953 resultados para SOUTHERN LAURENTIA


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The progress of the severity of southern rust in maize (Zea mays) caused by Puccinia polysora was quantified in staggered plantings in different geographical areas in Brazil, from October to May, over two years (1995-1996 and 1996-1997). The logistic model, fitted to the data, better described the disease progress curves than the Gompertz model. Four components of the disease progress curves (maximum disease severity; area under the disease progress curve, AUDPC; area under the disease progress curve around the inflection point, AUDPCi; and epidemic rate) were used to compare the epidemics in different areas and at different times of planting. The AUDPC, AUDPCi, and the epidemic rate were analyzed in relation to the weather (temperature, relative humidity, hours of relative humidity >90%, and rainfall) and recorded during the trials. Disease severity reached levels greater than 30% in Piracicaba and Guaíra in the plantings between December and January. Lower values of AUDPC occurred in later plantings at both locations. The epidemic rate was positively correlated (P < 0.05) with the mean daily temperatures and negatively correlated with hours of relative humidity >90%. The AUDPC was not correlated with any weather variable. The AUDPCi was negatively related to both variables connected to humidity, but not to rain. Long periods (mostly >13 h day-1) of relative humidity >90% (that corresponded to leaf wetness) occurred in Castro. Severity of southern rust in maize has always been low in Castro, thus the negative correlations between disease and the two humidity variables.


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O presente trabalho caracteriza a região 5'-terminal de um isolado do Southern bean mosaic virus encontrado no Estado de São Paulo (SBMV-SP). O RNA foi extraído de partículas virais purificadas e submetido a RT-PCR usando oligonucleotídeos desenhados para amplificar cerca de 590 nt da região 5'-terminal do RNA viral. Foi obtido um fragmento de tamanho esperado que, após clonagem e seqüenciamento, mostrou a existência de uma região não codificadora com 92 nt e a primeira ORF, começando no primeiro AUG (posição 93) e terminando no códon UGA na posição 534. Na região não codificadora foi detectado um segmento parcialmente complementar ao RNA ribossomal 18S. A ORF1 codifica uma proteína de 147 aminoácidos com massa molecular estimada de 17080 Da. A extremidade 3' da ORF1 sobrepõe a extremidade 5' da ORF2 em 34 nucleotídeos. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a região 5'-terminal do RNA do SBMV-SP é similar ao isolado Arkansas (SBMV-ARK) descrito na América do Norte.


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Em lavouras de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) da cultivar Carioca Comum, no município de Londrina, Estado do Paraná, foram encontradas plantas com sintomas de necrose da haste, mosaico clorótico leve e porte reduzido, semelhantes aos sintomas causados por infecção viral. Exames de microscopia eletrônica revelaram a presença de partículas isométricas. Em testes de imunodifusão dupla em gel de ágar os extratos foliares de plantas infetadas reagiram positivamente com anti-soro específico para o Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV). O vírus foi purificado e a massa molecular de sua proteína capsidial foi estimada em 30 kDa, valor esperado para proteínas do capsídeo de vírus do gênero Sobemovirus. A gama de hospedeiras do SBMV isolado no Paraná foi restrita ao feijoeiro e a algumas cultivares de soja (Glycine max). A separação de dois vírus isométricos comuns em infecções mistas no feijoeiro foi possível através da reação de imunidade ao SBMV apresentada por Crotalaria sp, Chenopodium quinoa e Mucuna deeringiana, e da reação de susceptibilidade dessas mesmas hospedeiras ao Bean rugose mosaic virus (BRMV).


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O presente trabalho caracteriza a região 3'-terminal do genoma de um isolado do Southern bean mosaic virus encontrado no Estado de São Paulo (SBMV-SP). O RNA foi extraído de partículas virais purificadas e submetido a RT-PCR usando oligonucleotídeos desenhados para amplificar 972 nt da região 3'-terminal do RNA viral. Foi obtido fragmento de tamanho esperado que inclui o gene da proteína capsidial e a região 3'-terminal não codificadora. O gene da proteína capsidial (ORF4) contém 801 nucleotídeos, incluindo-se o códon de terminação UGA, com seqüência deduzida de 266 aminoácidos e massa molecular estimada de 28.800 Da. Sessenta e um aminoácidos terminais da ORF2 estão sobrepostos na ORF4. O "sinal de localização nuclear", encontrado dentro do "Domínio R" na região 5'-terminal da ORF4 de alguns sobemovírus, não foi identificado no SBMV-SP. Esse dado pode explicar a ausência de partículas virais do SBMV-SP no núcleo celular. A seqüência do SBMV-SP apresentou identidade de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos de, respectivamente, 91% e 93% com o isolado "Arkansas" (SBMV-ARK) descrito nos EUA. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o SBMV-SP e o SBMV-ARK são isolados muito proximamente relacionados.


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Southern blight (Sclerotium rolfsii) of soybean (Glycine max) is an important disease throughout the world. Some soil amendments can reduce disease levels by improving soil microbial activity. The main goals of this study were to investigate the effects of soil amendments such as dried powders of kudzu (Pueraria lobata), velvetbean (Mucuna deeringiana), and pine bark (Pinus taeda), on soil microbial population and disease caused by S. rolfsii on soybean. Pine bark, velvetbean (mucuna) and kudzu (25 g kg-1) added to soil were effective in reducing disease incidence [non-amended (NA) ~ 39%; amended (A) ~ 2 to 11%)]. Bacillus megaterium was the bacteria most frequently isolated in soils with velvetbean or kudzu (NA ~ log 5.7 CFU g-1 of dried soil; A ~ log 6.2). Soils with velvetbean and kudzu stimulated increase in population of Enterobacter aerogenes (NA ~ log 3; A ~ log 5.1-5.8). Pseudomonas putida population was higher in A than in NA (NA ~ log 4; A ~ log 5.5), and was negatively correlated (r = -0.83, P = 1%) to disease incidence. Soil amended with kudzu and pine bark stimulated increases in populations of Trichoderma koningii (NA ~ log 1.6; A ~ log 2.9) and Penicillium citreonigrum (NA ~ log 1.3; A ~ log 2.6), respectively. Penicillium herquei soil population increased with addition of kudzu (NA ~ log 1.2; A, ~ log 2.5). These microorganisms are antagonists of soil-borne pathogens. Powders of velvetbean, kudzu, and pine bark can increase antagonistic population in soil and reduce disease.


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Geokemi och isotopsammansättningarna hos ca 1,8 Ga (miljarder år) gamla mafiska bergartsintrusioner studerades i två huvudområden: i) Transskandinaviska magmatiska bältet (TMB) i Bergslagen, Småland och Blekinge, södra Sverige, inklusive några prov från det ca 1,87 Ga gamla Hedesunda-komplexet i östra Bergslagen, samt ii) mindre, postkollisionala komplex i södra Finland och ryska Karelen. I det senare fallet var även tillhörande granitoider inkluderade i studierna. TMB-bergarterna skiljer sig avsevärt i utvecklingsgrad och omfattar sammansättningsmässigt bergarter från ultramafiter till kvartsdioriter. Dessa bergarters geokemi är kännetecknande för kontinentala öbågar. För sydligaste TMB och Hedesunda antyder geokemin en något mera oceanisk öbågekaraktär. Tillsammans med tidigare data antyder de av Rutanen analyserade Nd- och Sr-isotopförhållanden för TMB en ’milt utarmad’ mantelsammansättning. De mafiska bergarterna i södra Finland och ryska Karelen varierar från ultramafiska till monzodioritiska, men med avsevärt högre alkalihalter jämfört med TMB. Källan för all den studerade mafiska magmatismen kan beskrivas som en utarmad mantel som i varierande grad påverkats av fluider och smältor ur subducerande litosfärplattor. Geokemin antyder infiltrering och påverkning av H2O-dominerande fluider i övre manteln för TMB. Den mafiska ca 1,8 Ga gamla magmatismen österut avspeglar en ökande påverkan av sedimentderiverade karbonatfluider och smältor inom allt djupare mantelområden. Denna subduktionsrelaterade mantelanrikning skedde under den föregående öbågeutvecklingen i södra delarna av Finland och Sverige, samt ryska Karelen. Geokemin för en grupp granitoider, associerade med de ca 1,8 Ga gamla intrusionerna i södra Finland visar både vulkanisk öbåge och synkollisional granitoidkaraktär. Denna grupp har ett blandat magmatiskt och sedimentärt Svekofenniskt ursprung, vilket kan antas p.g.a. deras Nd- och Sr-isotopförhållanden. En annan grupp av granitoider ligger geokemiskt mellan vulkanisk öbåge- och intraplatt-granitoider, och har magmatiskt ursprung. Geokemin och isotoperna hos dessa intrusioner kan förklaras med hybridisering mellan de kraftigt anrikade, mantelderiverade magmorna, och granitmagmor från den äldre skorpan. Den ca 1,8 Ga gamla TMB-magmatismen i Sverige skedde vid sammanslutning av kontinentalrandbågar, med kontinuerlig subduktion mot öster i Bergslagen, och mot norr i de sydligare delarna. Samtidigt i öster intruderade de postkollisionala intrusionerna i skorpan omedelbart efter kollisionen med den Volgo-Sarmatiska kontinenten från sydost. Denna invecklade paleotektoniska konfiguration orsakade en tektonisk regim där litosfäriska mantelkällor levererade de starkt anrikade magmorna, vilkas uppstigning troligen möjliggjordes av djupgående postkollisionala skjuvzoner. Intrusionerna orsakade uppsmältning av den omgivande skorpan, vilket framkallade den associerade granitoidmagmatismen.


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I undersökningen tillämpas Charles Sanders Peirces semiotik för en kritisk granskning av arkeologiska tolkningsprocesser. Enligt Peirce bygger all betydelsegivning på tecken, som kan vara teckningar, föremål, ord, byggkonstruktioner eller egentligen vad som helst. Ett tecken är tredimensionellt: ”objekt”, ”tecken” och ”tolkning”. I sina tidiga skrifter definierar han tre grundtyper för tecknet, Index, Icon och Symbol. De grundläggande definitionerna i Peirces semiotik blir till ett slags lins. När den placeras på skrifter av en arkeolog som uttolkar tecken, framträder deras inre uppbyggnad, motiveringar och logiska konsekvens klart. Att beakta är, att denna bok är lika lite avsedd att utgöra en systematisk klarläggning av den arkeologiska semiotiken, som en omfattande beskrivning av symboliken i det neolitiska Mellanöstern. Analysen är deskriptiv och inte avsedd att utvärdera tolkningarnas riktighet, utan enbart att klarlägga hur arkeologen kommit fram till dessa. Som objekt har valts neolitiska södra Levanten, där viktiga fynd gällande denna i mänsklighetens kulturhistoria så betydelsefulla skede har gjorts. Förhistorien är intressant med tanke på arkeologisk semiosis, eftersom uttolkaren av en symbol inte kan stöda sig på textfynd, utan måste på annat sätt upptäcka vad ett föremål eller en byggnad betytt för sin upphovsman. Att upptäcka en trovärdig betydelse är ofta en mycket svår och understundom rentav omöjlig uppgift. Efter att förhållandet mellan semiotik och arkeologi dryftats analyseras i boken John Garstangs och Kathleen M. Kenyons grundläggande tolkningar i Jeriko, Denise-Schmandt Besserats jämförande analyser för uttolkningen av \'Ain Ghazalis kranium, Michele A. Millers kontextuella analys i Jarmuk samt David Lewis-Williams’ starkt strukturalistiska analys av betydelsen av fynden i \'Ain Ghazal. Peirces semiotik har använts som stöd för arkeologin i mycket mindre utsträckning än F. de Saussures lingvistiska ja strukturalistiska semiotik. I Mellanöstern har man hittills inte alls gjort det. Ingen av de forskare som behandlas i boken hänvisar själv till semiotik eller tecken. Logiken i uttolkningen av dessa undersökningar är mycket invecklad, och de av Peirce gestaltade processerna för betydelsegivning visar sig härvidlag utgöra en ytterst klargörande kritisk apparat.


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Asian soybean rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, was reported at epidemic levels in 2003/2004 and is the main soybean disease in Brazil. The aim of this study was to investigate the spread of Asian soybean rust and to quantify airborne urediniospores in the region of Campo Mourão, Paraná State, Brazil. Three experiments were conducted under field conditions during the 2007/08 and 2008/09 crop seasons. Using the disease gradient method, provided by the application of increasing levels of the fungicide tebuconazole, four Asian soybean rust epidemics at different intensities were obtained in each experiment. To quantify the urediniospores, weathercock-type spore collectors were installed during and between the two crop seasons. Disease progress curves were plotted for each epidemic, and maximum severity was estimated. The curves were fit to the logistic model, which provided higher coefficients of determination and more randomly distributed residuals plotted over time. Analyses of the area under the disease progress curve showed that the largest epidemics occurred in the 2007/2008 crop season and that the progress rates were higher for severity, even among plants protected with the fungicide. The number of urediniospores collected in the air was related to the presence of soybean plants in the cultivated crops. The quantity of urediniospores was also positively correlated to the disease severity and incidence, as well as to cumulative rainfall and favorable days for P. Pachyrhizi infection.


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OBJECTIVES: Disturbances in eating behavior significantly affect young adults. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of abnormal eating behaviors, according to the Eating Attitudes Test - 26 (EAT-26) in medical students at a university in southern Santa Catarina State, Brazil. METHODS: Self-reported questionnaire, based on the EAT-26 scale, was administered to medical students. Additional questions about age, gender, study period of the course, weight and height were asked. A total of 391 medical students were assessed, amounting to 93.3 percent of the 419 students enrolled. RESULTS: Ten percent of the surveyed subjects had positive EAT-26 scores. This outcome measure was positive associated with females (PR 6.5), body mass index (BMI) ≤ 25 kg/m² (PR 4.5), age ≤ 20 years (PR 1.3) and being student from 1st to 5th semester of the course (PR 1.7). A higher proportion of women gave positive responses to behaviors related to control of food intake or weight loss than men. CONCLUSION: The significant prevalence of behaviors related to eating disorders, predominantly among women, suggests the implementation of preventive measures targeting this population.


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Brazil was the first country in Latin America to establish and regulate this type of reserve, and there are currently more than 700 Private Nature Heritage Reserves (RPPN in Portuguese) officially recognized by either federal or state environmental agencies. Together, these RPPN protect more than a half million hectares of land in the country. The coastal forests in the southern part of Bahia State extend 100 to 200 km inland, gradually changing in physiognomy as they occupy the dryer inland areas. The coastal forest has been subjected to intense deforestation, and currently occupies less than 10% of its original area. For this work the creation processes of the RPPN were consulted to obtain the data creation time, size of property, the condition of the remaining forest, succession chain and the last paid tax. After that, interviews with the owners were made to confirm this data. Sixteen RPPN have been established in this region until 2005. Their sizes vary from 4.7 to 800 ha. Ten of these RPPN are located within state or federal conservation areas or their buffer zones. In spite of the numerous national and international conservation strategies and environmental policies focused on the region, the present situation of the cocoa zone is threatening the conservation of the region's natural resources. The establishment of private reserves in the cocoa region could conceivably improve these conservation efforts. This type of reserve can be established under a uniform system supported by federal legislation, and could count on private organizations.