778 resultados para Research in Medical Education


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En el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior 1 se inscriben innumerables acciones que están desarrollando todas las universidades europeas con la intención de llegar al 2010 con un bagaje lo suficientemente importante como para afrontar este cambio con entereza y sobretodo conservando (o incrementando) la calidad de los procesos de enseñanza- aprendizaje que hasta el momento han predominado. Dentro de este amplio proceso de transformación se encuentra el diseño de los nuevos Grados que brinda la oportunidad de replantear los planes de estudios, por tanto, la organización de las asignaturas, estructura de los contenidos, metodologías y sistemas de evaluación. Toda esta reflexión debe girar, a nuestro entender, alrededor de tres núcleos que se encuentran en estado deinterdependencia: los escenarios profesionales, los perfiles profesionales y las competencias que en ellos se inscriben.Para poder plantear los nuevos Grados en coherencia con la era del EEES debe hacerse un análisis minucioso de los perfil profesionales demandados por el mercado de trabajo que, al fin y al cabo será el destino de los profesionales que se forman en nuestras universidades, es por ello, que la tarea de definir el perfil profesional a priori del diseño de los nuevos Grados resulta una máxima para garantizar la calidad de estos. En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplo de metodología a seguir para la definición de un perfil profesional en Educación Superior, concretamente, el del Ingeniero TIC mediante el Análisis Funcional.


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Within pre-enlargement Europe, Italy records one of the widest employment rate gaps between highly and poorly educated women, as well one of the largest differences in the share, among working women, of public sector employment. Building on these stylized facts and using the Longitudinal Survey of Italian Households (ILFI), we investigate the working trajectories of three cohorts of Italian women born between 1935 and 1964 and observed from their first job until they are in their forties. We use mainly, but not exclusively, event history analysis in order to identify the main factors that influence entry into and exit from paid work over the life course. Our results suggest that in the Italian context, where employment protection policies have also been used as surrogate measures to favour reconciliation between family and work, and where traditional gender norms still persist, education is so important for women's employment decisions because it represents an investment in 'reconciliation' and 'work legitimacy' over and above investment in human capital.


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BACKGROUND: Teaching of evidence-based medicine (EBM) has become widespread in medical education. Teaching the teachers (TTT) courses address the increased teaching demand and the need to improve effectiveness of EBM teaching. We conducted a systematic review of assessment tools for EBM TTT courses.To summarise and appraise existing assessment methods for teaching the teachers courses in EBM by a systematic review. METHODS: We searched PubMed, BioMed, EmBase, Cochrane and Eric databases without language restrictions and included articles that assessed its participants. Study selection and data extraction were conducted independently by two reviewers. RESULTS: Of 1230 potentially relevant studies, five papers met the selection criteria. There were no specific assessment tools for evaluating effectiveness of EBM TTT courses. Some of the material available might be useful in initiating the development of such an assessment tool. CONCLUSION: There is a need for the development of educationally sound assessment tools for teaching the teachers courses in EBM, without which it would be impossible to ascertain if such courses have the desired effect.


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The main historical stages of the social rehabilitation of the mentally-ill patients show that the psychiatric hospital centred approach has been progressively cast off and therefore the creation of intermediate institutions and ambulatory care integrated in the city has been favoured. This has allowed the progressive development of the psychosocial rehabilitation. This reorientation of the medical practice towards the community was based on two specific and corollary approaches: the deinstitutionalisation and the rehabilitation, which have the common objective to facilitate the return of the patient in the natural social community. The psychosocial rehabilitation includes the deinstitutionalisation and the return to the community, in a holistic approach aiming at compensating for the psychosocial handicap induced by the mental illness. The concept of the psychosocial rehabilitation itself has been progressively elaborated over time. The initial enthusiasm was followed by a period of progressive disillusion, which was finally followed by the development of the psychosocial rehabilitation as a true specific clinical discipline, a topic in medical education and in scientific research


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[eng] ISO standard 9001 is one of a set of management tools that libraries have adopted in recent years. This article focuses on libraries in higher education institutions that have received ISO certification of their quality management systems (ISO standard 9001:2000). We examine their reasons for seeking certification and the advantages and difficulties they have encountered in applying this ISO standard. Finally, we consider the future prospects of ISO standard 9001 in university libraries.


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Scientific data from family medicine are relevant for the majority of the population. They are therefore essential from an ethical and public health perspective. We need to promote quality research in family medicine despite methodological, financial and logistic barriers. To highlight the strengths and weaknesses of research in family medicine in the French-speaking part of Switzerland we asked practitioners from this region to share their experience, critics and needs in relation to research. This article summarizes their contribution in light of the international literature.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: One of the seven key scientific priorities identified in the road map on HIV cure research is to 'determine the host mechanisms that control HIV replication in the absence of therapy'. This review summarizes the recent work in genomics and in epigenetic control of viral replication that is relevant for this mission. RECENT FINDINGS: New technologies allow the joint analysis of host and viral transcripts. They identify the patterns of antisense transcription of the viral genome and its role in gene regulation. High-throughput studies facilitate the assessment of integration at the genome scale. Integration site, orientation and host genomic context modulate the transcription and should also be assessed at the level of single cells. The various models of latency in primary cells can be followed using dynamic study designs to acquire transcriptome and proteome data of the process of entry, maintenance and reactivation of latency. Dynamic studies can be applied to the study of transcription factors and chromatin modifications in latency and upon reactivation. SUMMARY: The convergence of primary cell models of latency, new high-throughput quantitative technologies applied to the study of time series and the identification of compounds that reactivate viral transcription bring unprecedented precision to the study of viral latency.