837 resultados para Rate


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The debate on the link between trade rules and rules on exchange rates is raising the attention of experts on international trade law and economics. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the impacts of exchange rate misalignments on tariffs as applied by the WTO - World Trade Organization. It is divided into five sections: the first one explains the methodology used to determine exchange rate misalignments and also presents its results for Brazil, U.S. and China; the second summarizes the methodology applied to calculate the impacts of exchange rate misalignments on the level of tariff protection through an exercise of "misalignment tariffication"; the third examines the effects of exchange rate variations on tariffs and their consequences for the multilateral trading system; the fourth one creates a methodology to estimate exchange rates against a currency of the World and a proposal to deal with persistent and significant misalignments related to trade rules. The conclusions are present in the last section.


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The impact of ventricular rate (VR) on the outcome of electrical cardioversion (ECV) of acute atrial fibrillation (AF) is currently unknown. We aimed to determine the effect of VR during acute AF on the success of ECV, recurrence of AF and occurrence of post-cardioversion complications in 30 days follow-up. All ECVs performed in patients with acute atrial fibrillation lasting <48 hours in 2 Finnish university hospitals during 2003-2010 and 1 central hospital during 2010 were retrospectively identified. A total of 6,624 ECVs were performed in 2,821 consecutive patients. VRâ¤60 BPM was defined low and VRâ¥160 BPM high. The median VR before ECV was 109 BPM. The success rate of ECV was 94.2%. Bradycardia occurred in 62 (0.9%) and thromboembolic complications in 39 (0.6%) ECVs. Low VR was observed before 75 (1.1%) ECVs and male sex was its only independent predictor. High VR was observed in 165 (2.5%) ECVs. The independent predictors of high VR were younger age, <12 h episode duration, no previous history of AF and alcohol abuse. Low or high VR were not related to the success of ECV, incidence of thromboembolic or bradycardic complications, or recurrence of AF, although VR was significantly (p<0.001) lower in the patients in whom AF recurred. In conclusion, ECV of acute AF is an effective procedure and VR during AF does not affect its efficacy, the maintenance of sinus rhythm or the incidence of bradycardic, thromboembolic or other complications during 30 days follow-up after ECV. Low VR is predominately observed in male patients, while high VR was a feature related to a shorter history of AF and high alcohol-intake.


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The purpose of this article is twofold. The first is to explain the time inconsistencies of the convertibility regime that led to the 2001 crisis. The argument suggests that the credibility requirements for convertibility induced a dynamic of legal, fiscal, financial and external commitments that increased exit costs and time inconsistencies. The second objective is to explain the tensions of the floating regime that replaced convertibility in 2002. We describe the effects of a floating exchange rate on macroeconomic imbalance and the growing tension between competitiveness and inflation.


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The current classification system for spinal cord injury (SCI) considers only somatic information and neglects autonomic damage after injiuy. Heart rate variability (HRV) has the potential to be a valuable measure of cardiac autonomic control after (SCI). Five individuals with tetraplegia and four able-bodied controls underwent 1 min continuous ECG recordings during rest, after Metoprolol administration (max dose=3x5mg) and after Atropine administration (0.02mg/kg) in both supine and 40° head-up tilt. After Metoprolol administration there was a 61.8% decrease in the LF:HF ratio in the SCI participants suggesting that the LF:HF ratio is a reflection of cardiac sympathetic outflow. After Atropine administration there was a 99.1% decrease in the HF power in the SCI participants suggesting that HF power is highly representative of cardiac parasympathetic outflow. There were no significant differences between the SCI and able-bodied participants. Thus, HRV measures are a valid index of cardiac autonomic control after SCI.


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Icewine is an intensely sweet, unique dessert wine fennented from the juice of grapes that have frozen naturally on the vine. The juice pressed from the frozen grapes is highly concentrated, ranging from a minimum of 35° Brix to approximately 42° Brix. Often Icewine fennentations are sluggish, taking months to reach the desired ethanol level, and sometimes become stuck. In 6 addition, Icewines have high levels of volatile acidity. At present, there is no routine method of yeast inoculation for fennenting Icewine. This project investigated two yeast inoculum levels, 0.2 gIL and 0.5 gIL. The fennentation kinetics of inoculating these yeast levels directly into the sterile Icewine juice or conditioning the cells to the high sugar levels using a step wise acclimatization procedure were also compared. The effect of adding GO-FERM, a yeast nutrient, was also assessed. In the sterile fennentations, yeast inoculated at 0.2 gIL stopped fennenting before the required ethanol level was achieved, producing only 7.8% (v/v) and 8.1 % (v/v) ethanol for the direct and conditioned inoculations, respectively. At 0.5 gIL, the stepwise conditioned cells fennented the most sugar, producing 12.2% (v/v) ethanol, whereas the direct inoculum produced 10.5% (v/v) ethanol. The addition of the yeast nutrient GO-FERM increased the rate of biomass accumulation, but reduced the ethanol concentration in wines fennented at 0.5 gIL. There was no significant difference in acetic acid concentration in the final wines across all treatments. Fennentations using unfiltered Icewine juice at the 0.5 gIL inoculum level were also compared to see if the effects of yeast acclimatization and micronutrient addition had the same impact on fennentation kinetics and yeast metabolite production as observed in the sterile-filtered juice fennentations. In addition, a full descriptive analysis of the finished wines was carried out to further assess the impact of yeast inoculation method on Icewine sensory quality. At 0.5 gIL, the stepwise conditioned cells fennented the most sugar, producing 11.5% (v/v) ethanol, whereas the direct inoculum produced 10.0% (v/v) ethanol. The addition of the yeast nutrient GO-FERM increased the peak viable cell numbers, but reduced the ethanol concentration in wines fennented at 0.5 gIL. There was a significant difference 7 in acetic acid concentration in the final wines across all treatments and all treatments affected the sensory profiles of the final wines. Wines produced by direct inoculation were described by grape and raisin aromas and butter flavour. The addition of GO-FERM to the direct inoculation treatment shifted the aroma/flavour profiles to more orange flavour and aroma, and a sweet taste profile. StepWise acclimatizing the cells resulted in wines described more by peach and terpene aroma. The addition of GO-FERM shifted the profile to pineapple and alcohol aromas as well as alcohol flavour. Overall, these results indicate that the addition of GO-FERM and yeast acclimatization shortened the length of fermentation and impacted the sensory profiles of the resultant wines.


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An analytical model for bacterial accumulation in a discrete fractllre has been developed. The transport and accumlllation processes incorporate into the model include advection, dispersion, rate-limited adsorption, rate-limited desorption, irreversible adsorption, attachment, detachment, growth and first order decay botl1 in sorbed and aqueous phases. An analytical solution in Laplace space is derived and nlln1erically inverted. The model is implemented in the code BIOFRAC vvhich is written in Fortran 99. The model is derived for two phases, Phase I, where adsorption-desorption are dominant, and Phase II, where attachment-detachment are dominant. Phase I ends yvhen enollgh bacteria to fully cover the substratllm have accllillulated. The model for Phase I vvas verified by comparing to the Ogata-Banks solution and the model for Phase II was verified by comparing to a nonHomogenous version of the Ogata-Banks solution. After verification, a sensitiv"ity analysis on the inpllt parameters was performed. The sensitivity analysis was condllcted by varying one inpllt parameter vvhile all others were fixed and observing the impact on the shape of the clirve describing bacterial concentration verSllS time. Increasing fracture apertllre allovvs more transport and thus more accllffilliation, "Vvhich diminishes the dllration of Phase I. The larger the bacteria size, the faster the sllbstratum will be covered. Increasing adsorption rate, was observed to increase the dllration of Phase I. Contrary to the aSSllmption ofllniform biofilm thickness, the accllffilliation starts frOll1 the inlet, and the bacterial concentration in aqlleous phase moving towards the olitiet declines, sloyving the accumulation at the outlet. Increasing the desorption rate, redllces the dliration of Phase I, speeding IIp the accllmlilation. It was also observed that Phase II is of longer duration than Phase I. Increasing the attachment rate lengthens the accliffililation period. High rates of detachment speeds up the transport. The grovvth and decay rates have no significant effect on transport, althollgh increases the concentrations in both aqueous and sorbed phases are observed. Irreversible adsorption can stop accllillulation completely if the vallIes are high.


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Includes bibliographical references.


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The proce-ss ofoxygenic photosynthesis is vital to life on Earth. the central event in photosynthesis is light induced electron transfer that converts light into energy for growth. Ofparticular significance is the membrane bound multisubunit protein known as Photosystem I (PSI). PSI is a reaction centre that is responsible for the transfer of electrons across the membrane to reduce NADP+ to NADPH. The recent publication ofa high resolution X-ray structure of PSI has shown new information about the structure, in particular the electron transfer cofactors, which allows us to study it in more detail. In PSI, the secondary acceptor is crucial for forward electron transfer. In this thesis, the effect of removing the native acceptor phylloquinone and replacing it with a series of structurally related quinones was investigated via transient electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments. The orientation of non native quinones in the binding site and their ability to function in the electron transfer process was determined. It was found that PSI will readily accept alkyl naphthoquinones and anthraquinone. Q band EPR experiments revealed that the non-native quinones are incorporated into the binding site with the same orientation of the headgroup as in the native system. X band EPR spectra and deuteration experiments indicate that monosubstituted naphthoquinones are bound to the Al site with their side group in the position occupied by the methyl group in native PSI (meta to the hydrogen bonded carbonyl oxygen). X band EPR experiments show that 2, 3- disubstituted methyl naphthoquinones are also incorporated into the Al site in the same orientation as phylloquinone, even with the presence of a halogen- or sulfur-containing side chain in the position normally occupied by the phytyl tail ofphylloquinone. The exception to this is 2-bromo-3-methyl --.- _. -. - -- - - 4 _._ _ _ - _ _ naphthoquinone which has a poorly resolved spectrum, making determination of the orientation difficuh. All of the non-native quinones studied act as efficient electron acceptors. However, forward electron transfer past the quinone could only be demonstrated for anthraquinone, which has a more negative midpoint potential than phylloquinone. In the case of anthraquinone, an increased rate of forward electron transfer compared to native PSI was found. From these results we can conclude that the rate ofelectron transfer from Al to Fx in native PSI lies in the normal region ofthe Marcus Curve.


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With repeated activity, force production, rate of force production, and relaxation time are impaired. These are characteristics ofa fatigued muscle (Vandenboom, 2004). However, brief bouts of near maximal to maximal activity results in the increased ability of the muscle to generate force, termed post activation potentiation (P AP)(V andervoort et aI., 1983). The purpose of the present study was to characterize motor unit firing rate (MUFR) in the unfatigued, potentiated tibialis anterior (TA). Using a quadrifilar needle electrode, MUFR was measured during a 5s 50% MVC in which the TA was either potentiated or unpotentiated; monopolar electrodes measured surface parameters. A lOs MVC was used to potentiate the muscle. Firing rate decreased significantly from 20.15±2.9Opps to 18.27±2.99pps, while mean power frequency decreased significantly from 60. 13±7.75 Hz to 53.62±8.56 Hz. No change in root mean square (RMS) was observed. Therefore, in the present study, MUFR decreases in response to a potentiated TA.


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A notification from the Canadian Niagara Power Co. detailing a rate increase for domestic customers. Two schedules are listed, one for customers under 1,000 watts and the other for customers over 1,000 watts.