934 resultados para Particularly and concrete administrative act
Els continguts de la memòria es divideixen en dues parts fonamentals, precedides d’una breu explicació on s’introdueix al lector en el tema; primer s’exposen les bases d’un ressonador simple FBAR, d’on s’obtenen equacions de control vitals, i seguidament es plantegen les bases per a un ressonador apilat SCR, derivades de l’estudi previ d’un ressonador simple. La primera part fonamental del treball es centra en l’anàlisi d’un ressonador SCR. Aquest anàlisi es recolza sobre el punt de vista teòric dels paràmetres imatge, el nostre punt de sortida. Aquesta primera part és la més teòrica: obtenció i aplicació dels paràmetres imatge i obtenció dels elements discrets que conformen el circuit equivalent SCR, una xarxa de dos ports. Posteriorment, s’analitza què succeeix modificant els valors dels elements discrets sense variar determinats paràmetres imatge i finalment, es proposa una aproximació per a controlar determinades especificacions de disseny, com són l’ample de banda de transmissió de la xarxa i el factor de qualitat, en funció de les modificacions dels elements discrets. En la segona part s’analitzen, de forma qualitativa, xarxes compostes per diferents ressonadors apilats connectats en cascada. Aquest segon estudi es divideix en dues subparts. En la primera connectem N ressonadors idèntics, plantegem algunes equacions de control i analitzem les respostes. En la segona, es planteja la connexió de dos (N=2) ressonadors diferents amb freqüències de ressonància properes. Aquest segon anàlisi es també totalment qualitatiu, però ens aporta informació que amb la unió de N ressonadors iguals no aconseguíem. Finalitzant aquesta segona part, es planteja l’optimització dels resultats obtinguts per a N=2, mitjançant estructures N=3 ressonadors.
This position paper considers the devolution of further fiscal powers to the Scottish Parliament in the context of the objectives and remit of the Smith Commission. The argument builds on our discussion of fiscal decentralization made in our previous published work on this topic. We ask what sort of budget constraint the Scottish Parliament should operate with. A soft budget constraint (SBC) allows the Scottish Parliament to spend without having to consider all of the tax and, therefore, political consequences, of that spending, which is effectively the position at the moment. The incentives to promote economic growth through fiscal policy – on both the tax and spending sides are weak to non-existent. This is what the Scotland Act, 1998, and the continuing use of the Barnett block grant, gave Scotland. Now other budget constraints are being discussed – those of the Calman Commission (2009) and the Scotland Act (2012), as well as the ones offered in 2014 by the various political parties – Scottish Conservatives, Scottish Greens, Scottish Labour, the Scottish Liberal Democrats and the Scottish Government. There is also the budget constraint designed by the Holtham Commission (2010) for Wales that could just as well be used in Scotland. We examine to what extent these offer the hard budget constraint (HBC) that would bring tax policy firmly into the realm of Scottish politics, asking the Scottish electorate and Parliament to consider the costs to them of increasing spending in terms of higher taxes; or the benefits to them of using public spending to grow the tax base and own-sourced taxes? The hardest budget constraint of all is offered by independence but, as is now known, a clear majority of those who voted in the referendum did not vote for this form of budget constraint. Rather they voted for a significant further devolution of fiscal powers while remaining within a political and monetary union with the rest of the UK, with the risk pooling and revenue sharing that this implies. It is not surprising therefore that none of the budget constraints on offer, apart from the SNP’s, come close to the HBC of independence. However, the almost 25% fall in the price of oil since the referendum, a resource stream so central to the SNP’s economic policy making, underscores why there is a need for a trade off between a HBC and risk pooling and revenue sharing. Ranked according to the desirable characteristic of offering something approaching a HBC the least desirable are those of the Calman Commission, the Scotland Act, 2012, and Scottish Labour. In all of these the ‘elasticity’ of the block grant in the face of failure to grow the Scottish tax base is either not defined or is very elastic – meaning that the risk of failure is shuffled off to taxpayers outside of Scotland. The degree of HBC in the Scottish Conservative, Scottish Greens and Scottish Liberal Democrats proposals are much more desirable from an economic growth point of view, the latter even embracing the HBC proposed by the Holtham Commission that combines serious tax policy with welfare support in the long-run. We judge that the budget constraint in the SNP’s proposals is too hard as it does not allow for continuation of the ‘welfare union’ in the UK. We also consider that in the case of a generalized UK economic slow requiring a fiscal stimulus that the Scottish Parliament be allowed increased borrowing to be repaid in the next economic upturn.
El projecte ha tingut com a finalitat cobrir un buit en la formació dels estudiants pel que respecta a les seves limitacions en l’aprenentatge de les diferents estratègies i metodologies de treball. Aquest buit ens ha fet pensar en l’elaboració d’un sistema didàctic que possibiliti una comunicació fluida amb l’alumne i que pugui anar més enllà de l’àmbit específic de les aules. Es per això que la nostra proposta té com a referent un aprofitament més racional del temps de treball de l’estudiant. Per tal d’arribar a aquesta finalitat ens hem plantejat un grup d’objectius concrets ordenats segons els dos nivells d’assoliment següents: Nivell 1: - Definir un material didàctic que pugui transmetre de la manera més objectiva possible les eines necessàries per tal que l’alumne resolgui un conjunt de problemes concrets. - Proporcionar a l’estudiant un procediment didàctic basat en un grup de tasques amb un material de suport on ha de posar a prova l’aplicabilitat dels conceptes donats a les classes teòriques. - Partir d’un sistema que permeti a l’alumne tenir una referència constant de recolzament teòric fora de les aules quan està resolent les pràctiques assignades en el curs. - Definir unes característiques funcionals del material utilitzat en l’activitat pràctica de tal manera que sigui un instrument efectiu per al control del propi estudiant sobre el seu procés d’avaluació. Nivell 2: - Fer servir una metodologia d’activitats pràctiques on es puguin accentuar les capacitats de resposta creativa individual de l’estudiant. - Plantejar l’intercanvi d’experiències i propostes d’estratègies per a la resolució dels temes pràctics mitjançant sessions de seminaris prèvies a les pràctiques. - Promoure unes relacions transversals amb altres àrees de coneixement de tal manera que l’alumne pugui vincular la seva resposta a les activitats pràctiques proposades per altres assignatures, amb els coneixements adquirits a la nostra assignatura.
The literature on local services has focused on the effects of privatization and, if anything, has compared the effects of private and mixed public-private systems versus public provision. However, alternative forms of provision such as cooperatives, which can be very prevalent in many developing countries, have been completely ignored. In this paper, we investigate the effects of communal water provison (Comités Vecinales and Juntas Administrativas de Servicios de Saneamiento) on child health in Peru. Using detailed survey data at the household- and child-level for the years 2006-2010, we exploit the cross-section variability to assess the differential impact of this form of provision. Despite controlling for a wide range of household and local characteristics, the municipalities served by communal organizations are more likely to have poorer health indicators, what would result in a downward bias on the absolute magnitude of the effect of cooperatives. We rely on an instrumental variable strategy to deal with this potential endogeneity problem, and use the personnel resources and the administrative urban/rural classi fication of the municipalities as instruments for the provision type. The results show a negative and signi cant effect of comunal water provision on diarrhea among under- five year old children. Keywords: water utilities, cooperatives, child health, regulation, Peru. JEL Classi fication Numbers: L33; L50; L95
he Food Focus Community Food Initiative promotes healthy eating through a variety of co-ordinated, strategic activities that offer people a way to engage in a positive approach to food. It is creating one community, one message about healthy eating and ensure the ability to achieve a healthy diet through building a variety of sustainable, engaging food activities. Food Focus is a set of community based structures dedicated to addressing the risk and instances of food poverty in the Knocknaheeny area and intends to act as a model for similar work across other RAPID/Health Area Zone areas on the North side of Cork. It offers participants the chance to grow their own food, sign up to the food charter, learn about budgeting and planning or volunteer. The Community Food Charter was developed by local people and other stakeholders supported by the Community Dietician and will reflect the kind of food experiences they want for themselves, their families, within projects and public outlets. They are currently developing a large community garden in Knocknaheeny. Contact Person Katherine Harford Phone +353 (0)21 4300135 Address HSE BuildingHarbourview RoadKnocknaheenyCork Email Katherine@nicheonline.ie Website http://www.nicheonline.ie/index.php?pageID=152
L'objectiu del TFC és el desenvolupament d'una aplicació informàtica sota la plataforma J2EE, implementant el patró model-vista-controlador. Per posar-ho en pràctica, es desenvoluparà una aplicació web que gestioni una companyia dedicada a la compra i venda de cotxes de segona mà. Es desenvoluparà tant la part empresarial relacionada amb la interacció amb els clients com la part administrativa, que permeti a la companyia gestionar la seva xarxa de concessionari i el personal que tenen contractat.
The Commonwealth Immigrants Act of 1962 and the Commonwealth Act of 1968 restricted the rights of citizens from the Commonwealth of Nation countries to migrate to the UK by only permitting those with government issued employment vouchers to settle in the UK. As a reaction to racial violence at that time, the government established the Commission for Racial Equality in 1976. By the 1980's the UK immigration policy was marked by two strands: strict controls on entry and protection of ethnic minority rights. The UK integration system has focused mainly on the integration of ethnic minorities. In February 2008, due to the increasing number of immigrants moving to the UK, the UK reformed its integration system by introducing a point system, in order to restrict immigration focusing especially on labour migration.
A Comprehensive Plan is a medium-term planning instrument. Its development alone does not guarantee the achievement of the goals laid out in it, but by defining the goals, establishing priorities and setting out courses of action and concrete activities it will allow for an overall vision of the objectives being aimed towards and the tasks that will need to be carried out. The first Comprehensive Mental Health Plan for Andalusia 2003-2007 (I PISMA, Plan Integral de Salud Mental de Andalucía) was developed using this approach. Nine courses of action were covered in this Plan, which over its duration lead to noticeable progress in various fields.The assessment of the I PISMA and the experience gained from its development have channelled into this second Comprehensive Mental Health Plan for Andalusia 2008-2012 (II PISMA). The main principles for this second Plan are quality improvements, equality and efficiency of health services, aimed at public awareness of mental health in the Andalusian population, prevention of the illnesses and improvements to the care of patients and their families.
A synopsis of Iowa boating regulations. This synopsis is not intended to quote the complete law, but rather to present a summary of the various regulations concerning safe boating. These guidelines are, however, included as regulations in the Code of Iowa and the Administrative Code.
Annual Report
A Bulletin on Iowa Open Meetings and Public Records Laws By Attorney General Tom Miller
A Bulletin on Iowa Open Meetings and Public Records Laws By Attorney General Tom Miller
A Bulletin on Iowa Open Meetings and Public Records Laws By Attorney General Tom Miller
A Bulletin on Iowa Open Meetings and Public Records Laws By Attorney General Tom Miller
A Bulletin on Iowa Open Meetings and Public Records Laws By Attorney General Tom Miller