1000 resultados para Sport, dopage, éthique, travail, justice.
The inability to characterize more precisely the extent of occupational diseases limits the implementation of an effective preventive policy. Furthermore, not all work-related conditions are reported by the Swiss workers' compensation system. A seven-year (1986 to 1992) retrospective study of medical visits in an Institute of Occupational Health Sciences is presented. The objective of this study is to expand data on occupational diseases for clinical and public health intervention. 298 patients have been examined for a possible work-related condition. In 140 cases (47%), an occupational disease according to the Swiss Law was found. Respiratory tract was the main target of industrial pollutants. Respiratory irritation , solvent intoxications, contact dermatitis and asthma were the most frequent conditions seen. 97 workplace visits (32% of all medical visits) were necessary for diagnostic purposes. Painters (construction, cars) and other solvent exposed workers were at particular risk. Rare alpha-1-antitrypsin phenotypes were found several times in workers with respiratory diseases confirming the value of this test in occupational medicine. Despite many referral biases, direct clinical and public health applications of the data are possible. This study confirms the hypothesis that occupational respiratory diseases and intoxications are probably underreported in the workers' compensation statistics. Activities with an increased risk of work-related diseases have been identified so workplace intervention could be highly targeted. This study shows also that a more intense collaboration between primary care physicians, hospital services and occupational medical specialists is necessary to improve clinical and epidemiological surveillance of work-related health conditions.
Rapport du Groupe de travail sur l'endettement et le surendettement des ménages / Comité consultatif
Collection : Journal officiel de la République française (Brochure).
Young women in the juvenile justice system present with characteristics and experiences that differentiate them from their male counterparts. As such, the juvenile justice system in Iowa must consider these factors if it is to effectively and efficiently impact recidivism, rehabilitation and public safety. Data reveal the following trends: All youth in the juvenile justice system experience a significantly higher rate of child maltreatment than do youth in the general population. Additionally, young women have a distinctly higher percentage of reported sexual abuse. Young women commit primarily non-violent offenses, with shoplifting and running away being the only two areas where they exceed young men in number. Young women are held in detention for a substantially higher percentage of misdemeanor versus felony offenses than young men. Young women of color, particularly African American females, are far more likely to come into contact with the juvenile justice system. Additionally, arrests of minority females have increased during the same time frame as arrests of Caucasian females have decreased. The general type of offense committed by young women is against public order (i.e. alcohol related violations, disorderly conduct) or property (i.e. shoplifting), though young women with subsequent charges of a violent nature are likely to have had violent offenses initially as well. Historically, young women have been a smaller segment of the juvenile justice population. They remain so today. Consequently, they are easy to overlook. But Iowa’s response to them is no less important. Perhaps, because they are fewer in number, our system can have a true and meaningful influence, with prevention of further penetration into both the juvenile and adult systems being the ultimate goal. The Iowa Task Force on Young Women recommends the following measures to facilitate movement toward that goal: 1. Facilities and programs striving to provide the most effective and efficient services to young women will opt for single gender environments with female responsive programming that includes components to address trauma. 2. All institutions and agencies that work with females involved in the juvenile justice system and which receive state funding should be required to provide annual female responsive training to their employees. Training should be research based, progressive, ongoing and result in an implementation plan. 3. As detention reform proceeds, gender and the disproportionate number of females in detention for misdemeanor offenses must be an integral part of policy and decision making discussions including any recommendations for solutions to be implemented. 4. As research, data and planning progresses related to disproportionate minority contact with the juvenile system, the needs of girls of color be given equal consideration. Specifically, assessment tools must be without race/ethnic bias and they must also be female responsive.