998 resultados para Rossi, Paolo


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência das condições socioeconômicas na associação entre transtornos mentais comuns, uso de serviços de saúde e de psicofármacos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal populacional conduzido na cidade de Botucatu, SP, com amostragem probabilística, estratificada e por conglomerados. Foram realizadas entrevistas domiciliares com 1.023 sujeitos de 15 anos ou mais de idade, entre 2001 e 2002. Transtorno mental comum foi avaliado utilizando o Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). O uso de serviços foi investigado com relação à quinzena anterior à entrevista e uso de psicotrópicos, nos três dias anteriores. Utilizou-se regressão logística para análise multivariável, considerando o efeito do desenho. RESULTADOS: No total da amostra, 13,4% (IC 95%: 10,7;16,0) procuraram serviços de saúde na quinzena anterior à entrevista. A procura de serviços de saúde se associou ao sexo feminino (OR=2,0) e à presença de transtorno mental comum (OR=2,2). Na amostra 13,3% (IC 95%: 9,2;17,5) referiram ter usado ao menos um psicotrópico, destacando-se os antidepressivos (5,0%) e os benzodiazepínicos (3,1%). Na análise multivariável, sexo feminino e presença de transtorno mental comum mantiveram-se associados ao uso de benzodiazepínicos. Renda per capita mostrou-se direta e independentemente associada ao uso de psicofármacos, conforme aumento da renda. CONCLUSÕES: Menor renda associou-se à presença de transtorno mental comum, mas não ao uso de psicotrópicos. A associação entre transtorno mental comum e uso de psicotrópicos e maior renda reforça a hipótese da existência de iniqüidades no acesso à assistência médica na população estudada.


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OBJETIVO:Analisar os significados da experiência da enfermidade cardíaca e de seu tratamento entre indivíduos em processo de reabilitação da cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. MÉTODOS:Estudo etnográfico realizado entre 2003 e 2005, em Goiânia, GO. Foram realizadas observação direta e entrevistas em profundidade com 11 indivíduos em reabilitação de cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. Com base na antropologia interpretativa, os dados foram reunidos em dossiês narrativos e analisados por meio da elaboração de unidades de significados e núcleos temáticos. RESULTADOS:Os sentidos atribuídos à enfermidade relacionaram-se a: descoberta da doença cardíaca, sentimentos desencadeados, explicações formuladas, aceitação da cirurgia e vida pós-cirurgia. A experiência foi interpretada como ruptura biográfica, situação entre a vida e a morte, invalidez, perda de autonomia e incapacidade de trabalhar. Os significados remeteram a uma lógica que articula senso comum, religião e fragmentos do discurso médico na compreensão da doença e da cirurgia cardíaca. CONCLUSÕES:Os resultados revelam que as experiências da doença e da cirurgia cardíacas marcam uma ruptura no modo de viver, trabalhar e compreender o processo saúde-doença. A abordagem da experiência da doença cardíaca contribui para extrapolar os limites de um modelo centrado na doença, seus sintomas e causas, característico do entendimento biomédico do processo saúde-doença, cujo foco é o mau funcionamento do processo biológico e/ou psicológico.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência da síndrome do esgotamento profissional e de transtornos mentais comuns em agentes comunitários de saúde, identificando fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 141 agentes comunitários atuantes há pelo menos seis meses em unidades básicas de saúde do município de São Paulo (SP), em 2006. Os participantes responderam a três questionários: um sobre características sociodemográficas, socioeconômicas, da saúde e do trabalho; o Self Reporting Questionnaire; e o Maslach Burnout Inventory, que permite medir três dimensões da síndrome do esgotamento profissional: exaustão emocional, despersonalização e decepção. A regressão logística multivariada foi usada para verificar associações entre variáveis. RESULTADOS: No total, 24,1% dos entrevistados apresentaram síndrome do esgotamento profissional. Níveis moderados ou altos de esgotamento profissional foram observados em 70,9% dos participantes para exaustão emocional, em 34% para despersonalização e em 47,5% para decepção. A prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns foi 43,3%. Foram observadas associações positivas entre as dimensões de esgotamento profissional. Presença de transtorno mental comum associou-se independentemente com maiores níveis de exaustão emocional e decepção. CONCLUSÕES: A alta freqüência de níveis intensos de esgotamento profissional e a elevada ocorrência de transtornos mentais comuns encontradas entre os agentes comunitários de saúde suscitam a necessidade de estratégias de intervenção no cotidiano desses indivíduos e de novas investigações sobre a dimensão e determinantes do esgotamento profissional.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar os fatores socioeconômicos e sociodemográficos associados ao consumo diário de cinco porções de frutas e hortaliças por idosos residentes em áreas de baixa renda, identificando as principais frutas e hortaliças que compõem a dieta desta população. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 2.066 idosos (>60 anos) de baixa renda residentes na cidade de São Paulo, SP, em 2003-2005. Para a avaliação do consumo de frutas e hortaliças foi aplicado questionário de freqüência alimentar. As respostas foram transformadas em consumo diário e comparadas às recomendações da Organização Mundial da Saúde (consumo de cinco ou mais porções diárias). A relação entre consumo recomendado de frutas e hortaliças e variáveis socioeconômicas foi avaliada mediante modelos de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Dos participantes, 60,5% eram mulheres e 39,5% homens. Cerca de um terço dos idosos (n=723; 35,0%) não consumia diariamente nenhum tipo de fruta ou hortaliça e 19,8% relataram consumo diário de cinco ou mais porções de frutas e hortaliças. Este consumo esteve positivamente associado à renda e à escolaridade. CONCLUSÕES: O consumo de frutas e hortaliças de idosos de baixa renda do município de São Paulo mostrou-se insuficiente em relação às recomendações da Organização Mundial da Saúde e está associado a condições socioeconômicas desfavoráveis.


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OBJETIVO: To assess factors associated with a low risk perception of zoonoses and to identify the gaps in knowledge about transmission and prevention of zoonoses in immigrant and Italian workers. MÉTODOS: A cross-sectional study with 175 workers in the agro-livestock and agro-food industry in Piemonte, Italy, was carried out. Data were collected with a semi-structured questionnaire based on knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) survey. We calculated proportions and used chi-square tests and odds ratios to assess associations. Eight individual interviews with key informants on immigration and public health in Piemonte were carried out. RESULTADOS: Participants were 82 (47%) Italians and 93 (53%) immigrants. Immigrants were from Romania, Morocco, Albania, India, China, Argentina, Peru, Macedonia, Ivory Coast, Ukraine and Colombia. The study revealed significant differences in risk perception at work (p = 0.001). We found associations between "not having correct knowledge about zoonoses" and the following variables: i. "being immigrant" OR = 4.1 (95%CI 1.7;9.8 p ≤ 0.01); ii. "working in the livestock industry" OR = 2.9 (95%CI 1.2;15.4 p = 0.01); and iii. "being an unqualified worker" OR = 4.4 (95%CI 2.9;15.4 p ≤ 0.01). Another strong association was found between being immigrant and having a low job qualification OR = 6.7 (IC95% 2.9 - 15.4 p ≤ 0.01). Asian immigrants were the group with the highest frequency of risky behaviours and the lowest level of knowledge about zoonoses. CONCLUSÕES: Our results indicate that there were differences in risk perception of zoonoses between the groups participating in our study. These results suggest that immigrant status can be considered a risk factor for having lower risk perception and lower level of knowledge of zoonoses at work. There is a relationship between this specific knowledge of zoonoses and lack of training and instruction among migrant populations. Our results stress the need for developing education programs on zoonoses prevention among the immigrant population in Piemonte, Italy.


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OBJETIVO : Estimar a prevalência de dificuldade de adultos na mastigação, segundo sexo, e analisar os fatores associados. MÉTODOS : Estudo transversal de base populacional com adultos de 20 a 59 anos de idade (n = 2.016), de Florianópolis, SC, em 2009, por meio de amostragem em dois estágios, setores censitários e domicílios. A dificuldade na mastigação foi investigada por meio de pergunta sobre dificuldade de mastigação devida a problemas com os dentes ou dentadura. Analisaram-se os fatores  demográficos, socioeconômicos, utilização dos serviços de saúde para consulta odontológica e condição bucal autorreferida. Foi realizada regressão logística multivariável, estratificada por sexo. RESULTADOS : A taxa de resposta foi de 85,3% (n = 1.720). A prevalência de dificuldade na mastigação foi de 13,0% (IC95% 10,3;15,8) e 18,0% (IC95% 14,6;21,3) em homens e em mulheres, respectivamente. Mulheres e homens com 50 anos ou mais, aqueles com dez dentes naturais ou menos e os que manifestaram dor dentária tiveram mais chance de apresentar dificuldade na mastigação. O efeito conjunto da perda e da dor na dificuldade na mastigação foi cerca de quatro vezes maior entre as mulheres. CONCLUSÕES : A magnitude das associações entre variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas e de condição bucal autorreferidas foi diferente para homens e mulheres, em geral maiores para as mulheres, destacando-se a dor dentária. Os resultados sugerem que o impacto das condições bucais varia segundo o sexo.


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El objetivo fue describir un brote de faringo-amigdalitis causado por estreptococos β-hemolíticos del grupo A (EGA) en profesionales de la salud. El estudio que se transmite de persona-persona o por vía alimentaria. El estudio transversal descriptivo se realizó en 17 clientes, localizados en la misma mesa, que participaron de una cena en restaurante de Barcelona, España, en julio de 2012. Se analizaron, la frecuencia de síntomas de los afectados, el tiempo y la severidad de los síntomas, variables demográficas y alimentos ingeridos, entre otros factores. La tasa de ataque (TA) en los comensales fue del 58,8% (10/17). El 60,0% (6/10) de los comensales fueron positivos para EGA. El 46,2% (6/13) de los manipuladores de alimentos suministrados en la cena presentaron síntomas. No se identificó asociación con los alimentos ingeridos. Existen evidencias epidemiológicas de la transmisión alimentaria del EGA, pero no podría descartarse la transmisión respiratoria.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the validity and reliability of the Questionnaire for Compliance with Standard Precaution for nurses. METHODS : This methodological study was conducted with 121 nurses from health care facilities in Sao Paulo's countryside, who were represented by two high-complexity and by three average-complexity health care facilities. Internal consistency was calculated using Cronbach's alpha and stability was calculated by the intraclass correlation coefficient, through test-retest. Convergent, discriminant, and known-groups construct validity techniques were conducted. RESULTS : The questionnaire was found to be reliable (Cronbach's alpha: 0.80; intraclass correlation coefficient: (0.97) In regards to the convergent and discriminant construct validity, strong correlation was found between compliance to standard precautions, the perception of a safe environment, and the smaller perception of obstacles to follow such precautions (r = 0.614 and r = 0.537, respectively). The nurses who were trained on the standard precautions and worked on the health care facilities of higher complexity were shown to comply more (p = 0.028 and p = 0.006, respectively). CONCLUSIONS : The Brazilian version of the Questionnaire for Compliance with Standard Precaution was shown to be valid and reliable. Further investigation must be conducted with nurse samples that are more representative of the Brazilian reality. The use of the questionnaire may support the creation of educational measures considering the possible gaps that can be identified, focusing on the workers' health and on the patients' safety.


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We present the modeling efforts on antenna design and frequency selection to monitor brain temperature during prolonged surgery using noninvasive microwave radiometry. A tapered log-spiral antenna design is chosen for its wideband characteristics that allow higher power collection from deep brain. Parametric analysis with the software HFSS is used to optimize antenna performance for deep brain temperature sensing. Radiometric antenna efficiency (eta) is evaluated in terms of the ratio of power collected from brain to total power received by the antenna. Anatomical information extracted from several adult computed tomography scans is used to establish design parameters for constructing an accurate layered 3-D tissue phantom. This head phantom includes separate brain and scalp regions, with tissue equivalent liquids circulating at independent temperatures on either side of an intact skull. The optimized frequency band is 1.1-1.6 GHz producing an average antenna efficiency of 50.3% from a two turn log-spiral antenna. The entire sensor package is contained in a lightweight and low-profile 2.8 cm diameter by 1.5 cm high assembly that can be held in place over the skin with an electromagnetic interference shielding adhesive patch. The calculated radiometric equivalent brain temperature tracks within 0.4 degrees C of the measured brain phantom temperature when the brain phantom is lowered 10. C and then returned to the original temperature (37 degrees C) over a 4.6-h experiment. The numerical and experimental results demonstrate that the optimized 2.5-cm log-spiral antenna is well suited for the noninvasive radiometric sensing of deep brain temperature.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the prevalence of common mental disorders in Brazilian adolescent students, according to geographical macro-regions, school type, sex, and age. METHODS We evaluated 74,589 adolescents who participated in the Cardiovascular Risk Study in Adolescents (ERICA), a cross-sectional, national, school-based study conducted in 2013-2014 in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. A self-administered questionnaire and an electronic data collector were employed. The presence of common mental disorders was assessed using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). We estimated prevalence and 95% confidence intervals of common mental disorders by sex, age, and school type, in Brazil and in the macro-regions, considering the sample design. RESULTS The prevalence of common mental disorders was of 30.0% (95%CI 29.2-30.8), being higher among girls (38.4%; 95%CI 37.1-39.7) when compared to boys (21.6%; 95%CI 20.5-22.8), and among adolescents who were from 15 to 17 years old (33.6%; 95%CI 32.2-35.0) compared to those aged between 12 and 14 years (26.7%; 95%CI 25.8-27.6). The prevalence of common mental disorders increased with age for both sexes, always higher in girls (ranging from 28.1% at 12 years to 44.1% at 17 years) than in boys (ranging from 18.5% at 12 years to 27.7% at 17 years). We did not observe any significant difference by macro-region or school type. Stratified analyses showed higher prevalence of common mental disorders among girls aged from 15 to 17 years of private schools in the North region (53.1; 95%CI 46.8-59.4). CONCLUSIONS The high prevalence of common mental disorders among adolescents and the fact that the symptoms are often vague mean these disorders are not so easily identified by school administrators or even by health services. The results of this study can help the proposition of more specific prevention and control measures, focused on highest risk subgroups.


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Apresenta-se um caso de hematêmese fatal por úlcera duodenal paracoccidioidomicótica. Tanto esta localização da paracoccidioidomicose, como sua manifestação clínica são incomuns, resultando provavelmente do grande comprometimento da cavidade abdominal.


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This paper models an n-stage stacked Blumlein generator for bipolar pulses for various load conditions. Calculation of the voltage amplitudes in time domain at the load and between stages is described for an n-stage generator. For this, the reflection and transmission coefficients are mathematically modeled where impedance discontinuity occurs (i.e., at the junctions between two transmission lines). The mathematical model developed is assessed by comparing simulation results to experimental data from a two-stage Blumlein solid-state prototype.


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Background: Brown adipose tissue (BAT) plays an important role in whole body metabolism and could potentially mediate weight gain and insulin sensitivity. Although some imaging techniques allow BAT detection, there are currently no viable methods for continuous acquisition of BAT energy expenditure. We present a non-invasive technique for long term monitoring of BAT metabolism using microwave radiometry. Methods: A multilayer 3D computational model was created in HFSS™ with 1.5 mm skin, 3-10 mm subcutaneous fat, 200 mm muscle and a BAT region (2-6 cm3) located between fat and muscle. Based on this model, a log-spiral antenna was designed and optimized to maximize reception of thermal emissions from the target (BAT). The power absorption patterns calculated in HFSS™ were combined with simulated thermal distributions computed in COMSOL® to predict radiometric signal measured from an ultra-low-noise microwave radiometer. The power received by the antenna was characterized as a function of different levels of BAT metabolism under cold and noradrenergic stimulation. Results: The optimized frequency band was 1.5-2.2 GHz, with averaged antenna efficiency of 19%. The simulated power received by the radiometric antenna increased 2-9 mdBm (noradrenergic stimulus) and 4-15 mdBm (cold stimulus) corresponding to increased 15-fold BAT metabolism. Conclusions: Results demonstrated the ability to detect thermal radiation from small volumes (2-6 cm3) of BAT located up to 12 mm deep and to monitor small changes (0.5°C) in BAT metabolism. As such, the developed miniature radiometric antenna sensor appears suitable for non-invasive long term monitoring of BAT metabolism.


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To meet the increasing demands of the complex inter-organizational processes and the demand for continuous innovation and internationalization, it is evident that new forms of organisation are being adopted, fostering more intensive collaboration processes and sharing of resources, in what can be called collaborative networks (Camarinha-Matos, 2006:03). Information and knowledge are crucial resources in collaborative networks, being their management fundamental processes to optimize. Knowledge organisation and collaboration systems are thus important instruments for the success of collaborative networks of organisations having been researched in the last decade in the areas of computer science, information science, management sciences, terminology and linguistics. Nevertheless, research in this area didn’t give much attention to multilingual contexts of collaboration, which pose specific and challenging problems. It is then clear that access to and representation of knowledge will happen more and more on a multilingual setting which implies the overcoming of difficulties inherent to the presence of multiple languages, through the use of processes like localization of ontologies. Although localization, like other processes that involve multilingualism, is a rather well-developed practice and its methodologies and tools fruitfully employed by the language industry in the development and adaptation of multilingual content, it has not yet been sufficiently explored as an element of support to the development of knowledge representations - in particular ontologies - expressed in more than one language. Multilingual knowledge representation is then an open research area calling for cross-contributions from knowledge engineering, terminology, ontology engineering, cognitive sciences, computational linguistics, natural language processing, and management sciences. This workshop joined researchers interested in multilingual knowledge representation, in a multidisciplinary environment to debate the possibilities of cross-fertilization between knowledge engineering, terminology, ontology engineering, cognitive sciences, computational linguistics, natural language processing, and management sciences applied to contexts where multilingualism continuously creates new and demanding challenges to current knowledge representation methods and techniques. In this workshop six papers dealing with different approaches to multilingual knowledge representation are presented, most of them describing tools, approaches and results obtained in the development of ongoing projects. In the first case, Andrés Domínguez Burgos, Koen Kerremansa and Rita Temmerman present a software module that is part of a workbench for terminological and ontological mining, Termontospider, a wiki crawler that aims at optimally traverse Wikipedia in search of domainspecific texts for extracting terminological and ontological information. The crawler is part of a tool suite for automatically developing multilingual termontological databases, i.e. ontologicallyunderpinned multilingual terminological databases. In this paper the authors describe the basic principles behind the crawler and summarized the research setting in which the tool is currently tested. In the second paper, Fumiko Kano presents a work comparing four feature-based similarity measures derived from cognitive sciences. The purpose of the comparative analysis presented by the author is to verify the potentially most effective model that can be applied for mapping independent ontologies in a culturally influenced domain. For that, datasets based on standardized pre-defined feature dimensions and values, which are obtainable from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) have been used for the comparative analysis of the similarity measures. The purpose of the comparison is to verify the similarity measures based on the objectively developed datasets. According to the author the results demonstrate that the Bayesian Model of Generalization provides for the most effective cognitive model for identifying the most similar corresponding concepts existing for a targeted socio-cultural community. In another presentation, Thierry Declerck, Hans-Ulrich Krieger and Dagmar Gromann present an ongoing work and propose an approach to automatic extraction of information from multilingual financial Web resources, to provide candidate terms for building ontology elements or instances of ontology concepts. The authors present a complementary approach to the direct localization/translation of ontology labels, by acquiring terminologies through the access and harvesting of multilingual Web presences of structured information providers in the field of finance, leading to both the detection of candidate terms in various multilingual sources in the financial domain that can be used not only as labels of ontology classes and properties but also for the possible generation of (multilingual) domain ontologies themselves. In the next paper, Manuel Silva, António Lucas Soares and Rute Costa claim that despite the availability of tools, resources and techniques aimed at the construction of ontological artifacts, developing a shared conceptualization of a given reality still raises questions about the principles and methods that support the initial phases of conceptualization. These questions become, according to the authors, more complex when the conceptualization occurs in a multilingual setting. To tackle these issues the authors present a collaborative platform – conceptME - where terminological and knowledge representation processes support domain experts throughout a conceptualization framework, allowing the inclusion of multilingual data as a way to promote knowledge sharing and enhance conceptualization and support a multilingual ontology specification. In another presentation Frieda Steurs and Hendrik J. Kockaert present us TermWise, a large project dealing with legal terminology and phraseology for the Belgian public services, i.e. the translation office of the ministry of justice, a project which aims at developing an advanced tool including expert knowledge in the algorithms that extract specialized language from textual data (legal documents) and whose outcome is a knowledge database including Dutch/French equivalents for legal concepts, enriched with the phraseology related to the terms under discussion. Finally, Deborah Grbac, Luca Losito, Andrea Sada and Paolo Sirito report on the preliminary results of a pilot project currently ongoing at UCSC Central Library, where they propose to adapt to subject librarians, employed in large and multilingual Academic Institutions, the model used by translators working within European Union Institutions. The authors are using User Experience (UX) Analysis in order to provide subject librarians with a visual support, by means of “ontology tables” depicting conceptual linking and connections of words with concepts presented according to their semantic and linguistic meaning. The organizers hope that the selection of papers presented here will be of interest to a broad audience, and will be a starting point for further discussion and cooperation.


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Electron-acceptor units, combined with bithiophene substituted with flexible chains end-functionalized with cross-linkable moieties, provide soluble donor-acceptor-donor (DAD) it-conjugated oligomer-type molecules with cross-linking ability and broad absorption in the visible spectrum. A study on the cross-linking conditions of the new oligomers to yield insoluble polymer networks is presented, including conditions for obtaining polymer films over poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate-covered substrates. The combination of the DAD molecular design and cross-linking functionality opens prospects for applications in solution-processed small-molecule solar cells with morphologically-stable organic layers.