805 resultados para Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz


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MOTIVATION: We present a method for directly inferring transcriptional modules (TMs) by integrating gene expression and transcription factor binding (ChIP-chip) data. Our model extends a hierarchical Dirichlet process mixture model to allow data fusion on a gene-by-gene basis. This encodes the intuition that co-expression and co-regulation are not necessarily equivalent and hence we do not expect all genes to group similarly in both datasets. In particular, it allows us to identify the subset of genes that share the same structure of transcriptional modules in both datasets. RESULTS: We find that by working on a gene-by-gene basis, our model is able to extract clusters with greater functional coherence than existing methods. By combining gene expression and transcription factor binding (ChIP-chip) data in this way, we are better able to determine the groups of genes that are most likely to represent underlying TMs. AVAILABILITY: If interested in the code for the work presented in this article, please contact the authors. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.


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No Brasil, a joaninha predadora Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera:Coccinellidae) (Figura 1) foi introduzida pelo Laboratório de Entomologia da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura (processo Ministério da Agricultura nº 21052.007104/97-33) com apoio do Laboratório Costa Lima da Embrapa Meio Ambiente, proveniente do Instituto de Investigaciones Agricolas ? Centro de Entomologia La Cruz- INIA, Chile, como alternativa para o controle biológico de cochonilhas sem carapaça e pulgões (afídeos) em cultivos de importância econômica e, adicionalmente, como forma estratégica e proativa de controle biológico clássico da cochonilha rosada Maconellicoccus hirsutus Green (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), caso esta praga quarentenária tipo A1 seja introduzida no território nacional.


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A lo largo de este estudio se pretende reflexionar acerca del concepto de seguridad en general, para posteriormente abordar la violencia de género como un tipo de violencia más propio de nuestra época. Con la finalidad de construir un plan de protección, basándome en las necesidades escasamente cubiertas por parte de los cuerpos de seguridad en Navarra y las distintas instituciones que participan en el protocolo de actuación. Hasta el momento la mayoría de estudios de relevancia sobre el tema se han centrado en definir cuál es el problema y a quienes afecta, pero siguen haciendo falta tanto medidas de prevención que disminuyan considerablemente este tipo de delitos, como de protección para las víctimas y el entorno que les rodea, con el fin de sentirse respaldadas y protegidas por parte de la sociedad y de las instituciones.


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Signaturas: *6, A-F4, G2, H-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Z4, 4A-4Z4, 5A-5D4, 5E2, 5F4 ; *5, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Y4, Z2, 4A4 ; *5, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Z4, 4A-4N4, 4O5 ; *5, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Z4, 4A-4O4, 4P2, 4Q1, 4R4 ; *5, A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3M4, *2, A-S4.


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The work analyse from a journalistic point of view the history radio divulgation of health during the Second Republic and the start of the Franco era. For it, printed sources of the health broadcast conferences have been analysed. The most frequently used radio genre was a combination of informative monologue and monologue opinion. Questions relating to maternal-juvenile health were the most disseminated. In general, the radio language employed responded to the needs for clarity, as well as adapting the message to the target audience. With Francoism, the political slogans were incorporated and the gender discussions were given more importance.


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The present study was undertaken to test whether inhibition of the proangiogenic inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha can modulate retinal hypoxia and preretinal neovascularization in a murine model of oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR). OIR was produced in TNF-alpha-/- and wild-type (WT) control C57B6 neonatal mice by exposure to 75% oxygen between postnatal days 7 and 12 (P7 to P12). Half of each WT litter was treated with the cytokine inhibitor semapimod (formerly known as CNI-1493) (5 mg/kg) by daily intraperitoneal injection from the time of reintroduction to room air at P12 until P17. The extent of preretinal neovascularization and intraretinal revascularization was quantified by image analysis of retinal flat-mounts and retinal hypoxia correlated with vascularization by immunofluorescent localization of the hypoxia-sensitive drug pimonidazole (hypoxyprobe, HP). HP adducts were also characterized by Western analysis and quantified by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. TNF-alpha-/- and WT mice showed a similar sensitivity to hyperoxia-induced retinal ischemia at P12. At P13 some delay in early reperfusion was evident in TNFalpha-/- and WT mice treated with semapimod. However, at P17 both these groups had significantly better vascular recovery with less ischemic/hypoxic retina and preretinal neovascularization compared to untreated retinopathy in WT mice. Immunohistochemistry showed deposition of HP in the avascular inner retina but not in areas underlying preretinal neovascularization, indicating that such aberrant vasculature can reduce retinal hypoxia. Inhibition of TNF-alpha significantly, improves vascular recovery within ischemic tissue and reduces pathological neovascularization in OIR. HP provides a useful tool for mapping and quantifying tissue hypoxia in experimental ischemic retinopathy.


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The purpose of this article is to analyse the assessment procedures and instruments used by teachers of Geography and History of Compulsory Secondary School (ESO) in the Region of Murcia (Spain). The data have been extracted implementing a survey technique proceeded by a descriptive analysis. The results show that teachers generally have a traditional conception of assessment, reflected in the fact that they think that assessment should not change when teaching strategies are changed or when they innovate. On the other hand, although they consider that is necessary to employ a variety of instruments to assess well and to prevent school failure, they still use exams as the most objective and essential instrument in the assessment, while they don’t apply continuous assessment, only tests in a continuous way. The implementation of similar research in other areas or in other subjects shows the existence of contrasts in teacher assessment practices.


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Protein TrwC is the conjugative relaxase responsible for DNA processing in plasmid R388 bacterial conjugation. TrwC has two catalytic tyrosines, Y18 and Y26, both able to carry out cleavage reactions using unmodified oligonucleotide substrates. Suicide substrates containing a 30-Sphosphorothiolate linkage at the cleavage site displaced TrwC reaction towards covalent adducts and thereby enabled intermediate steps in relaxase reactions to be investigated. Two distinct covalent TrwC–oligonucleotide complexes could be separated from noncovalently bound protein by SDS–PAGE. As observed by mass spectrometry, one complex contained a single, cleaved oligonucleotide bound to Y18, whereas the other contained two cleaved oligonucleotides, bound to Y18 and Y26. Analysis of the cleavage reaction using suicide substrates and Y18F or Y26F mutants showed that efficient Y26 cleavage only occurs after Y18 cleavage. Strand-transfer reactions carried out with the isolated Y18–DNA complex allowed the assignment of specific roles to each tyrosine. Thus, only Y18 was used for initiation. Y26 was specifically used in the second transesterification that leads to strand transfer, thus catalyzing the termination reaction that occurs in the recipient cell.


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The CD3ε cytoplasmic tail contains a conserved proline-rich sequence (PRS) that influences TCR-CD3 expression and signaling. Although the PRS can bind the SH3.1 domain of the cytosolic adapter Nck, whether the PRS is constitutively available for Nck binding or instead represents a cryptic motif that is exposed via conformational change upon TCR-CD3 engagement (CD3Δc) is currently unresolved. Furthermore, the extent to which a cis-acting CD3ε basic amino acid-rich stretch (BRS), with its unique phosphoinositide-binding capability, might impact PRS accessibility is not clear. In this study, we found that freshly harvested primary thymocytes expressed low to moderate basal levels of Nck-accessible PRS ("open-CD3"), although most TCR-CD3 complexes were inaccessible to Nck ("closed-CD3"). Ag presentation in vivo induced open-CD3, accounting for half of the basal level found in thymocytes from MHC(+) mice. Additional stimulation with either anti-CD3 Abs or peptide-MHC ligands further elevated open-CD3 above basal levels, consistent with a model wherein antigenic engagement induces maximum PRS exposure. We also found that the open-CD3 conformation induced by APCs outlasted the time of ligand occupancy, marking receptors that had been engaged. Finally, CD3ε BRS-phosphoinositide interactions played no role in either adoption of the initial closed-CD3 conformation or induction of open-CD3 by Ab stimulation. Thus, a basal level of open-CD3 is succeeded by a higher, induced level upon TCR-CD3 engagement, involving CD3Δc and prolonged accessibility of the CD3ε PRS to Nck.


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Evalúa la situación en las islas Lobos de Afuera durante el período del 10 al 13 de diciembre de 2001, respecto a la gran presión pesquera por parte de buzos y marisqueros de Lambayeque y de Piura (Sechura), que hace peligrar la explotación sostenible del recurso pulpo. En ese sentido, el laboratorio costero llevó a cabo la verificación en la zona (lugar donde esta especie bentónica presenta gran abundancia) a fin de obtener datos biométricos y biológico-pesqueros que permitan determinar el estado del pulpo y recomendar, en base a ello, medidas de ordenamiento pesquero para evitar la depredación de la especie.


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Presenta por primera vez en el Perú algunos aspectos biológico-pesqueros del caracol bola, así como su distribución espacial local, los mismos que contribuirán en una futura dación de normas para su regulación y ordenamiento pesquero, a fin de preservar una extracción sostenida.


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Se estimó la biomasa de las especies pelágicas anchoveta, sardina, jurel, caballa y samasa mediante la técnica Hidroacústica, entre el 20 de marzo y el 7 de mayo de 1998, a bordo del BIC Humboldt, desde Caleta La Cruz, Tumbes hasta Los Palos, Tacna. El diseño para la obtención de datos fue el sistemático paralelo con transectos perpendiculares a la costa con una separación entre ellos de 12 mn. El equipo utilizado fue la ecosonda científica EK-500 SIMRAD de 38 y 120 kHz de frecuencia, en un rango de detección de 3,5 a 400 m de profundidad. Las calibraciones hidroacústicas se realizaron tanto en la isla Lobos de Afuera (6°55,2 'S y 80°43,7 'W) como en el Callao (12°S). La obtención de la biomasa se determinó por el método de estratificación por áreas isoparalitorales. Las ecuaciones de fuerza de blanco utilizadas fueron las determinadas en noviembre de 1997 por MAC LENNAN et al. y, en este crucero, por GUTIÉRREZ y MAC LENNAN.