984 resultados para Saint Louis (Mo.)
Introducción: En las obras de Adolphe Gesché (1928-2003) aparecen temáticas que echan sus raíces en la teología dogmática y en la fundamental. Realiza su camino académico de licenciatura en filosofía y letras en la Universidad Católica de Lovaina, donde también, posteriormente, se licencia y doctora en teología. Más tarde realiza su magíster con una tesis sobre patrología. Si bien nunca faltarán en su madurez bibliográfica estos recursos de la primera hora, enfocará sus investigaciones y desarrollos hacia horizontes más dogmáticos. Estos últimos serán tratados desde abordajes múltiples, como la moral, la antropología, la psicología, filosofía y estética, la literatura y la teología comparada. Es precisamente en esta nota o personalidad de su “teologizar desde el encuentro” donde radicará la disertación presente, subrayando la riqueza de variados afluentes y detectando esas pistas de enlaces o convergencias que abren la posibilidad de la aplicación interdisciplinaria y del diálogo entre esos campos. Cabe destacar en Gesché el sustrato de diálogo con otras áreas humanísticas debido a sus estudios en humanidades y en filosofía y letras realizados en la Facultad de Saint Louis, Bruselas, previos a su ordenación sacerdotal. Gesché se esfuerza en sus obras por proveerse de un método interno y, al mismo tiempo, de una propuesta metodológica para futuras investigaciones. Lo confirmará el teólogo mismo al decir que “este recorrido constituye una experiencia que deseo realizar, tanto más que, a mi juicio, resulta decisiva para nuestra postmodernidad”. Se utilizará como material fuente su obra teológica magna sistematizada en siete tomos que llevan por título “Dios para pensar”, pero esto no impedirá recurrir a textos de algunas otras obras de su autoría y a su Fichero temático personal. La disertación apuntará al estudio de la importancia que Gesché confiere a la dimensión narrada del evangelio como principal fuente de luz sobre la persona e identidad de Jesucristo, constituyéndose en un modelo de relato que configura la identidad de aquel que narra, ejerciendo, también, una eficacia para aquel que lo lee. Texto, sujeto y lector serán, entonces, los ejes de su estudio y, también, la estructura de la disertación. Es el evangelio, en su esencia “narrado”, el que confiere identidad a la persona de Jesucristo. Esta dimensión narrativa del texto evangélico supera dos polos generados en la tradición teológica apoyados uno en la historia y el otro en el dogma. Ésta será la principal tesis sostenida por el teólogo y planteará el advenimiento de un tercero para resolver el ahogo de los encierros narcisistas...
Four methods to control the smooth cordgrass Spartina (Spartina alterniflora) and the footwear worn by treatment personnelat several sites in Willapa Bay, Washington were evaluatedto determine the non-target impacts to eelgrass (Zostera japonica). Clone-sized infestations of Spartina were treated bymowing or a single hand-spray application of Rodeo® formulatedat 480 g L-1acid equivalence (ae) of the isopropylaminesalt of glyphosate (Monsanto Agricultural Co., St. Louis, MO;currently Dow AgroSciences, Indianapolis, IN) with the nonionic surfactant LI 700® (2% v/v) or a combination of mowing and hand spraying. An aerial application of Rodeo® with X-77 Spreader® (0.13% v/v) to a 2-ha meadow was also investigated. Monitoring consisted of measuring eelgrass shoot densities and percent cover pre-treatment and 1-yr post-treatment. Impacts to eelgrass adjacent to treated clones were determined 1 m from the clones and compared to a control 5-m away. Impacts from footwear were assessed at 5 equidistant intervals along a 10-m transect on mudflat and an untreated control transect at each of the three clone treatment sites. Impacts from the aerial application were determined by comparing shoot densities and percent cover 1, 3 and 10 m from the edge of the treated Spartina meadow to that at comparable distances from an untreated meadow. Methods utilized to control Spartina clones did not impact surrounding eelgrass at two of three sites. Decreases in shoot densities observed at the third site were consistent across treatments. Most impacts to eelgrass from the footwear worn by treatment personnel were negligible and those that were significant were limited to soft mud substrate. The aerial application of the herbicide was associated with reductions in eelgrass (shoot density and percent cover) at two of the three sampling distances, but reductions on the control plot were greater. We conclude that the unchecked spread of Spartina is a far greater threat to the survival and health of eelgrass than that from any of the control measures we studied. The basis for evaluating control measures for Spartina should be efficacy and logistical constraints and not impacts to eelgrass. PDF is 7 pages.
2 cartas (mecanografiadas) ; 200x267mm
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Acção Humanitária, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento
A worker developed angiosarcoma, porphyria cutanea tarda, and skin lesions characteristic of mild chloracne. About 10 years earlier he had been employed at a truck terminal in Saint Louis, Missouri, at a time when it was sprayed with waste oil contaminated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). The occurrence of these three rare conditions in a single exposed worker supports the aetiological relation between environmental exposure to TCDD and the subsequent development of soft tissue sarcoma and porphyria cutanea tarda.
PURPOSE: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a global role in regulating gene expression and have important tissue-specific functions. Little is known about their role in the retina. The purpose of this study was to establish the retinal expression of those miRNAs predicted to target genes involved in vision. METHODS: miRNAs potentially targeting important "retinal" genes, as defined by expression pattern and implication in disease, were predicted using a published algorithm (TargetScan; Envisioneering Medical Technologies, St. Louis, MO). The presence of candidate miRNAs in human and rat retinal RNA was assessed by RT-PCR. cDNA levels for each miRNA were determined by quantitative PCR. The ability to discriminate between miRNAs varying by a single nucleotide was assessed. The activity of miR-124 and miR-29 against predicted target sites in Rdh10 and Impdh1 was tested by cotransfection of miRNA mimics and luciferase reporter plasmids. RESULTS: Sixty-seven miRNAs were predicted to target one or more of the 320 retinal genes listed herein. All 11 candidate miRNAs tested were expressed in the retina, including miR-7, miR-124, miR135a, and miR135b. Relative levels of individual miRNAs were similar between rats and humans. The Rdh10 3'UTR, which contains a predicted miR-124 target site, mediated the inhibition of luciferase activity by miR-124 mimics in cell culture. CONCLUSIONS: Many miRNAs likely to regulate genes important for retinal function are present in the retina. Conservation of miRNA retinal expression patterns from rats to humans supports evidence from other tissues that disruption of miRNAs is a likely cause of a range of visual abnormalities.
The aim of the study was to determine the geographical and seasonal variations in aflatoxin dietary exposure levels in adults from Senegal. A total of 168 adults (50% male) were recruited from three districts: Nioro du Rip (n=90), located in the Sudan Savannah agro-ecological zone where rainfall is sufficient for groundnut growth; Saint-Louis (n=40) and Mboro (n=38), located in the Sahel zone where groundnuts are produced under irrigated conditions. Diet information and samples were collected at groundnut harvest and post-harvest seasons. Plasma aflatoxin-albumin adducts (AF-alb) and total aflatoxin in household groundnut samples were measured by ELISA and a quantitative thin layer chromatography method, respectively. The blood AF-alb geometric mean was 45.7 pg/mg albumin (range 5.5-588.2 pg/mg). Nioro du Rip had a higher AF-alb level at harvest than Saint-Louis and Mboro (80.0 vs 15.6 and 33.3 pg/mg, P<0.001). Similar trends were observed at post-harvest (P<0.05). Seasonal trends were not consistent across the districts as Nioro du Rip had a higher AF-alb level at harvest than post-harvest (80.0 vs 58.6 pg/mg, P=0.026), whereas Saint-Louis had a higher level at post-harvest than harvest (25.6 vs 15.6 pg/mg, P=0.032). It is clear that aflatoxin exposure is prevalent in adults from Senegal and that season and geographical location are strong determinants of aflatoxin exposure.