976 resultados para Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950.


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15 chapters by separate hands, an introduction, and updated bibliography publishing proceedings from the 2009 Bernard Spencer Centenary Conference at the University of Reading, along with other related work.


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This paper compares the development of the poultry industry in Italy with the UK. Earlier research has suggested that the UK poultry industry developed a symbiotic relationship with the emerging supermarket retailers. Italy had a retarded supermarket sector. Its distribution system favoured small-scale, independent butchers rather than chains of self-service supermarkets. Despite this the Italian poultry industry also modernised, adopting US technologies. The catalyst for this modernisation was technological innovation in refrigeration technologies that enabled Italian consumers and independent retailers to be persuaded of the merits of the new ‘technological’ chicken. While the Italian market has become dominated by AIA and Amadori in recent years, the key innovators were the entrepreneurs that created the company called Arena.


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Global hydrographic and air–sea freshwater flux datasets are used to investigate ocean salinity changes over 1950–2010 in relation to surface freshwater flux. On multi-decadal timescales, surface salinity increases (decreases) in evaporation (precipitation) dominated regions, the Atlantic–Pacific salinity contrast increases, and the upper thermocline salinity maximum increases while the salinity minimum of intermediate waters decreases. Potential trends in E–P are examined for 1950–2010 (using two reanalyses) and 1979–2010 (using four reanalyses and two blended products). Large differences in the 1950–2010 E–P trend patterns are evident in several regions, particularly the North Atlantic. For 1979–2010 some coherency in the spatial change patterns is evident but there is still a large spread in trend magnitude and sign between the six E–P products. However, a robust pattern of increased E–P in the southern hemisphere subtropical gyres is seen in all products. There is also some evidence in the tropical Pacific for a link between the spatial change patterns of salinity and E–P associated with ENSO. The water cycle amplification rate over specific regions is subsequently inferred from the observed 3-D salinity change field using a salt conservation equation in variable isopycnal volumes, implicitly accounting for the migration of isopycnal surfaces. Inferred global changes of E–P over 1950–2010 amount to an increase of 1 ± 0.6 % in net evaporation across the subtropics and an increase of 4.2 ± 2 % in net precipitation across subpolar latitudes. Amplification rates are approximately doubled over 1979–2010, consistent with accelerated broad-scale warming but also coincident with much improved salinity sampling over the latter period.


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During his lifetime, Sir Bernard Spilsbury was referred to as the ‘‘father of forensic medicine.’’ He became a household name as a result of several famous cases. Several articles have been written about his life and work, but an objective assessment has proved difficult because of the lack of available material that Spilsbury himself produced. His main legacy has been a series of case cards, but for many years these were unavailable to the researcher. In 2008, a collection of some 4000 of Spilsbury’s case cards was bought by The Wellcome Library in London and therefore entered the public domain. In this article, we report our study of 650 of these cards. We discuss trends in Spilsbury’s work and several specific cases in more detail. These cards allow an objective view to be taken of Spilsbury’s everyday work, and we feel that some reappraisal of his legacy is now timely


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to develop a novel unstructured simulation approach for injection molding processes described by the Hele-Shaw model. Design/methodology/approach - The scheme involves dual dynamic meshes with active and inactive cells determined from an initial background pointset. The quasi-static pressure solution in each timestep for this evolving unstructured mesh system is approximated using a control volume finite element method formulation coupled to a corresponding modified volume of fluid method. The flow is considered to be isothermal and non-Newtonian. Findings - Supporting numerical tests and performance studies for polystyrene described by Carreau, Cross, Ellis and Power-law fluid models are conducted. Results for the present method are shown to be comparable to those from other methods for both Newtonian fluid and polystyrene fluid injected in different mold geometries. Research limitations/implications - With respect to the methodology, the background pointset infers a mesh that is dynamically reconstructed here, and there are a number of efficiency issues and improvements that would be relevant to industrial applications. For instance, one can use the pointset to construct special bases and invoke a so-called ""meshless"" scheme using the basis. This would require some interesting strategies to deal with the dynamic point enrichment of the moving front that could benefit from the present front treatment strategy. There are also issues related to mass conservation and fill-time errors that might be addressed by introducing suitable projections. The general question of ""rate of convergence"" of these schemes requires analysis. Numerical results here suggest first-order accuracy and are consistent with the approximations made, but theoretical results are not available yet for these methods. Originality/value - This novel unstructured simulation approach involves dual meshes with active and inactive cells determined from an initial background pointset: local active dual patches are constructed ""on-the-fly"" for each ""active point"" to form a dynamic virtual mesh of active elements that evolves with the moving interface.


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This paper analyzes the most significant events occurring in Brazil`s educational, social and political areas over the last half century, viewed against a background of relevant worldwide events. The hypothesis presented here is that the relations between the country`s educational policies, the demands of the various segments of academia, and the public school system have always been strained. This strain has contributed positively to the evolution of academic knowledge and production, to the design of more modern curricular projects by institutional authorities, and to the initial recognition of the specific construction of school knowledge by the school system itself. However, the interaction of these major institutions lacks a crucial element-one that would lead to an effective change in the education of science teachers and produce a positive impact on Brazil`s schools-namely, the wholehearted participation of science teachers themselves. With this analysis, we intend to contribute by offering some perspectives and proposals for science teacher education in Brazil.


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Denna uppsats studerar hur en lokal avdelning inom SMU i Sverige påverkas av det som försiggår i omvärlden mellan 1930-1950. De faktorer som studeras är världskriget, sekulariseringen, ungdomsdebatten, bibelsynsfrågan och depressionen. Undersökningen speglar makrofrågor ur ett mikroperspektiv. Uppsatsens resultat är att SMU i Borlänge påverkas väldigt lite under perioden. Verksamheten inom SMU i Borlänge är förhållande vis lika från år till år. Den största förändringen är att församlingen tappar en stor del av sina medlemmar. Minskningen av medlemsantalet är större än motsvarande minskning inom SMF i Borlänge och SMF nationellt. Förutom medlemsminskningen framförs ett krav på ökade bibelstudier och andra aktiviteter av andlig natur 1942. Orsaken till detta krav är svår att fastställa men det finns anledning att tro att samtliga undersökningspunkter kan har varit bidragande faktorer. Troligtvis har debatten om ungdomens moraliska förfall och sekulariseringen varit de mest betydelsefulla faktorerna.


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Denna studie ska undersöka den geografiska rekryteringen av de antagna eleverna vid det kvinnliga folkskoleseminariet i Falun från 1875 till 1950. Resultaten jämförs med två liknade studier samt ställs mot den urbanisering och befolkningsökning som skedde under den studerade perioden. Resultaten visar små förändringar över tiden, där rekryteringen var nära nog rikstäckande med en majoritet från nuvarande Dalarnas län och närliggande län. De antagna var i huvudsak från landsbygden, där det inte skedde några förändringar trots befolkningsökning och urbanisering under den studerade perioden. Detta visar på att Faluns seminarium var betydelsefullt för den lokala bildningen, och då framför allt på landsbygden. Resultatet visar dessutom på en kontinuitet i den geografiska rekryteringen.


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Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att se vilka förändringar som ägde rum på Falu fångvårdsanstalt mellan två skilda perioder. Fokus ligger på de disciplinära åtgärder som vidtogs mot fångar som på något vis misskött sig på anstalten. Ena perioden är mellan 1900-1905 och den andra perioden är mellan 1950-1955. Under 1946 ägde en reformering av Svenska fångvården rum. Före detta år satt internerna isolerade i ensamceller och fick varken träffa eller språka med någon annan fånge under sin fängelsevistelse. Efter 1946 trädde reglementeringen i kraft där fångarna fick träffa varandra och samtala. Interner erhöll mer frihet än innan och den strikta ordning som funnits innan avtog så smått. Frågan som ställs i arbetet är vilka förändringar som går att finna före och efter 1946 års reglementering. Fången fick mer frihet efter detta år, men paradoxalt nog ökade skötsamhetsöverträdelserna efter 1946. De disciplinära åtgärderna fördubblades nästan i jämförelse med tidigare period. Det ökade förtroendet för internerna renderade i en högre grad av oordning på Falu fängelse och resultatet av undersökningen visar att det förekom fler förseelser 1950-1955 än 1900-1905. Källmaterialet till undersökningen består i huvudsak av förhörsprotokoll och straffjournaler från Falu fängelse för angiven tid, vilka har studerats på landsarkivet i Uppsala.


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Aliança entre os estudos midiáticos e os relacionados à memória podem oferecer novas perspectivas para o entendimento da cultura e de suas relações com os meios de comunicação, seja em âmbito local ou em dimensões mais amplas. Tendo em vista as atuais relações entre memória social e comunicação, este artigo pretende analisar a produção musical popular na região do Grande ABC paulista sob o ponto de vista da memória de alguns de seus personagens, colocando em destaque o papel de quatro emissoras de rádio locais como mediadoras culturais entre gêneros musicais mais tradicionais e a sociedade local. Discutese a produção local de canções de gêneros tradicionais, como o samba-canção, o bolero, a valsa e a canção sertaneja, a partir da análise dos relatos de histórias de vida de músicos e compositores que viveram o período na região e, também, da análise de suas canções, a fim de pensar como as transformações culturais locais mantêm ou modificam essa produção musical local e identificam o papel do rádio na difusão desses gêneros musicais na região nessa época.