956 resultados para Precipitation radar
We present an analysis of a cusp ion step, observed by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F10 spacecraft, between two poleward moving events of enhanced ionospheric electron temperature, observed by the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) radar. From the ions detected by the satellite, the variation of the reconnection rate is computed for assumed distances along the open-closed field line separatrix from the satellite to the X line, do. Comparison with the onset times of the associated ionospheric events allows this distance to be estimated, but with an uncertainty due to the determination of the low-energy cutoff of the ion velocity distribution function, ƒ(ν). Nevertheless, the reconnection site is shown to be on the dayside magnetopause, consistent with the reconnection model of the cusp during southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Analysis of the time series of distribution function at constant energies, ƒ(ts), shows that the best estimate of the distance do is 14.5±2 RE. This is consistent with various magnetopause observations of the signatures of reconnection for southward IMF. The ion precipitation is used to reconstruct the field-parallel part of the Cowley D ion distribution function injected into the open low-latitude boundary layer in the vicinity of the X line. From this reconstruction, the field-aligned component of the magnetosheath flow is found to be only −55±65 km s−1 near the X line, which means either that the reconnection X line is near the stagnation region at the nose of the magnetosphere, or that it is closely aligned with the magnetosheath flow streamline which is orthogonal to the magnetosheath field, or both. In addition, the sheath Alfvén speed at the X line is found to be 220±45 km s−1, and the speed with which newly opened field lines are ejected from the X line is 165±30 km s−1. We show that the inferred magnetic field, plasma density, and temperature of the sheath near the X line are consistent with a near-subsolar reconnection site and confirm that the magnetosheath field makes a large angle (>58°) with the X line.
The extended flight of the Airborne Ionospheric Observatory during the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) Pilot program on January 16, 1990, allowed continuous all-sky monitoring of the two-dimensional ionospheric footprint of the northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) cusp in several wavelengths. Especially important in determining the locus of magnetosheath electron precipitation was the 630.0-nm red line emission. The most striking morphological change in the images was the transient appearance of zonally elongated regions of enhanced 630.0-nm emission which resembled “rays” emanating from the centroid of the precipitation. The appearance of these rays was strongly correlated with the Y component of the IMF: when the magnitude of By was large compared to Bz, the rays appeared; otherwise, the distribution was relatively unstructured. Late in the flight the field of view of the imager included the field of view of flow measurements from the European incoherent scatter radar (EISCAT). The rays visible in 630.0-nm emission exactly aligned with the position of strong flow jets observed by EISCAT. We attribute this correspondence to the requirement of quasi-neutrality; namely, the soft electrons have their largest precipitating fluxes where the bulk of the ions precipitate. The ions, in regions of strong convective flow, are spread out farther along the flow path than in regions of weaker flow. The occurrence and direction of these flow bursts are controlled by the IMF in a manner consistent with newly opened flux tubes; i.e., when |By| > |Bz|, tension in the reconnected field lines produce east-west flow regions downstream of the ionospheric projection of the x line. We interpret the optical rays (flow bursts), which typically last between 5 and 15 min, as evidence of periods of enhanced dayside (or lobe) reconnection when |By| > |Bz|. The length of the reconnection pulse is difficult to determine, however, since strong zonal flows would be expected to persist until the tension force in the field line has decayed, even if the duration of the enhanced reconnection was relatively short.
We discuss the characteristics of magnetosheath plasma precipitation in the “cusp” ionosphere for when the reconnection at the dayside magnetopause takes place only in a series of pulses. It is shown that even in this special case, the low-altitude cusp precipitation is continuous, unless the intervals between the pulses are longer than observed intervals between magnetopause flux transfer event (FTE) signatures. We use FTE observation statistics to predict, for this case of entirely pulsed reconnection, the occurrence frequency, the distribution of latitudinal widths, and the number of ion dispersion steps of the cusp precipitation for a variety of locations of the reconnection site and a range of values of the local de-Hoffman Teller velocity. It is found that the cusp occurrence frequency is comparable with observed values for virtually all possible locations of the reconnection site. The distribution of cusp width is also comparable with observations and is shown to be largely dependent on the distribution of the mean reconnection rate, but pulsing the reconnection does very slightly increase the width of that distribution compared with the steady state case. We conclude that neither cusp occurrence probability nor width can be used to evaluate the relative occurrence of reconnection behaviors that are entirely pulsed, pulsed but continuous and quasi-steady. We show that the best test of the relative frequency of these three types of reconnection is to survey the distribution of steps in the cusp ion dispersion characteristics.
A method is presented which allows estimation of the variation of the rate of magnetic reconnection at the day side magnetopause. This is achieved using observations of the cusp particle precipitation made by low-altitude polar-orbiting spacecraft. In this paper we apply the technique to a previously published example of a cusp intersection by the DMSP F7 satellite. It is shown that the cusp signature in this case was produced by three separate bursts of reconnection which were of the order of 10 min apart, each lasting roughly 1 min. This is similar to the variation of reconnection rate which is required to explain typical flux transfer event signatures at the magnetopause.
The asymmetries in the convective flows, current systems, and particle precipitation in the high-latitude dayside ionosphere which are related to the equatorial plane components of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) are discussed in relation to the results of several recent observational studies. It is argued that all of the effects reported to date which are ascribed to the y component of the IMF can be understood, at least qualitatively, in terms of a simple theoretical picture in which the effects result from the stresses exerted on the magnetosphere consequent on the interconnection of terrestrial and interplanetary fields. In particular, relaxation under the action of these stresses allows, in effect, a partial penetration of the IMF into the magnetospheric cavity, such that the sense of the expected asymmetry effects on closed field lines can be understood, to zeroth order, in terms of the “dipole plus uniform field” model. In particular, in response to IMF By, the dayside cusp should be displaced in longitude about noon in the same sense as By in the northern hemisphere, and in the opposite sense to By in the southern hemisphere, while simultaneously the auroral oval as a whole should be shifted in the dawn-dusk direction in the opposite sense with respect to By. These expected displacements are found to be consistent with recently published observations. Similar considerations lead to the suggestion that the auroral oval may also undergo displacements in the noon-midnight direction which are associated with the x component of the IMF. We show that a previously published study of the position of the auroral oval contains strong initial evidence for the existence of this effect. However, recent results on variations in the latitude of the cusp are more ambiguous. This topic therefore requires further study before definitive conclusions can be drawn.
We present observations of a transient event in the dayside auroral ionosphere at magnetic noon. F-region plasma convection measurements were made by the EISCAT radar, operating in the beamswinging “Polar” experiment mode, and simultaneous observations of the dayside auroral emissions were made by optical meridian-scanning photometers and all-sky TV cameras at Ny Ålesund, Spitzbergen. The data were recorded on 9 January 1989, and a sequence of bursts of flow, with associated transient aurora, were observed between 08:45 and 11:00 U.T. In this paper we concentrate on an event around 09:05 U.T. because that is very close to local magnetic noon. The optical data show a transient intensification and widening (in latitude) of the cusp/cleft region, as seen in red line auroral emissions. Over an interval of about 10 min, the band of 630 nm aurora widened from about 1.5° of invariant latitude to over 5° and returned to its original width. Embedded within the widening band of 630 nm emissions were two intense, active 557.7 nm arc fragments with rays which persisted for about 2 min each. The flow data before and after the optical transient show eastward flows, with speeds increasing markedly with latitude across the band of 630 nm aurora. Strong, apparently westward, flows appeared inside the band while it was widening, but these rotated round to eastward, through northward, as the band shrunk to its original width. The observed ion temperatures verify that the flow speeds during the transient were, to a large extent, as derived using the beamswinging technique; but they also show that the flow increase initially occurred in the western azimuth only. This spatial gradient in the flow introduces ambiguity in the direction of these initial flows and they could have been north-eastward rather than westward. However, the westward direction derived by the beamswinging is consistent with the motion of the colocated and coincident active 557.7 nm arc fragment, A more stable transient 557.7 nm aurora was found close to the shear between the inferred westward flows and the persisting eastward flows to the North. Throughout the transient, northward flow was observed across the equatorward boundary of the 630 nm aurora. Interpretation of the data is made difficult by lack of IMF data, problems in distinguishing the cusp and cleft aurora and uncertainty over which field lines are open and which are closed. However, at magnetic noon there is a 50% probability that we were observing the cusp, in which case from its southerly location we infer that the IMF was southward and many features are suggestive of time-varying reconnection at a single X-line on the dayside magnetopause. This IMF orientation is also consistent with the polar rain precipitation observed simultaneously by the DMSP-F9 satellite in the southern polar cap. There is also a 25% chance that we were observing the cleft (or the mantle poleward of the cleft). In this case we infer that the IMF was northward and the transient is well explained by reconnection which is not only transient in time but occurs at various sites located randomly on the dayside magnetopause (i.e. patchy in space). Lastly, there is a 25% chance that we were observing the cusp poleward of the cleft, in which case we infer that IMF Bz was near zero and the transient is explained by a mixture of the previous two interpretations.
A procedure is presented for fitting incoherent scatter radar data from non-thermal F-region ionospheric plasma, using theoretical spectra previously predicted. It is found that values of the shape distortion factor D∗, associated with deviations of the ion velocity distribution from a Maxwellian distribution, and ion temperatures can be deduced (the results being independent of the path of iteration) if the angle between the line-of-sight and the geomagnetic field is larger than about 15–20°. The procedure can be used with one or both of two sets of assumptions. These concern the validity of the adopted model for the line-of-sight ion velocity distribution in the one case or for the full three-dimensional ion velocity distribution function in the other. The distribution function employed was developed to describe the line-of-sight velocity distribution for large aspect angles, but both experimental data and Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the form of the field-perpendicular distribution can also describe the distribution at more general aspect angles. The assumption of this form for the line-of-sight velocity distribution at a general aspect angle enables rigorous derivation of values of the one-dimensional, line-of-sight ion temperature. With some additional assumptions (principally that the field-parallel distribution is always Maxwellian and there is a simple relationship between the ion temperature anisotropy and the distortion of the field-perpendicular distribution from a Maxwellian), fits to data for large aspect angles enable determination of line-of-sight temperatures at all aspect angles and hence, of the average ion temperature and the ion temperature anisotropy. For small aspect angles, the analysis is restricted to the determination of the line-of-sight ion temperature because the theoretical spectrum is insensitive to non-thermal effects when the plasma is viewed along directions almost parallel to the magnetic field. This limitation is expected to apply to any realistic model of the ion velocity distribution function and its consequences are discussed. Fit strategies which allow for mixed ion composition are also considered. Examples of fits to data from various EISCAT observing programmes are presented.
Data are presented from the EISCAT CP-3-E experiment which show the presence of non-thermal plasma over a range of latitudes. The O+ ion-velocity distribution function is almost toroidal when the electric field reaches values of 125 mV m−1. The ion temperature derived from such data assuming a Maxwellian distribution function will overestimate the true ion temperature when the observing angle is large with respect to the magnetic field, and underestimate the temperature when the aspect angle is small. When the expressions for the distribution function are extended to include mixed ion composition, an improvement is sometimes found in fitting the observed data, and estimates of the composition can be made. Such an analysis suggests that N2+ can occasionally form a significant part of the total ion density in a narrow height region centred at 275 km.
Observations by the EISCAT experiments “POLAR” and Common Programme CP-3 reveal non-Maxwellian ion velocity distributions in the auroral F-region ionosphere. Analysis of data from three periods is presented. During the first period, convection velocities are large (≈2 km s-1) and constant over part of a CP-3 latitude scan; the second period is one of POLAR data containing a short-lived (<1 min.) burst of rapid (>1.5 km s-1) flow. We concentrate on these two periods as they allow the study of a great many features of the ion-neutral interactions which drive the plasma non-thermal and provide the best available experimental test for models of the 3-dimensional ion velocity distribution function. The third period is included to illustrate the fact that non-thermal plasma frequently exists in the auroral ionosphere: the data, also from the POLAR experiment, cover a three-hour period of typical auroral zone flow and analysis reveals that the ion distribution varies from Maxwellian to the threshold of a toroidal form.
Data collected by ground magnetometers and high latitude radars during a small isolated substorm are discussed in terms of the global changes in convection during the substorm. This substorm was observed during the international GISMOS (Global Ionospheric Simultaneous Measurements of Substorms) Experiment of 1 – 5 June 1987 and the array of observations discussed here span the night sector from approximately dusk to dawn. The substorm, observed by the Sondrestrom radar and auroral and midlatitude magnetometers is associated with a polar cap contraction observed near dusk by the EISCAT radar.
The effects on the horizontal ionospheric velocity vectors deduced from radar beam-swinging experiments, which occur when changes in the flow take place on short time scales compared with the experiment cycle time, are analysed in detail. The further complications which arise in the interpretation of beam-swinging data, due to longitudinal gradients in the flow and to field-aligned flows, are also considered. It is concluded that these effects are unlikely to seriously compromise statistical determinations of the response time of the flow, e.g. to changes in the north-south component of the IMF, such as have been recently reported by Etemadiet al. (1988, Planet. Space Sci.36, 471), using EISCAT ‘Polar’ data.
Data from the Dynamics Explorer 1 satellite and the EISCAT and Sondrestrom incoherent scatter radars, have allowed a study of low-energy ion outflows from the ionosphere into the magnetosphere during a rapid expansion of the polar cap. From the combined radar data, a 200kV increase in cross-cap potential is estimated. The upflowing ions show “X” signatures in the pitch angle-time spectrograms in the expanding midnight sector of the auroral oval. These signatures reveal low-energy (below about 60eV), light-ion beams sandwiched between two regions of ion conics and are associated with inverted-V electron precipitation. The lack of mass dispersion of the poleward edge of the event, despite great differences in the times of flight, reflects the equatorward expansion of the acceleration regions at velocities similar to those of the antisunward convection. In addition, a transient burst of upflow of 0+ is observed within the cap, possibly due to enhanced Joule heating during the event.
A 24 h period of observations by the EISCAT radar and other ground-based instrumentation is used to study the role of plasma convection in determining the morphology of the high-latitude F-region during winter. It is suggested that, in the afternoon sector of the polar convection pattern, rapid zonal (westward) flows caused low F-region electron densities due to an extension of the mid-latitude trough far into the sunlit hemisphere. Low densities on the dawn side prior to 0600 UT may also have been due to a trough-like feature. Although the generation mechanism is unclear, the trough may be the fossil remnant of a substorm. Around midnight, high F-region densities were seen, probably due to plasma flow emerging from the cap through soft particle precipitation in the auroral oval. Two substorms occurred at times when the radar was south of the auroral oval. Both caused enhanced convection speeds, a swing to equatorward flow, enhanced E-region densities and a depleted F-region. The first was seen as a Westward Travelling Surge, and the swing to purely southward flow which followed the surge front did not return to westward flows until 80–110 min later. The Harang discontinuity was observed co-rotating eastwards between the substorms, 65 ± 30 min before the separatrix between the dawn and dusk convection cells.