686 resultados para Pringle, Rosemary


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Top Row: Lisa Abe, Benita C. Aldrich, Elizabeth A. Alexander, Christina Andrakovich, Andrea A Astalos, Aimee K. Baptiste, Jacqueline A. Baransri, Paula A. Bonell, Tonya T. Boven, Sara L. Briggs, Heidi M. Brogger, Maureen A. Burns, Mike R. Byrd

Row 2: Julie A. Camilleri, Maria C. Cano, Sally J. Clement, Martra Finneren, Elizabeth Lobbestael-Monte, Cherryl Drongowski, Laura Stuckey, Elizabeth Scamperle, Amy Wenk, Karin B. Colvin, Gloria R. Crandall, Kristen T. Crane

Row 3: Rita J. Curtis, Cheri K. Davis, Patrick Ahearne, Lynne Yarger, Patricia Tibbits, Kathleen Donahoe, Rosemary Defever, Theresa A. Dietz

Row 4: Maureen Donnelly, Alysse E. Donohue, Susan Holmes, Tina Alexandris, Pam S. Dunbrock, Beth A. Elya

Row 5: Michelle L. Everly, Nazanin Farah, Kathie Fetting, Tanya Meier, Richard A. Fons, Cheryl D. Ford

Row 6: Tonya M. Forton, Alvira Galbraith, Holly B. Goldrick, Sally Sample, Violet Barkauskas, Rhetaugh G. Dumars, Share' Ketefian, Janice B. Lindberg, Elizabeth Pennington, Cheryl A. Grega, Michelle L. grinwis, Paula C. Haffner

Row 7: Peggy A. Harper, Michele R. Haseluhn, Christina M. Hayosh, Michele M. Hopkins, Martha A. James, Elizabeth J. Jameson, Jan I. Joyce, Henry Justusson, Shamrock E. Kealy, Linda A. Kendall, Karrie C. Kerby, Diane M. Kilian, Rene E. Kloosterman, Marie T. Kolar

Row 8: Regina M. Kudla, Julie A. Lasecki, Jenny K. Lindholm, Beth M. Luttrell, Mary E. Malone, Tami J. Nishon, Leah D. Olson, Lori J. Painter, Peggy A. Paulson, Jill A. Rodman, Sherri R. Runciman, Joanne A. Sandler, Patricia L. Sano

Row 9: Leah A. Shults, Catherine E. Slusher, Jennifer A. Snell, Abbe E. Sorin, Iliana I. Staneva, Jennifer R. Stouffer, Jane A. Tanton, Margaret O. Tear, Andrea L. Vandenbergh, Michele M. Vandenburg, Carol A. Waycott, Julie A. Westmeyer, Jane C. Zapytowski, Patricia L. Zickuhr


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Top Row: Kristen Clark, Katherine Grinenko, Shinyi Tang, Troy Tann, Kelly Pasanen, Barbara Loson, Dennis Lake, Lisa Mancuso, Elizabeth Kim, Linda Dengate, Linda Morse, Stacey Horner, Juliet McKeone, Laura Schenk, Corrie Boguth

Row 2: Valerie Straka, Jamie T. Mose, Robert VanCamp, Cary Johnson, Laura Chamberlain, Kenyatta A. Paige, Kevin T. Sprecher, Jean L. Novak, Amanda Sue Niskar, Lisa Oliverio, Rosalyn Baumann, Elaine Schultz, Jennifer Lee Bastress, Kristen Hedge

Row 3: Jennifer Joh, Jennifer Monroe, Marion Tauriainen, Anne Chesky, Michael Fournier, Amy Sebright, Brian Simmons, Ann Luciano, Robin Van Eck, Beth Hart

Row 4: Jacqueline weibel, Dawn Garrett, Vicki McWalters, Malina Rocoff, Holly Medley, Ann Kosky, Tina L. Kessey, Caesanea A. Smith, Michelle Koch, Julie C. Wolf

Row 5: Robin Wygant, Cynthia Nichols, Susan Worek, Sandi Sassack, Timothy Wright, Bridgette Nichols, Kelly Sheridan, Kristin Sirosky, Kathy Kentala, Susan Oslund, Zaleha Williams, Heidi C. Goiz

Row 6: Kathryn Erdmann, Karen Crandall, Darryl Anderson, Karla Stoermer, Janice Lindberg, Beverly Jones, Rhetaugh G. Duman, Elisabeth Pennington, Violet Barkauskas, Laura Stock, Jacqueline Mickle, Catharine Quinn, Laura Nourse

Row 7: Christopher Kelly, Deborah Zolinski, Victoria Buckles, Pamela Brown, Stephanie Macey, Meredith Muncy, Susan, M. Smashey, Laura Welch, Rene Thompson, Sarah Scott, Juliette Lovell, Diane Ferguson, Deborah Ann Dolasinski, Cynthia Zammit, Lorie Malarney

Row 8: Janet Ingram, Rosemary Stafford, Diane Mayernik, Thea Picklesimer, Hannah Clark, JoyMarie Bruhowzki, Jennifer Beckert, Elizabeth Bryant, Jennifer Voeffray, Jane Perrin, Sophia Jan, Diana apostolou, Deborah Ruzicka, Liesel Culver

Row 9: Lori Wessman, Nicole Kerridge, Julia Oman, Melissa Naser, Jennifer Cole, Elizabeth Brickman, Detria Williams, Kris Haaksma, Alison Flaskamp, Nela L. Humm, Carol Taylor, Dena Mitchell, Karen L. Domke


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Top Row: Abiola Akinwumi, Laura Ambrook, Becky Bail-Salamin, Charlotte Baker, Ronald A. Palas, Jodi Lynn Bamberg, Cindy Bauer, Kimberly Beal, Tina Bednarski-Lynch, Lisa Bennett, Kate Bergsma, Colleen Block, Caroline Bock, Karen Bogan, Michael J. Bologna

Row 2: Julie Boyer, Wilma J. Branch, Stacey M. Quinn, Michelle Archambeau, Monica Patel, Stacey Doorn, Bryn Gerich, Bethany L. Tallon, Shannon Bason, Pete Jennings, Heather Cahill, Tamar Pleasant, Suzanne Shiller, Andrea Caldwell, Lisa Cook

Row 3: Rebecca Cross, Karen Cuevas, Anissa Damrau, Sheila Davis, Stephanie Day, Vikki Dhingra, Laura Doan, Catherine Doud, Tanya L. Dudlay, Ruth Dunlap, Heather Elenbaas, Karie Erskine

Row 4: Julie Everett, Anne Flunder, Melanie Frank, Alexandra Frederick, Michele Fronk, Jennifer garcia, Shamaine Gardner, Robin Gawrych, Celeste Gibson, Patricia Gilhooly, Erin Gill, Rosemary Goins

Row 5: Tonya Grueschow, Christopher Hackett, Kathy Halabicky, Patricia Hanlon, Patricia Hansen, Violet Barkauskas, Beverly Jones, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Janice Lindberg, Nola Pender, Chris Harbough, Patricia Hawes, Laurie Hehne, Katherine Hendershot, Karin Hensley

Row 6: Rebecca Hill, Jennifer Hofmeister, Laura Hurlbert, Carey-Anne Irwin, Elizabeth Jelsone, Jennifer Joscelyn, Keith Keller, Kimberly Killian, Jacqueline Klein, Suzanne Knight, Jennifer L. Knurr, Caroline Kolcheff, Jenna Konarzewski, Julie Kronk, Layla Lahuti, Ellen L. Lapinski

Row 7: Eunice Lee, Jamie Leslie, Jennifer Lofquist, Judith A. Long, Lorelei Manly, Jennifer McEachern, Tamara McLaughlin, Keela McLin, Kelly Moody, Robin R. Moore, Nicole Nestler, colleen Nowicki, Carla Ogundipe, Christa O'Mar, Mychelle A. Overton, Kara Pacis, Vicki Partin

Row 8: MaryAnn Poplawski, Nan Preston, Tiffany L. Raley, Jennifer Rebecca Raub, William Reau, Karen Reeder, Linda Rickard, Karen Salus, Laura Saraent, Darlene Scheper, Joanna Serman, Laura-Jean Siggens, Ann Marie Simonelli, Mary Skilton, Amy Stachowiak, Lorraine Stafford

Row 9: Samantha Stallos, Monica Steplowski, Mary Swager, Victoria R. Taylor, Susan J. Ulman, Rene Urban, Sarah B. Vander Schaaf, Maria P. Vano, Tresa VerMeulen, James Voiland, Johanne C. Walter, Amy K. Warrow, Nicole Weidler, Benjamin Weisenfeld, Marie Wolfer, Marcy Yackish


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Principal authors are Paul N. Van de Water and Rosemary D. Marcuss.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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A much-revised Quaternary stratigraphy is presented for ignimbrites and pumice fall deposits of the Bandas del Sur, in southern Tenerife. New Ar-41/Ar-39 data obtained for the Arico, Granadilla, Fasnia, Poris, La Caleta and Abrigo formations are presented, allowing correlation with previously dated offshore marine ashfall layers and volcaniclastic sediments. We also provide a minimum age of 287 +/- 7 ka for a major sector collapse event at the Gaimar valley. The Bandas del Sur succession includes more than seven widespread ignimbrite sheets that have similar characteristics, including widespread basal Plinian layers, predominantly phonolite composition, ignimbrites with similar extensive geographic distributions, thin condensed veneers with abundant diffuse bedding and complex lateral and vertical grading patterns, lateral gradations into localized massive facies within palaeo-wadis, and widespread lithic breccia layers that probably record caldera-forming eruptions. Each ignimbrite sheet records substantial bypassing of pyroclastic material into the ocean. The succession indicates that Las Canadas volcano underwent a series of major explosive eruptions, each starting with a Plinian phase followed by emplacement of ignimbrites and thin ash layers, some of coignimbrite origin. Several of the ignimbrite sheets are compositionally zoned and contain subordinate mafic pumices and banded pumices indicative of magma mingling immediately prior to eruption. Because passage of each pyroclastic density current was characterized by phases of non-deposition and erosion, the entire course of each eruption is incompletely recorded at any one location, accounting for some previously perceived differences between the units. Because each current passed into the ocean, estimating eruption volumes is virtually impossible. Nevertheless, the consistent widespread distributions and the presence of lithic breccias within most of the ignimbrite sheets suggest that at least seven caldera collapse eruptions are recorded in the Bandas del Sur succession and probably formed a complex, nested collapse structure. Detailed field relationships show that extensive ignimbrite sheets (e.g. the Arico, Poris and La Caleta formations) relate to previously unrecognized caldera collapse events. We envisage that the evolution of the nested Las Cahadas caldera is more complex than previously thought and involved a protracted history of successive ignimbrite-related caldera collapse events, and large sector collapse events, interspersed with edifice-building phases.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine normal values for four commonly used clinical functional balance tests from community-dwelling women aged 20 to 80 and to identify any significant decline due to aging. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study was undertaken to provide normative values for four clinical balance tests across 6 decade cohorts. SETTING: The Betty Byrne-Henderson Center for Women and Aging, Royal Womens' Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: Four hundred fifty-six community-dwelling, independently ambulant women with no obvious neurological or musculoskeletal-related disability, aged 20 to 80, were randomly recruited from a large metropolitan region. MEASUREMENTS: The clinical balance measures/tests were the Timed Up and Go test, step test, Functional Reach test, and lateral reach test. Multivariate analysis was used to test the effect for age, height, and activity level. RESULTS: Normal data were produced for each test across each decade cohort. Gradual decline in balance performance was confirmed, with significant effect for age demonstrated. CONCLUSION: New normative data across the adult age decades are available for these clinical tests. Use of clinical balance tests could complement other balance tests and be used to screen women aged 40 to 60 whose performance is outside the normal values for age and to decrease later falls risk.


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Women won the right to vote in Queensland in 1905, but had to wait until 1915 and the election of the first Labor government to govern in its own right before they became eligible to stand for Parliament. Prior to 1989, women were only occasionally and randomly elected to the Queensland Parliament and until that year, only 11 women had sat in Parliament, and there were long gaps separating their representation.