is positively related with the rate of speciation.


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Das Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand in der Untersuchung der Störungsverteilung und der Störungskinematik im Zusammenhang mit der Hebung der Riftschultern des Rwenzori Gebirges.rnDas Rwenzori Gebirge befindet sich im NNE-SSWbis N-S verlaufenden Albertine Rift, des nördlichsten Segments des westlichen Armes des Ostafrikanischen Grabensystems. Das Albertine Rift besteht aus Becken unterschiedlicher Höhe, die den Lake Albert, Lake Edward, Lake George und Lake Kivu enthalten. Der Rwenzori horst trennt die Becken des Lake Albert und des Lake Edward. Es erstreckt sich 120km in N-S Richtung, sowie 40-50km in E-W Richtung, der h¨ochste Punkt befindet sich 5111 ü. NN. Diese Studie untersucht einen Abschnitt des Rifts zwischen etwa 1°N und 0°30'S Breite sowie 29°30' und 30°30' östlicher Länge ersteckt. Auch die Feldarbeit konzentrierte sich auf dieses Gebiet.rnrnHauptzweck dieser Studie bestand darin, die folgende These auf ihre Richtigkeit zu überprüfen: ’Wenn es im Verlauf der Zeit tatsächlich zu wesentlichen Änderungen in der Störungskinematik kam, dann ist die starke Hebung der Riftflanken im Bereich der Rwenzoris nicht einfach durch Bewegung entlang der Graben-Hauptst¨orungen zu erklären. Vielmehr ist sie ein Resultat des Zusammenspiels mehrerer tektonische Prozesse, die das Spannungsfeld beeinflussen und dadurch Änderungen in der Kinematik hervorrufen.’ Dadurch konzentrierte sich die Studie in erster Linie auf die Störungsanalyse.rnrnDie Kenntnis regionaler Änderungen der Extensionsrichtung ist entscheidend für das Verständnis komplexer Riftsysteme wie dem Ostafrikanischen Graben. Daher bestand der Kern der Untersuchung in der Kartierung von Störungen und der Untersuchung der Störungskinematik. Die Aufnahme strukturgeologischer Daten konzentrierte sich auf die Ugandische Seite des Rifts, und Pal¨aospannungen wurden mit Hilfe von St¨orungsdaten durch Spannungsinversion rekonstruiert.rnDie unterschiedliche Orientierung spr¨oder Strukturen im Gelände, die geometrische Analyse der geologischen Strukturen sowie die Ergebnisse von Mikrostrukturen im Dünnschliff (Kapitel 4) weisen auf verschiedene Spannungsfelder hin, die auf mögliche Änderungen der Extensionsrichtung hinweisen. Die Resultate der Spannungsinversion sprechen für Ab-, Über- und Blattverschiebungen sowie für Schrägüberschiebungen (Kapitel 5). Aus der Orientierung der Abschiebungen gehen zwei verschiedene Extensionsrichtungen hervor: im Wesentlichen NW-SE Extension in fast allen Gebieten, sowie NNE-SSW Extension im östlichen Zentralbereich.rnAus der Analyse von Blattverschiebungen ergaben sich drei unterschiedliche Spannungszustände. Zum Einen NNW-SSE bis N-S Kompression in Verbindung mit ENE-WSW bzw E-W Extension wurde für die nördlichen und die zentralen Ruwenzoris ausgemacht. Ein zweiter Spannungszustand mit WNW-ESE Kompression/NNE-SSW Extension betraf die Zentralen Rwenzoris. Ein dritter Spannungszustand mit NNW-SSE Extension betraf den östlichen Zentralteil der Rwenzoris. Schrägüberschiebungen sind durch dazu schräge Achsen charakterisiert, die für N-S bis NNW-SSE Kompression sprechen und ausschließlich im östlichen Zentralabschnitt auftreten. Überschiebungen, die hauptsächlich in den zentralen und den östlichen Rwenzoris auftreten, sprechen für NE-SW orientierten σ2-Achsen und NW-SE Extension.rnrnEs konnten drei unterschiedliche Spannungseinflüsse identifiziert werden: auf die kollisionsbedingte Bildung eines Überschiebungssystem folgte intra-kratonische Kompression und schließlich extensionskontrollierte Riftbildung. Der Übergang zwischen den beiden letztgenannten Spannungszuständen erfolgte Schrittweise und erzeugte vermutlich lokal begrenzte Transpression und Transtension. Gegenw¨artig wird die Störungskinematik der Region durch ein tensiles Spannungsregime in NW-SE bis N-S Richtung bestimmt.rnrnLokale Spannungsvariationen werden dabei hauptsächlich durch die Interferenzrndes regionalen Spannungsfeldes mit lokalen Hauptst¨orungen verursacht. Weitere Faktoren die zu lokalen Veränderungen des Spannungsfeldes führen können sind unterschiedliche Hebungsgeschwindigkeiten, Blockrotation oder die Interaktion von Riftsegmenten. Um den Einfluß präexistenter Strukturen und anderer Bedingungen auf die Hebung der Rwenzoris zu ermitteln, wurde der Riftprozeß mit Hilfe eines analogen ’Sandbox’-Modells rekonstruiert (Kapitel 6). Da sich die Moho-Diskontinuität im Bereich des Arbeitsgebietes in einer Tiefe von 25 km befindet, aktive Störungen aber nur bis zu einer Tiefe von etwa 20 km beobachtet werden können (Koehn et al. 2008), wurden nur die oberen 25 km im Modell nachbebildet. Untersucht und mit Geländebeobachtungen verglichen wurden sowohl die Reihenfolge, in der Riftsegmente entstehen, als auch die Muster, die sich im Verlauf der Nukleierung und des Wachstums dieser Riftsegmente ausbilden. Das Hauptaugenmerk wurde auf die Entwicklung der beiden Subsegmente gelegt auf denen sich der Lake Albert bzw. der Lake Edward und der Lake George befinden, sowie auf das dazwischenliegende Rwenzori Gebirge. Das Ziel der Untersuchung bestand darin herauszufinden, in welcher Weise das südwärts propagierende Lake Albert-Subsegment mit dem sinistral versetzten nordwärts propagierenden Lake Edward/Lake George-Subsegment interagiert.rnrnVon besonderem Interesse war es, in welcherWeise die Strukturen innerhalb und außerhalb der Rwenzoris durch die Interaktion dieser Riftsegmente beeinflußt wurden. rnrnDrei verschiedene Versuchsreihen mit unterschiedlichen Randbedingungen wurden miteinander verglichen. Abhängig vom vorherrschenden Deformationstyp der Transferzone wurden die Reihen als ’Scherungs-dominiert’, ’Extensions-dominiert’ und als ’Rotations-dominiert’ charakterisiert. Die Beobachtung der 3-dimensionalen strukturellen Entwicklung der Riftsegmente wurde durch die Kombination von Modell-Aufsichten mit Profilschnitten ermöglicht. Von den drei genannten Versuchsreihen entwickelte die ’Rotationsdominierten’ Reihe einen rautenförmiger Block im Tranferbereich der beiden Riftsegmente, der sich um 5−20° im Uhrzeigersinn drehte. DieserWinkel liegt im Bereich des vermuteten Rotationswinkel des Rwenzori-Blocks (5°). Zusammengefasst untersuchen die Sandbox-Versuche den Einfluss präexistenter Strukturen und der Überlappung bzw. Überschneidung zweier interagierender Riftsegmente auf die Entwicklung des Riftsystems. Sie befassen sich darüber hinaus mit der Frage, welchen Einfluss Blockbildung und -rotation auf das lokale Stressfeld haben.


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Per comprendere le vicende di una famiglia illustre e nobile il cui ruolo politico e sociale in Sicilia si data alle soglie del XIV secolo, non possiamo astenerci dal ricordare i fatti e gli eventi che hanno dominato la storia siciliana e determinato l’ascesa di Castelvetrano come centro signorile per eccellenza. E’ necessario, quindi, collocare geograficamente e storicamente l’isola per inserirla all’interno di un preciso quadro socio-politico. All’origine della sua storia sono sicuramente da individuare sia il legame intercorso nei secoli tra l’Asia e l’Europa, in particolare tra l’Asia Minore bizantina e l’area mediterranea unificata proprio dall’impero di Bisanzio, sia le lotte per l’egemonia tra Chiesa e Impero, (che abbastanza presto sarà impero d’Occidente) lotte che vedono entrambe le parti impegnate a contendersi il ruolo di guida politica, morale e spirituale dell’intera cristianità medievale, ritenendo ogni altro potere subordinato al proprio.


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Understanding liquid flow at the vicinity of solid surfaces is crucial to the developmentrnof technologies to reduce drag. One possibility to infer flow properties at the liquid-solid interface is to compare the experimental results to solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations assuming the no-slip boundary condition (BC) or the slip BC. There is no consensus in the literature about which BC should be used to model the flow of aqueous solutions over hydrophilic surfaces. Here, the colloidal probe technique is used to systematically address this issue, measuring forces acting during drainage of water over a surface. Results show that experimental variables, especially the cantilever spring constant, lead to the discrepancy observed in the literature. Two different parameters, calculated from experimental variables, could be used to separate the data obtained in this work and those reported in the literature in two groups: one explained with the no-slip BC, and another with the slip BC. The observed residual slippage is a function of instrumental variables, showing a trend incompatible with the available physical justifications. As a result, the no-slip is the more appropriate BC. The parameters can be used to avoid situations where the no-slip BC is not satisfied.


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The thesis is divided in three chapters, each one covering one topic. Initially, the thermo-mechanical and impact properties of materials used for back protectors have been analysed. Dynamical mechanical analysis (DMTA) has shown that materials used for soft-shell protectors present frequency-sensitive properties. Furthermore, through impact tests, the shock absorbing characteristics of the materials have been investigated proving the differences between soft and hard-shell protectors; moreover it has been demonstrated that the materials used for soft-shell protectors maintain their protective properties after multi-impacts. The second chapter covers the effect of the visco-elastic properties of the thermoplastic polymers on the flexural and rebound behaviours of ski boots. DMTA analysis on the materials and flexural and rebound testing on the boots have been performed. A comparison of the results highlighted a correlation between the visco-elastic properties and the flexural and rebound behaviour of ski boots. The same experimental methods have been used to investigate the influence of the design on the flexural and rebound behaviours. Finally in the third chapter the thermoplastic materials employed for the construction of ski boots soles have been characterized in terms of chemical composition, hardness, crystallinity, surface roughness and coefficient of friction (COF). The results showed a relation between material hardness and grip, in particular softer materials provide more grip with respect to harder materials. On the contrary, the surface roughness has a negative effect on friction because of the decrease in contact area. The measure of grip on inclined wet surfaces showed again a relation between hardness and grip. The performance ranking of the different materials has been the same for the COF and for the slip angle tests, indicating that COF can be used as a parameter for the choice of the optimal material to be used for the soles of ski boots.


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A simple dependency between contact angle θ and velocity or surface tension has been predicted for the wetting and dewetting behavior of simple liquids. According to the hydrodynamic theory, this dependency was described by Cox and Voinov as θ ∼ Ca^(1/3) (Ca: Capillary number). For more complex liquids like surfactant solutions, this prediction is not directly given.rnHere I present a rotating drum setup for studying wetting/dewetting processes of surfactant solutions on the basis of velocity-dependent contact angle measurements. With this new setup I showed that surfactant solutions do not follow the predicted Cox-Voinov relation, but showed a stronger contact angle dependency on surface tension. All surfactants independent of their charge showed this difference from the prediction so that electrostatic interactions as a reason could be excluded. Instead, I propose the formation of a surface tension gradient close to the three-phase contact line as the main reason for the strong contact angle decrease with increasing surfactant concentration. Surface tension gradients are not only formed locally close to the three-phase contact line, but also globally along the air-liquid interface due to the continuous creation/destruction of the interface by the drum moving out of/into the liquid. By systematically hindering the equilibration routes of the global gradient along the interface and/or through the bulk, I was able to show that the setup geometry is also important for the wetting/dewetting of surfactant solutions. Further, surface properties like roughness or chemical homogeneity of the wetted/dewetted substrate influence the wetting/dewetting behavior of the liquid, i. e. the three-phase contact line is differently pinned on rough/smooth or homogeneous/inhomogeneous surfaces. Altogether I showed that the wetting/dewetting of surfactant solutions did not depend on the surfactant type (anionic, cationic, or non-ionic) but on the surfactant concentration and strength, the setup geometry, and the surface properties.rnSurfactants do not only influence the wetting/dewetting behavior of liquids, but also the impact behavior of drops on free-standing films or solutions. In a further part of this work, I dealt with the stability of the air cushion between drop and film/solution. To allow coalescence between drop and substrate, the air cushion has to vanish. In the presence of surfactants, the vanishing of the air is slowed down due to a change in the boundary condition from slip to no-slip, i. e. coalescence is suppressed or slowed down in the presence of surfactant.


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A critical point in the analysis of ground displacements time series is the development of data driven methods that allow the different sources that generate the observed displacements to be discerned and characterised. A widely used multivariate statistical technique is the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which allows reducing the dimensionality of the data space maintaining most of the variance of the dataset explained. Anyway, PCA does not perform well in finding the solution to the so-called Blind Source Separation (BSS) problem, i.e. in recovering and separating the original sources that generated the observed data. This is mainly due to the assumptions on which PCA relies: it looks for a new Euclidean space where the projected data are uncorrelated. The Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a popular technique adopted to approach this problem. However, the independence condition is not easy to impose, and it is often necessary to introduce some approximations. To work around this problem, I use a variational bayesian ICA (vbICA) method, which models the probability density function (pdf) of each source signal using a mix of Gaussian distributions. This technique allows for more flexibility in the description of the pdf of the sources, giving a more reliable estimate of them. Here I present the application of the vbICA technique to GPS position time series. First, I use vbICA on synthetic data that simulate a seismic cycle (interseismic + coseismic + postseismic + seasonal + noise) and a volcanic source, and I study the ability of the algorithm to recover the original (known) sources of deformation. Secondly, I apply vbICA to different tectonically active scenarios, such as the 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) earthquake, the 2012 Emilia (northern Italy) seismic sequence, and the 2006 Guerrero (Mexico) Slow Slip Event (SSE).


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L’aderenza tra barre fibrorinforzate e calcestruzzo è una chiave fondamentale per comprendere al meglio l’azione composita di strutture rinforzate o armate in FRP. Deve essere mobilitata una certa aderenza tra la barra e calcestruzzo per trasferire gli sforzi da un corpo all’altro. Poiché il materiale composito è anisotropo, in direzione longitudinale le proprietà meccaniche sono governate da quelle delle fibre, mentre in direzione trasversale dalla resina. La matrice presenta in genere resistenze più basse di quella a compressione del calcestruzzo, cosicché il meccanismo di aderenza risulta diverso da quello sviluppato dalle tradizionali barre in acciaio. In questa tesi viene sviluppata appunto un’indagine sperimentale sul fenomeno dell’aderenza di barre in acciaio e barre in CFRP (fibra di carbonio) nel calcestruzzo, cercando di capire come cambia il fenomeno al variare dei parametri da cui dipende principalmente l’aderenza, come ad esempio la resistenza caratteristica a compressione del calcestruzzo, il diametro e la deformazione superficiale della barra e la posizione di questa nel provino di calcestruzzo. Sono state quindi realizzate delle prove di pull-out, ovvero delle prove di estrazione di barre da provini di calcestruzzo, per determinare le tensioni tangenziali d’aderenza in funzione dello scorrimento locale della barra (local bond-slip). Infine sono stati calibrati, sui risultati delle prove sperimentali, i tre modelli analitici più noti in letteratura che descrivono il fenomeno dell’aderenza delle barre in FRP nel calcestruzzo, ovvero quello di Malvar (1994), il CMR Model (1995) e il Modified BPE Model (1996).


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Il 17 agosto 1999 un violento terremoto di Mw 7,4 (terremoto di Izmit) ha interessato l’area del Golfo di Izmit, dove il segmento settentrionale della Faglia Nord-Anatolica (FNA) entra nel Mare di Marmara. Oltre a causare enormi danni e un numero di vittime altissimo (oltre 20000), la dislocazione orizzontale di oltre 5 metri in prossimità dell’epicentro ha caricato tettonicamente il segmento della FNA verso Istanbul. Da qui, l’importanza di un modello geologico-strutturale condiviso dalla comunità scientifica per questo ramo della Faglia Nord Anatolica, per la formulazione dei modelli di stima del rischio sismico in una zona della Turchia molto densamente popolata (oltre 12 milioni di persone). I numerosi studi di geologia e geofisica marina condotti nel Golfo di Izmit e più in generale nel Mare di Marmara, hanno avuto un grosso impulso in concomitanza del terremoto del 1999 e negli anni successivi, quando il Mare di Marmara è stato inserito tra i siti di importanza strategica. Nonostante la grande mole di dati raccolti e le pubblicazioni di lavori importanti che hanno contribuito a portare nuova luce sulla geologia di questo territorio complesso, permangono ancora incertezze e controversie sui rapporti le tra la formazione del bacino di Marmara e la FNA. Questo lavoro di tesi ha lo scopo di esaminare la cinematica della FNA nell’area del Mare di Marmara, in generale, ed in particolare lungo i vari bacini allineati lungo il ramo settentrionale: da Est verso Ovest, il Bacino di Cinarcik, il Bacino di Kumburgaz, il Bacino Centrale ed il Bacino di Tekirdag. Analizzeremo la natura e il grado di attività dei segmenti individuati da zone di trasferimento (bending o overstep) e tenteremo di cartografare la geometria, lo stile strutturale e la lunghezza di ciascun segmento, per effettuare una stima del potenziale sismogenetico di ciascun ramo utilizzando relazioni empiriche.


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Approaching the world of the fairy tale as an adult, one soon realizes that things are not what they once seemed during story time in bed. Something that once appeared so innocent and simple can become rather complex when digging into its origin. A kiss, for example, can mean something else entirely. I can clearly remember my sister, who is ten years older than I am, telling me that the fairy tales I was told had a mysterious hidden meaning I could not understand. I was probably 9 or 10 when she told me that the story of Sleeping Beauty, which I used to love so much in Disney’s rendering, was nothing more than the story of an adolescent girl, with all the necessary steps needed to become a woman, the bleeding of menstruation and the sexual awakening - even though she did not really put it in these terms. This shocking news troubled me for a while, so much so that I haven’t watched that movie since. But in reality it was not fear that my sister had implanted in me: it was curiosity, the feeling that I was missing something terribly important behind the words and images. But it was not until last year during my semester abroad in Germany, where I had the chance to take a very interesting English literature seminar, that I fully understood what I had been looking for all these years. Thanks to what I learned from the work of Bruno Bettelheim, Jack Zipes, Vladimir Propp, and many other authors that wrote extensively about the subject, I feel I finally have the right tools to really get to know this fairy tale. But what I also know now is that the message behind fairy tales is not to be searched for behind only one version: on the contrary, since they come from oral traditions and their form was slowly shaped by centuries of recountals and retellings, the more one digs, the more complete the understanding of the tale will be. I will therefore look for Sleeping Beauty’s hidden meaning by looking for the reason why it did stick so consistently throughout time. To achieve this goal, I have organized my analysis in three chapters: in the first chapter, I will analyze the first known literary version of the tale, the French Perceforest, and then compare it with the following Italian version, Basile’s Sun, Moon, and Talia; in the second chapter, I will focus on the most famous and by now classical literary versions of Sleeping Beauty, La Belle Au Bois Dormant, written by the Frenchman, Perrault, and the German Dornröschen, recorded by the Brothers Grimm’s; finally, in the last chapter, I will analyze Almodovar’s film Talk to Her as a modern rewriting of this tale, which after a closer look, appears closely related to the earliest version of the story, Perceforest.


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Capuchin monkeys are notable among New World monkeys for their widespread use of tools. They use both hammer tools and insertion tools in the wild to acquire food that would be unobtainable otherwise. Evidence indicates that capuchins transport stones to anvil sites and use the most functionally efficient stones to crack nuts. We investigated capuchins’ assessment of functionality by testing their ability to select a tool that was appropriate for two different tool-use tasks: A stone for a hammer task and a stick for an insertion task. To select the appropriate tools, the monkeys investigated a baited tool-use apparatus (insertion or hammer), traveled to a location in their enclosure where they could no longer see the apparatus, made a selection between two tools (stick or stone), and then could transport the tool back to the apparatus to obtain a walnut. Four capuchins were first trained to select and use the appropriate tool for each apparatus. After training, they were then tested by allowing them to view a baited apparatus and then travel to a location 8 m distant where they could select a tool while out of view of the apparatus. All four monkeys chose the correct tool significantly more than expected and transported the tools back to the apparatus. Results confirm capuchins’ propensity for transporting tools, demonstrate their capacity to select the functionally appropriate tool for two different tool-use tasks, and indicate that they can retain the memory of the correct choice during a travel time of several seconds.


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Experimental measurements are used to characterize the anisotropy of flow stress in extruded magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet during uniaxial tension tests at temperatures between 350°C and 450°C, and strain rates ranging from 10-5 to 10-2 s-1. The sheet exhibits lower flow stress and higher tensile ductility when loaded with the tensile axis perpendicular to the extrusion direction compared to when it is loaded parallel to the extrusion direction. This anisotropy is found to be grain size, strain rate, and temperature dependent, but is only weakly dependent on texture. A microstructure based model (D. E. Cipoletti, A. F. Bower, P. E. Krajewski, Scr. Mater., 64 (2011) 931–934) is used to explain the origin of the anisotropic behavior. In contrast to room temperature behavior, where anisotropy is principally a consequence of the low resistance to slip on the basal slip system, elevated temperature anisotropy is found to be caused by the grain structure of extruded sheet. The grains are elongated parallel to the extrusion direction, leading to a lower effective grain size perpendicular to the extrusion direction. As a result, grain boundary sliding occurs more readily if the material is loaded perpendicular to the extrusion direction.


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The fracture properties of high-strength spray-formed Al alloys were investigated, with consideration of the effects of elemental additions such as zinc,manganese, and chromium and the influence of the addition of SiC particulate. Fracture resistance values between 13.6 and 25.6 MPa (m)1/2 were obtained for the monolithic alloys in the T6 and T7 conditions, respectively. The alloys with SiC particulate compared well and achieved fracture resistance values between 18.7 and 25.6 MPa (m)1/2. The spray-formed materials exhibited a loss in fracture resistance (KI) compared to ingot metallurgy 7075 alloys but had an improvedperformance compared to high-solute powder metallurgy alloys of similar composition. Characterization of the fracture surfaces indicated a predominantly intergranular decohesion, possibly facilitated by the presence of incoherent particles at the grain boundary regions and by the large strength differentialbetween the matrix and precipitate zone. It is believed that at the slip band-grain boundary intersection, particularly in the presence of large dispersoids and/or inclusions, microvoid nucleation would be significantly enhanced. Differences in fracture surfaces between the alloys in the T6 and T7 condition were observed and are attributed to inhomogeneous slip distribution, which results in strain localization at grain boundaries. The best overall combination of fracture resistance properties were obtained for alloys with minimum amounts of chromium and manganese additions.


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Due to the existence of a velocity slip and temperature jump on the solid walls, the heat transfer in microchannels significantly differs from the one in the macroscale. In our research, we have focused on the pressure driven gas flows in a simple finite microchannel geometry, with an entrance and an outlet, for low Reynolds (Re<200) and low Knudsen (Kn<0.01) numbers. For such a regime, the slip induced phenomena are strongly connected with the viscous effects. As a result, heat transfer is also significantly altered. For the optimization of flow conditions, we have investigated various temperature gradient configurations, additionally changing Reynolds and Knudsen numbers. The entrance effects, slip flow, and temperature jump lead to complex relations between flow behavior and heat transfer. We have shown that slip effects are generally insignificant for flow behavior. However, two configuration setups (hot wall cold gas and cold wall hot gas) are affected by slip in distinguishably different ways. For the first one, which concerns turbomachinery, the mass flow rate can increase by about 1% in relation to the no-slip case, depending on the wall-gas temperature difference. Heat transfer is more significantly altered. The Nusselt number between slip and no-slip cases at the outlet of the microchannel is increased by about 10%.