805 resultados para Reconstructive dosimetry


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1.Ricostruzione mandibolare La ricostruzione mandibolare è comunemente eseguita utilizzando un lembo libero perone. Il metodo convenzionale (indiretto) di Computer Aided Design e Computer Aided Manifacturing prevede il modellamento manuale preoperatorio di una placca di osteosintesi standard su un modello stereolitografico della mandibola. Un metodo innovativo CAD CAM diretto comprende 3 fasi: 1) pianificazione virtuale 2) computer aided design della dima di taglio mandibolari, della dima di taglio del perone e della placca di osteosintesi e 3) Computer Aided Manufacturing dei 3 dispositivi chirurgici personalizzati. 7 ricostruzioni mandibolari sono state effettuate con il metodo diretto. I risultati raggiunti e le modalità di pianificazione sono descritte e discusse. La progettazione assistita da computer e la tecnica di fabbricazione assistita da computer facilita un'accurata ricostruzione mandibolare ed apporta un miglioramento statisticamente significativo rispetto al metodo convenzionale. 2. Cavità orale e orofaringe Un metodo ricostruttivo standard per la cavità orale e l'orofaringe viene descritto. 163 pazienti affetti da cancro della cavità orale e dell'orofaringe, sono stati trattati dal 1992 al 2012 eseguendo un totale di 175 lembi liberi. La strategia chirurgica è descritta in termini di scelta del lembo, modellamento ed insetting. I modelli bidimensionali sono utilizzati per pianificare una ricostruzione tridimensionale con il miglior risultato funzionale ed estetico. I modelli, la scelta del lembo e l' insetting sono descritti per ogni regione. Complicazioni e risultati funzionali sono stati valutati sistematicamente. I risultati hanno mostrato un buon recupero funzionale con le tecniche ricostruttive descritte. Viene proposto un algoritmo ricostruttivo basato su template standard.


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Non-invasive molecular-imaging technologies are playing a key role in drug discovery, development and delivery. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is such a molecular imaging technology and a powerful tool for the observation of various deceases in vivo. However, it is limited by the availability of vectors with high selectivity to the target and radionuclides with a physical half-life which matches the biological half-life of the observed process. The 68Ge/68Ga radionuclide generator makes the PET-nuclide anywhere available without an on-site cyclotron. Besides the perfect availability 68Ga shows well suited nuclide properties for PET, but it has to be co-ordinated by a chelator to introduce it in a radiopharmaceuticals.rnHowever, the physical half-life of 68Ga (67.7 min) might limit the spectrum of clinical applications of 68Ga-labelled radiodiagnostics. Furthermore, 68Ga-labelled analogues of endoradiotherapeuticals of longer biological half-live such as 90Y- or 177Lu-labeled peptides and proteins cannot be used to determine individual radiation dosimetry directly. rnThus, radionuclide generator systems providing positron emitting daughters of extended physical half-life are of renewed interest. In this context, generator-derived positron emitters with longer physical half-life are needed, such as 72As (T½ = 26 h) from the 72Se/72As generator, or 44Sc (T½ = 3.97 h) from the 44Ti/44Sc generator.rnIn this thesis the implementation of radioactive gallium-68 and scandium-44 for molecular imaging and nuclear medical diagnosis, beginning with chemical separation and purification of 44Ti as a radionuclide mother, investigation of pilot generators with different elution mode, building a prototype generator, development and investigation of post-processing of the generator eluate, its concentration and further purification, the labeling chemistry under different conditions, in vitro and in vivo studies of labeled compounds and, finally, in vivo imaging experiments are described.


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This thesis presents a CMOS Amplifier with High Common Mode rejection designed in UMC 130nm technology. The goal is to achieve a high amplification factor for a wide range of biological signals (with frequencies in the range of 10Hz-1KHz) and to reject the common-mode noise signal. It is here presented a Data Acquisition System, composed of a Delta-Sigma-like Modulator and an antenna, that is the core of a portable low-complexity radio system; the amplifier is designed in order to interface the data acquisition system with a sensor that acquires the electrical signal. The Modulator asynchronously acquires and samples human muscle activity, by sending a Quasi-Digital pattern that encodes the acquired signal. There is only a minor loss of information translating the muscle activity using this pattern, compared to an encoding technique which uses astandard digital signal via Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wide Band (IR-UWB). The biological signals, needed for Electromyographic analysis, have an amplitude of 10-100μV and need to be highly amplified and separated from the overwhelming 50mV common mode noise signal. Various tests of the firmness of the concept are presented, as well the proof that the design works even with different sensors, such as Radiation measurement for Dosimetry studies.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è lo studio degli aspetti procedurali e dosimetrici in angiografie periferiche che utilizzano la CO2 come mezzo di contrasto. La tecnica angiografica consiste nell’imaging radiologico di vasi sanguigni tramite l’iniezione di un mezzo di contrasto, e il suo uso è in costante incremento a causa dell’aumento di pazienti con malattie vascolari. I mezzi di contrasto iodati sono i più comunemente utilizzati e permettono di ottenere immagini di ottima qualità, ma presentano il limite di una elevata nefrotossicità. La CO2 è considerata un’interessante alternativa al mezzo iodato, per la sua acclarata biocompatibilità, soprattutto per pazienti con elevati fattori di rischio (diabete e/o insufficienza renale). Il suo utilizzo presenta comunque alcuni aspetti problematici, dovuti allo stato gassoso e al basso contrasto intrinseco rispetto alla soluzione iodata. Per quest’ultimo motivo si ritiene generalmente che l’utilizzo della CO2 comporti un aumento di dose rispetto ai mezzi di contrasto tradizionali. Il nostro studio, effettuato su diversi apparati radiologici, ha dimostrato che i parametri di emissione radiologica sono gli stessi per i protocolli di angiografia tradizionale, con iodio, e quelli che utilizzano CO2. Questa evidenza suggerisce che i protocolli CO2 operino solo sul trattamento delle immagini ottenute e non sulla modalità di acquisizione, e dal punto di vista dosimetrico l’angiografia con CO2 è riconducibile all’angiografia tradizionale. L’unico fattore che potrebbe portare a un effettivo incremento di dose al paziente è un allungamento dei tempi di scopia e di procedura, che andrebbe verificato con una campagna di misure in ambito clinico. Sulla base della stessa evidenza, si ritiene che la visualizzazione della CO2 possa essere ulteriormente migliorata attraverso l’ottimizzazione dei parametri di emissione radiologica (kVp, frame rate e durata degli impulsi) attualmente predisposti per l’uso di mezzi di contrasto iodati.


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Conventional inorganic materials for x-ray radiation sensors suffer from several drawbacks, including their inability to cover large curved areas, me- chanical sti ffness, lack of tissue-equivalence and toxicity. Semiconducting organic polymers represent an alternative and have been employed as di- rect photoconversion material in organic diodes. In contrast to inorganic detector materials, polymers allow low-cost and large area fabrication by sol- vent based methods. In addition their processing is compliant with fexible low-temperature substrates. Flexible and large-area detectors are needed for dosimetry in medical radiotherapy and security applications. The objective of my thesis is to achieve optimized organic polymer diodes for fexible, di- rect x-ray detectors. To this end polymer diodes based on two different semi- conducting polymers, polyvinylcarbazole (PVK) and poly(9,9-dioctyluorene) (PFO) have been fabricated. The diodes show state-of-the-art rectifying be- haviour and hole transport mobilities comparable to reference materials. In order to improve the X-ray stopping power, high-Z nanoparticle Bi2O3 or WO3 where added to realize a polymer-nanoparticle composite with opti- mized properities. X-ray detector characterization resulted in sensitivties of up to 14 uC/Gy/cm2 for PVK when diodes were operated in reverse. Addition of nanoparticles could further improve the performance and a maximum sensitivy of 19 uC/Gy/cm2 was obtained for the PFO diodes. Compared to the pure PFO diode this corresponds to a five-fold increase and thus highlights the potentiality of nanoparticles for polymer detector design. In- terestingly the pure polymer diodes showed an order of magnitude increase in sensitivity when operated in forward regime. The increase was attributed to a different detection mechanism based on the modulation of the diodes conductivity.


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Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) is caused by an ill-defined, segmental disturbance of periosteal bone formation leading to spontaneous bowing, followed by fracture and subsequent pseudarthrosis in the first 2 years of life. The results of conventional treatment modalities (e.g., bracing, internal and external fixation and bone grafting) are associated with high failure rates in terms of persisting pseudarthrosis, malunion and impaired growth. As a more promising alternative, a more aggressive approach, including wide resection of the affected bone, reconstruction with free vascularised fibula grafts from the healthy contralateral leg and stable external fixation at a very early stage has been suggested. Between 1995 and 2007, 10 children (age 12-31 months, median 20 months) suffering from CPT were treated at our institutions according to this principle. Two patients were treated before a fracture had occurred. The length of the fibula graft was 7-9cm. End-to-end anastomoses were performed at the level of the distal tibia stump. The follow-up was 80 months (median, range 12 months to 12 years). Radiologic examination at 6 weeks postoperatively showed normal bone density and structure of the transplanted fibula in all cases and osseous consolidation at 19 of the 20 graft/tibia junctions. One nonunion was sucessfully treated with bone grafting and plate osteosynthesis. Pin-tract infection occurred in three patients. Five children sustained graft fractures that were successfully treated with internal or external fixation. Two patients developed diminished growth of the affected limb or foot; all others had equal limb length and shoe size. At long-term follow-up, tibialisation of the transplant had occurred, and normal gait and physical activities were possible in all children. We conclude that in spite of a relatively high complication rate and the reluctance to perform free flap surgery in infants at this young age, the present concept may successfully prevent the imminent severe sequelae associated with CPT.


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Immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) has become an established procedure for women necessitating mastectomy. Traditionally, the nipple-areola complex (NAC) is resected during this procedure. The NAC, in turn, is a principal factor determining aesthetic outcome after breast reconstruction, and due to its particular texture and shape, a natural-looking NAC can barely be reconstructed with other tissues. The aim of this study was to assess the oncological safety as well as morbidity and aesthetic outcome after replantation of the NAC some days after IBR. Retrospective analysis of 85 patients receiving 88 mastectomies and IBR between 1998 and 2007 was conducted. NAC (n=29) or the nipple alone (n=23) were replanted 7 days (median, range 2-10 days) after IBR in 49 patients, provided the subareolar tissue was histologically negative for tumour infiltration. Local recurrence rate was assessed after 49 months (median, range 6-120 months). Aesthetic outcome was evaluated by clinical assessment during routine follow-up at least 12 months after the last intervention. Malignant involvement of the subareolar tissue was found in eight cases (9.1%). Patients qualifying for NAC replantation were in stage 0 in 29%, stage I in 15%, stage IIa in 31%, stage IIb in 17% and stage III in 8%. Total or partial necrosis occurred in 69% and 26% if the entire NAC or only the nipple were replanted, respectively (P<0.01). Depigmentation was seen in 52% and corrective surgery was done in 11 out of 52 NAC or nipple replantations. Local recurrence and isolated regional lymph node metastasis were observed in one single case each. Another 5.8% of the patients showed distant metastases. We conclude that the replantation of the NAC in IBR is oncologically safe, provided the subareolar tissue is free of tumour. However, the long-term aesthetic outcome of NAC replantation is not satisfying, which advocates replanting the nipple alone.


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To date, obesity affects a substantial population in industrialised countries. Due to the increased awareness of obesity-related morbidity, efficient dietary regimens and the recent successes with bariatric surgery, there is now a high demand for body contouring surgery to correct skin abundancies after massive weight loss. The known risks for this type of surgery are mainly wound-healing complications, and, more rarely, thromboembolic or respiratory complications. We present two female patients (23 and 39 years of age) who, in spite of standard positioning and precautions, developed sciatic neuropathy after combined body contouring procedures, including abdominoplasty and inner thigh lift. Complete functional loss of the sciatic nerve was found by clinical and electroneurographic examination on the left side in patient one and bilaterally in patient two. Full nerve conductance recovery was obtained after 6 months in both patients. Although the occurrence of spontaneous neuropathies after heavy weight loss is well documented, this is the first report describing the appearance of such a phenomenon following body contouring surgery. One theoretical explanation may be the compression of the nerve during the semirecumbent positioning combined with hip flexion and abduction, which was required for abdominal closure and simultaneous access to the inner thighs. We advise to avoid this positioning and to include the risk of sciatic neuropathy in the routine preoperative information of patients scheduled for body contouring surgery after heavy weight loss.


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Owing to its optimal nuclear properties, ready availability, low cost and favourable dosimetry, (99m)Tc continues to be the ideal radioisotope for medical-imaging applications. Bifunctional chelators based on a tetraamine framework exhibit facile complexation with Tc(V)O(2) to form monocationic species with high in vivo stability and significant hydrophilicity, which leads to favourable pharmacokinetics. The synthesis of a series of 1,4,8,11-tetraazaundecane derivatives (01-06) containing different functional groups at the 6-position for the conjugation of biomolecules and subsequent labelling with (99m)Tc is described herein. The chelator 01 was used as a starting material for the facile synthesis of chelators functionalised with OH (02), N(3) (04) and O-succinyl ester (05) groups. A straightforward and easy synthesis of carboxyl-functionalised tetraamine-based chelator 06 was achieved by using inexpensive and commercially available starting materials. Conjugation of 06 to a potent bombesin-antagonist peptide and subsequent labelling with (99m)Tc afforded the radiotracer (99m)Tc-N4-BB-ANT, with radiolabelling yields of >97% at a specific activity of 37 GBq micromol(-1). An IC(50) value of (3.7+/-1.3) nM was obtained, which confirmed the high affinity of the conjugate to the gastrin-releasing-peptide receptor (GRPr). Immunofluorescence and calcium mobilisation assays confirmed the strong antagonist properties of the conjugate. In vivo pharmacokinetic studies of (99m)Tc-N4-BB-ANT showed high and specific uptake in PC3 xenografts and in other GRPr-positive organs. The tumour uptake was (22.5+/-2.6)% injected activity per gram (% IA g(-1)) at 1 h post injection (p.i.). and increased to (29.9+/-4.0)% IA g(-1) at 4 h p.i. The SPECT/computed tomography (CT) images showed high tumour uptake, clear background and negligible radioactivity in the abdomen. The promising preclinical results of (99m)Tc-N4-BB-ANT warrant its potential candidature for clinical translation.


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This study was to evaluate the treatment dosimetry, efficacy and toxicity of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT) in the management of infratentorial ependymoma. Between 1999 and 2007, seven children (median age, 3.1 years) with infratentorial ependymoma were planned with either IMRT (3 patients) or SFRT (4 patients), the latter after conventional posterior fossa irradiation. Two children underwent gross total resection. Median prescribed dose was 59.4 Gy (range, 55.8-60). The median follow-up for surviving patients was 4.8 years (range, 1.3-8). IMRT (median dose, 59.4 Gy) and FSRT (median dose, 55.8 Gy) achieved similar optimal target coverage. Percentages of maximum doses delivered to the cochleae (59.5 vs 85.0% Gy; P = 0.05) were significantly inferior with IMRT, when compared to FSRT planning. Percentages of maximum doses administered to the pituitary gland (38.2 vs 20.1%; P = 0.05) and optic chiasm (38.1 vs 14.1%; P = 0.001) were, however, significantly higher with IMRT, when compared to FSRT planning. No recurrences were observed at the last follow-up. The estimated 3-year progression-free survival and overall survival were 87.5 and 100%, respectively. No grade >1 acute toxicity was observed. Two patients presented late adverse events (grade 2 hypoacousia) during follow-up, without cognitive impairment. IMRT or FSRT for infratentorial ependymomas is effective and associated with a tolerable toxicity level. Both treatment techniques were able to capitalize their intrinsic conformal ability to deliver high-dose radiation. Larger series of patients treated with these two modalities will be necessary to more fully evaluate these delivery techniques.


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Protective patient equipment for CT examinations is not routinely provided. The aim of this study was to determine whether, and if so what, specific protective equipment is beneficial during CT scans. The absorbed organ doses and the effective doses for thorax, abdomen/pelvis and brain CT investigation with and without the use of protective patient equipment have been determined and compared. All measurements were carried out on modern multislice CT scanner using an anthropomorphic phantom and thermoluminescence dosemeters. The measurements show that protective equipment reduces the dose within the scattered beam area. The highest organ dose reduction was found in organs that protrude from the trunk like the testes or the female breasts that can largely be covered by the protective equipment. The most reduction of the effective dose was found in the male abdomen/pelvis examination (0.32 mSv), followed by the brain (0.11 mSv) and the thorax (0.06 mSv). It is concluded that the use of protective equipment can reduce the applied dose to the patient.


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Major efforts have been undertaken to reduce donor-site morbidity after abdominal flaps, which eventually culminated in the introduction of the deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap. However, due to anatomical variations (absence of dominant perforators) and the risk of ischaemic complications, the selection of patients qualifying for a DIEP flap is limited. Furthermore, DIEP flaps can only be used as free flaps. We present our long-term experience with a dissection technique of rectus abdominis myocutaneous (RAM) flaps that was developed to circumvent these drawbacks. The dissection is characterised by preventing to sacrifice any perforators nourishing the flap and by fully preserving the anterior rectus sheath, but not the muscle. The study comprises a consecutive series of prospectively assessed patients, treated between February 2000 and April 2008. A total of 100 fascia-sparing RAM flaps were operated on 97 patients (age 22-84 years, median 64 years). Free flaps were mainly used for breast reconstruction (47 flaps/24 patients), and cranially (34) or caudally (19) pedicled flaps for soft-tissue coverage after sternectomy, urogenital tumour resection or rectum amputation. Eighty patients had a total of 213 risk factors, such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes mellitus, smoking or steroid medication. Partial tissue loss (skin or fat necrosis) occurred in 13 flaps, out of which seven required surgical revision. The ischaemic complications were evenly distributed between the patient subsets. At a follow-up of 2-89 months (median 20 months), one patient showed a flap harvest-related abdominal bulge after bilateral-free transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (TRAM) flap. We conclude that the present dissection technique provides maximal perforator-related perfusion and minimal donor-site morbidity even in pedicled flaps and high-risk patients. In free flaps, it may, therefore, be recommended as an alternative to the DIEP flap.


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Ablative procedures that are used for the improvement of a degenerative process that leads to a loss of skin elasticity and integrity, injure or destroy the epidermis and its basement membrane and lead to fibrosis of the papillary dermis. It was recently shown in clinical and laboratory trials that percutaneous collagen induction (PCI) by multiple needle application is a method for safely treating wrinkles and scars and smoothening the skin without the risk of dyspigmentation. In our study, we describe the effect of PCI on epidermal thickness and the induction of genes relevant for regenerative processes in the skin in a small animal model.


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Refinement in microvascular reconstructive techniques over the last 30 years has enabled an increasing number of patients to be rehabilitated for both functional and aesthetic reasons. The purpose of this study was to evaluate different microsurgical practice, including perioperative management, in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The DÖSAK collaborative group for Microsurgical Reconstruction developed a detailed questionnaire which was circulated to units in the three countries. The current practice of the departments was evaluated. Thirty-eight questionnaires were completed resulting in a 47.5% response rate. A considerable variation in the number of microsurgical reconstructions per year was noted. In relation to the timing of bony reconstruction, 10 hospitals did reconstructions primarily (26.3%), 19 secondarily (50%) and 9 (23.7%) hospitals used both concepts. In the postoperative course, 15.8% of hospitals use inhibitors of platelet aggregation, most hospitals use low molecular heparin (52.6%) or other heparin products (44.7%). This survey shows variation in the performance, management, and care of microsurgical reconstructions of patients. This is due in part to the microvascular surgeons available in the unit but it is also due to different types of hospitals where various types of care can be performed in these patients needing special perioperative care.