716 resultados para Random Music


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Prediction of random effects is an important problem with expanding applications. In the simplest context, the problem corresponds to prediction of the latent value (the mean) of a realized cluster selected via two-stage sampling. Recently, Stanek and Singer [Predicting random effects from finite population clustered samples with response error. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 99, 119-130] developed best linear unbiased predictors (BLUP) under a finite population mixed model that outperform BLUPs from mixed models and superpopulation models. Their setup, however, does not allow for unequally sized clusters. To overcome this drawback, we consider an expanded finite population mixed model based on a larger set of random variables that span a higher dimensional space than those typically applied to such problems. We show that BLUPs for linear combinations of the realized cluster means derived under such a model have considerably smaller mean squared error (MSE) than those obtained from mixed models, superpopulation models, and finite population mixed models. We motivate our general approach by an example developed for two-stage cluster sampling and show that it faithfully captures the stochastic aspects of sampling in the problem. We also consider simulation studies to illustrate the increased accuracy of the BLUP obtained under the expanded finite population mixed model. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A geodesic in a graph G is a shortest path between two vertices of G. For a specific function e(n) of n, we define an almost geodesic cycle C in G to be a cycle in which for every two vertices u and v in C, the distance d(G)(u, v) is at least d(C)(u, v) - e(n). Let omega(n) be any function tending to infinity with n. We consider a random d-regular graph on n vertices. We show that almost all pairs of vertices belong to an almost geodesic cycle C with e(n)= log(d-1)log(d-1) n+omega(n) and vertical bar C vertical bar =2 log(d-1) n+O(omega(n)). Along the way, we obtain results on near-geodesic paths. We also give the limiting distribution of the number of geodesics between two random vertices in this random graph. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Graph Theory 66: 115-136, 2011


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Consider the following problem: Forgiven graphs G and F(1),..., F(k), find a coloring of the edges of G with k colors such that G does not contain F; in color i. Rodl and Rucinski studied this problem for the random graph G,,, in the symmetric case when k is fixed and F(1) = ... = F(k) = F. They proved that such a coloring exists asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) provided that p <= bn(-beta) for some constants b = b(F,k) and beta = beta(F). This result is essentially best possible because for p >= Bn(-beta), where B = B(F, k) is a large constant, such an edge-coloring does not exist. Kohayakawa and Kreuter conjectured a threshold function n(-beta(F1,..., Fk)) for arbitrary F(1), ..., F(k). In this article we address the case when F(1),..., F(k) are cliques of different sizes and propose an algorithm that a.a.s. finds a valid k-edge-coloring of G(n,p) with p <= bn(-beta) for some constant b = b(F(1),..., F(k)), where beta = beta(F(1),..., F(k)) as conjectured. With a few exceptions, this algorithm also works in the general symmetric case. We also show that there exists a constant B = B(F,,..., Fk) such that for p >= Bn(-beta) the random graph G(n,p) a.a.s. does not have a valid k-edge-coloring provided the so-called KLR-conjecture holds. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Random Struct. Alg., 34, 419-453, 2009


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Denna kandidatuppsats avhandlar tre stycken analyser av tre stycken filmscener från filmerna A Clockwork Orange, Reservoir Dogs och Watchmen, tre stycken exempel på scener där så kallad anempathetic music används. Denna form av musik kan beskrivas som att den distanserar sig från vad som händer i den rörliga bilden genom att förmedla den motsatta känslan, till exempel om musiken är glad och lättsam medan en våldtäkt sker i bild. Denna uppsats analyserar i dessa tre analysexempel vad sådan filmmusik kan bidra med för berättarfunktioner och meningspotential i filmexemplens narrativ. Resultaten från analysen visade på att musiken i de tre valda analysexemplen bidrar till ökad reflektion hos publiken och hur detta möjliggör för att anempathetic music kan ses som empathetic mot publiken och deras tolkning av filmscenernas narrativ.


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Random effect models have been widely applied in many fields of research. However, models with uncertain design matrices for random effects have been little investigated before. In some applications with such problems, an expectation method has been used for simplicity. This method does not include the extra information of uncertainty in the design matrix is not included. The closed solution for this problem is generally difficult to attain. We therefore propose an two-step algorithm for estimating the parameters, especially the variance components in the model. The implementation is based on Monte Carlo approximation and a Newton-Raphson-based EM algorithm. As an example, a simulated genetics dataset was analyzed. The results showed that the proportion of the total variance explained by the random effects was accurately estimated, which was highly underestimated by the expectation method. By introducing heuristic search and optimization methods, the algorithm can possibly be developed to infer the 'model-based' best design matrix and the corresponding best estimates.


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The aim of the project is to examine the music salon in Falun as a part of the mining community and in the historical context of European salon culture. A specifc goal is to develop a deeper understanding about the salon when it comes to education and pedagogic ideas. Of a certain interest is Johan Henrik Munktell’s (1804-1861) education travelling (bildningsresor). Inspired by Mendelssohn’s music salon in Berlin and the early salons in Upp-sala he created his own salon in Grycksbo. A letter collection from J.H. Munktell to his father J.J. Munktell in 1828-30 can be considered a unique historical material, which places the salon in Falun in a continental context of culture, education and industrial pretensions. The results have potential to extend the knowledge of Nordic salon culture and how it has infuenced general pedagogy and music education.