889 resultados para RAINY-SEASON
Introdução: A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é um importante problema de saúde pública no Brasil, com cerca 3000 mil casos notificados anualmente. Nos últimos anos, a LV tem ampliado sua distribuição em vários estados do país, associada principalmente aos processos socioambientais, antrópicos e migratórios. A LV é causada pela infecção com Leishmania infantum chagasi, transmitida, principalmente, por Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae). Este flebotomíneo apresenta ampla distribuição nas Américas, todavia, evidências sugerem que se constitui em um complexo de espécies crípticas. A dinâmica de transmissão da LV é modulada por fatores ecológicos locais que influenciam a interação entre populações do patógeno, do vetor e dos hospedeiros vertebrados. Portanto, o estudo das variáveis associadas a esta interação pode contribuir para elucidar aspectos dos elos epidemiológicos e contribuir para a tomada de decisões em saúde pública. Objetivo: Avaliar parâmetros relacionados à capacidade vetorial da população de Lu. longipalpis presente em área urbana do município de Panorama, estado de São Paulo. Métodos: Foram realizadas capturas mensais durante 48 meses para avaliar a distribuição espaço-temporal de Lu. longipalpis e investigar a circulação de Le. i. chagasi. Também foram realizados os seguintes experimentos com o vetor: captura-marcação-soltura-recaptura para estimar a sobrevida da população e a duração do seu ciclo gonotrófico, a atratividade dos hospedeiros mais frequentes em áreas urbanas, a proporção de repasto em cão, infecção experimental e competência vetorial. Resultados: Observou-se que no município de Panorama, Lu. longipalpis apresentou as frequências mais elevadas na estação chuvosa (entre outubro e março), maior densidade em áreas com presença de vegetação e criação de animais domésticos, locais aonde também foi demonstrada a circulação natural de espécimes de Lu. longipalpis infectados com Le. i. chagasi. Além disto, foi corroborado que a população de Lu. longipalpis apresentou hábito hematofágico eclético, altas taxas de sobrevivência e que foi competente para transmitir o agente da LV. Nos experimentos de laboratório foi evidenciada a heterogeneidade na infecção de fêmeas de Lu. longipalpis desafiadas a se alimentarem em cães comprovadamente infectados por L. i. chagasi e o rápido desenvolvimento do parasita neste vetor natural. Conclusões. As observações do presente estudo corroboram a capacidade vetora de Lu. longipalpis para transmitir a Le. i. chagasi e ressaltam a importância da espécie na transmissão do agente etiológico da LV. Ações de manejo ambiental, educação e promoção à saúde são recomendadas às autoridades municipais para diminuir o risco potencial de infecção na população humana e canina, considerando-se o elevado potencial vetor de Lu. longipalpis e a presença de condições que favorecem a interação dos componentes da tríade epidemiológica da LV.
Na propriedade rural, onde o leite cru refrigerado fica armazenado até a captação pelo caminhão tanque em coleta a granel, o mesmo é mantido a temperatura de refrigeração entre 1 a 4ºC por longos períodos (até 96 horas), os microrganismos psicrotróficos encontram condições favoráveis para sua multiplicação, produzindo enzimas proteolíticas e lipolíticas termotolerantes, podendo provocar alterações indesejáveis no leite e nos seus derivados. Quando estes microrganismos estão presentes em elevadas populações, pode ser indicativo de baixa qualidade do leite e insatisfatória condições sanitárias para o processamento. Devido a necessidade da melhora da qualidade dos produtos lácteos, objetivou-se a execução desta pesquisa realizando levantamentos sobre o cumprimento dos padrões microbiológicos exigidos pela atual legislação brasileira IN 62 (BRASIL, 2011), pesquisas sobre os microrganismos psicrotróficos, Pseudomonas spp. e produção de enzimas proteolítica e lipolítica por Pseudomonas spp. As coletas foram realizadas em 10 propriedades do Estado de São Paulo na Regional Agrícola do Escritório de Desenvolvimento Rural - EDR Limeira - SP, sendo, 5 propriedades com ordenha manual e 5 propriedades com ordenha mecânica, nos períodos de chuva e seca e em vários pontos durante a obtenção do leite cru refrigerado e também do leite com intervalo de 24 horas até a captação deste leite pelo caminhão. As médias das populações dos microrganismos mesófilos na ordenha manual, foi diferente estatisticamente significativo no leite recém ordenhado (1,52×106 UFC.mL-1) para o leite com 24 horas de armazenamento (2,67×107 UFC.mL-1) no período chuvoso, e na ordenha mecânica, o encontrado foi uma diferença estatisticamente significativa no leite recém ordenhado (3,87×106 UFC.mL-1) para o leite com 24 horas de armazenamento (9,82×108 UFC.mL-1) também no período chuvoso. Nas populações dos microrganismos psicrotróficos, suas médias diferiram estatisticamente na ordenha manual no período da chuva no leite recém ordenhado (1,48×104 UFC.mL-1) para o leite com 48 horas de armazenamento (1,49×105 UFC.mL-1) e na ordenha mecânica, o leite recém ordenhado (8,74×103 UFC.mL-1), com 24 horas de armazenamento (4,33×104 UFC.mL-1) não diferiram entre si e foram diferentes estatisticamente do leite com 48 horas de armazenamento (3,46×105 UFC.mL-1) apresentaram valor elevado, principalmente quando o leite cru refrigerado permanece por longos períodos de armazenamento na propriedade rural, que pode ser um sério fator de comprometimento pela produção de lipases ou proteases principalmente pelas Pseudomonas spp. onde em todos os pontos amostrados foram isolados este microrganismo produzindo enzimas (lipase e/ou protease). A maior porcentagem de atividade lipolítica foi verificada no período seco, já a maior porcentagem de atividade proteolítica foi verificada no período chuvoso. Contudo, deve-se intensificar as medidas de autocontrole para minimizar os efeitos dos microrganismos mesófilos e psicrotróficos sobre a qualidade do leite cru refrigerado e, consequentemente, de seus derivados.
O uso da irrigação em cafeeiro é uma tecnologia que vem se consolidando e mostrando-se economicamente viável ao longo dos tempos, trazendo junto com ela a técnica da fertirrigação. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência de formas de aplicação e fontes de fertilizantes sobre a condutividade elétrica e pH da solução do solo, bem como no desenvolvimento e produção do café conilon irrigado por gotejamento. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em São Gabriel da Palha, Espírito Santo, utilizando o clone 12V da variedade INCAPER 8142. O experimento foi delineado em blocos ao acaso (DBC) com seis tratamentos e quatro blocos. Os tratamentos adotados foram: T1 - Controle - adubação nitrogenada e potássica aplicada via solo nas fontes ureia e cloreto de potássio; T2 - Adubação nitrogenada e potássica aplicada via solo nas fontes ureia e cloreto de potássio de liberação controlada; T3 - Adubação nitrogenada e potássica aplicada via fertirrigação nas fontes ureia e cloreto de potássio; T4 - Adubação nitrogenada e potássica aplicada via fertirrigação nas fontes nitrato de amônio e sulfato de potássio; T5 - Adubação nitrogenada e potássica aplicada via fertirrigação nas fontes nitrato de amônio e nitrato de potássio; T6 - Adubação nitrogenada e potássica aplicada via solo nas fontes ureia e cloreto de potássio de liberação controlada no período de outubro a março (período chuvoso) e adubação nitrogenada e potássica aplicada via fertirrigação, nas fontes nitrato de amônio e sulfato de potássio no período de abril a setembro (período seco). Foi monitorado o pH e condutividade elétrica da solução do solo, avaliações biométricas das plantas tais como altura, comprimento do primeiro ramo plagiotrópico e número de nós no primeiro ramo plagiotrópico, além da produção por planta e estimativa de produtividade. Os tratamentos T1 e T3 que utilizaram ureia e cloreto de potássio e o T4 - nitrato de amônio e sulfato de potássio disponibilizaram maiores quantidade de nitrogênio na forma amoniacal, causando maior acidificação do bulbo. Em contrapartida os tratamentos T2, T5 e T6 apresentaram menor acidificação, com diferença estatística significativa na variação do pH nas duas profundidades analisadas a partir de 18 meses da aplicação dos tratamentos. Nos tratamentos T2 e T6 observou-se menor salinidade inicial na avaliação aos 90 dias após o plantio através da leitura da condutividade elétrica da solução do solo. Para as avaliações biométricas, os tratamentos T2, T4, T5 e T6 diferiram estatisticamente dos tratamentos T1 e T3, influenciando positivamente à altura de plantas, comprimento e número de nós no primeiro ramo plagiotrópico.
Os reservatórios, por serem corpos de água dinâmicos e pelos seus usos múltiplos, sofrem acelerado processo de eutrofização. Neste estudo avaliou-se a atual condição da represa do Lobo (municípios de Brotas e Itirapina, SP) em relação a algumas características físicas, químicas e biológicas em uma perspectiva temporal. As amostragens foram realizadas em duas épocas representativas das estações seca e chuvosa, compreendidas no período de setembro de 2000 e junho de 2001. Foram estabelecidos seis pontos de coleta, nos quais foram coletadas amostras de água para análises de nutrientes, clorofila, material em suspensão, zooplâncton e foram também realizadas medidas \"in situ\" de variáveis físicas e químicas, com o multisensor Horiba U10. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que ocorreram variações sazonais de moderada amplitude, caracterizando dois períodos: o seco com temperaturas menores, águas mais oxigenadas, menor condutividade elétrica e maiores concentrações de nutrientes. O zooplâncton da represa do Lobo foi numericamente dominado pelos rotíferos, seguidos pelos cladóceros e copépodos em proporções bem menores, similarmente ao reportado pelos estudos anteriores, indicando que em nível de grandes grupos não houve ainda uma mudança na estrutura desta comunidade. As variações na densidade dos principais grupos zooplanctônicos estão relacionadas às características físicas e químicas das diferentes porções da represa (com maiores densidades na porção superior, mais eutrófica) e à sazonalidade, com maior abundância de rotíferos no período chuvoso e maiores densidades de protozoários e microcrustáceos no inverno. Durante o período de estudo a condição trófica do reservatório foi mesotrófica, contudo com níveis de nutrientes e biomassa do fitoplâncton, indicada pela concentração de clorofila, superiores aos níveis reportados para a década de 1970. Concluiu-se portanto que a represa está sofrendo um processo de eutrofização.
No Estado do Maranhão, na região da Baixada Maranhense, presenta na fauna silvestre o réptil Kinosternon scorpioides, um quelônio de água doce popularmente conhecido como jurará e que possui valor social, econômico e ambiental para os ribeirinhos da cidade de São Bento. Este estudo contempla suas características biológicas reprodutivas baseadas em seu ambiente natural, com o intuito de permitir a preservação e o estabelecimento de planos de manejo reprodutivo e de uso sustentável da espécie. Recentemente poucos estudos em todo o mundo tratam sobre os aspectos do ciclo reprodutivo de tartarugas em face das características endócrinas, na América do Sul estudos desse tipo são recentes e escassos, sendo assim este é o primeiro estudo, que se tem conhecimento, que elucida um padrão sazonal reprodutivo da espécie K. scorpioides, associando hormônios gonadais com aspectos comportamentais. Trinta e oito animais adultos tiveram seus órgãos reprodutivos caracterizados para as enzimas esteroidogênicas P450 aromatase, P450c17 e PNADPH redutase através de imunomarcação e blotting, além de índice gonadossomático, morfometria e concentração de testosterona, corticosterona e estradiol pela técnica de radioimunoensaio. As mudanças biométricas, morfometria celular e a esteroidogênese testicular entre os períodos chuvoso e seco sugerem que o estrógeno produzido pelas células de leydig podem afetar a produção e a apoptose de células germinais durante o processo de espermatogênese, e a presença das enzimas P450aromatase e P450c17 em células de leydig acompanhados com a recrudescência testicular também reforça a ideia, de que elas podem desempenhar um papel na quiescência testicular. Esse trabalho evidenciou que as enzimas citocromo P450, citocromo P450c17 e NADPH-citocromo P450-redutase estão presentes no testículo e epidídimo nos diferentes períodos climáticos e podem estar relacionados à síntese de testosterona em tartarugas concordando com os diferentes achados para biometria e espermiogênese nos períodos chuvoso e seco, o que, nos leva a sugerir um estado de quiescência durante o período seco e atividade espermatogênica no período chuvoso, semelhante ao que ocorre com as espécies que apresentam comportamento reprodutivo sazonal
Researchers and extension officers collaborated with farmers in addressing peanut cropping and sowing decisions using on-farm experiments and cropping systems simulation in the Pollachi region of Tamil Nadu, India. The most influential variable affecting the peanut productivity in this irrigated region regard sowing date. During the 1998-1999 rabi (post rainy) season, three farmers fields in villages in Pollachi region were selected and monitored. The APSIM model was used to simulate the effect of sowing date. The APSIM-Peanut module simulation demonstrated close correspondence with the field observation in predicting yield. The model predicted that December sowing resulted in higher yield than January sowing due to longer pod filling period, and this was confirmed by farmer experience. The farmers and extension officers became comfortable with their role as owners of the collaborative experiments and custodians of the learning environment.
ABSTRACT. The canopy dynamics and light climates within a 20 by 60 m quadrat were studied in a disturbed moist deciduous forest near Bombay, India. A map was drawn of individual trees within the quadrat, the taxa were identified, and their phenology was followed from November 1984 to July 1985. The quadrat contained 14 species, the most common being Tectona grandis, Terminalia tomentosa, Butea monosperma, Mitragyne parviflora and Albizia procera. Some individuals were in leaf at all times, more so at the moister east end of the quadrat. In Novem- ber at the end of the rainy season, light measurements documented percentages of total daily photosynthetic photon fluence (PPF) at 10.0% of full sunlight; 44% of this flux was due to sun- flecks whose duration was approximately 17% of the daytime hours. Values for six sites were similar to mid-day measurements along a 40 m transect, and consistent with the 94% canopy cover of the sites, photographed with a fish-eye lens. The March dry season measurements re- vealed a more intense radiation environment (54% of solar PPF), and 59% of the photosyn- thetic photon flux density at mid-day along the transect. Canopy openings were increased to a mean of 59.4%. Light in the understorey in November was spectrally altered, with typical R:FR ratios of 0.30, compared to March values identical to those of sunlight, at 1.10.
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in groundwater and surface water samples from the Florida coastal Everglades were studied using excitation–emission matrix fluorescence modeled through parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC). DOM in both surface and groundwater from the eastern Everglades S332 basin reflected a terrestrial-derived fingerprint through dominantly higher abundances of humic-like PARAFAC components. In contrast, surface water DOM from northeastern Florida Bay featured a microbial-derived DOM signature based on the higher abundance of microbial humic-like and protein-like components consistent with its marine source. Surprisingly, groundwater DOM from northeastern Florida Bay reflected a terrestrial-derived source except for samples from central Florida Bay well, which mirrored a combination of terrestrial and marine end-member origin. Furthermore, surface water and groundwater displayed effects of different degradation pathways such as photodegradation and biodegradation as exemplified by two PARAFAC components seemingly indicative of such degradation processes. Finally, Principal Component Analysis of the EEM-PARAFAC data was able to distinguish and classify most of the samples according to DOM origins and degradation processes experienced, except for a small overlap of S332 surface water and groundwater, implying rather active surface-to-ground water interaction in some sites particularly during the rainy season. This study highlights that EEM-PARAFAC could be used successfully to trace and differentiate DOM from diverse sources across both horizontal and vertical flow profiles, and as such could be a convenient and useful tool for the better understanding of hydrological interactions and carbon biogeochemical cycling.
Patterns of nutrient exchange in a riverine mangrove forest in the Shark River Estuary, Florida, USA
This study aimed to evaluate tidal and seasonal variations in concentrations and fluxes of nitrogen (NH4 +, NO2+NO3, total nitrogen) and phosphorus (soluble reactive phosphorus, total phosphorus) in a riverine mangrove forest using the flume technique during the dry (May, December 2003) and rainy (October 2003) seasons in the Shark River Estuary, Florida. Tidal water temperatures during the sampling period were on average 29.4 (± 0.4) oC in May and October declining to 20 oC (± 4) in December. Salinity values remained constant in May (28 ± 0.12 PSU), whereas salinity in October and December ranged from 6‒21 PSU and 9‒25 PSU, respectively. Nitrate + nitrite (N+N) and NH4+ concentrations ranged from 0.0 to 3.5 μM and from 0 to 4.8 μM throughout the study period, respectively. Mean TN concentrations in October and December were 39 (±0.8) μM and 37 (±1.5) μM, respectively. SRP and N+N concentrations in the flume increased with higher frequency in flooding tides. TP concentrations ranged between 0.2‒2.9 μM with higher concentrations in the dry season than in the rainy season. Mean concentrations were <1. 5 μM during the sampling period in October (0.75 ± 0.02) and December (0.76 ± 0.01), and were relatively constant in both upstream and downstream locations of the flume. Water residence time in the flume (25 m2) was relatively short for any nutrient exchange to occur between the water column and the forest floor. However, the distinct seasonality in nutrient concentrations in the flume and adjacent tidal creek indicate that the Gulf of Mexico is the main source of SRP and N+N into the mangrove forest.
Taylor Slough is one of the natural freshwater contributors to Florida Bay through a network of microtidal creeks crossing the Everglades Mangrove Ecotone Region (EMER). The EMER ecological function is critical since it mediates freshwater and nutrient inputs and controls the water quality in Eastern Florida Bay. Furthermore, this region is vulnerable to changing hydrodynamics and nutrient loadings as a result of upstream freshwater management practices proposed by the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program (CERP), currently the largest wetland restoration project in the USA. Despite the hydrological importance of Taylor Slough in the water budget of Florida Bay, there are no fine scale (∼1 km2) hydrodynamic models of this system that can be utilized as a tool to evaluate potential changes in water flow, salinity, and water quality. Taylor River is one of the major creeks draining Taylor Slough freshwater into Florida Bay. We performed a water budget analysis for the Taylor River area, based on long-term hydrologic data (1999–2007) and supplemented by hydrodynamic modeling using a MIKE FLOOD (DHI,http://dhigroup.com/) model to evaluate groundwater and overland water discharges. The seasonal hydrologic characteristics are very distinctive (average Taylor River wet vs. dry season outflow was 6 to 1 during 1999–2006) with a pronounced interannual variability of flow. The water budget shows a net dominance of through flow in the tidal mixing zone, while local precipitation and evapotranspiration play only a secondary role, at least in the wet season. During the dry season, the tidal flood reaches the upstream boundary of the study area during approximately 80 days per year on average. The groundwater field measurements indicate a mostly upwards-oriented leakage, which possibly equals the evapotranspiration term. The model results suggest a high importance of groundwater contribution to the water salinity in the EMER. The model performance is satisfactory during the dry season where surface flow in the area is confined to the Taylor River channel. The model also provided guidance on the importance of capturing the overland flow component, which enters the area as sheet flow during the rainy season. Overall, the modeling approach is suitable to reach better understanding of the water budget in the mangrove region. However, more detailed field data is needed to ascertain model predictions by further calibrating overland flow parameters.
The environmental characteristics can modify the acoustics of a species due to habitat, time of day and year. Therefore, this study investigated the relationships between seasons, tide, daily cycle of tides, times of day and different habitat and noise emission of S. guianensis. Sound recordings occurred in the Curral’s Cove and Lagoon Complex of Guaraíras (CLG) in the municipality of Tibau do Sul/RN. Whistles are emitted with lower frequency during rainy season and spring tide while clicks are higher; whistles, clicks and calls have higher frequency during ebb tide. These modifications can be related with turbidity and prey availability. The whistles and clicks occurrence are higher at night probably because luminosity is lower. Furthermore, the whistles and clicks frequency reduction overnight allows the sound to travel longer distance and helps the view which is limited; but the minimum frequency increase was needed to catch the prey. The low occurrence of calls could be related to the small group size. The acoustic changes at night may be partly influenced by light levels as prey availability that is larger in this period. Whistle frequencies and click initial frequency are higher in CLG than Curral’s cove that permitted good precision. However, click central frequency is lower and may be connected to tracking the area. Several factors may be associated with such modifications as background noise, bottom and others. This study supports the hypothesis that S. guianensis presents an acoustic plasticity according to the local conditions where the species is embedded and adapts to the environmental changes.
T he socio - economy of the coastal municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte semiarid coast was analyzed th r ou g h by the actors, ant hropogenic implications, fishing environment and composition of its fish fauna, as well as the trend of product ion landed by the artisanal fleet with the aim of identifying the sustainability and management. In this study, were used participatory methodologies, monthly data of rainfall between September 2001 and December 2010; landings of the artisanal fleet during January 2001 to December 2010; and socioeconomic (IBGE, 2002/2010), (IDEMA, 2011/2012), (MPA, 2010; 2012), UNDP and MS (2013). Based on these data, we performed analysis of variance were performed using the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (HAP) and s tatistical models of multiple regression and time series. It was identified that the occupation of the coastal and marine zone through salt industry, tourism, shrimp farming, oil and gas and wind energy reconfigured the environment and attracted new actors . Rainfall influenced the catches, of which 35% occur in the rainy season, 40% in the dry season and 25% independent. Production increased 55%, in the period analyzed , being landed in 31 ports spread over 11 municipalities, cap tured in environments mangrov e/ estuarine (23%), coastal (46%) and oceanic (31%). Despite market up 41 species, were commercialized in the region production concentrated in eight, mainly landed in Macau and Caiçara North, by vessels of small and medium - sized (motorized and sailboats) . Highlights included three species ( Hirundichthys affins , Coryphaena hippurus and Opisthonema oglinum ), which together accounted for 63.3% of the whole volume. It was found that the motorized vessels tripled in number while sailboats reduced by half. Landin gs by different types of vessels tend to increase over time, while the small sailboats vessels, decrease. The introduction of more new motorized vessels and sailboats also tend to increase production. The study concluded that GDP and HDI of coastal countie s increased however inequality persisted. The potential of artisanal fishing is in the stage “ unfavorable ” of development and the trend in fish production is to grow over time and with the entry of more vessels. However, it is urgent that the state actions to promote and enhance planning to restore fish stocks in a sustainable and profitable fisheries standards. Therefore, it is recommend the strategic use of natural resources in a sustainable development perspective.
The Amazon savannas occur as isolated patches throughout extensive areas of forest in the states of Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, and Roraima. There is a considerable variation in the composition of anuran assemblages in the localities and phytophysiognomies of Amazon savannas and given the absence of studies on reproductive behavior, a systematic and geographically wide sampling has been carried out in the Amapá savanna, located in the Eastern Amazon. The study was conducted in a savanna area in the state of Amapá to examine the composition, ecology, and reproductive behavior of anuran amphibians. We carried out 24 field trips in each phytophysiognomy (gramineous-woody savana, gramineous-herbaceous-woody savana, park savana, and arboreal savanna); for analysis of reproductive behavior observations were made during the period January to December 2013, lasting four consecutive days. Samples were collected by active and acoustic search along 20 plots of 100x50 meters. Twenty-one anuran species were recorded, of which four are new records for the state of Amapá: Dendropsophus walfordi, Scinax fuscomarginatus, Pseudopaludicola boliviana e Elachistocleis helianneae. The KruskalWallis ANOVA revealed significant differences between richness and species diversity in the phytophysiognomies (p < 0.05). The Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient divided the phytophysiognomies into three groups: arboreal savana, gramineous-woody savanna and gramineous-herbaceous-woody savanna, and park savanna. According to the non-metric multidimensional scaling, the structure of the anuran community resulted in a separation into three phytophysiognomies, with significant differences in the structure of communities (ANOSIM, R = 0.823; p < 0.001). In the study of community ecology, the results obtained for spatial, temporal, and trophic niche breadth suggest that the assemblage of anurans of the Amapá savanna is not composed of predominantly generalist species. Also, the presence of other specialist anurans may explain the processes of speciation associated with the isolation of habitats, resulting in heterogeneity and spatial discontinuity in the phytophysiognomies with open formations. The null model analysis revealed that the community is structured based on temporal and trophic niche, indicating a significant influence of contemporary ecological factors on the assemblage. The absence of structure based on spatial niche might be explained by the spatial segregation in the distribution and occupation of anurans in the different phytophysiognomies of the Amapá savanna. Regarding the reproductive behavior of anurans, 11 species were classified as having a long breeding season, intrinsically associated with the rainy season and the reproductive mode of most species that lay egg clutches in lentic water bodies. Six reproductive modes were recorded and parental care was observed in Leptodactylus macrosternum and L. podicipinus, whose reproductive mode is characterized by foam nests. Regarding behavioral reproductive strategies, calling males were observed in all species of anurans, satellite males were recorded only for D. walfordi, Hypsiboas multifasciatus, S. nebulosus and S. fuscomarginatus; active search for females was observed for Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis and L. fuscus, and male displacement was recorded only for Rhinella major and R. margaritifera. Of the reproductive behaviors observed, throat and vocal sac display is associated with courtship and territorial behavior exhibited by males. In addition to courtship behavior, visual signals associated with courtship strategies were recorded for the anurans of the Amapá savanna.
The reservoirs are water sources built along the fluvial basins, between rivers and dams made by concrete or earth. In Brazil they are built for different purposes, standing out the generation of energy (hydroelectric power station), flowing regulation, water reserves and flooding control, therefore they have played and still play an important role in the modern society.In the Northeastern semiarid region, they are typically used to supply cities and as a source of food.In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the large reservoirs are intended for the same purpose.The cities settled in the riverbanks, or which have river channels crossing them, face flooding related problems. In the city of Macaíba-RN, flooding occurred systematically during the rainy season, causing great inconvenience to the local population.As product of the collective claim Tabatinga Reservoir in Jundiaí river was built, upstream of the city. Facing this background, this thesis aimed to assess the sócio-environmental quality of this reservoir.To achieve this goal, methodologies pointed to assess water quality along with the aplication of a questionnaire were used aimed to verify the quality of water and to know the perception of the residents from urban and rural área settled near to the reservoir was performed. The results showed the existence of conflicts of residents of rural communities and the presence of the reservoir, while for the city's population, the reservoir is considered not only the right solution to solve flooding in urban areas, but also as economic source for the rural population. Considering the water source assessment, this study concluded that the Tabatinga Reservoir is unfit for human use, due to the presence of metals of toxicological significance with the potential to elicit damage to the genetic material of individuals that use water from this reservoir, leading to cause serious risks to health population.
Reservoirs are artificial ecosystems, intermediate between rivers and lakes, with diferent morphological and hydrological characteristics that can provide many important benefits to society. However, the use of this water for human consumption, watering livestock, leisure, irrigated agricultural production and pisciculture development, directly influence the increase loading of nutrients to aquatic environments and contribute to acceleration of eutrophication. Furthermore, global climate models are predicting a higher occurrence of extreme events such as floods and severe droughts, which will create hydrological stresses in lakes. In the semiarid northeast we can see the occurrence of these events, the drought of the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 was the worst drought in 60 years, according to the National Water Agency (ANA). Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the quality of the semiarid tropical water sources, identifying temporal patterns in periods with extreme hydrological events (floods and severe droughts). The study results showed that Gargalheiras and Cruzeta reservoirs presented significative changes in the limnological variables between rain and severe drought periods, with better appearance and in the most of the water quality variables in the rainy season and higher nutrientes concentrations and high electrical conductivity values in severe season, indicating decay of its quality. However, we found diferent behaviors between the reservoirs in severe drought. While Gargalheiras showed a typical behavior of the region, with high concentrations of algal biomass, indicating the worsening eutrophication, Cruzeta demonstrated a colapse in the total phytoplankton biomass, evidenced by the decrease in chla concentrations. This fact occurred because the low depth and proximity with the sediment facilited the inorganic solids resuspension and, consequently, resulted in turbid water column and light by limitation. In addition, the different behaviors between the reservoirs indicate that the responses of these environments problems such as extreme events must take into account factors such the region climate, size, depth of the reservoir and the basin characteristics.