1000 resultados para Processo de ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa
This study investigates the development of Learning Objects for the literacy of children. It aims to know based in the notion of literacy teachers the main factors of academic failure in literacy and researching in Brazil, as well as identify relevant activities in the literacy process of children to support the creation of a set of Learning Objects. Refers to an exploratory research, which is configured as a qualitative nature case study, inspired in part in an action-research described by Thiollent (2003), conducted with ten early grades elementary school teachers of a public municipal school in Parnamirim / RN. As methodological options for data collection uses questionnaires and focuses on the group of teachers, analyzing the data, referring back to the ideas by Szymanski (2001; 2008) and content analysis, guided by Bardin (2002). The development of Learning Objects, follows the steps of development suggested by Garrett (2000). Rules in its multidisciplinary theoretical reference and promotes a conceptual dialogue on: Literacy; Literacy School Failure; Pedagogical Practice in Literacy; Thoughts and Language; Multimedia and Hypermedia; Learning Objects. Perceives that the act of education in literacy as an act of love, courage and social interaction between individuals - educator and pupil, so there is ownership of the object of knowledge in the relations with the world and with the experience, through a pedagogical practice that assumes all different knowledges, the moral political ideal, the mindsets of the students, and can make use of teaching materials that supports the learning process and are consistent with the educational objectives (FREIRE, 1998; FREINET, 1976; VYGOTSKY, 1998; FERREIRO AND TEBEROSKY, 1985; JONASSEN, 2000; WILEY, 2001). Figures out, through the teachers' opinions, five reasons for school failure in literacy, three inside the school environment: teacher; academic assistant and principal; student, and two outside the school environment: parents/family; government and public management. Presents a set of Learning Objects, based on the constructivist thought, developed from the identification of activities considered relevant by teachers in literacy's teaching and learning process. Suggests the use of Learning Objects as pedagogical practice in literacy as a digital resource that supports learning and can trigger important cognitive processes for the acquisition of reading and writing skills in the school environment
Since the enactment of LDBEN 9.9394/96, Physical Education began to be understood as a curricular component in school. Thus, we see the need for systematization of content. We observed that the physical education classes at the public schools in Natal/RN from the game content, teachers did not use the existing proposals for systematization. And it was on this reality that the study occurred, aiming to present and discuss a proposal to systematization the game content in physical education classes in elementary and secondary education. Accordingly, we departed of following question: What possibilities of systematization of the game content in school physical education classes?. The methodology used was the action research, which allowed us to structure the intervention plan for the game content, directed to a reflective didactic process. The dialogue with action research provided an opportunity to understand of the proposal of systematization, the knowledge of game content, the planning and process of teaching and learning in physical education lessons developed. We use the proposed systematization the book Educação Física Escolar e Organização Curricular , to direct and organize the lesson plans. As research technique, we use the participant observation, filming, photographic records and field diary, guiding us in the debates and discussions about the field of research. The applications of the lesson plans were carried out in three schools, all located in Natal / RN: Escola Municipal Professora Ivonete Maciel, Escola Municipal Professor Ulisses de Góis e Professor Escola Estadual Josino Macedo. The members of this study were students PIBID-EF-UFRN, teachers, supervisors and school. They made the bridge between research and action, theoretical foundation and pedagogical practice, university and school. The results were advanced for beyond the propositions submitted by the above-mentioned book. For the Elementary School 1, the proposed systematization broadened experiences and learning of knowledge of the game and of playful and body manifestations. Provided an opportunity to know and learn about game of make account, rules, popular games, cooperative games, among others. For Elementary Schools 2 and Middle education, systematized lessons allowed the practical, the incorporation of knowledge of the game and its features: such as rules, origin, meaning of the name, different denominations, among others. The students experienced and learned, popular games, pre-sport games, cooperative games, with recycled material, among others. The treatment from three dimensions of contents: procedural, conceptual and attitudinal, occurred parallel to approach the game content, and in conjunction with our interventions, not being done separately during practice, but an ongoing process during class. This new perspective of work the game, in a systematized way, with applying, description and discussion the activities, allowed elaborate a summary framework of thematizations for game content, by year of teaching
Furthered mainly by new technologies, the expansion of distance education has created a demand for tools and methodologies to enhance teaching techniques based on proven pedagogical theories. Such methodologies must also be applied in the so-called Virtual Learning Environments. The aim of this work is to present a planning methodology based on known pedagogical theories which contributes to the incorporation of assessment in the process of teaching and learning. With this in mind, the pertinent literature was reviewed in order to identify the key pedagogical concepts needed to the definition of this methodology and a descriptive approach was used to establish current relations between this conceptual framework and distance education. As a result of this procedure, the Contents Map and the Dependence Map were specified and implemented, two teaching tools that promote the planning of a course by taking into account assessment still in this early stage. Inserted on Moodle, the developed tools were tested in a course of distance learning for practical observation of the involved concepts. It could be verified that the methodology proposed by the above-mentioned tools is in fact helpful in course planning and in strengthening educational assessment, placing the student as central element in the process of teaching and learning
El conocimiento químico es muy importante a la comprensión de procesos físicos y químicos que nos acercan, por una opción de una vida mejor con calidad, fomentando y acompañando el desarrollo tecnológico. Sin embargo, la formación de un pensamiento químico fruto de un aprendizaje significativo es hoy, en todo el país, un reto paro los educadores de química. Estúdios señalan la contextualización de los contenidos químicos como recurso para promover una interrelación entre conocimientos escolares y hechos/situaciones presentes en el cotidaiano de los alumnos, añadiendo significado a los contenidos escolares, proporcionando a los alumnos un aprendizaje significativo. Con tal objetivo, la siguiente pesquisa se realizó con la intención de contribuir con la enseñanza de química y con el propósito general de proponer un materila didáctico que presentase una forma contextualizada de trabajar algunos conceptos y contenidos fundamentales a la química, con tema generador de la enseãnaza y aprendizaje a la fabricación de jabones y detergentes. Con objetivo de justificar la elección del planteamiento de la contextualización y la elaboración del material didáctico, se hizo una pesquisa acerca de la enseãnaza de química en al red pública de educación y la relación de ésta con los contextos pertenecentes a la realidad de los alumnos. Se observó que la enseñanza de química actual en la red pública de educación es tradicional y descontextualizada. Los resultados de esta pesquisa muestran la necesidad de cámbios la forma de como se enseñan los contenidos químicos. En la segunda parte de la pesquisa, se produjo la elaboración de la unidad didáctica de enseñanza, con el objetivo de promover el aprendizaje significativo de conocimientos químicos a partir del tema de la fabricación de jabones y detergentes. Se observó que el trabajo alcanzó los objetivos propuestos. Una evaluación cualitativa mostró que los alumnos estuvieron más participativos e interesados al estudiar química de esta forma. Relatos y decalraciones de los alumnos también indicaron que hubo un aprendizaje significativo de los contenidos trabajados y que los alumnos son capaces de transferirlos para la comprensión de situaciones reales. Y una evaluación cuantitativa del material nos reveló que 87,09% de los alumnos obtuvieron apuntes iguales o superiores a la media necesaria para la aprobación. Esperamos que hayamos contribuído para mejorar la calidad de la enseñanaza de química y que este trabajo sea solamente un comienzo de una gran jornada
This paper aims at building a proposal for teaching of electromagnetism in the secondary level in the state public school in Natal, RN, encompassing at the most possible comprehensive manner the fundamental aspects of electromagnetism. The methodology employed here is prioritize physical concepts rather than instruments (such as the mathematics), which should have the connotation of just tools, or of aids in the context of physics teaching in the referred teaching level. The proposal is to give teachers a consultation resource, from differentiated lesson plans, which have as main focus activities based primarily in texts and active participation of students in the teaching- learning process and the implementation of the PCN+ proposals (BRAZIL, 2000), which suggest alternative ways to make the practice in the classroom more exciting, targeting a significant teaching-learning process for both the teacher and the student. This material was applied during the 3rd and 4th term (i.e., bimester) throughout the school year of 2007, in the State School Teacher Varela Barca in two classes (3V1 and 3V2) of 3rd grade of secondary level. As evaluation of the implementation of this proposal one can cite that students were more secure when to apply the concepts, when conducting the experiments, and less anxious when formal evaluation of the evidence, showing greater motivation when presented to electromagnetism contextualized in their everyday situations. The product of this educational work includes, besides the dissertation, the lesson plans, itineraries and experimental assessment of the instruments used (Annex E to I)
Demonstrations are fundamental instruments for Mathematics and, as such, are frequently used by mathematicians, math teachers and students. In fact, demonstrations are part of every Mathematics teaching environment, because Mathematics considers something true when it can be demonstrated. This is in contrast to other fields of knowledge that employ observation and experimentation to validate truth. This dissertation presents a study of the teaching and learning of demonstrations in Mathematics, describing a Teaching Module applied in a course on the Theory of Numbers offered by the Mathematics Department of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte for mathematics majors. The objective of the dissertation was to propose and test a Teaching Module that can serve as a model for teaching demonstrations. The Teaching Module consisted of the following five steps: the application of a survey to determine the students‟ profiles and their previous knowledge of mathematical language and techniques of demonstration; the analysis of a series of dialogues containing arguments in everyday language; the investigation and analysis of the structure of some important techniques of demonstration; a written assessment; and, finally, an interview to further verify the principal results of the Teaching Module. The analysis of the data obtained though the classroom activities, written assessments and interviews led to the conclusion that there was a significant amount of assimilation of the issue at the level of relational understanding, (SKEMP, 1980). These instruments verified that the students attained considerable improvement in their use of mathematical language and of the techniques of demonstration presented. Thus, the evidence supports the conclusion that the proposed Teaching Module is an effective means for the teaching/learning of mathematical demonstration and, as such, provides a methodological guide which may lay the foundations for a new approach to this important subject
The research aims to evaluate the contributions of a teaching unit to enhance the learning contents ecological green areas in elementary school. The work was conducted with elementary students in a public school in Natal-RN. We sought to identify the students´ previous knowledge about the contents of ecology, develop and implement a Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units PMTU; assess learning of ecological concepts in Teaching Unit Potentially Significant; assess the contribution of interpretative trail as strategy teaching to learning content ecology. The survey of students´ previous knowledge through the pre-test was essential to identify the appropriate subsumers and partially correct, since they served as "anchor" for further expansion of scientific concepts contained in this research. The green areas of the school as an educational, contributed the motivational aspect, as students were protagonists throughout the entire process of teaching and learning. The method of stimulated memory was effective to evidence learning ecological concepts in interpretive trails. The use of diverse activities organized on a PMTU promoted intellectual autonomy of the students and facilitated the acquisition of new meanings through progressive differentiation, and integrative reconciliation consolidation of ecological content and concepts related to biotic and abiotic factors on the basis of the central ideas thematic Life and Environment. The development of procedural skills to capture and share meanings, observe, collect and record data, hypotheses, ability to explain, to apply knowledge to solve problem situations, argue, identify, compare, differentiate and relate concepts, negotiate meanings, reflecting Critically, systematize data was evidenced. Collaborative activities promoted the incorporation of attitudinal contents as developing respect for differences, learn to work in teams to plan, develop and implement actions together for citizenship and environmental responsibility. The application of the Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units PMTU showed evidence of Critical meaningful learning ecological concepts covered in elementary school.
This dissertation presents the investigation and possible interference in the current teaching of physics, specially of optics, in the eighth grade/ ninth year / fourth cycle of junior high school. The context of the current science teaching is also presented. Besides, the following aspects are discussed: the preparation of the eighth grade teachers, their professional needs, the pedagogical practices and the theoreticmethodological difficulties faced by them. Another important issue in Science Teaching, which is also discussed in this dissertation, is the need for an efficient scientific literacy so that the citizen may express value judgment about Science and Technology issues. The data about the context were gathered from questionaires answered by the teachers. In value of this information, lesson plans were elaborated and implemented. The goal was to point out alternatives for the development of a teaching-learning evaluation which would be both pleasant for the teachers in relation to the implemented methodology, end meaningful for the students by adding elements such as: interdisciplinary approach, contextualization and preparation by competences. Furthermore it was carried out a deeper analysis of the Brazilian curriculum references (LDB, DCN, PCN, RCB) and content aspects (concepts, procedures e attitudes) to be executed by that branch of human knowledge, aiming at a really Contextualized Science Teaching, qualified and pleasant for the eighth grade level. It is also presented in this paper the profile or the Professional which teach this level at state public schools in Russas, state of Ceará, Vale do Jaguaribe Region. The efficacy of the lesson plans were also analysed by using evaluation procedures with the eighth grade students of the following schools: CAIC Senador Carlos Jereissati and EEF Manuel Matoso Filho, from which the concepts acquired during the implementation of the classes became evident in the students
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) are role-playing games that, through the Internet, can integrate thousands of players interacting at the same time in at least one virtual world. This way, these games can provide, further than fun, a greater familiarity with the additional language and opportunity to improve the linguistic proficiency in a real context. Hence, what is proposed in this study is extended knowledge about the learning of an additional language mediated by MMORPGs for teachers to know how, if relevant, to present, use or encourage this practice to their students. Based on this major purpose, we seek to answer the following research questions: (a) what distinguishes the learning profile of the gamers and non-gamers; (b) if MMORPGs can, through a hybrid and systematic approach, assist the development of proficiency of the additional language and (c) what the think-aloud protocols show about the learning mediated by the MMORPG Allods Online. Following an experimental method (NUNAN, 1997), 16 students of the curricular component Reading and Writing Practices in English Language have comprised the control group and 17 students of the same class formed the experimental group and were submitted to a pre and post-test adapted from the Key English Test (KET) by the Cambridge University (2008). The tests were conducted before and after a period of 5 weeks of 3 hours of practice with Allods Online a week (experimental group), and classes of the curricular component (both groups). A quantitative analysis of the questionnaires about the exposure to English profiles of the participants, a quantitative analysis of the tests scores and a qualitative analysis of the thinkaloud protocols collected during the experiment were conducted based on the theories of (a) motivation (GARDNER, 1985, WILLIAMS & BURDEN, 1997, BROWN, 2007, HERCULANO-HOUZEL, 2005); (b) active learning (GASS, 1997, GEE, 2008, MATTAR, 2010); (c) interaction and collaborative learning (KRASHEN, 1991, GASS, 1997, VYGOTSKY, 1978); (d) situated learning (DAMASIO, 1994; 1999; 2003, BROWN, 2007, GEE, 2003) and (e), tangential learning (PORTNOW, 2008; MATTAR, 2010). The results indicate that the participants of the experimental group (gamers) seem to be more engaged in tangential English learning activities, such as playing games, listening to music in English, communicating with foreigners and reading in English. We also deduced that the period of experiment possibly generated positive results on the gamers proficiency scores, mainly in the parts related to orthographic development, reading and comprehension, writing with focus on content and orthographic accuracy. Lastly, the think-aloud protocols presented evidences that the gamers have engaged in active English language learning, they have interacted in English with other players, and learned linguistic aspects through the experience with the MMORPG Allods Online
Esta pesquisa de natureza documental e etnográfica se insere no campo da Linguística Aplicada, tendo por objeto de estudo o Manual do Professor, que acompanha o livro didático de Língua Portuguesa, e por objetivo geral (re)conhecer os aspectos sociorretóricos do gênero Manual do Professor. O interesse desta tese está concentrado no uso situado desse gênero, a partir do qual se observam seus aspectos sociorretóricos, a saber: o que está posto no produto, o ambiente de interação onde é encontrado e como é visto por seus usuários em potencial. Em um primeiro momento, produzimos um quadro epistemológico que nos permitiu, dentre outros reparos, (i) compreender gênero textual como ação retórica tipificada baseada numa situação retórica recorrente e (ii) obter um panorama dos programas de governo voltados para a avaliação de coletâneas didáticas, nos quais encontramos aspectos indispensáveis a um Manual do Professor. Os aportes teóricos adotados neste estudo referem-se à concepção sociorretórica dos estudos de gênero textual à luz, sobretudo, de Johns et al. (2006), Bazerman (2011) e Miller (2011). Em um segundo momento, sob o viés da abordagem sociorretórica, procuramos definir o Manual do Professor como gênero textual e apresentamos os aspectos retóricos encontrados nas amostras que analisamos, considerando a organização constitutiva, o contexto de uso desse gênero e as percepções de seus usuários autores e professores. A geração de dados deu-se inicialmente a partir da seleção de três exemplares de Manuais de coletâneas didáticas adotadas no IFRN; em seguida, no sentido de reconhecer as percepções dos usuários desse gênero, realizamos grupo focal com professores e entrevistamos o coautor de uma das coletâneas. Para análise dos dados, elegemos o método etnográfico de análise de gêneros postulado por Reiff (apud JOHNS et al, 2006), que nos permitiu analisar o objeto de estudo em contextos autênticos de uso do gênero. Nossos resultados mostram que o Manual do Professor está inserido num sistema de gêneros e no sistema de atividades profissionais de domínio do professor e não se limita apenas a explicar como está organizado o livro didático do aluno. Outros sete propósitos foram observados, dentre os quais se encontram: possibilitar ao docente uma reflexão sobre a sua prática de ensino e sugerir caminhos para a melhoria do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Acreditamos que esta pesquisa poderá estimular professores, em relação à importância (e não obrigatoriedade) de consultas periódicas aos Manuais; autores, no que se refere a estabelecer uma interlocução mais pessoalizada com seus leitores em potencial e no sentido de esclarecer ainda mais as facetas do livro didático; e editoras, sobretudo no que tange a recursos de editoração, para que o Manual do Professor se torne mais atrativo
ON reflecting the traditional teaching approach, characterized by non-dynamic and descriptive methods that still persists in schools at the present time, associated to social living enrichment has motivated the search for new techniques to stimulate students in the process of teaching, such as roleplaying games, known as RPG, already being used in various school disciplines. Considering the amount of themes in general sciences and in biology, in particular that could be explored through RPG our purpose was to develop a game to be used as a learning complementary tool. PANGÉIA, the game we developed, was based on the GURPS system and to be placed at the geological Eras of the earth. The objective of the game was playing a character that represented an animal belonging to a Class of Vertebrates, and making it surviving and reproducing during risky situations presented in the game. These situations were narratives by the Master about challenges that the character would face, which should be solved using the dices. Along the narrative, the Master introduced concepts and informations about the subject being studied. To evaluating how the game worked out, we solicited 11 volunteers, from two different schools in Natal, to play PANGÉIA. Before starting the game, and without knowing the final objectives of our project, the volunteers answered a general questionnaire to let us know their level of knowledge, which was also answered after playing the game. The comparison of the volunteers answers before and after playing the game suggests that this activity influenced them. Also, based on this test, we identified critical aspects to be modified in PANGÉIA, specially a stronger relation between both the questionnaire and the game placement with the narrative of the master. In order to have PANGÉIA used as a complementary learning tool, a teachers handbook has to be written, including rules concerning the format of game application. Nonetheless, based on this pilot study, we conclude that topics on sciences and biology can be easily adjusted to RPG format, and its flexibility provides multiple combinations that can be used to help learning the more difficult topics to be taught in a class
Coexisten, en el universo académico, prácticas curriculares obligatorias y no obligatorias que pueden ser remuneradas o no. Delante de la constatación de lagunas en la concepción, gestión y operacionalización de las prácticas no obligatorias remuneradas, escogimos este tema como objeto de nuestra investigación, tratando de analizarlo en el contexto de los cambios sociohistóricos contemporaneos y su influencia en la cualidad de la formación profesional del estudiante de la carrera de Servicio Social. Este estudio tiene como ¨locu¨ de investigación la Facultad de Servicio Social del Estado de Rio Grande del Norte (FASSO/UERN). Este estudio se caracteriza por la adopción de una perspectiva de análisis cualitativa, con la expectativa de develarlo mucho más allá de lo que se muestra en su aparecncia. Para esto, realizamos revisión de literatura, análisis de documentos, observación asistemática y entrevistas con estudiantes y profesionales de las entidades que ofrecen prácticas a los estudiantes. Además se incluyó, en los procedimientos metodológicos, la aplicación de encuestas y conversaciones informales. Constatamos la existencia de lagunas en el desarrolllo de las prácticas no obligatorias remuneradas, ocasionadas por la ausencia de supervisión y por la inclusión de pasantes en sectores y/o actividades desvinculadas de su futura profesión. La investigación nos permitió desvelar situaciones en las que la oferta de plazas ocurre en detrimento de la contratación de empleados, lo que configura un distanciamento de este componente curricular del área de formación profesional, desvirtuando su carácter educacional. Cientes de la coexistencia contradictoria entre situaciones ventajosas y problemáticas en las prácticas no obligatorias remuneradas para el proceso de formación profesional de los asistentes sociales, concluimos que esta modalidad de práctica cuando vinculada a la intervención de la facultad y bajo la supervisión de asistentes sociales, independiente de sus implicaciones en los intereses del mercado, potencializa el desarrollo de competencias y habilidades intrínsecas al proceso de formación profesional; pero si distanciada del área de formación y/o sin el debido acompañamiento didáctico-pedagógico establece poca o ninguna relación con la formación de los asistentes sociales. Pero, incluso distanciadas del ejercicio y de la formación académica en el área de servicio social y/o (llenas de aspectos frágiles) llenas de fallas en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendisaje, estas experiencias ejercen profunda influencia en la formación de los asistentes sociales, pudiendo fragilizar el compromiso con el proyecto ético-político, diseminar el aspecto subalterno de la profesión y hacer confuso y conflictivo el proceso de construcción de la identidad profesional. En este sentido, las inversiones de capital para reducir los gastos con mano de obra, las dificultades vividas por las universidades públicas brasileñas para garantizar la cualidad de la enseñanza delante de la insuficiencia de recursos humanos y materiales y la desvalorización de los componentes no obligatorios del proceso de formación profesional de los asistentes sociales, son factores que obstaculizan el reconocimiento y la materialización del potencial didáctico-pedagógico de las prácticas
This word has objective to analyzer the relevance of the use of the cartographic representations, in the constructions of the geographical knowledge, during the process of the teaching-learning in the classes of the Geographic of the High School, drawing liam with the formation docent of the regulars courses of teacher training in the regular courses of Degree in Geography. Delimit is the area of empiric search to College State Zacarias de Goes (CEZG) Liceu Piauiense, and to regulars courses of Degree in Geography of the University Federal of the Piauí (UFPI) and University State of the Piauí (UESPI), educational institutions of the public network, located in the city of the Teresina Piauí. Expression of the problematic searched is gaps to been demystified on the vision cartofógica, when has reference to use of the cartographic representations, in the practice, and the initial formation docent in the Geography. To analyze the dynamics of the use of the cartographic resources, tried demystify the Cartography while of the space during the teaching of discipline Geography. So, the lyam with the initial formation in the begree search understand the impasses of construction to academic know and the possibilities of the didactic transposition to the restructure of the know scholar to teacher who works in the Geography, trying to make the teaching of this discipline more interesting and value
Este artigo apresenta os resultados da implantação e aplicação da metodologia colaborativa mediada pelo computador desenvolvida com alunos de Prática de Ensino de Biologia da UEM. Apoiando-se na abordagem qualitativa, os dados foram coletados em questionários, documentos e observações, e a análise sobre as ideias, concepções e reflexões dos sujeitos da pesquisa processou-se de acordo com três grupos de elementos formativos para docência construindo a identidade profissional, construção do conhecimento compartilhado e mediação. Concluiu-se que os Alunos-Professores (AP) passaram por significativas mudanças atitudinais com relação ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem e ao papel do professor, na medida em que, ao compreenderem a importância de se valorizar o uso da metodologia colaborativa e do computador, como recurso pedagógico no ensino-aprendizagem de Biologia, contemplando-os na experiência vivida, construíram saberes para a docência.
A auto-avaliação, segundo as pesquisas, tem se mostrado um excelente auxiliar para o processo de ensino/aprendizagem em sala de aula, como mecanismo diagnóstico, para que professores e alunos tenham uma visão mais clara de suas potencialidades. Este artigo, portanto, tem como objetivo apresentar as diferentes alternativas de auto-avaliação, seus objetivos e suas restrições, além de estudos bem-sucedidos em que foram utilizados esse instrumento avaliativo, à luz de teorias nas áreas de Educação e Lingüística Aplicada.