919 resultados para SECRETION SIGNALS
This paper presents a comparative study of complex single-bit and multi-bit sigma-delta modulators that are capable of providing concurrent multiple-band noise-shaping for multi-tone narrow-band input signals. The concepts applied for the three design methodologies are based on the noise transfer functions of complex comb, complex slink and complex multi-notch filters.
Indices of post awakening cortisol secretion (PACS), include the rise in cortisol(cortisol awakening response: CAR) and overall cortisol concentrations (e.g. area under the curve with reference to ground: AUCg) in the first 30—45 min. Both are commonly investigated in relation to psychosocial variables. Although sampling within the domestic setting is ecologically valid, participant non-adherence to the required timing protocol results in erroneous measurement of PACS and this may explain discrepancies in the literature linking these measures to trait well-being (TWB). We have previously shown that delays of little over 5 min(between awakening and the start of sampling) to result in erroneous CAR estimates. In this study, we report for the first time on the negative impact of sample timing inaccuracy (verified by electronic-monitoring) on the efficacy to detect significant relationships between PACS and TWB when measured in the domestic setting.Healthy females (N = 49, 20.5 ± 2.8 years) selected for differences in TWB collected saliva samples (S1—4) on 4 days at 0, 15, 30, 45 min post awakening, to determine PACS. Adherence to the sampling protocol was objectively monitored using a combination of electronic estimates of awakening (actigraphy) and sampling times (track caps).Relationships between PACS and TWB were found to depend on sample timing accuracy. Lower TWB was associated with higher post awakening cortisol AUCg in proportion to the mean sample timing accuracy (p < .005). There was no association between TWB and the CAR even taking into account sample timing accuracy. These results highlight the importance of careful electronic monitoring of participant adherence for measurement of PACS in the domestic setting. Mean sample timing inaccuracy, mainly associated with delays of >5 min between awakening and collection of sample 1 (median = 8 min delay), negatively impacts on the sensitivity of analysis to detect associations between PACS and TWB.
We report the relationship between patterns of post-awakening salivary melatonin and cortisol secretion in healthy participants (n=51; mean age 21.6 ±5.0 years). Saliva samples were collected within the domestic setting, at 0-, 15-, 30-, and 45-min post-awakening on 2 consecutive typical weekdays. Analyses were undertaken on data with electronically verified sample timing accuracy (55-min delay between awakening and the start of saliva sampling). Melatonin secretion declined linearly by an average of 29% within the first 45-min post-awakening. In contrast, there was a marked 112% surge in cortisol, characteristic of the cortisol awakening response. No day differences in melatonin or cortisol secretion were observed but melatonin concentrations were lower with later awakening. Despite contrasting post-awakening changes in these hormones, there was a lack of relationship between overall levels or patterns of melatonin and cortisol during this period.
We propose a low complexity technique to generate amplitude correlated time-series with Nakagami-m distribution and phase correlated Gaussian-distributed time-series, which is useful in the simulation of ionospheric scintillation effects during the transmission of GNSS signals. The method requires only the knowledge of parameters S4 (scintillation index) and σΦ (phase standard deviation) besides the definition of models for the amplitude and phase power spectra. The Zhang algorithm is used to produce Nakagami-distributed signals from a set of Gaussian autoregressive processes.
Power laws, also known as Pareto-like laws or Zipf-like laws, are commonly used to explain a variety of real world distinct phenomena, often described merely by the produced signals. In this paper, we study twelve cases, namely worldwide technological accidents, the annual revenue of America׳s largest private companies, the number of inhabitants in America׳s largest cities, the magnitude of earthquakes with minimum moment magnitude equal to 4, the total burned area in forest fires occurred in Portugal, the net worth of the richer people in America, the frequency of occurrence of words in the novel Ulysses, by James Joyce, the total number of deaths in worldwide terrorist attacks, the number of linking root domains of the top internet domains, the number of linking root domains of the top internet pages, the total number of human victims of tornadoes occurred in the U.S., and the number of inhabitants in the 60 most populated countries. The results demonstrate the emergence of statistical characteristics, very close to a power law behavior. Furthermore, the parametric characterization reveals complex relationships present at higher level of description.
RESUMO: A retina é composta, entre outras estruturas, pelo epitélio pigmentar da retina (EPR)e pela coróide. A região central da retina denomina-se mácula, e é a zona mais afetada na degenerescência macular relacionada com a idade, a forma mais comum de degenerescência da retina. Nesta doença, a secreção de fatores de crescimento pelo EPR é afetada, nomeadamente a do fator de crescimento vascular endotelial (VEGF), e pouco se sabe ainda sobre os mecanismos moleculares conducentes a esta condição. A família de proteínas Rab GTPases está envolvida nas vias intracelulares de sinalização e tráfego membranares, essenciais na transdução de sinais extracelulares em respostas biológicas. A sua crucial importância nestes mecanismos levou-nos a considerar o seu potencial envolvimento nas vias de secreção do VEGF, e a questionar-nos se teriam algum papel regulador sobre as mesmas. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é identificar Rab GTPases importantes para as vias de secreção e endocitose do VEGF no EPR. Essa identificação ajudará a esclarecer a patogénese da degenerescência macular da retina, e poderá servir para uma procura mais direcionada de novos agentes terapêuticos. A caracterização de dois modelos in vitro do EPR, células primárias isoladas de murganho e a linha celular B6-RPE07,levou-nos a concluir que são ambos semelhantes. Contudo, a linha celular foi escolhida como protótipo do EPR por permitir o acesso a um número ilimitado de células. No decurso deste trabalho, desenvolvemos e caracterizámos uma biblioteca de ferramentas moleculares que nos permitiram reduzir os níveis proteicos das proteínas Rab GTPases, com base na tecnologia de ácido ribonucleico (ARN) de interferência. O papel das proteínas Rab GTPases na secreção do VEGF no EPR foi estudado com base no silenciamento de apenas uma proteína, ou combinando várias, segundo a sua localização e funções intracelulares descritas. Este trabalho permitiu-nos concluir que as proteínas Rab GTPases são importantes intervenientes no processo de secreção de VEGF pelo EPR, e confirmar dados anteriores que relatam o envolvimento de algumas Rab GTPases endocíticas no processo. Propomos ainda um novo modelo para a interação destas proteínas no EPR, e sugerimos que a Rab10 e a Rab14 atuam negativamente sobre a Rab8, controlando o seu funcionamento. Os nossos resultados evidenciam a importância das proteínas Rab GTPases na secreção do VEGF pelas células do EPR, e servem de base a futuros estudos que melhor procurem compreender este mecanismo e de que modo a sua alteração se relaciona com a degenerescência da retina.--------ABSTRACT: Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and choroid are components of the mammalian retina, of which the central region is called macula. The most common form of retinaldegeneration, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), involves primarily deregulation of growth factors secretion by the RPE. Very little is known about the molecular mechanisms that lead to impairment of RPE’s homeostatic intracellular processes, namely the secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Rab GTPases’ family regulates membrane targeting and traffic, being essential in the transduction of signal pathways. Given Rab proteins’ role in intracellular trafficking, we propose to identify key regulatory Rab proteins involved in either the secretory or the recycling pathways of VEGF in RPE. Understanding how Rab proteins’ function disruption could lead to retinal and choroidal pathology would ultimately contribute to find new therapeutic agents. Here, we characterized two mouse RPE in vitro cell models, primary cells and B6-RPE07 cell line, and concluded that both display important epithelial features as the RPE presents in vivo. Considering unlimited cell number and results reproducibility, we chose B6-RPE07 cells to further study Rab proteins’ function. To scrutinize the consequences of Rab proteins’ absence or diminished levels, we have developed novel molecular tools to achieve silencing of these key proteins using miRNA technology. We further addressed the effect of Rab proteins’ absence on VEGF secretion by performing an extensive screening where different Rab proteins were silenced, both individually and in multiple combinations considering their cellular/ compartment location. We conclude that Rab GTPases are important intervenients in VEGF secretion by RPE cells, confirming endocytic Rab proteins’ role in regulation of VEGF biology. We also propose a novel model for Rab proteins’ interaction in RPE. Our results suggest that Rab10 and Rab14 might influence Rab8 in a negative feedback mechanism, important for controlling VEGF secretion. Our achievements’ unravel Rab proteins’ role in VEGF secretion by RPE cells and are the basis for future studies to better understand RPE molecular secretory machinery.
In this thesis, a feed-forward, back-propagating Artificial Neural Network using the gradient descent algorithm is developed to forecast the directional movement of daily returns for WTI, gold and copper futures. Out-of-sample back-test results vary, with some predictive abilities for copper futures but none for either WTI or gold. The best statistically significant hit rate achieved was 57% for copper with an absolute return Sharpe Ratio of 1.25 and a benchmarked Information Ratio of 2.11.
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), originally identified as a cytokine secreted by T lymphocytes, was found recently to be both a pituitary hormone and a mediator released by immune cells in response to glucocorticoid stimulation. We report here that the insulin-secreting beta cell of the islets of Langerhans expresses MIF and that its production is regulated by glucose in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. MIF and insulin colocalize by immunocytochemistry within the secretory granules of the pancreatic islet beta cells, and once released, MIF appears to regulate insulin release in an autocrine fashion. In perifusion studies performed with isolated rat islets, immunoneutralization of MIF reduced the first and second phase of the glucose-induced insulin secretion response by 39% and 31%, respectively. Conversely, exogenously added recombinant MIF was found to potentiate insulin release. Constitutive expression of MIF antisense RNA in the insulin-secreting INS-1 cell line inhibited MIF protein synthesis and decreased significantly glucose-induced insulin release. MIF is therefore a glucose-dependent, islet cell product that regulates insulin secretion in a positive manner and may play an important role in carbohydrate metabolism.
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) are incretins secreted in response to oral glucose ingestion by intestinal L and K cells, respectively. The molecular mechanisms responsible for intestinal cell glucose sensing are unknown but could be related to those described for beta-cells, brain and hepatoportal sensors. We determined the role of GLUT2, GLP-1 or GIP receptors in glucose-induced incretins secretion, in the corresponding knockout mice. GLP-1 secretion was reduced in all mutant mice, while GIP secretion did not require GLUT2. Intestinal GLP-1 content was reduced only in GIP and GLUT2 receptors knockout mice suggesting that this impairment could contribute to the phenotype. Intestinal GIP content was similar in all mice studied. Furthermore, the impaired incretins secretion was associated with a reduced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and an impaired glucose tolerance in all mice. In conclusion, both incretins secretion depends on mechanisms involving their own receptors and GLP-1 further requires GLUT2.
Primary sensory cortex discriminates incoming sensory information and generates multiple processing streams toward other cortical areas. However, the underlying cellular mechanisms remain unknown. Here, by making whole-cell recordings in primary somatosensory barrel cortex (S1) of behaving mice, we show that S1 neurons projecting to primary motor cortex (M1) and those projecting to secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) have distinct intrinsic membrane properties and exhibit markedly different membrane potential dynamics during behavior. Passive tactile stimulation evoked faster and larger postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in M1-projecting neurons, rapidly driving phasic action potential firing, well-suited for stimulus detection. Repetitive active touch evoked strongly depressing PSPs and only transient firing in M1-projecting neurons. In contrast, PSP summation allowed S2-projecting neurons to robustly signal sensory information accumulated during repetitive touch, useful for encoding object features. Thus, target-specific transformation of sensory-evoked synaptic potentials by S1 projection neurons generates functionally distinct output signals for sensorimotor coordination and sensory perception.
The liver secretes triglyceride-rich VLDLs, and the triglycerides in these particles are taken up by peripheral tissues, mainly heart, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue. Blocking hepatic VLDL secretion interferes with the delivery of liver-derived triglycerides to peripheral tissues and results in an accumulation of triglycerides in the liver. However, it is unclear how interfering with hepatic triglyceride secretion affects adiposity, muscle triglyceride stores, and insulin sensitivity. To explore these issues, we examined mice that cannot secrete VLDL [due to the absence of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (Mttp) in the liver]. These mice exhibit markedly reduced levels of apolipoprotein B-100 in the plasma, along with reduced levels of triglycerides in the plasma. Despite the low plasma triglyceride levels, triglyceride levels in skeletal muscle were unaffected. Adiposity and adipose tissue triglyceride synthesis rates were also normal, and body weight curves were unaffected. Even though the blockade of VLDL secretion caused hepatic steatosis accompanied by increased ceramides and diacylglycerols in the liver, the mice exhibited normal glucose tolerance and were sensitive to insulin at the whole-body level, as judged by hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp studies. Normal hepatic glucose production and insulin signaling were also maintained in the fatty liver induced by Mttp deletion. Thus, blocking VLDL secretion causes hepatic steatosis without insulin resistance, and there is little effect on muscle triglyceride stores or adiposity
The neuro-peptide hormone oxytocin regulates several reproductive mechanisms in mammals, such as uterine contractions during parturition and milk ejection in the lactating mammary gland. Oxytocin may also influence behavior and behavioral strategies, e.g. pair bonding, social recognition, maternal behavior, trust building, or anxiety. Teasing oestrous mares by a stallion provokes the release of oxytocin. We therefore tested whether such elevated oxytocin levels reveal possible mate preferences as determined in typical preference tests.
NMDA receptors (NMDARs) mediate ischemic brain damage, for which interactions between the C termini of NR2 subunits and PDZ domain proteins within the NMDAR signaling complex (NSC) are emerging therapeutic targets. However, expression of NMDARs in a non-neuronal context, lacking many NSC components, can still induce cell death. Moreover, it is unclear whether targeting the NSC will impair NMDAR-dependent prosurvival and plasticity signaling. We show that the NMDAR can promote death signaling independently of the NR2 PDZ ligand, when expressed in non-neuronal cells lacking PSD-95 and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), key PDZ proteins that mediate neuronal NMDAR excitotoxicity. However, in a non-neuronal context, the NMDAR promotes cell death solely via c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK), whereas NMDAR-dependent cortical neuronal death is promoted by both JNK and p38. NMDAR-dependent pro-death signaling via p38 relies on neuronal context, although death signaling by JNK, triggered by mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production, does not. NMDAR-dependent p38 activation in neurons is triggered by submembranous Ca(2+), and is disrupted by NOS inhibitors and also a peptide mimicking the NR2B PDZ ligand (TAT-NR2B9c). TAT-NR2B9c reduced excitotoxic neuronal death and p38-mediated ischemic damage, without impairing an NMDAR-dependent plasticity model or prosurvival signaling to CREB or Akt. TAT-NR2B9c did not inhibit JNK activation, and synergized with JNK inhibitors to ameliorate severe excitotoxic neuronal loss in vitro and ischemic cortical damage in vivo. Thus, NMDAR-activated signals comprise pro-death pathways with differing requirements for PDZ protein interactions. These signals are amenable to selective inhibition, while sparing synaptic plasticity and prosurvival signaling.
Affiliation: Maude Loignon, Lise Cyr & Emil Toma : Département de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal