990 resultados para Peltonen, Emil
Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors uppfattningar av lidande hos patienter med psykossjukdom. Metod: Fenomenografisk ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultat: Analysen av det insamlade materialet visade att sjuksköterskorna i studien uppfattade lidande hos patienter med psykossjukdom på tre kvalitativt skilda sätt. Med synen observerade sjuksköterskorna patientens fysiska förändringar, förändringar i aktivitet och självdestruktiva handlingar. Genom hörseln uppfattade sjuksköterskan hur patienten talar, ber om hjälp eller ger uttryck för att inte förstå sin sjukdom. Med sitt luktsinne uppfattade sjuksköterskorna att patienten hade slutat sköta sin hygien. Konklusion: En psykossjukdom kan medföra lidande för en patient, samtidigt som förmågan att kommunicera och uttrycka sig verbalt kan vara nedsatt till följd av psykosens symtom, vilket kan leda till svårigheter för patienten att förmedla lidande på ett sätt som kan förstås av sjuksköterskan. Det finns skäl att anta att lidande, när det inte kan förmedlas med ord, tar andra skepnader och uttryck, som kan uppfattas genom att sjuksköterskan är uppmärksam på synbara, hörbara och luktbara förändringar hos patienten, genom dessa förändringar kan sjuksköterskan identifiera och få en uppfattning om patientens lidande.
Det problemområde som denna kandidatuppsats behandlar är fasens påverkan vid inspelning och post-produktion utav akustiska trummor. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att bidra till kunskapsläget inom det ljudtekniska forskningsområdet med praktisk tillämpbar kunskap om fasen som fenomen och dess påverkan vid inspelning och post-produktion utav akustiska trummor. Vidare så ämnar även uppsatsen att problematisera det till synes invanda tankemönstert hos många ljudproducenter och ljudtekniker att fasens påverkan är minimal. En konkretisering utav syftet ledde till följande forskningsfrågor: 1.Hur påverkar fasen ljudet då en beståndsdel i trumsetet är inspelat med fleramikrofoner på nära avstånd? 2.Hur påverkar fasrelationen mellan rumsmikrofoner/överhäng ochnärmikrofoner ljudet? För att finna svar på dessa forskningsfrågor genomfördes ett experiment. Inför detta experiment samlades empiri i form utav inspelade trumspår in. Sedan manipulerades fasförhållandena i efterhand och de effekter som fasen hade på ljudet dokumenterades. Ur det resultat som framställdes utav det genomförda experimentet kan man urskilja flera mönster gällande fasens påverkan vid inspelning och post-produktion utav trummor. Vad detta resultat innebär rent praktiskt för ljud- och musikproducenter är ett underlag för utveckling utav metoder för att uppnå eftersträvade ljudegenskaper i sina produkioner.
Throughout the industrial processes of sheet metal manufacturing and refining, shear cutting is widely used for its speed and cost advantages over competing cutting methods. Industrial shears may include some force measurement possibilities, but the force is most likely influenced by friction losses between shear tool and the point of measurement, and are in general not showing the actual force applied to the sheet. Well defined shears and accurate measurements of force and shear tool position are important for understanding the influence of shear parameters. Accurate experimental data are also necessary for calibration of numerical shear models. Here, a dedicated laboratory set-up with well defined geometry and movement in the shear, and high measurability in terms of force and geometry is designed, built and verified. Parameters important to the shear process are studied with perturbation analysis techniques and requirements on input parameter accuracy are formulated to meet experimental output demands. Input parameters in shearing are mostly geometric parameters, but also material properties and contact conditions. Based on the accuracy requirements, a symmetric experiment with internal balancing of forces is constructed to avoid guides and corresponding friction losses. Finally, the experimental procedure is validated through shearing of a medium grade steel. With the obtained experimental set-up performance, force changes as result of changes in studied input parameters are distinguishable down to a level of 1%.
Information Paper, No 23
A ideia do presente trabalho partiu do estudo dos contos (mais precisamente dois deles: “Miss Doris” e “Mentiras e Verdades no Mesmo Chão”) de Maria Lúcia Medeiros, escritora paraense. Partimos da premissa de que Maria Lúcia é contista de uma época em que os traços que caracterizam os gêneros literários venceram limites e regras: seus contos são textos multifacetados, escritos em uma espécie de prosa lírica ou, ainda, prosa lírico-dramática. Pretende-se, então, neste trabalho, fazer primeiramente um histórico dos gêneros literários, estudando sua evolução enquanto conceito teórico desde os primeiros estudos dos textos literários – desde Platão, Aristóteles, Horácio, Victor Hugo – até os do contexto histórico contemporâneo – como Käte Hamburger, Northrop Frye, Emil Staiger. Abordaremos, ainda, que papel os gêneros possuem em um estudo de contos (não tradicionais) como os de Maria Lúcia Medeiros. Levantamos, então, algumas questões relevantes que nortearam o trabalho: o que se entende por hibridismo de gêneros literários? São os contos de Maria Lúcia Medeiros híbridos? De que modo acontece esse hibridismo? O que é o conto? Como se constroem os contos de Maria Lúcia? Partimos, então, da premissa de que os contos da escritora paraense são híbridos, pois possuem características genéricas diversas, além de dialogarem com outras obras literárias e com outras artes. Faremos, então, a leitura de dois contos de Maria Lúcia – além de pequenas leituras dos contos de três de suas coletâneas (Zeus ou a menina e os óculos, Velas. Por quem? e Céu Caótico) –, “Miss Doris” e “Mentiras e Verdades no Mesmo Chão”, mostrando justamente esse hibridismo e esse diálogo. Vale ressaltar que, apesar de permear a teoria da literatura há muitas décadas, o assunto em questão, os gêneros, não pode ser considerado concluído. Por ainda haver muita discussão acerca do tema, faz-se pertinente desenvolver um estudo sobre eles, na obra de uma escritora paraense de valor inestimável: Maria Lúcia Medeiros.
O estudo teve por objetivo incluir Stenocercus dumerilii (Steindachner, 1867) no contexto dos estudos filogenéticos recentes realizados com Tropidurinae*. Apresenta-se uma descrição da escutelação, crânio, cintura escapular, esqueleto abdominal e hemipênis, com ênfase nos caracteres utilizados na literatura em análises filogenéticas envolvendo o gênero Stenocercus. O estudo baseou-se em 65 exemplares fixados, dois exemplares diafanizados e dois hemipénis evertidos. Constatou-se que S. dumerilii apresenta as características utilizadas para definir o gênero Stenocercus, dentro de sua definição atual, assim como os táxons hierarquicamente superiores que o incluem. Algumas diferenças observadas são um único par de costelas xifisternais, cauda deprimida, escamas pós-supraciliares projetadas em forma de "chifre" (também presente em S. tricristatus) e escamas parietais, pós-parietais e occipitais aumentadas, em seqüência longitudinal. Ao contrário do que tem sido considerado anteriormente, a espécie não apresenta grande parte das características do denominado "grupo Opkyoessoides". As principais características de S. dumerilii que o separam deste grupo são o arranjo das escamas supraoculares e posteriores da cabeça e a distância entre os pares de costelas pós-xifisternais. Conclui-se que S. dumerilii se enquadra bem nos Tropidurinae* e no gênero Stenocercus, mas não faz parte do chamado "grupo Ophryoessoides".
Este trabalho estabelece um diálogo entre o poema “O Nativo de Câncer”, do paraense Ruy Paranatinga Barata, e o conceito de transculturação de Angel Rama. A Análise será a estilística proposta por Carlos Reis (1976), segundo a qual tanto os aspectos formais lingüísticos quanto a transgressão deles no texto contribuem para seu significado, dialogando inclusive com o contexto. O poema será abordado sob o pressuposto de ser ele uma epopéia moderna da Amazônia, na qual lírico e épico se amalgamam, conforme Emil Staiger (1977) relaciona-se à idéia de modernidade, segundo Baudelaire. Assim, apresentaremos o poema e seu contexto histórico-literário relacionando sua forma e conteúdo poéticos aos conceitos de transculturação, modernidade, epopéia, mediação, autonomia e engajamento. Veremos que na sua estrutura os elementos externos, como sociedade, história e biografia se tornam internos, principalmente pelo recurso da imagem, passando a integrar a estrutura do texto, conforme postula Antonio Candido (2006).
Malocclusion class II-1, is represented by a high prevalence in Brazil, being something common in orthodontic practice. One of the main characteristics of this malocclusion is jaw retrusion, by what many devices of jaw advance are presented in the literature. Being one of them Herbst's device, which is a functional and fixed device created by Emil Herbst (1905) and updated by Hans Pancherz in the decade of 80s.This device is characterized by keeping the jaw advance in a continuous way, while presenting a less active treatment, leading to an immediate aesthetic impact, and the patient cooperation is not required. To improve the anchoring and prevent the collapse of the apparatus was set up last amended version of it by Dr Raveli quoted as Herbst splint. Recent research indicates the use of this device after the peak pubertal growth, creating an appropriate response condylar. The aim of this work is to show the orthodontist a choice of how to use the splint Herbst in Class malocclusions II-1.
Class II malocclusion features a high prevalence in Brazil, being considered as a routine in orthodontic clinics. A number of appliances are shown in the literature in order to correct Class II malocclusion with mandibular retrusion. Herbst´s fixed functional appliance, idealized by Emil Herbst (1905) and reintroduced, in the 1980´s, by Hans Pancherz is highlighted for maintaining the mandible continuously advanced, showing a shorter active treament time, an immediate esthetic impact on the facial profile, as well as requiring no patient´s commitment. Recent researches indicate the use of this appliance in individuals after pubertal growth surge. The aim of the present study is to show the orthodontics practitioner the option to use this appliance so as to treat Class II in individuals after the growth surge, obtaining satisfactory outcomes and further Class II correction.
There are regulations that establish conditions and enable the design of armor columns. The NBR 6118 features statements relating to the transverse reinforcement as spacing, reinforcement diameters provision in structural elements and others. However, the norm in force does not provide an explicit methodology for the design of stirrups in different situations. We do not propose even a calculation model for this equipment and provides normative considerations for maximum or minimum values of spacings and armor in diameter. It is noteworthy that the classical references also do not provide a calculation routine sizing of transverse reinforcement and only makes the checks as the normative conditions for the given data. Based on this assumption and the problems that may occur in sizing error, both for spacing and for the proposal of the stirrup diameter, this study demonstrates that armor calculation method already established in the literature and then through an intuitive tool and available develops a spreadsheet based on this calculation routine. It takes as reference the one developed by Emil Moersch (1902) and the calculation model proposed by BUFFONI E SILVA (2006). Finally the paper presents a rational design of shear reinforcement and confronts these values with some numerical examples to show its truth
John Holling, a 1912 graduate of the University of Nebraska who died in 1988, established the "Peter and Anna Holling Fund" in 1973 with his sisters, Hattie and Elvena Holling, the only other surviving children at the time. Their siblings, Gustave, Emil, and Rose also had contributed to the estate. The Hollings were a pioneer farm family of German-Danish descent. Peter Holling settled in the Grand lsland area in the 1870s after missing a westbound Union Pacific work-train that he had originally boarded in Iowa.
There are regulations that establish conditions and enable the design of armor columns. The NBR 6118 features statements relating to the transverse reinforcement as spacing, reinforcement diameters provision in structural elements and others. However, the norm in force does not provide an explicit methodology for the design of stirrups in different situations. We do not propose even a calculation model for this equipment and provides normative considerations for maximum or minimum values of spacings and armor in diameter. It is noteworthy that the classical references also do not provide a calculation routine sizing of transverse reinforcement and only makes the checks as the normative conditions for the given data. Based on this assumption and the problems that may occur in sizing error, both for spacing and for the proposal of the stirrup diameter, this study demonstrates that armor calculation method already established in the literature and then through an intuitive tool and available develops a spreadsheet based on this calculation routine. It takes as reference the one developed by Emil Moersch (1902) and the calculation model proposed by BUFFONI E SILVA (2006). Finally the paper presents a rational design of shear reinforcement and confronts these values with some numerical examples to show its truth
Purpose: There is no consensus on the optimal method to measure delivered dialysis dose in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). The use of direct dialysate-side quantification of dose in preference to the use of formal blood-based urea kinetic modeling and simplified blood urea nitrogen (BUN) methods has been recommended for dose assessment in critically-ill patients with AKI. We evaluate six different blood-side and dialysate-side methods for dose quantification. Methods: We examined data from 52 critically-ill patients with AKI requiring dialysis. All patients were treated with pre-dilution CWHDF and regional citrate anticoagulation. Delivered dose was calculated using blood-side and dialysis-side kinetics. Filter function was assessed during the entire course of therapy by calculating BUN to dialysis fluid urea nitrogen (FUN) ratios q/12 hours. Results: Median daily treatment time was 1,413 min (1,260-1,440). The median observed effluent volume per treatment was 2,355 mL/h (2,060-2,863) (p<0.001). Urea mass removal rate was 13.0 +/- 7.6 mg/min. Both EKR (r(2)=0.250; p<0.001) and K-D (r(2)=0.409; p<0.001) showed a good correlation with actual solute removal. EKR and K-D presented a decline in their values that was related to the decrease in filter function assessed by the FUN/BUN ratio. Conclusions: Effluent rate (ml/kg/h) can only empirically provide an estimated of dose in CRRT. For clinical practice, we recommend that the delivered dose should be measured and expressed as K-D. EKR also constitutes a good method for dose comparisons over time and across modalities.
Abstract Background Many important toxins and antibiotics are produced by non-ribosomal biosynthetic pathways. Microcystins are a chemically diverse family of potent peptide toxins and the end-products of a hybrid NRPS and PKS secondary metabolic pathway. They are produced by a variety of cyanobacteria and are responsible for the poisoning of humans as well as the deaths of wild and domestic animals around the world. The chemical diversity of the microcystin family is attributed to a number of genetic events that have resulted in the diversification of the pathway for microcystin assembly. Results Here, we show that independent evolutionary events affecting the substrate specificity of the microcystin biosynthetic pathway have resulted in convergence on a rare [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR chemical variant. We detected this rare microcystin variant from strains of the distantly related genera Microcystis, Nostoc, and Phormidium. Phylogenetic analysis performed using sequences of the catalytic domains within the mcy gene cluster demonstrated a clear recombination pattern in the adenylation domain phylogenetic tree. We found evidence for conversion of the gene encoding the McyA2 adenylation domain in strains of the genera Nostoc and Phormidium. However, point mutations affecting the substrate-binding sequence motifs of the McyA2 adenylation domain were associated with the change in substrate specificity in two strains of Microcystis. In addition to the main [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR variant, these two strains produced a new microcystin that was identified as [Met1] microcystin-LR. Conclusions Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that both point mutations and gene conversion result in functional mcy gene clusters that produce the same rare [D-Leu1] variant of microcystin in strains of the genera Microcystis, Nostoc, and Phormidium. Engineering pathways to produce recombinant non-ribosomal peptides could provide new natural products or increase the activity of known compounds. Our results suggest that the replacement of entire adenylation domains could be a more successful strategy to obtain higher specificity in the modification of the non-ribosomal peptides than point mutations.