994 resultados para Rocks, Metamorphic


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The N6 Plateau presents an iron-ore occurence in Carajás Mineral Province, standing near to actually operating deposits. Geological mapping in 1:10,000 scale and integration of geochemical, geophysical, petrography and drilling turns possible interpretation of his geological evolution. The mapped area has lithotypes from Archean Grão Pará Group, comprising very lowgrade metamorphic basic rocks and iron formation and an Proterozoic sedimentary association of conglomeratic sandstones called as Caninana Unity. The structural geology in given by a regional scale homoclinal, where the Grão Pará Group strata dips towards SW, as a part of the Northern Limb of the Carajás Fold. Subsequent deformation associated to the installation of the Carajás Shear Zone presents as E-W fold axis. Geochemical evidence permits to consider de Parauapebas Formation as the rocks which has been hydrothermally-altered to outsourcing fluids responsible to deposition of iron formations in the oceanic system, including different signatures which can be interpreted as possible sub-embayments in the Carajás Basin. The iron ore in the area occurs in subsurface as very fine friable hematite generated by supergenous enrichment of the iron formation. The conceived geologic model differs from the current academic proposal on the fact that hydrothermal alteration has been involved on the jaspelite enrichment. Metamorphism on the Parauapebas Formation presents paragenesis considered as ocean-floor metamorphism which precedes de deformation insofar as the rocks show no tectonic fabric referring to shallow crust evolution. Geophysical methods such as magnetometry and gravimetry presents excellent results for structural interpretation in uneven exposed terrain


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The study area of the Guarda-Mor target (Israelândia-GO) contextualizes the terrains of the estaern portion of the Arenópolis Magmatic Arc, more accurately, the Neoproterozoic associations inserted in the field of the Jaupaci volcano-sedimentary sequence. The mapped area is located in the central-western of Goiás state. The presente paper has as main objective to characterize the structural, petrographic and litogeochemistry of the target rocks beyond to compare these factors with the Mina Bacilândia rocks (Fazenda Nova-GO) in order to assess the genetic similarity of volcano-sedimentary units and deposits associated. The Guarda-Mor target is represented by the Jaupaci metavolcanic rocks sequence presenting bimodal volcanism. This sequence consists in metafelsic rocks like sericite/muscovite quartz schist, phyllite and metarriolites and/or metariodacites with calc-alkaline geochemical signature and metamafic rocks with tholeiitic character formed by actinolite - chlorite schist and chlorite - quartz schist. Besides the package of supracrustal rocks also can be observed the occurrence of a local intrusion syn- to late - tectonic named Granito Subvulcânico. In the study area beyond the marked volcanism also seen an event of crustal melting granitogênese evidenced by the presence of 2 granites at the east and the west of the map, Granito Israelândia and Granito Iporá respectively. Structural analysis both at the macro and micro have identified 3 deformation phases. The types of rock on the region record features in the metamorphic facies top and down. These features were subdivided into 3 metamorphic areas: the east and West areas show thermal metamorphism due to intrusion of adjacente granites while the central domain displays features of regional metamorphism. Gold mineralization of the Guarda –Mor deposit target suggests a possible structural control beyond pronounced the hydrothermal alteration. The mineralization may also be...


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Studies of mafic-ultramafic bodies have been carried out through the years due to their great use on the interpretation of geochemical and geotectonic processes that took place in Earth's history. Amongst them, chromitites are notably recognized for being excellent indicators of their parental magma chemistry and of different geotectonic environments, as well for frequently containing associated noble metals mineralization. Thus the investigation of one of this ultramafic bodies that occurs inside the Pilar de Goiás Greenstone Belt was proposed, resulting in a detailed map of the chromitites and country rocks, as well as innumerous new data on the chemistry of chromite and associated matrix and accessory minerals. These studies were based upon geological field observations, optic and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), besides electron microprobe and cathodoluminescence analysis performed at the “Eugen F. Stumpfl Laboratory” of the Montanuniversität Institute of Resource Mineralogy, University of Leoben - Leoben, Austria. The chromitites are composed of 40-70% in volume of chromite (~50% on average), 14-55% of talc (~30% on average), 3-60% of chromium rich chlorite (~20% on average), traces to 4% of iron hydroxides and traces to 3% of rutile (1,5% on average). The chromite occurs as large spherical aggregates or as fine grained subhedral crystals disseminated in the matrix. This aggregates have diameters of 0.3-1.5 cm (1 cm on average) and are extremely well rounded, massive to intensively fractured, and commonly deformed to ellipsoids. When observed under the microscope, these aggregates show well rounded to slightly irregular borders, but on their interiors, these structures are represented by fine to medium grained euhedral to subhedral chromite crystals that have sharp contacts between themselves. The rock's matrix is basically made of chlorite and talc that define a metamorphic foliation (Sn), being the talc an alteration product ...


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The Mangabal Sul and Mangabal Norte mafic-ultramafic complexes are interpreted as intrusive stratiform bodies in the Goiás Magmatic Arc during the Brazilian cycle, being economically important for harboring significant amounts of nickel and copper sulfides. The main lithotypes of the complexes are gabbronorites, olivine gabbronorites, pyroxenites and peridotites, with variated degrees of deformation, recrystallization and metamorphism superimposed, with metamorphic peak of amphibolite to granulite facies evidenced mainly by the occurrence of coronitic olivine in metamafic rocks and the occurrence of syn-kinematic retrometamorphism associated with the development of the main foliation Sn. The Sn foliation planes show NE-SW preferential direction, consistent with the foliation direction of VIII the enclosing gneisses and schists, also concordant with the general elongation of mafic and ultramafic bodies displayed on map. The sulfide phase presents textures that indicate remobilization, associated with the occurrence of significant amounts of rutile within the ore which reinforces this idea. Along with the sulfides, the occurrence of expressive quantities of titanium oxides such as ilmenite and rutile, make the area more economically attractive. It can be suggested that the Mangabal Norte and Mangabal Sul complexes are contemporary, have the same genetic affinity and suffered the same deformational and metamorphic processes, evidenced by their structural and petrological similarities


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Although several studies of Araxá Group in the region of Passos, just a few works deal with the age of metamorphism of this group. The current work aims to determine the cooling age of these rocks by in situ U-Pb dating in rutiles. Interestingly, the region of São Sebastião do Paraíso shows a condensed lithostratigraphic column from the Passos Nappe and exposes the higher metamorphic grade rocks described for this unit. The use of rutile as a geochronometer is based on its ability to incorporate U in its structure, facilitating the calculation of the age of the isotope ratio by U-Pb. Furthermore, the use of in situ dating technique with Laser Ablation has been a reliable and advantageous study because the analysis are punctual, and do not destroy the whole sample to be analyzed. The analyses of this work were made at the University of Gothenburg - Sweden and obtained 238U/206Pb ages between 608-566 ± 10 Ma and 235U/207Pb between 627-572 ± 10 Ma, showing that these ages are concordant with the literature in the area and are interpreted as the cooling age of metamorphism


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Eight Mesoproterozoic granite suites are recognized in the Rondônia Tin Province, called Serra da Providência Intrusive Suite (1606-1532 Ma), Rio Crespo Intrusive Suite (1500 Ma), St. Anthony Intrusive Suite (1406 Ma), Teotonio Intrusive Suite (1387 Ma ), Santa Clara Intrusive Suite (1082-1074 Ma) and Younger Granites of Rondônia Intrusive Suite (998-974 Ma), represent successive magmatic type A (anorogenic) and the intra-plate basement rocks intruded in the metamorphic complex named Jamari separated into two distinct lithologic associations, a ortogneiss (U-Pb from 1.76 to 1.73 Ga) and a paragneiss (1675 + / - 12 Ma). Tin mineralization are widely found in the Tin Province and are associated with granitic intrusions known Mesoproterozoic more closely with the last two magmatic events, represented by the Santa Clara and Younger Granites of Rondônia. The tin mineralization are of primary and secondary, with the primary form deposits of different structural styles and is presented in the form of endo-or exogreisens, veins, stockworks and pegmatites. The secondary mineralization are related to natural processes of weathering and erosion of primary rocks, leading to placer deposits classified as colluvial, eluvial and colluvial-alluvial. The Target Alvo Sol Nascente is located in the central-eastern Rondônia Tin Province and has basement rocks of the metamorphic-magmatic region represented by Jamari Complex intrusive suites and Sierra Providence and Rio Crespo. The last tectonic event spa in the area was responsible for the intrusion of Younger Granites of Rondônia (São Carlos and Caripuanã Massifis). The anomalous levels of tin, sufficient to operate (Mina Rising Sun), indicate that there was possibly mineralization event, evidenced by pegmatite veins well defined, easily found relatively close to mine. Plaque deposits associated with Quaternary sedimentary sequences can also be observed


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This study focuses on metasedimentary rocks from the Passos Nappe in São Sebastião do Paraíso, southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. These rocks belong to the Internal Domain (Araxa Group) of the Southern Brasilia Belt, a Neproterozoic orogenic belt associated to the formation of the Gondwana Supercontinent. Rocks from the studied area are characterized by an inverted metamorphic gradient. Previously calculated metamorphic conditions show an increasing from geenschist facies at the base (450°C, 6 kbar), to upper amphibolite facies (750°C, 11 Kbar) at the top of the sequence. However, most of these estimates are based on Fe-Mg exchange thermometers and peak temperatures may be underestimated due to Fe-Mg exchange from cooling after peak metamorphism. In this study, we present new PT results for these rocks, based on metamorphic mineral assemblage LA-ICP-MS analyses. In the studied area, rocks from the top of the sequence have a typical granulite facies mineral assemblage: Grt+Ky+Kfs+/-Pl+liq. These rocks lack muscovite and have only minor amounts of Ti-rich, dark brown biotite. In a simplified NaKFMASH system the stability field for this mineral assemblage is bounded by the reactions Sil = Ky on the low pressure side, Ms+Ab = Ky+Kfs+liq on the low temperature side and for high-Mg bulk compositions Bt + Grt = Opx + Ky + liq on the high-temperature side. Minimum temperatures (considering post-peak reequilibration) of ca. 750°C are obtained by Fe/(Fe+Mg) values of 0.7 in garnets from a Grt+Ky+Kfs bearing sample. LA-ICP-MS results obtained for three samples show that rutiles included in garnets have up to 1847 ppm of Zr, which would translate into temperatures up to 830°C for a pressure between 12 to 15 kbar. Also for retroeclogite sample, the results indicate the contents of Zr in the garnet 537 ppm at a temperature of 708 ° C. It is noteworthy that several occurrences of retroeclogites occur in the upper part of the sequence and pressures...


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The study area is included in the geological context of the Goias Median Massif, a region where there are associations of Archean granite-gneiss complex (Block Moquém) and a Paleoproterozoic metavolcano-sedimentary sequence ( Pilar greenstone belt ). At the south of area, the greenstone sequence is partially overlain by Neopreoterozoic metasediments of the Araxá Group. The lithostratigraphic units of the Pilar greenstone belt define a shift from about N30W direction (north of the deposit) to N60 and 70W in the region south of the Jordino deposit, where are truncated by the Araxá Group rocks. Mineralogical associations described in this paper allow to indicate that the regional metamorphism that affected the rocks of the greenstone belt and Araxá Group, in the mapped area, reached the upper greenschist facies (garnet zone). Data obtained during mapping and by microtectonics analysis allow to indicate the existence of at least four deformational events that acted on the rocks of the Guarinos greenstone belt and Araxá Group, represented by the phases called Dn-1, Dn, Dn + 1 and Dn+2. It was observed that the pattern of sulphide porfitoblasts in mineralized levels is similar to garnet, biotite and muscovite porfiroblasts (tardi to post Dn) that marks the metamorphic peak of the area


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Geophysical survey is an important method for investigation of contaminated areas used in the characterization of contrasting physical properties in the presence of pollutants. This work applied the geophysical methods of Electrical Resistivity and Self Potential in waste landfill, located in Caçapava do Sul city, RS. The landfill is located over fractured metamorphic rocks. Eight lines of electrical profiling with 288 measures of self potential were done. In addition, 83 measurements of direction and dip of fractures were taken. The application of spontaneous potential method permitted to detect the direction of groundwater flow. The electrical resistivity measurements allowed the identification of low-intensity anomalies associated with the presence of leachate. There is a relationship between anomalous zones and the directions of fractures.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The acid weathering of pyrite-bearing Pennsylvanian clastic sedimentary rocks in southeastern Nebraska locally produces the secondary sulfate minerals alunogen, copiapite, epsomite, felsobanyaite/basaluminite, gypsum, halotrichite, jarosite, rozenite, and slavikite. Of these mineral occurrences, four are first-time discoveries in the state or the surrounding region. Slavikite (NaMg2Fe5 (S04)7 (OH) 6• 33H20), which has been reported only once before in North America and from a handful of sites in Europe and South America, was found in abundance at an outcrop at Brownville, NE. The pH values in 1:1 solutions of deionized water of the studied minerals, excluding epsomite, range from 1.94 to 4.82. Therefore, segregations of secondary minerals in themselves are significant microenvironmental reservoirs of acid that can be mobilized during precipitation events. Because of its role in liberating and concentrating ions such as Al3+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mg3+, and SO42-, acid rock weathering should be considered in local to regional assessments of surface-water and groundwater chemistry. Observations also suggest that rock weathering by the growth of sulfate salts is a potential factor in local hillslope development, one that has not previously been considered in the study area.


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Temporal, spatial and diel variation in the distribution and abundance of organisms is an inherent property of ecological systems. The present study describes these variations and the composition of decapod larvae from the surface waters of St Paul`s Rocks. The expeditions to the archipelago were carried out in April, August and November 2003, March 2004 and May 2005. Surface plankton samples were collected during the morning and dusk periods, inside the inlet and in increasing distances around the archipelago (similar to 150, 700 and 1500 m). The identification resulted in 51 taxa. Seven species, six genera and larvae of the families Pandalidae and Portunidae were identified for the first time in the area. The mean larval density varied from zero to 150.2 +/- 69.6 individuals 100 m(-3) in the waters surrounding the archipelago and from 1.7 +/- 3.0 to 12,827 +/- 15,073 individuals 100 m(-3) inside the inlet. Significant differences on larval density were verified between months and period of the day, but not among the three sites around the archipelago. Cluster and non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis indicated that the decapod larvae community was divided into benthic and pelagic assemblages. Indicator species analysis (ISA) showed that six Brachyura taxa were good indicators for the inlet, while three sergestids were the main species from the waters around the archipelago. These results suggest that St Paul`s Rocks can be divided into two habitats, based on larval composition, density and diversity values: the inlet and the waters surrounding the archipelago.