966 resultados para Plasma physics, PIC, Ion Acceleration, TNSA


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Renormalized fixed-point Hamiltonians are formulated for systems described by interactions that originally contain point-like singularities (as the Dirac-delta and/or its derivatives). They express the renormalization group invariance of quantum mechanics. The present approach for the renormalization scheme relies on a subtracted T-matrix equation.


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We discuss the role of dissipation in the explosive spinodal decomposition scenario of hadron production during the chiral transition after a high-energy heavy ion collision. We use a Langevin description inspired by microscopic nonequilibrium field theory results to perform real-time lattice simulations of the behavior of the chiral fields. We show that the effect of dissipation can be dramatic. Analytic results for the short-time dynamics are also presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the sensitivity of the heavy ion mode of the LHC to Higgs boson and Radion production via photon-photon fusion through the analysis of the processes gammagamma --> gammagamma, gammagamma --> b (b) over bar, and gammagamma --> gg in peripheral heavy ion collisions. We suggest cuts to improve the Higgs and Radion signal over standard model background ratio and determine the capability of LHC to detect these particles production. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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By incorporating the holographic principle in a time-depending Lambda-term cosmology, new physical bounds on the arbitrary parameters of the model can be obtained. Considering then the dark energy as a purely geometric entity, for which no equation of state has to be introduced, it is shown that the resulting range of allowed values for the parameters may explain both the coincidence problem and the universe accelerated expansion, without resorting to any kind of additional structures. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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CMS is a general purpose experiment, designed to study the physics of pp collisions at 14 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider ( LHC). It currently involves more than 2000 physicists from more than 150 institutes and 37 countries. The LHC will provide extraordinary opportunities for particle physics based on its unprecedented collision energy and luminosity when it begins operation in 2007. The principal aim of this report is to present the strategy of CMS to explore the rich physics programme offered by the LHC. This volume demonstrates the physics capability of the CMS experiment. The prime goals of CMS are to explore physics at the TeV scale and to study the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking - through the discovery of the Higgs particle or otherwise. To carry out this task, CMS must be prepared to search for new particles, such as the Higgs boson or supersymmetric partners of the Standard Model particles, from the start- up of the LHC since new physics at the TeV scale may manifest itself with modest data samples of the order of a few fb(-1) or less. The analysis tools that have been developed are applied to study in great detail and with all the methodology of performing an analysis on CMS data specific benchmark processes upon which to gauge the performance of CMS. These processes cover several Higgs boson decay channels, the production and decay of new particles such as Z' and supersymmetric particles, B-s production and processes in heavy ion collisions. The simulation of these benchmark processes includes subtle effects such as possible detector miscalibration and misalignment. Besides these benchmark processes, the physics reach of CMS is studied for a large number of signatures arising in the Standard Model and also in theories beyond the Standard Model for integrated luminosities ranging from 1 fb(-1) to 30 fb(-1). The Standard Model processes include QCD, B-physics, diffraction, detailed studies of the top quark properties, and electroweak physics topics such as the W and Z(0) boson properties. The production and decay of the Higgs particle is studied for many observable decays, and the precision with which the Higgs boson properties can be derived is determined. About ten different supersymmetry benchmark points are analysed using full simulation. The CMS discovery reach is evaluated in the SUSY parameter space covering a large variety of decay signatures. Furthermore, the discovery reach for a plethora of alternative models for new physics is explored, notably extra dimensions, new vector boson high mass states, little Higgs models, technicolour and others. Methods to discriminate between models have been investigated. This report is organized as follows. Chapter 1, the Introduction, describes the context of this document. Chapters 2-6 describe examples of full analyses, with photons, electrons, muons, jets, missing E-T, B-mesons and tau's, and for quarkonia in heavy ion collisions. Chapters 7-15 describe the physics reach for Standard Model processes, Higgs discovery and searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We investigate the sensitivity of the heavy ion mode of the LHC to Higgs boson and Radion production via photon-photon fusion through the analysis of the processes gg -> gg, gg ->, and gg ® ggin peripheral heavy ion collisions. We suggest cuts to improve the Higgs and Radion signal over standard model background ratio and determine the capability of LHC to detect these particles production.


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The unlimited energy growth ( Fermi acceleration) of a classical particle moving in a billiard with a parameter-dependent boundary oscillating in time is numerically studied. The shape of the boundary is controlled by a parameter and the billiard can change from a focusing one to a billiard with dispersing pieces of the boundary. The complete and simplified versions of the model are considered in the investigation of the conjecture that Fermi acceleration will appear in the time-dependent case when the dynamics is chaotic for the static boundary. Although this conjecture holds for the simplified version, we have not found evidence of Fermi acceleration for the complete model with a breathing boundary. When the breathing symmetry is broken, Fermi acceleration appears in the complete model.


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A simplified version of a time-dependent annular billiard is studied. The dynamics is described using nonlinear maps and we consider two different configurations for the billiard, namely (i) concentric and (ii) eccentric cases. For the concentric case and for a null angular momentum, we confirm that the results for the Fermi-Ulam model are recovered and the particle does not experience the phenomenon of Fermi acceleration. However, on the eccentric case the particle demonstrates unlimited energy gain and Fermi acceleration is therefore observed.


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The phenomenon of Fermi acceleration is addressed for a dissipative bouncing ball model with external stochastic perturbation. It is shown that the introduction of energy dissipation (inelastic collisions of the particle with the moving wall) is a sufficient condition to break down the process of Fermi acceleration. The phase transition from bounded to unbounded energy growth in the limit of vanishing dissipation is characterized.


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Some dynamical properties for a dissipative time-dependent oval-shaped billiard are studied. The system is described in terms of a four-dimensional nonlinear mapping. Dissipation is introduced via inelastic collisions of the particle with the boundary, thus implying that the particle has a fractional loss of energy upon collision. The dissipation causes profound modifications in the dynamics of the particle as well as in the phase space of the non-dissipative system. In particular, inelastic collisions can be assumed as an efficient mechanism to suppress Fermi acceleration of the particle. The dissipation also creates attractors in the system, including chaotic. We show that a slightly modification of the intensity of the damping coefficient yields a drastic and sudden destruction of the chaotic attractor, thus leading the system to experience a boundary crisis. We have characterized such a boundary crisis via a collision of the chaotic attractor with its own basin of attraction and confirmed that inelastic collisions do indeed suppress Fermi acceleration in two-dimensional time-dependent billiards. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Some dynamical properties of a bouncing ball model under the presence of an external force modelled by two nonlinear terms are studied. The description of the model is made by the use of a two-dimensional nonlinear measure-preserving map on the variable's velocity of the particle and time. We show that raising the straight of a control parameter which controls one of the nonlinearities, the positive Lyapunov exponent decreases in the average and suffers abrupt changes. We also show that for a specific range of control parameters, the model exhibits the phenomenon of Fermi acceleration. The explanation of both behaviours is given in terms of the shape of the external force and due to a discontinuity of the moving wall's velocity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A new class of accelerating, exact, explicit and simple solutions of relativistic hydrodynamics is presented. Since these new solutions yield a finite rapidity distribution, they lead to an advanced estimate of the initial energy density and life-time of high energy heavy ion collisions. Accelerating solutions are also given for spherical expansions in arbitrary number of spatial dimensions.