995 resultados para Portin, Petter: Ne geenit! Ne geenit!


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Critique de la pièce de théâtre « Ne blâmez jamais les Bédouins » de René-Daniel Dubois (spectacle solo; texte et interprétation : René-Daniel Dubois; mise en scène et scénographie : Joseph Saint Gelais. Spectacle des Productions Nero Strassenbahn Endstation.)


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Essai critique de stage présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de la maîtrise ès sciences (M.Sc.) en service social


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Ce texte comprend quatre parties. Dans la première, nous insistons sur deux aspects : la présentation de l’analyse de 31 cas traités par Freud mettant en évidence la non efficacité de son approche et l’aveu de Freud quant à sa vocation littéraire. Au cours de la deuxième partie, nous montrons que le caractère dogmatique des débuts de la psychanalyse sévit encore aujourd’hui dans certains milieux. Nous verrons d’abord que le dogmatisme a mis fin à la carrière de Piaget à titre de psychanalyste, puis nous insisterons sur le fait que la soumission à l’autorité, une caractéristique centrale du dogmatisme, imprègne la psychanalyse et que le cas fondateur de celle-ci, Anna O., repose sur le dogme et le mensonge. Dans la troisième partie, à l’aide d’exemples tirés des écrits de Lacan, Dolto et Bettelheim ainsi que de la pratique actuelle, nous répondrons à ceux qui prétendent que la psychanalyse a évolué, que tel n’est pas nécessairement le cas. Enfin, nous mettons en évidence que la tentative des psychanalystes de récupérer le courant de la neuropsychologie à leur profit ne tient pas la route.


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Laser-induced photoelectric and photoemission optogalvanic effects in a Ne-Nd hollow cathode discharge have been studied using a continuous wave laser source. The potential barrier for photoinduced electron emission from the cathode decreases as the applied voltage is increased. Owing to secondary electron emission in the plasma, the photocurrent is greater than that without discharge. The multiplication of secondary electrons and the quantum efficiency are also investigated.


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We report the experimental observation of subcritical Hopf bifurcation and the existence of non-oscillating “windows” in the dynamics of a Ne-Nd hollow cathode discharge current as the control parameter.


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Zinc ferrite belongs to the class of normal spinels where it is assumed to have a cation distribution of Zn2`(Fe3`)2(O2~)4, and it is purported to be showing zero net magnetisation. However, there have been recent reports suggesting that zinc ferrite exhibits anomaly in its magnetisation. Zinc ferrite samples have been prepared by two di¤erent routes and have been analysed using low energy ion scattering, Mo¬ ssbauer spectroscopy and magnetic measurements. The results indicate that zinc occupies octahedral sites, contrary to the earlier belief that zinc occupies only the tetrahedral sites in a normal spinel. The amount of zinc on the B site increases with decrease in particle size. The LEIS results together with the Mo¬ ssbauer results and the magnetic measurements lead to the conclusion that zinc occupies the B site and the magnetisation exhibited by ultraÞne particles of zinc is due to short range ordering


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The photoionization of the Ne 2s-electrons was studied from threshold to 1 eV above threshold. The technique of photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy was applied. Pronounced structures were observed resulting from autoionization of doubly excited atomic states. A threshold cross section of 0.17 Mb was determined.


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Cross sections for double photoionization of the Ne L shell into the 2s2p{^5 3}P^0} and ^1P^0 and the 2s^02p^6 ^1S^e states were measured for energies from threshold up to 150 eV, using photon induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Both 2s2p^5 channels were observed with comparable magnitude in contradiction to a propensity rule based on the Wannier-Peterkop-Rau theory. A comparison of the summed ^3P^0 and ^1P^0 cross sections with MBPT calculations results in a deviation of 50%.


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The influence of the occupation of the single particle levels on the impact parameter dependent K - K charge transfer occuring in collisions of 90 keV Ne{^9+} on Ne was studied using coupled channel calculations. The energy eigenvalues and matrixelements for the single particle levels were taken from ab initio self consistent MO-LCAO-DIRAC-FOCK-SLATER calculations with occupation numbers corresponding to the single particle amplitudes given by the coupled channel calculations.


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KLL-Auger transitions of the three electron system in Ne have been recorded in a coincidence experiment frec of contaminants from other systems. Energies as well as intensities are compared with calculated values.


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To describe the time dependence of an atomic collision system the Dirac equation usually is rewritten in a coupled channel equation. We first discuss part of the approximation used in this approach and the connection of the many particle with the one particle interpretation. The coupled channel equations are solved for the system F{^8+} - Ne using static selfconsistent many electron Dirac-Fock-Slater wavefunctions as basis. The resulting P(b) curves for the creation of a Ne K-hole are in reasonable agreement with the experimental results.


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Resumen tomado de la revista


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Se presentan las aplicaciones educativas que puede ofrecer un parque. A partir del estudio del Parque Güell y el Laberinto de Horta se pueden realizar actividades en el aula que sirvan como ejemplo para el uso de otros entornos urbanos.