1000 resultados para Roca, Paco
This paper proposes the use of an autonomous assistant mobile robot in order to monitor the environmental conditions of a large indoor area and develop an ambient intelligence application. The mobile robot uses single high performance embedded sensors in order to collect and geo-reference environmental information such as ambient temperature, air velocity and orientation and gas concentration. The data collected with the assistant mobile robot is analyzed in order to detect unusual measurements or discrepancies and develop focused corrective ambient actions. This paper shows an example of the measurements performed in a research facility which have enabled the detection and location of an uncomfortable temperature profile inside an office of the research facility. The ambient intelligent application has been developed by performing some localized ambient measurements that have been analyzed in order to propose some ambient actuations to correct the uncomfortable temperature profile.
A thorough critical analysis of the theoretical relationships between the bond-angle dispersion in a-Si, Δθ, and the width of the transverse optical Raman peak, Γ, is presented. It is shown that the discrepancies between them are drastically reduced when unified definitions for Δθ and Γ are used. This reduced dispersion in the predicted values of Δθ together with the broad agreement with the scarce direct determinations of Δθ is then used to analyze the strain energy in partially relaxed pure a-Si. It is concluded that defect annihilation does not contribute appreciably to the reduction of the a-Si energy during structural relaxation. In contrast, it can account for half of the crystallization energy, which can be as low as 7 kJ/mol in defect-free a-Si
The structural relaxation of pure amorphous silicon (a-Si) and hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) materials, that occurs during thermal annealing experiments, has been analyzed by Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Unlike a-Si, the heat evolved from a-Si:H cannot be explained by relaxation of the Si-Si network strain but it reveals a derelaxation of the bond angle strain. Since the state of relaxation after annealing is very similar for pure and hydrogenated materials, our results give strong experimental support to the predicted configurational gap between a-Si and crystalline silicon
The objective of this study is to gather information regarding the adaptation of the range of socio educational projects and services aimed at the transition to an adult life of young persons with intellectual disabilities in Spain. The research of the study has been done in three stages. During each stage, a specific tool has been used. One to one in-depth interviews have been undertaken with 45 professionals and 20 individuals with intellectual disabilities. The Delphi method has been applied to two panels consisting of 20 experts each. Firstly, results focus on the approach to different issues related to the devices. Secondly, the training opportunities that these individuals receive to ease the transition period is addressed. And finally, the study refers to the participation of the individuals themselves and their families in the process. The developed analysis allows us to propose strategies to improve the transition to adult life
El palacio conocido con el nombre de Qasr ibn Wardan se encuentra hoy día en el interior de la zona esteparia siria. Aunque nosotros nos vamos a centrar en el palacio en sí, en realidad es un complejo de edificios que también incluye una iglesia y un posible cuartel. Aparte del alto grado de conservación, su importancia radica en ser uno de los pocos ejemplos de arquitectura civil de época justinianea en todo Oriente Próximo. Redescubierto a finales del siglo xix, el palacio ha sido estudiado parcialmente desde entonces. Gracias a los trabajos de restauración llevados a cabo entre las décadas de 1970 y 1990, se pudieron volver a estudiar los restos, destacando en ello la obra de F. De’Maffei publicada en 1995. Nuestro trabajo pretende retomar el estudio de este edificio, ofrecer una restitución en 3D para una mejor comprensión de sus fases edilicias y plantear nuevas hipótesis acerca de las motivaciones que llevaron a su construcción a partir del año 561.
KRAS phosphorylation has been reported recently to modulate the activity of mutant KRAS protein in vitro. In this study, we defined S181 as a specific phosphorylation site required to license the oncogenic function of mutant KRAS in vivo. The phosphomutant S181A failed to induce tumors in mice, whereas the phosphomimetic mutant S181D exhibited an enhanced tumor formation capacity, compared with the wild-type KRAS protein. Reduced growth of tumors composed of cells expressing the nonphosphorylatable KRAS S181A mutant was correlated with increased apoptosis. Conversely, increased growth of tumors composed of cells expressing the phosphomimetic KRAS S181D mutant was correlated with increased activation of AKT and ERK, two major downstream effectors of KRAS. Pharmacologic treatment with PKC inhibitors impaired tumor growth associated with reduced levels of phosphorylated KRAS and reduced effector activation. In a panel of human tumor cell lines expressing various KRAS isoforms, we showed that KRAS phosphorylation was essential for survival and tumorigenic activity. Furthermore, we identified phosphorylated KRAS in a panel of primary human pancreatic tumors. Taken together, our findings establish that KRAS requires S181 phosphorylation to manifest its oncogenic properties, implying that its inhibition represents a relevant target to attack KRAS-driven tumors.
The satisfaction of consumers and users with the products and services is an issue that in recent years has been taking more and more importance and now it even reaches psychotherapy. This paper presents the Spanish adaptation of the Consumer Reports Effectiveness Scale (CRES-4)consisting of four items designed to evaluate whether patients are satisfied with the therapy they have received and if it has been perceived as effective or not. Its global score is intended to reflect treatment effectiveness as percived by the patient. Existing studies suggest that the CRES-4 is a good complementary tool to judge, in particular, satisfaction with treatment received.
The implementation of the subject Pharmacology and Toxicology in R+D+i in the Pharmacy Degree, has led to the launch of a new methodological approach and teaching performance with the aim of developing the generic skills of the University of Barcelona (e.g., self-learning, team-working). An additional objective was students' integration of knowledge from different subjects in the degree which form the basis of the preclinical and clinical development of a drug. For this purpose, the teaching strategy used in the development of the subject was based on: 1) re-developing the content that students had been taught previously or were being taught in the same semester as a part of other subjects, and framing them in the environment of the pharmaceutical industry, 2) introducing new and previously unseen contents to do with drug development and toxicology, 3) developing a battery of activities to be undertaken by teams of students relating to the R+D+i of a particular drug. During the development of these activities, students have to acquire generic skills in addition to the subject-specific skills. The results obtained from the student survey give us grounds for satisfaction and allow us to consider that we have reached the goal of improving students' learning in Pharmacology and Toxicology applied to drug development in the pharmaceutical world today.
La implementació de l’assignatura en elGrau de Farmàcia ha suposat pensar en una nova estratègia per tal de desenvolupar algunes competències transversals de laUniversitat de Barcelona i afavorir en els alumnes la integració dels coneixements.Els professors, de les unitats i grups d’innovació docent de Farmacologia i de Toxicologia, vam estimar quins continguts eren imprescindibles, constatant que alguns d’ells s’impartien ja en altres assignatures, i vam adoptar la següent estratègia: 1) re-elaborar els continguts ja impartits i emmarcar-los en l’entorn de la indústria farmacèutica; 2) presentar nous continguts; iprincipalment, 3) elaborar una bateria d’activitats centrades en el procés de R+D+i d’un fàrmac concret, el dabigatran. El disseny i el desenvolupament de les activitats s’han elaborat en base alEuropean Public Assessment Report (EPAR) per el dabigatran i l’NDA (New Drug Application) a la FDA per la seva autorització.
La implementació de l’assignatura en elGrau de Farmàcia ha suposat pensar en una nova estratègia per tal de desenvolupar algunes competències transversals de laUniversitat de Barcelona i afavorir en els alumnes la integració dels coneixements.Els professors, de les unitats i grups d’innovació docent de Farmacologia i de Toxicologia, vam estimar quins continguts eren imprescindibles, constatant que alguns d’ells s’impartien ja en altres assignatures, i vam adoptar la següent estratègia: 1) re-elaborar els continguts ja impartits i emmarcar-los en l’entorn de la indústria farmacèutica; 2) presentar nous continguts; iprincipalment, 3) elaborar una bateria d’activitats centrades en el procés de R+D+i d’un fàrmac concret, el dabigatran. El disseny i el desenvolupament de les activitats s’han elaborat en base alEuropean Public Assessment Report (EPAR) per el dabigatran i l’NDA (New Drug Application) a la FDA per la seva autorització.
A partir de la conferència titulada La millora de la convivència. Tot allò que hom voldria saber i no gosa preguntar, pronunciada el mes de setembre de 2008 com a activitat inaugural del PFZ de la comarca del Montsià, el centenar de docents que hi assistiren hi van poder fer les aportacions o les preguntes que van creure oportunes respecte al tema plantejat a la sessió. En aquest article, s'hi analitzen i s'hi categoritzen les opinions que els mestres i els professors van exposar en relació amb la convivència als centres educatius
De la partitura a l’escenari consisteix en un estudi de diferents mètodes violinístics que vinculen temes com la concentració, el treball mental, la posició del cos i estratègies d’estudi entre d’altres. A partir d’aquí, l’objectiu ha estat dissenyar un programa diari d’estudi i un altre per la preparació a l’escenari. Per tant, és un treball orientat al violinista ja format per obtenir un bon resultat a l’hora de fer interpretacions en públic. El treball està estructurat en una part teòrica i una més experimental. La recerca d’informació per la primera part està extreta majoritàriament de bibliografia. La segona part del treball s’ha basat en el treball de camp i l’experimentació de diferents exercicis avaluats personalment. Els resultats han estat molt diversos i, malgrat que en alguns casos no ha funcionat, m’ha proporcionat unes eines molt interessants i necessàries que desconeixia.
La seqüència gregoriana Dies Irae s'ha convertit en un material musical àmpliament utilitzat per compositors per dotar d'un significat concret a la seves obres. Però a mesura que han passat el segles es pot determinar que l'objectiu que han tingut els compositors en voler incloure una referència a aquesta seqüència ha variat notablement. En aquest treball tracto de demostrar quins canvis hi ha hagut segons l'època i el compositor, ja sigui des del punt de vista conceptual com des del punt de vista tècnic tot analitzant obres de moments i estils diferents, parant atenció a sis obres concretes que o tenen importància a causa de la seva influència o la seva singularitat. Alhora, exposo com tot això m'ha influït per compondre obres que estiguin relacionades amb el Dies Irae i amb la música al voltant de la mort.