658 resultados para Planejament urbà -- Suècia -- Göteborg
a arquitetura e o urbanismo não tinham como escapar da avassaladora mediação tecnológica nos processos produtivos e nas interações humanas, numa evolução que vem desde a automação parcial da tecelagem no século XVIII até as sofisticadas próteses biomédicas atuais fabricadas com 3D Printing. A mediação digital para processos de tomada de decisão na forma de democracia digital nos campos onde a espacialidade e o imaginário cidadão jogam um papel decisivo (arquitetura, urbanismo, promoção imobiliária, videogames, filmes e animações interativas) vem abrindo umas possibilidades ainda pouco exploradas. Este artigo propõe uma aproximação a este campo de forças digitais a partir do trabalho pioneiro do escritório holandês BBVH
We discuss two different approaches to overcome the power limitations of CW THz generation imposed to conventional photomixers. The increase in power achievable by using arrays of AEs is studied. Then ?large area emitters? are proposed as an alternate approach to overcome the power limitations. In this antenna-free new scheme of photomixing, the THz radiation originates directly from the acceleration of photo-induced charge carriers generated within a large semiconductor area. The quasi-continuous distribution of emitting elements corresponds to a high-density array and results in particularly favorable radiation profiles.
Using CMOS transistors for terahertz detection is currently a disruptive technology that offers the direct integration of a terahertz detector with video preamplifiers. The detectors are based on the resistive mixer concept and performance mainly depends on the following parameters: type of antenna, electrical parameters (gate to drain capacitor and channel length of the CMOS device) and foundry. Two different 300 GHz detectors are discussed: a single transistor detector with a broadband antenna and a differential pair driven by a resonant patch antenna.
La existencia de sistemas y teorías que preten den establecer un método objetivo y transferible defienden una postura "científica" en la respuesta arquitectónica sin emplear elementos arbitrarios ni intuitivos propios de ?lo artístico-simbólico?. Estas teorías defienden el uso de distintos repertorios, unas veces analizando los patrones históricos inmanentes a la arquitectura en su dimensión espacio-temporal, otros recurren a la pura combinatoria aritmética de distintas soluciones a un mismo problema.
Estudo do processo comunicacional e o registro de fragmentos de memória do pequeno agricultor na localidade de Ribeirão Grande, região do Vale do Paranapanema, Estado de São Paulo. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivos mostrar a realidade do pequeno agricultor; investigar sobre os processos comunicacionais que influenciam na preservação dos valores ou na perda deles, conhecer a opinião dos pequenos agricultores e moradores do município de Ribeirão Grande no Estado de São Paulo, sobre sua realidade, sua comunicação, seu modelo de vida e de produção, entender como se produz a comunicação no dia a dia do pequeno agricultor, e se há uma relação de proximidade com o jornal regional, sobre a existência ou não de um meio de comunicação que trabalhe os sentimentos de pertencimento e os interesses da ―comunidade‖. A metodologia deste trabalho incorpora a pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e o estudo do caso de um jornal regional local, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os lavradores. Conclui-se que o pequeno lavrador e seu estilo de vida na região tratada não possui perscpectiva de futuro, imersos nas circunstancias que se encontram
Inclui notas explicativas, bibliográficas e bibliografia
Estudo comparado sobre o tratamento dado ao controle da constitucionalidade no Direito dos Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Portugal, Áustria, Alemanha, Brasil, Canadá, Japão, Noruega, Dinamarca, Suécia e Suíça
Inclui tabela com dados das eleições para a Câmara dos Deputados de 1990, por partido político.
Rab11 is a small GTP-binding protein that in cultured mammalian cells has been shown to be concentrated in the pericentriolar endosomal recycling compartment and to play a key role in passage of the recycling transferrin receptor through that compartment [Ullrich, O., Reinsch, S., Urbé, S., Zerial, M. & Parton, R. G. (1996) J. Cell Biol. 135, 913–924]. To obtain insights into the site(s) of action of rab11 within the recycling pathway, we have now compared the effects on recycling at 37°C of overexpression of wild-type rab11 and various mutant forms of this protein in cells that had been loaded with transferrin at either 37°C or 16°C. We show that incubation at 16°C blocks passage of endocytosed transferrin into the recycling compartment and that, whereas the rab11 dominant negative mutant form (S25N) inhibits transferrin recycling after interiorization at either temperature, the wild-type rab11 and constitutively active mutant (Q70L) have no inhibitory effect on the recycling of molecules that were interiorized at 16°C. This differential inhibitory effect shows that two distinct pathways for recycling are followed by the bulk of the transferrin molecules interiorized at the two different temperatures. The incapacity of the constitutively active form of rab11 (Q70L) to inhibit recycling of molecules interiorized at 16°C is consistent with their recycling taking place directly from sorting endosomes, in a process that does not require hydrolysis of GTP on rab11. The fact that the dominant negative (S25N) form of rab11 inhibits recycling of molecules interiorized at both temperatures indicates that activation of rab11 by GTP is required for exit of transferrin from sorting endosomes, regardless of whether this exit is toward the recycling compartment or directly to the plasma membrane.
Homotypic fusion of immature secretory granules (ISGs) gives rise to mature secretory granules (MSGs), the storage compartment in endocrine and neuroendocrine cells for hormones and neuropeptides. With the use of a cell-free fusion assay, we investigated which soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment receptor (SNARE) molecules are involved in the homotypic fusion of ISGs. Interestingly, the SNARE molecules mediating the exocytosis of MSGs in neuroendocrine cells, syntaxin 1, SNAP-25, and VAMP2, were not involved in homotypic ISG fusion. Instead, we have identified syntaxin 6 as a component of the core machinery responsible for homotypic ISG fusion. Subcellular fractionation studies and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy show that syntaxin 6 is sorted away during the maturation of ISGs to MSGs. Although, syntaxin 6 on ISG membranes is associated with SNAP-25 and SNAP-29/GS32, we could not find evidence that these target (t)-SNARE molecules are involved in homotypic ISG fusion. Nor could we find any involvement for the vesicle (v)-SNARE VAMP4, which is known to be associated with syntaxin 6. Importantly, we have shown that homotypic fusion requires the function of syntaxin 6 on both donor as well as acceptor membranes, which suggests that t–t-SNARE interactions, either direct or indirect, may be required during fusion of ISG membranes.