937 resultados para Praxiológia motriz


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Esse estudo teve como objetivo examinar possíveis alterações na dinâmica intrínseca de crianças e adultos decorrentes de informações externas na realização de uma tarefa de manutenção da postura ereta. Participaram do estudo dez crianças de 8 anos de idade e dez adultos jovens de ambos os gêneros. Eles permaneceram na posição ereta dentro de uma sala móvel que foi movimentada continuamente para frente e para trás. Os participantes recebiam informação sobre o movimento da sala e eram solicitados a não oscilar ou a oscilar junto com o movimento da mesma. Os resultados mostraram que a manipulação da informação visual induziu oscilação corporal correspondente (dinâmica intrínseca) em crianças e adultos. Informação sobre o movimento da sala e solicitação de uma ação (informação comportamental) alteraram o relacionamento entre informação visual e oscilação corporal. Crianças apresentaram mais dificuldades em alterar a dinâmica intrínseca do que adultos, indicando que elas são mais dependentes da dinâmica intrínseca do que adultos. Esses resultados trazem implicações importantes para a situação de ensino-aprendizagem, pois indica que aprendizagem envolvendo crianças deve ser estruturada propiciando condições mais favoráveis para alterações na dinâmica intrínseca para que os objetivos da mesma sejam alcançados.


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A funcionalidade básica e o nível de atividade física são comumente prejudicados pelo envelhecimento, e podem ser influenciados pelos sintomas depressivos, estado cognitivo global e nível de escolaridade. Objetivo: analisar relação entre escolaridade e funcionalidade básica, nível de atividade física, sintomas depressivos e estado cognitivo global em idosos fisicamente ativos. Método: 53 idosos fisicamente ativos de ambos os gêneros responderam ao Questionário Baecke de Nível de Atividade Física, Escala Katz de Funcionalidade Básica, Mini-Exame do Estado Mental e Escala Geriátrica de Depressão. Utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman (p<0,05). Resultados: encontrou-se correlação significativa apenas entre escolaridade e estado cognitivo global; nível de atividade física, funcionalidade básica e sintomas depressivos não se correlacionaram significativamente com a escolaridade. Conclusão: a escolaridade não influenciou o nível de atividade física, funcionalidade básica ou sintomas depressivos, mas correlacionou-se com o estado cognitivo global, conforme descrito pela literatura, exercendo uma função protetora.


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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as relações das dinâmicas sociais (família, amigos e escola; i.e., três fatores sociais) sobre os estados de humor. A pesquisa foi realizada com uma equipe feminina de voleibol (14/15 anos). Aplicou-se o teste POMS (Profile of Mood States) para mensurar os estados de humor. Foi utilizada uma escala de 1 (muito mal) a 5 (muito bem) para que as atletas avaliassem cada um dos três fatores. Os resultados apontaram correlações significativas entre as escalas e os estados de humor; e diferenças significativas entre os níveis de intensidade apontados na escala dos três fatores e os estados de humor. Os resultados indicam clara interferência das dinâmicas sociais sobre os estados de humor, portanto, as interferências sociais não podem ser descartadas na preparação do atleta.


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Não é difícil observar a importância das corridas de velocidade para o cenário esportivo mundial. Entretanto, do stádion, disputado pelos gregos nos Jogos Olímpicos da Grécia Antiga, aos atuais 100 metros rasos, foram várias as modificações. Não por outro motivo, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi registrar as modificações que ocorreram no sistema de partida das corridas de velocidade ao longo dos tempos. Essa pesquisa teórica, caracterizada como uma pesquisa bibliográfica, concentrou-se na coleta de dados provenientes de livros, artigos, imagens e websites relacionados aos 100 metros rasos. Dentre as modificações identificadas merecem destaque as que ocorreram no sistema de partida e que incluem o bloco de partida utilizado pelos atletas na atualidade, sem o qual, talvez, não se tivesse chegado ao incrível recorde mundial dos 100 metros rasos de 9s58.


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This study, of qualitative nature, it aimed to investigate attitudes capable to foment pro-environmental behaviour, during one walked. The "Caminho da Fe" was chosen, with 425 km-itinerary trail between Tamba and Aparecida/SP, which attracts tourists, physical activities performers and religious persons. After a literature review on the thematic one, was made an exploratory research, with a random sample, of seven adults, of both sexes, using a mixed questionnaire and "Thompson e Barton's Scale of Ecocentrism and Anthropocentrism", applied in the stop places, or three times: at the beginning, in the middle of the way and at the end of the itinerary. The qualitative analysis was made by the use of "Thematic Content Analysis", with results also presented in a percentile way, to illustrate. As conclusion, it is inferred that, even the stimulation has ceased with the ending of the hike, the intensity, amount and quality of the experience had stimulated reflection processes, associated to variations on physical and social environmental conditions, the predispose to the dialogue and the symbolic identification, at which, had collaborated so that the participants had been able to perceive possibilities of conduction and transitions of values and new senses for their lives.


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This article turns to the memory of a not too distant past, to investigate the cultural leisure evidence and its development in the city of Rio Claro which has been shown by the Recreation Club Employee of the Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro (GRECPEF), identifying the leisure activities and the relation of these railway employee with the club. For the claims of the research an exploratory investigative model had been used focusing the relationship of GRECPEF with the social history of the city of Rio Claro. Data had been collected through literature review and semi-structured interviews with railway retire employee, who are part of the partner board of the Recreation Club. Within this context one can see that this club is a reference to the leisure activities of the railway employee, and has significant importance and influence on the setting up of a leisure culture in the city.


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In the last two decades, the metabolic syndrome is in focus of many health agencies worldwide. Understanding among the most important glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, other disorders have been framed in this category. The non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis appears to be one of the components of this syndrome. Several studies point to the increased consumption of fructose linked to the onset of sedentary steatohepatitis. From that premise, this review aimed to the search for studies that suggest the role of exercise as an important weapon in the treatment and prevention of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis.


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The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth look at the origins of the capoeira, as well as the occupation school, aiming to structure a work in the historic-bibliographic perspective which allows elucidating this relation with the occupation school, since this beging its origins until nowadays. It is a descriptive study, using the source documentary collection of data. Among the results it was observed that the capoeira it was not considered a ocupation (it was rather forbidden) but a "subsistence system", being transmitted from one generation to the other orally. The paths that the capoeira has walked through and, under certain circumstance, has draw for itself, make it a occupation school, such as in the relationship master-apprentice which lasts until the present moment. We are able to conclude that the capoeira as corporation and occupation school are realities lived due to its structure and function, both present in the contemporary world.


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The study deals with the pedagogical possibilities of text books as a resource for Physical Education (PE) classes based on sports, specifically team sports. It started from a bibliographical review on the cited terms and after that we advanced our studies in order to propose a didactic text book on Team Sports for PE classes considering two benchmarks: one technical-tactic and the other social-educational. In order to do so, we used methods from linguistics, and the development of a Didactic Sequence allowed the selection and distribution of the contents to be presented in the book in an orderly and judicious way. The focus in Team Sports is justified by its social-cultural insertion and by the need to transform recent studies into new pedagogical procedures for practicing them. The didactic text book, as well as the adequate preparation of the professionals who will use it, is pointed out as facilitator in the process of teaching, experiencing and learning team sports.


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This paper presents the right all citizens have to dance. It focus on the official orientations which deals with dance as a legitimate content at school briefly discussing the difficulty to implement this content. Among various dance manifestations we highlight Ballroom Dance, its characteristics and benefits. We trace the historical path of Ballroom Dance in Brazil at colleges.


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Dance is regarded as one of the oldest art forms, which is based on evidence from prehistoric paintings found in caves; man expressed himself through body language prior to the development of spoken and written forms of communication. Dance was then used during important events, common to their era and culture, and often in religious rituals, to ensure good harvests - their economic activity. Belly-dance appeared approximately eight thousand years B. C. E. as a sacred dance firstly practiced by priestesses, and after that, it was popularized amongst women from Mesopotamia. Virtually considered an ancient form of physical exercise, it is still practiced by Bedouin women as a preparation for spontaneous delivery. In Brazil, belly-dance is widely practiced and our corporal culture enables its learning and improvement, resulting in professional dancers.


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This qualitative study aimed to investigate the resonances of the intellectual content of leisure for older adults. A mixed questionnaire containing ten questions was applied to a sample of fifty older adults people of both genders. Data were descriptively analyzed by thematic content analysis technique and showed that such experiences encourage reflection and the exercise of citizenship. Among the intellectual contents to qualitatively fulfill free time availability were elected by the sample: watching news on TV (70%), videos on health and aging (55%), reading newspapers, magazines and books (54%), playing strategic games (35%) and visiting museums (8%). It can be concluded that the experiences sharpen the critical and intellectual creativity and subsidize better understanding of aging, involving the construction of knowledge and expanding the opportunities of learning to learn, to be, and to live.


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This study aimed to compare trunk muscle co-activation pattern during exercises using an oscillatory pole. Twelve volunteers participated in this study, in which they performed three different exercises. EMG activity of internal oblique (IO), external oblique (EO), rectus abdominis (RA), multifidus (MU) and iliocostalis lumborum (IL) was collected. The EMG signals were analyzed in time domain (RMS) and muscles activation ratios were computed as follow: anterior-posterior (A/P=RA+EO+IO/MU+IL), MU/IL and OE/OI. The bilateral oscillation of the pole in frontal plane (exercise II) promoted a higher value of MU/IL ratio than unilateral oscillation of the pole in sagital plane (exercise III). Also, the bilateral oscillation of the pole in frontal plane (exercise II) and the unilateral oscillation of the pole in sagital plane (exercise III) caused higher values of the IO/EO than bilateral oscillation of the pole in transversal plane (exercise I). Thus, the exercises II and III required higher activation of trunk stabilizer muscles, being more indicate for training, which aims higher recruitment of these muscles in daily activities.


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The objective of this study was to compare the power corresponding to maximal lactate steady state determined through continuous (MLSSC) and intermittent protocol with active recovery (MLSSI). Ten trained male cyclists (25 +/- 4 yr., 72.5 +/- 10.6 kg, 178.5 +/- 4.0 cm), performed the following tests on a cycle ergometer: (1) incremental test until voluntary exhaustion to determine the maximal power (Pmax); (2) two to five constant workload tests to determine MLSSC, and; 3) two to three constant workload tests to determine MLSSI, consisting on eight repetitions of four minutes interspersed by two minutes of recovery at 50% Pmax. The MLSSC (273.2 +/- 21.4 W) was significantly lower than MLSSI (300.5 +/- 23.9 W). With base on these data, it can be verified that the intermittent exercise mode utilized in this study, allows an increase of 10% approximately, in the exercise intensity corresponding to MLSS.


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The objective of this study was to review the acute responses to maximal and supramaximal intermittent exercise (intensities near or above maximal oxygen uptake - iVO(2)max), and also at submaximal intermittent exercise, with intensities near maximal lactate steady state (MLSS). At the conditions of interval training above 100% iVO(2)max with short repetitions (<60 s), the passive recovery between the repetitions allows higher intensity during sets. For longer repetitions, the active recovery can be more efficient, since promotes greater blood lactate removal and longer time near VO(2)max. At the conditions of submaximal interval training, the relationship between intensity and duration of the repetitions are still maintained, i.e., the longer durations (>300 s) allow lower intensities and the shorter (150-300 s) allow higher intensities, with similar metabolic conditions (i.e., MLSS). However, both recovery types can be utilized, since they proportionate similar intensities at these conditions.