986 resultados para River Forest


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Observations were made on crayfish burrows in five locations on the Great Ouse River. The burrow densities and the relative abundance of crayfish were observed. Also, laboratory experiments were carried out in order to study the characteristics and mechanisms of burrowing.


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The Anambra River is the largest tributary of the lower Niger River below Lukoja. Between the months of May and November the river is subject to seasonal flooding from heavy precipitation and land runoff into the drainage system. During the flood phase, pools form on the floodplains (known as the fadama) and these pools receive materials and biota from the main river channel. The biota often includes representatives of freshwater vertebrates (including fishes) and invertebrates. On this brief note, the authors report on the macroinvertebrates found during preliminary studies on four fadama pools during the non-flood season between December 1994 and April 1995. 523 specimens were collected, of which 86% were arthropods, 9% were annelids (mostly Tubifex and Nais) and a few leeches (Hirudo), and 5% were gastropod molluscs of the arthropods, 75% were insects particularly Hemiptera and Diptera.


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This article describes the streams of this unique area of Britain and reviews the published and some unpublished information that is currently available. None of the rivers in the New Forest are more than 30 km long. Many reaches have been artificially straightened, channelized and regraded since the 1840's. The stream waters are typically base-poor, with low nutrient concentrations. Primary productivity and standing crops of algae are predictably low when compared with other streams carrying higher concentrations of minerals and nutrients. The earliest records on the macroinvertebrate fauna go back to the late 19th Century. By 1940, over 20 species of Trichoptera and 10 species of Plecoptera had been recorded, but only four species of Ephemeroptera. Twenty species of fish occur in the streams of the New Forest of which the most common are brown trout, minnow, bullhead, stone loach, brook lamprey and eel.


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A major survey of the River Endrick was carried out in 1959-60. This survey was repeated three decades later in 1989-90 and comparisons were made of the fauna at the two times of sampling. During both surveys, photographs were taken of all the sampling sites and the objective of the present paper is to compare some of these photographs and discuss the value of photography in studies of river ecology. The sites used for photographic comparison were not chosen originally for that purpose but as appropriate places on the river from source to mouth to study its ecology. The pairs of photos now available have proved of interest and value and some lessons have been learned in relation to the selection of sites for any future photographic studies. Ideally photos should be taken in more than one season of the year as much of the river can be obscured by riparian trees and shrubs during the vegetative season. The exact position from which each photograph is taken is also a major factor to be considered.


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This study was designed to examine the habitat use of several species of 0+ cyprinid in the regulated River Great Ouse and to determine the reasons for specific habitat use. In general, all fish species were found associated with the marginal zone, with little diel variation. Use of shallow habitats in the presence of macrophytes correlated well with the distribution of zooplankton in the river channel, the preferred food source of 0+ cyprinids. During the early to late larval phase, all species fed upon rotifers and diatoms. Cladocera, particularly Alona spp. and Chydorus spp., and early instar larvae of Chironomidae, then became prevalent in the diet along with small numbers of Copepoda. Models were developed to determine habitat availability over a range of discharges, using the physical habitat simulation (PHABSIM) component of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM). The results of this analysis revealed that habitat suitable for 0+ fishes comprised a relatively small percentage of the main channel and generally decreased with discharge.


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Over much of Britain, 1995 and 1996 have been perceived as drought years. To evaluate the impact that local climatic conditions are having upon successional changes in higher vegetation (macrophytes), Speakmans Pond in Epping Forest was surveyed and mapped in 1996. The results are related to previous vegetation surveys carried out in 1989 and 1991. In 1989 the dominant marginal vegetation was floating sweet-grass Glyceria fluitans, which also covered a major part of the main body of the pond. Other abundant species included soft rush Juncus effusus, reed mace Typha latifolia and yellow flag Iris pseudocorus. A small (central) area of open water contained bladderwort Utricularia vulgaris and white water-lily Nymphaea alba. A similar plant coverage was found in 1991, with a dominance of floating sweet-grass along the shallow eastern edge. A marked change in the pond was found during the 1996 survey of vegetation in July, when the pool was dry. The major plant cover now consisted of creeping bent Agrostis stolonifera, with isolated clumps of Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus around the edges; both are terrestrial grasses found on land surrounding the pond. Rushes (Juncus) had increased their distribution round the margins of the pond, and the patch of yellow flag noted in 1989 and 1991 was not found in 1996. The deeper trenches were also dry, but a small patch of white water-lily remained adjacent to one of the trenches.


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In a recent study in Freshwater Forum on Speakman's Pond (also known as Nursery Pond) the impression was given that it had been a permanent water-filled pond which had recently dried out due to exceptionally low rainfall. In fact, Nursery Pond was created by the extraction of gravel and was never more than 50 cm deep, until the creation of trenches in 1989 to provide a refuge for aquatic life. The Nursery Pond followed a seasonal pattern of filling with winter rain and slowly drying out between 1940 to 1970. It had no established aquatic vegetation, no fish, and only rarely amphibians. Permanent water was present only from about 1979 until 1995 due to leakage from a Thames water storage reservoir.


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The Naaf River estuary is one of the large estuaries in the Bangladesh coastal region not to have been affected by extensive human disturbance. This research provides information about the fisheries diversity status by Estuarine Set Bag Net (ESBN) sampling relation to physicochemical variables in both spatio-temporal scales. About 25 km of the lower estuary was divided into six zones for sample collection by considering the accessibility and availability of the ESBN operation, fish landing centers and location of the fishing villages. In total 48 samples have been analyzed which were taken throughout March to October 2006. To quantify the species diversity, all fisheries data were analyzed by using EstimateS and EcoSim software which accounts the different diversity indices viz., species richness, Shannon–Wiener diversity Index, Dominance and Evenness index. The research results demonstrate that the Naaf River estuary is a habitat of 161 (species richness, Sobs=161, Choa 1=162±2.34, ACE=161.73) different species which belong to 98 fin fishes, 23 shrimps and prawns,13 crabs, 11 molluscs, 3 echinoderms, 4 other crustaceans;while 9 remain unidentified. Results on the aquatic environment,mainly salinity and turbidity were found to have a major influence on their occurrence and distribution. All the findings indicated that the Naaf River estuary is a highly productive system and provides a favourable environment for large variety of estuarine species assemblages.


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The signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana), a native of north-western North America, is now a common resident in some British fresh waters following its introduction to England in 1976 (Lowery & Holdich 1988). In 1984, signal crayfish were introduced into the River Great Ouse, the major lowland river in southern central England, where they have established a large breeding population. This study examines two sites near Thornborough Weir. For the measurement and description of home range a new eletronic microchip system and a modified capture-mark-recapture method were employed. Signal crayfish were marked or tagged to see if they gradually moved away from their burrows. This method proved to be successful for estimating population densities when a section of river is divided into several equidistant linear ”locations”.


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The River Tweed is, in rod-catch terms, the second most important river in Britain for Atlantic salmon, with an annual rod catch of ca.10,000 fish. This article gives an outline of the second edition of the Tweed Fisheries Management Plan, which is defined as "The co-ordination of data collection and analyses with fundamental research into relevant topics to devise management actions that will beneficially affect the future state of fish stocks". Much of the work set down for the present is concerned with setting up recording and measuring systems for fish catches and exploitation rates, and for the operation of monitoring sites for juvenile densities and adult trout and salmon spawning runs. While surveys show the present state of affairs, the collection of records and regular monitoring of sites will mean that in the future, the past will be better known through a longer series of records. Two case histories are described. The first is concerned with setting aims for managing the brown trout of the Tweed and defining the present state of the fishery. The second is an investigation into the spring salmon of the Tweed.


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A Bacia do Rio Iguaçu-Sarapuí integra a região hidrográfica da Baía de Guanabara. Sua área de drenagem, com cerca de 726 km2, corresponde a aproximadamente 20% do total da área de contribuição à Baía, da ordem de 4600 km2 . Os municípios abrangidos pela bacia do Rio Iguaçu são: Nova Iguaçu, Duque de Caxias, Belford Roxo, São João de Meriti, Nilópolis, Mesquita e uma pequena parte do município do Rio de Janeiro. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo utilizar metodologias destinadas à identificação das unidades de paisagem na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Iguaçu, baseado nos conceitos de Paisagem Integrada e utilizando como suporte tecnologias digitais de geoprocessamento. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa foram utilizados dados de diferentes fontes e órgãos governamentais de planejamento que trate desta temática. Os dados ao qual o texto se refere são: bases cartográficas em diferentes escalas de abordagem, Imagens Sensoriais Landsat 7, relatórios e diagnóstico da área em estudo. A identificação das unidades de paisagem na bacia do Rio Iguaçu-Sarapuí é feita a partir da delimitação das unidades de relevo e informações sobre o uso do solo, aspectos geológicos e pedológicos. O trabalho foi baseado no apoio das tecnologias digitais de geoprocessamento que permite uma melhor correlação entre diferentes tipos de informações tanto dos aspectos físicos, geológicos como também das ações antrópicas, classificando-as quanto ao grau de intervenção. O resultado do trabalho nesta região foi a elaboração de um diagnóstico ambiental das limitações e susceptibilidade ao desenvolvimento de determinadas atividades distribuindo-as espacialmente na bacia. A utilização de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica, em especial o Arc Gis 9.2 teve uma importância relevante na elaboração da pesquisa. Uma vez que este sistema trabalha com grandes volumes de informações e na análise integrada de objetos complexos, além de permitir a elaboração de um banco de dados espacial no próprio projeto. O que o diferencia dos demais Sistema de Informação Geográfica, tornando-o uma ferramenta eficiente na gestão integrada dos recursos naturais.


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Freshwater ecosystems are highly dynamic and change on time-scales that range from a few hours to several months. The development of models that simulate these processes is often hampered by the lack of sufficient data to parameterize the processes and validate the models. In this article, I review some of the challenges posed by this lack of information and suggest ways in which they can be met by using automatic monitoring systems. One of these studies is the project tempQsim (EVK1-CT2002-00112) funded by the European Commission. In this project, detailed field and model analyses have been performed at eight catchment study sites in south and south-east Europe. A number of perceptual models for the study sites have been established, and results are being used to improve selected catchment models and provide a more adequate description of pollution dynamics. Results from the extensive field studies and model tests are now being used to derive recommendations for more tailored monitoring concepts in highly dynamic, but ‘data scarce’ environments, such as are frequently found in Mediterranean river basins. The author includes implications of the EU Water Framework Directive on monitoring methods.


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The Danube is ca. 2850 km in length and is the second largest river in Europe. The Austrian part of the Danube falls 156 metres in altitude over its 351 km length and, since the early 1950s, the river has been developed into a power-generating waterway, so that the continuity of the river is now interrupted by ten impounded areas. Only two stretches of the original free-flowing river are left, the Wachau region (above river-km 2005, west of Vienna) and the region downstream from the impoundment at Vienna (river-km 1921). Most of the recent theories and concepts related to invertebrates, in the context of the ecology of running waters, are based on studies on small streams, whereas investigations of large rivers have played a minor role for a long time, mainly due to methodological difficulties. The authors' recent detailed studies on macroinvertebrates in the free-flowing section of the Danube below Vienna, provide an excellent opportunity to survey or restate scientific hypotheses on the basis of a large river. In this review the main interest focuses on the investigation of biodiversity, i.e. the number of species and their relative proportions in the whole invertebrate community, as well as major governing environmental factors. The article summarises the species composition, the important environmental variables at the river cross-section and the effect of upstream impoundment on the riverbed and its fauna.


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The high density of meres and mosses in the Delamere area comes from numerous moraine-hollows formed after the melting of stranded ice-blocks following last glaciation. The main vegetation is of conifers along with some deciduous species and the area was designated as a National Forest Park in 1987. It has been managed since the beginning of the 19th century and is a popular tourist area with walking, orienteering, cycling and educational activities. In recent years this forest park has been attracting over half a million people per year. This paper studies the limnology of different aquatic habitats in the Delamere Forest area in order to give some insight into the waters of a coniferous, temperate forest area, which has so far been largely unexplored. The authors assume therefore, thought that despite apparent large variability in origin, age, surface area, morphometry, catchment size and hydraulic regime, the waters of Delamere Forest might share some revealing chemical and biological features. Seven water-bodies in the Delamere Forest Park area, namely, Black Lake, Blakemere Moss, Delamere Lake, Delamere Quarry, Hatchmere, Windyhowe Farm Spring and Fir Brook were sampled, their water chemistry and dissolved organic carbon and the occurrence of phytoplankton and zooplankton species examined. In a final chapter the authors analyse their findings for patterns.