698 resultados para Propà


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Single-gene mutations that extend lifespan provide valuable tools for the exploration of the molecular basis for age-related changes in cell and tissue function and for the pathophysiology of age-dependent diseases. We show here that mice homozygous for loss-of-function mutations at the Pit1 (Snell dwarf) locus show a >40% increase in mean and maximal longevity on the relatively long-lived (C3H/HeJ × DW/J)F1 background. Mutant dwJ/dw animals show delays in age-dependent collagen cross-linking and in six age-sensitive indices of immune system status. These findings thus demonstrate that a single gene can control maximum lifespan and the timing of both cellular and extracellular senescence in a mammal. Pituitary transplantation into dwarf mice does not reverse the lifespan effect, suggesting that the effect is not due to lowered prolactin levels. In contrast, homozygosity for the Ghrhrlit mutation, which like the Pit1dw mutation lowers plasma growth hormone levels, does lead to a significant increase in longevity. Male Snell dwarf mice, unlike calorically restricted mice, become obese and exhibit proportionately high leptin levels in old age, showing that their exceptional longevity is not simply due to alterations in adiposity per se. Further studies of the Pit1dw mutant, and the closely related, long-lived Prop-1df (Ames dwarf) mutant, should provide new insights into the hormonal regulation of senescence, longevity, and late life disease.


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El material audiovisual de suport de la pràctica ens permet conèixer de prop l’Escola Infantil Municipal Rosa Fernández d’Elx: equip pedagògic, famílies, projectes, estil educatiu, ideari i organització, així com un dels projectes més importants i innovadors que en ella es desenvolupen: el projecte de “l’Hort Ecològic”. A més, en el documental podrem conèixer diferents percepcions de l’escola i del projecte aportades per un professor d’un cicle formatiu de grau superior, tres alumnes en pràctiques i algunes famílies que porten als seus fills a l’escola. Aquesta experiència pedagògica ens permetrà analitzar i reflexionar sobre l’impacte de contextos estimulants i les propostes educatives de qualitat en el desenvolupament global del infant.


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La hipótesis de la reconsolidación propone que una memoria consolidada entra nuevamente en un estado lábil seguido por un nuevo proceso de estabilización dependiente de síntesis de proteínas, definido como reconsolidación. Durante el proceso de desestabilización, la traza puede actualizarse incorporando nueva información ajustándose a nuevas exigencias ambientales. Esta visión le otorga a la memoria una propiedad flexible y dinámica, contrariamente a lo sugerido por la clásica teoría de la consolidación que definía el trazo de memoria como algo inflexible e inmutable. La reconsolidación de la memoria consta de dos fases: un proceso de labilización o desestabilización, seguido de una fase de re-estabilización. Evidencias recientes de nuestro laboratorio sugieren que la ocurrencia de un estado emocional negativo, como el generado por un evento traumático (estrés) reduce la vulnerabilidad de la traza durante la evocación, es decir la memoria bajo estas condiciones se vuelve resistente a la interferencia y disminuye las probabilidades de la ocurrencia de la reconsolidación. La abstinencia al etanol genera un estado emocional negativo de características similares al generado por estrés en el complejo basolateral de la Amígdala (BLA). El presente proyecto está dirigido a estudiar los mecanismos neurobiológicos implicados en la memoria resistente, en dos áreas cerebrales críticamente involucradas en la memoria de miedo contextual: BLA y el hipocampo dorsal (HD). Se verificará la reactividad a los agentes interferentes (Midazolam y Propranolol) sobre la reconsolidación tanto en animales estresados como en abstinentes. Además, estudiaremos la expresión de las subunidades de receptores NMDA y GABA-A en las áreas mencionadas. Además nos proponemos re-establecer la capacidad dinámica de la traza con herramientas farmacológicas como la infusión local de un agonista parcial de receptores NMDA. Bajo este esquema hipotético, este tratamiento permitirá re-establecer las propiedades biológicas que definen el proceso de labilización/reconsolidación, con la recuperación de la vulnerabilidad a los agentes interferentes de esta fase ante la presentación del recordatorio. En síntesis, proponemos que los cambios originados por la instauración de un estado emocional negativo modelan la dinámica de la memoria resultante al momento de la evocación. Listado de abreviaturas usadas: BLA: Complejo basolateral de la amígdala HD: hipocampo dorsal R-NMDA: receptores NMDA R-GABAA: receptores GABAA MDZ: Midazolam PROP: propranolol DCS: d-cycloserina


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: In notitiam ecclesiasticam Africae tabula geographica, auctore G. de l'Isle, Geographo ; Joan. Bap. Liébaux, inv. et sculp. It was published by Apud Auctorem, Via vulgo dicta des Canettes propè Sancti Sulpitii fanum in 1700. Scale [ca. 1:4,500,000]. Covers North Africa and a portion of the Mediterranean coast of Europe. Map in Latin.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Africa Sinusoidal projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, roads and routes, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown pictorially. Includes text. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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Two gadoid fishes, Arctogadus glacialis and Boreogadus saida, often coexist (i.e. sympatric) in the fjords and shelf areas of the Arctic seas, where they likely share the same food resources. Diet composition from stomach contents, i.e. frequency of occurrence (FO) and Schoener's index (SI), and stable isotope signatures (d13C and d15N) in muscle of these sympatric gadoids were examined from two fjords in NE Greenland-Tyrolerfjord (TF, ~74°N, sill present) and Dove Bugt (DB, ~76°N, open). Twenty-three prey taxa and categories were identified and both gadoids ate mostly crustaceans. The SI values of 0.64-0.70 indicated possible resource competition, whereas FO differed significantly. A. glacialis fed mainly on the mysid Mysis oculata and other benthic-associated prey, whereas B. saida ate the copepod Metridia longa and other pelagic prey. Both diet and stable isotopes strongly suggest a spatial segregation in feeding habitat, with A. glacialis being associated with the benthic food web (mean d13C = -20.81 per mil, d15N = 14.92 per mil) and B. saida with the pelagic food web (mean d13C = -21.25 per mil, d15N = 13.64 per mil). The dietary differences and isotopic signals were highly significant in the secluded TF and less clear in the open DB, where prey and predators may be readily advected from adjacent areas with other trophic conditions. This is the first study on the trophic position of A. glacialis inferred from analyses of stable isotopes. The subtle interaction between the Arctic gadoids should be carefully monitored in the light of ocean warming and ongoing invasions of boreal fishes into the Arctic seas.


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Invasive alien species are among the primary causes of biodiversity change globally, with the risks thereof broadly understood for most regions of the world. They are similarly thought to be among the most significant conservation threats to Antarctica, especially as climate change proceeds in the region. However, no comprehensive, continent-wide evaluation of the risks to Antarctica posed by such species has been undertaken. Here we do so by sampling, identifying, and mapping the vascular plant propagules carried by all categories of visitors to Antarctica during the International Polar Year's first season (2007-2008) and assessing propagule establishment likelihood based on their identity and origins and on spatial variation in Antarctica's climate. For an evaluation of the situation in 2100, we use modeled climates based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Special Report on Emissions Scenarios Scenario A1B [Nakicenovic N, Swart R, eds (2000) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios: A Special Report of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK)]. Visitors carrying seeds average 9.5 seeds per person, although as vectors, scientists carry greater propagule loads than tourists. Annual tourist numbers (~33,054) are higher than those of scientists (~7,085), thus tempering these differences in propagule load. Alien species establishment is currently most likely for the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Recent founder populations of several alien species in this area corroborate these findings. With climate change, risks will grow in the Antarctic Peninsula, Ross Sea, and East Antarctic coastal regions. Our evidence-based assessment demonstrates which parts of Antarctica are at growing risk from alien species that may become invasive and provides the means to mitigate this threat now and into the future as the continent's climate changes.


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Owing to limited knowledge of the habitat use and diet of juvenile Arctic charr from the High Arctic, particularly young-of-the-year (YOY), we assembled data obtained from samples taken in and around Lake Hazen, Nunavut, Canada, to assess juvenile habitat use and feeding. Juvenile charr demonstrated a preference for stream environments, particularly those fed by warm upstream ponds. Charr occupying both stream and nearshore lake habitats were found to feed similarly, with chironomids occurring most frequently in diets. Some older stream-dwelling charr preyed on smaller, younger Arctic charr. Preferred stream occupancy is likely mediated by physical barriers created mainly by water velocity, and by distance from the lake, lake-ice dynamics, low water depth, and turbidity. Water velocities resulted in stream habitat segregation by size, with YOY mainly found in low-velocity pools and back eddies adjacent to stream banks, but not in water velocities >0.1 m/s. Greatest charr densities in streams were found in small, shallow, slow-flowing side channels, which are highly susceptible to drought. Under predicted climate change scenarios, streams fed by small ponds will be susceptible to intermittent flow conditions, which could result in increased competition among juvenile charr for the remaining stream habitats. In addition, glacier-fed streams are likely to experience increased flow conditions that will exacerbate physical barriers created by water velocity and further reduce the availability of preferred stream habitat.


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The copepod Calanus glacialis plays a key role in the lipid-based energy flux in Arctic shelf seas. By utilizing both ice algae and phytoplankton, this species is able to extend its growth season considerably in these seasonally ice-covered seas. This study investigated the impacts of the variability in timing and extent of the ice algal bloom on the reproduction and population success of C. glacialis. The vertical distribution, reproduction, amount of storage lipids, stable isotopes, fatty acid and fatty alcohol composition of C. glacialis were assessed during the Circumpolar Flaw Lead System Study. Data were collected in the Amundsen Gulf, south-eastern Beaufort Sea, from January to July 2008 with the core-sampling from March to April. The reduction in sea ice thickness and coverage observed in the Amundsen Gulf in 2007 and 2008 affected the life strategy and reproduction of C. glacialis. Developmental stages CIII and CIV dominated the overwintering population, which resulted in the presence of very few CV and females during spring 2008. Spawning began at the peak of the ice algal bloom that preceded the precocious May ice break-up. Although the main recruitment may have occurred later in the season, low abundance of females combined with a potential mismatch between egg production/development to the first feeding stage and phytoplankton bloom resulted in low recruitment of C. glacialis in the early summer of 2008.


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Left to right: Res. of Geo. W. Hoy, Manchester, Mich.; Res. of G.R. Palmer, Manchester, Mich.; Res. of J.D. Van Duyn, Exchange St. Mich.; Res. of W.H. Pottle, Exchange Place, Manchester, Mich., cash dealer in dry goods, small wares, gents furnishing goods &c.; Res. & brick yard of Wm S. Carr, Manchester, Mich.; C.Lehn, dealer in groceries, provisions, notions &c., Manchester, Mich.; Wm. Kirchgesser, prop'r of Manchester City Bakery & wholesale & retail dealer in crackers, fine ornamental cakes, confectionery &c., Manchester, Mich.; Store & Res., Bridgewater Station, by Henry Guthardt & Sons. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.


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Left to right: Res. of Orange Risdon, Sec. 1, Saline Tp. Mich.; Res. of Andrew Bush, Sec. 3, Saline Tp. Mich.; Res. of Dudley Miller, Sec. 24, Saline Tp. Mich.; Saline Exchange, A. Harmon Prop, Saline, Mich.; Res. of Abram Davenport, Sec. 36, Saline Tp. Mich.; Res. of Milton Reynolds, Sec. 22, Saline Tp. Mich.; Res. of George Neissle, Sec. 12, Saline Tp. Mich.; Res. of Robert Hammond, Sec. 25, Saline Tp. Mich.; Res. of M. Himerdinger, Sec. 8, Saline Tp. Mich. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.


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Contiene: De pulsibus libellus, ex Galeni libris collectus ac veluti in formulam redactus, authore incerto. - De judiciis urinarum tractatus ex probatissimis collectus authoribus ... Jo. Vassaeo authore. - Morborum internorum propè omnium curatio, brevi methodo comprehensa, ex Galeno praecipuè et Marco Gattinaria, per Jac. Sylvium selecta. - De ratione victus in febribus secundum Hippocratem, in genere et singillatim libri III, authore Brudo Lusitano.


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