981 resultados para Santens, Patrick


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados clínicos imediatos e em médio prazo do tratamento endovascular em pacientes portadores de aneurisma da aorta abdominal em um centro de referência para doenças cardiovasculares. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de uma série de pacientes submetidos a tratamento endovascular de aneurisma da aorta abdominal, no período de janeiro de 2009 a julho de 2010. Foram avaliados as características demográficas, o sucesso técnico, o sucesso terapêutico, a morbimortalidade, as complicações e a taxa de reintervenções perioperatórias imediatos, e após um ano de acompanhamento. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 102 pacientes consecutivos com idade média de 72 ± 9 anos, sendo 79% deles do sexo masculino. Houve sucesso técnico em 97,1% e êxito terapêutico em 81% dos casos. A mortalidade perioperatória foi de 0,9% e a anual, de 7,8%. Foram necessárias reintervenções em 18,8% dos pacientes durante o seguimento. CONCLUSÃO: Em nosso estudo, os resultados obtidos justificam a realização desse procedimento nos pacientes com anatomia adequada.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados do tratamento de uma série consecutiva de pacientes submetidos a tratamento endovascular de doenças da aorta torácica. Foram observados o sucesso técnico, o sucesso terapêutico, a morbimortalidade e a taxa de complicações perioperatórias e de reintervenções. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, realizado em um centro de referência, no período de janeiro de 2010 a julho de 2011, em que foram analisados pacientes submetidos a correção endovascular de doenças da aorta torácica. A população foi dividida em dois grupos: grupo 1 (G1) - aneurismas de aorta torácica verdadeiros, úlcera aórtica e pseudoaneurisma; grupo 2 (G2) - dissecção aórtica tipo B crônica. RESULTADOS: Em um total de 55 pacientes tratados, 29 pertenciam ao G1 e 26, ao G2. As idades médias foram 66,8 ± 10 e 56,4 ± 7 anos, respectivamente. Os sucessos técnico e terapêutico foram, respectivamente, 86,3% e 68,6% no G1 e 100% e 74% no G2. A mortalidade perioperatória foi 10,3% no G1 e 7,6% no G2, com taxa de mortalidade anual de 10,3% no G1 e de 19,3% no G2. As taxas de reintervenções foram 10,3% e 15,3%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Em nosso estudo, o tratamento endovascular das doenças da aorta torácica demonstrou ser um método viável e associado a aceitáveis taxas de complicações.


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Objective To evaluate the association of conventional angiography (AG) with computed tomography angiography (CTA) as compared with CTA only, preoperatively, in the treatment of aortic diseases. Materials and Methods Retrospective study involving patients submitted to endovascular treatment of aortic diseases, in the period from January 2009 to July 2010, with use of preoperative CTA + conventional AG or CTA only. The patients were divided into two groups, namely: G1 – thoracic aortic diseases; and G2 – abdominal aortic diseases. G1 was subdivided into 1A (preoperative AG + CTA) and 1B (preoperative CTA). G2 was subdivided into 2C (CTA + AG) and 2D (CTA only). Results The authors evaluated 156 patients. In subgroups 1A and 1B, the rate of technical success was, respectively, 100% and 94.7% (p = 1.0); and the rate of therapeutic success was, respectively, 81% and 58% (p = 0.13). A higher number of complications were observed in subgroup 1B (p = 0.057). The accuracy in the calculation of the prosthesis was higher in subgroup 1A (p = 0.065). In their turn, the rate of technical success in subgroups 2C and 2D was, respectively, 92.3% and 98.6% (p = 0.17). The rate of therapeutic success was 73% and 98.6% (p = 0.79). Conclusion Preoperative conventional AG should be reserved for cases where CTA cannot provide all the information in the planning of a therapeutic intervention.


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Health and inequalities in health among inhabitants of European cities are of major importance for European public health and there is great interest in how different health care systems in Europe perform in the reduction of health inequalities. However, evidence on the spatial distribution of cause-specific mortality across neighbourhoods of European cities is scarce. This study presents maps of avoidable mortality in European cities and analyses differences in avoidable mortality between neighbourhoods with different levels of deprivation. Methods: We determined the level of mortality from 14 avoidable causes of death for each neighbourhood of 15 large cities in different European regions. To address the problems associated with Standardised Mortality Ratios for small areas we smooth them using the Bayesian model proposed by Besag, York and Mollié. Ecological regression analysis was used to assess the association between social deprivation and mortality. Results: Mortality from avoidable causes of death is higher in deprived neighbourhoods and mortality rate ratios between areas with different levels of deprivation differ between gender and cities. In most cases rate ratios are lower among women. While Eastern and Southern European cities show higher levels of avoidable mortality, the association of mortality with social deprivation tends to be higher in Northern and lower in Southern Europe. Conclusions: There are marked differences in the level of avoidable mortality between neighbourhoods of European cities and the level of avoidable mortality is associated with social deprivation. There is no systematic difference in the magnitude of this association between European cities or regions. Spatial patterns of avoidable mortality across small city areas can point to possible local problems and specific strategies to reduce health inequality which is important for the development of urban areas and the well-being of their inhabitants


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In order to shed light on the main physical processes controlling fragmentation of massive dense cores, we present a uniform study of the density structure of 19 massive dense cores, selected to be at similar evolutionary stages, for which their relative fragmentation level was assessed in a previous work. We inferred the density structure of the 19 cores through a simultaneous fit of the radial intensity profiles at 450 and 850 μm (or 1.2 mm in two cases) and the spectral energy distribution, assuming spherical symmetry and that the density and temperature of the cores decrease with radius following power-laws. Even though the estimated fragmentation level is strictly speaking a lower limit, its relative value is significant and several trends could be explored with our data. We find a weak (inverse) trend of fragmentation level and density power-law index, with steeper density profiles tending to show lower fragmentation, and vice versa. In addition, we find a trend of fragmentation increasing with density within a given radius, which arises from a combination of flat density profile and high central density and is consistent with Jeans fragmentation. We considered the effects of rotational-to-gravitational energy ratio, non-thermal velocity dispersion, and turbulence mode on the density structure of the cores, and found that compressive turbulence seems to yield higher central densities. Finally, a possible explanation for the origin of cores with concentrated density profiles, which are the cores showing no fragmentation, could be related with a strong magnetic field, consistent with the outcome of radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations.


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Nonnative brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis are abundant in Pine Creek and its main tributary, Bogard Spring Creek, California. These creeks historically provided the most spawning and rearing habitat for endemic Eagle Lake rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss aquilarum. Three-pass electrofishing removal was conducted in 2007–2009 over the entire 2.8-km length of Bogard Spring Creek to determine whether brook trout removal was a feasible restoration tool and to document the life history characteristics of brook trout in a California meadow stream. After the first 2 years of removal, brook trout density and biomass were severely reduced from 15,803 to 1,192 fish/ha and from 277 to 31 kg/ha, respectively. Average removal efficiency was 92–97%, and most of the remaining fish were removed in the third year. The lack of a decrease in age-0 brook trout abundance between 2007 and 2008 after the removal of more than 4,000 adults in 2007 suggests compensatory reproduction of mature fish that survived and higher survival of age-0 fish. However, recruitment was greatly reduced after 2 years of removal and is likely to be even more depressed after the third year of removal assuming that immigration of fish from outside the creek continues to be minimal. Brook trout condition, growth, and fecundity indicated a stunted population at the start of the study, but all three features increased significantly every year, demonstrating compensatory effects. Although highly labor intensive, the use of electrofishing to eradicate brook trout may be feasible in Bogard Spring Creek and similar small streams if removal and monitoring are continued annually and if other control measures (e.g., construction of barriers) are implemented. Our evidence shows that if brook trout control measures continue and if only Eagle Lake rainbow trout are allowed access to the creek, then a self-sustaining population ofEagle Lake rainbow trout can become reestablished