999 resultados para Pacca, Francesco, cardinal.
Los estudios sobre la comunidad genovesa del Reino de Granada suelen centrarse en las actividades desarrolladas en el territorio y rara vez en la reconstrucción de trayectorias individuales, circunstancia determinada por el recurso casi exclusivo a los protocolos notariales. El caso de Francesco Grimaldi es singular por muchas razones: su localización en fuentes de naturaleza muy variada –protocolos notariales de Granada y Málaga, Registro del Sello de Simancas y Granada, Chancillería de Valladolid, el epistolario del comendador Fuensalida y el archivo privado de la familia Grimaldo de Cáceres– ha permitido seguir su presencia y sus actividades en Granada, la Corte e Inglaterra –donde desempeñó un papel fundamental en el matrimonio entre Catalina de Aragón y Enrique VIII–. Así se conoce su interés por los préstamos y el negocio de la renta, las circunstancias de su matrimonio con Francisca de Cáceres y la adquisición de un importante patrimonio en el reino granadino.
L’obiettivo principale della presente tesi è quello di realizzare un progetto di miglioramento sismico per la porzione del secondo chiostro dell’ ex convento di S. Francesco, a cui è stato affiancato un progetto architettonico di riqualificazione di alcune aree al momento non valorizzate e un progetto di prevenzione incendi. In seguito all’analisi dell’evoluzione storica è stata effettuata una caratterizzazione costruttiva degli elementi strutturali tramite rilievi e sono state quindi individuate le vulnerabilità strutturali che potrebbero portare, in caso di sisma, all’attivazione dei cinematismi di collasso. Si è poi svolta un’analisi del livello di sicurezza sismica secondo il livello di valutazione LV1, cioè un’analisi qualitativa secondo modelli semplificati, applicando il modello semplificato proposto dalle Linee Guida per la tipologia “Palazzi, ville e altre strutture con pareti di spina ed orizzontamenti intermedi”, che ha lo scopo di fornire come risultato un indice della sicurezza sismica dell’intero edificio. I risultati della valutazione globale sono affiancati dai risultati ottenuti tramite l’applicazione delle tabelle CINE, che esemplificano e sintetizzano gli aspetti significati dei cinematismi di collasso e permettono di effettuare delle verifiche locali. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti, sono stati progettati diversi interventi strutturali, con lo scopo di migliorare la sicurezza sismica dell’edificio, concepiti con lo scopo di eliminare o limitare le vulnerabilità dell’edificio, con particolare attenzione ai temi della scatolarità dell’edificio e della presenza di connessioni tra strutture verticali e orizzontali. Per verificare l’efficacia di questi interventi sono state ripetute le verifiche del cinematismi locali tramite le tabelle CINE e i risultati sono stati positivi, in quanto l’accelerazione necessaria per l’attivazione dei cinematismi ora risulta essere uguale o superiore a quella caratteristica del sito.
This paper is reviewing objective assessments of Parkinson’s disease(PD) motor symptoms, cardinal, and dyskinesia, using sensor systems. It surveys the manifestation of PD symptoms, sensors that were used for their detection, types of signals (measures) as well as their signal processing (data analysis) methods. A summary of this review’s finding is represented in a table including devices (sensors), measures and methods that were used in each reviewed motor symptom assessment study. In the gathered studies among sensors, accelerometers and touch screen devices are the most widely used to detect PD symptoms and among symptoms, bradykinesia and tremor were found to be mostly evaluated. In general, machine learning methods are potentially promising for this. PD is a complex disease that requires continuous monitoring and multidimensional symptom analysis. Combining existing technologies to develop new sensor platforms may assist in assessing the overall symptom profile more accurately to develop useful tools towards supporting better treatment process.
The role of T-cells within the immune system is to confirm and assess anomalous situations and then either respond to or tolerate the source of the effect. To illustrate how these mechanisms can be harnessed to solve real-world problems, we present the blueprint of a T-cell inspired algorithm for computer security worm detection. We show how the three central T-cell processes, namely T-cell maturation, differentiation and proliferation, naturally map into this domain and further illustrate how such an algorithm fits into a complete immune inspired computer security system and framework.
The role of T-cells within the immune system is to confirm and assess anomalous situations and then either respond to or tolerate the source of the effect. To illustrate how these mechanisms can be harnessed to solve real-world problems, we present the blueprint of a T-cell inspired algorithm for computer security worm detection. We show how the three central T-cell processes, namely T-cell maturation, differentiation and proliferation, naturally map into this domain and further illustrate how such an algorithm fits into a complete immune inspired computer security system and framework.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Biomarkers are biological indicators of human health conditions. Their ultra-sensitive quantification is of cardinal importance in clinical monitoring and early disease diagnosis. Biosensors are some worldwide simple and easy-to-use analytical devices as a matter of fact, biosensors using electrochemiluminescence (ECL) are one of the most promising biosensors that needs an ever-increasing sensitivity for improving its clinical effectiveness. The principal aspiration of this project is the investigation of the ECL generation mechanisms for enhancing the ECL intensity and the development of an ultrasensitive sensor, the use of metal-oxide materials (Mox) and the substitution of metal-free dyes. Novel dyes such as BODIPY, TADF are used to improve the sensitivity of ECL techniques thanks to their advantageous and tunable properties, enhancing the signal and also the ECL efficiency. Additionally, the use of Mox could be beneficial for the investigation of two different ECL mechanisms, which occur simultaneously. In this thesis, the investigation of size and distance effects on electrochemical (EC) mechanisms was carried out through the innovative combination of a standard detection system using different size of micromagnetic beads (MBs). That allowed the discovery of an unexpected and highly efficient mechanistic path for electrochemical generation at small distances from the electrode’s surface. The smallest MBs (0.1μm) demostrate an enhancement of electrochemical signal than the bigger one (2.8μm) until 4 times of magnitude. Finally, a novel ultrasensitive sensor, based on the coreactant-luminophores mechanism, was developed for the determination of whole viral genome specific for cardiac HBV and COVID-19 virus. In conclusion, the ECL and the use of EC techniques (such as amperometry), improved the understanding of mechanisms responsible for the ECL/EC signal led to a great enhancement in the signal.
A rapid, sensitive and specific method for quantifying propylthiouracil in human plasma using methylthiouracil as the internal standard (IS) is described. The analyte and the IS were extracted from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction using an organic solvent (ethyl acetate). The extracts were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) in negative mode (ES-). Chromatography was performed using a Phenomenex Gemini C18 5μm analytical column (4.6mm×150mm i.d.) and a mobile phase consisting of methanol/water/acetonitrile (40/40/20, v/v/v)+0.1% of formic acid. For propylthiouracil and I.S., the optimized parameters of the declustering potential, collision energy and collision exit potential were -60 (V), -26 (eV) and -5 (V), respectively. The method had a chromatographic run time of 2.5min and a linear calibration curve over the range 20-5000ng/mL. The limit of quantification was 20ng/mL. The stability tests indicated no significant degradation. This HPLC-MS/MS procedure was used to assess the bioequivalence of two propylthiouracil 100mg tablet formulations in healthy volunteers of both sexes in fasted and fed state. The geometric mean and 90% confidence interval CI of Test/Reference percent ratios were, without and with food, respectively: 109.28% (103.63-115.25%) and 115.60% (109.03-122.58%) for Cmax, 103.31% (100.74-105.96%) and 103.40% (101.03-105.84) for AUClast. This method offers advantages over those previously reported, in terms of both a simple liquid-liquid extraction without clean-up procedures, as well as a faster run time (2.5min). The LOQ of 20ng/mL is well suited for pharmacokinetic studies. The assay performance results indicate that the method is precise and accurate enough for the routine determination of the propylthiouracil in human plasma. The test formulation with and without food was bioequivalent to reference formulation. Food administration increased the Tmax and decreased the bioavailability (Cmax and AUC).
The Orchidaceae is one of the largest flowering plants family and with a great importance to conservation. However, no survey on orchid flowers can be found in Mato Grosso do Sul. Thus, the objective of this work was to make a survey of the Orchidaceae species and of its ecology features in a riparian forest in a fragment of Floresta Estacional Semi-Decidual that belongs to the riparian forest of the Dourados River. The inventory was made by using a sweeping method for collection, and in addition to this the vertical and horizontal position of epiphytes were assessed on the hosts. For characterization of microclimate, it was used a thermohygrometer and luximeter. It was identified 17 species of 13 genera. Of the listed genera, the most abundant ones were: Acianthera, Macradenia and Capanemia. It was also noted a vertical and horizontal distribution of the Orchidaceae in relation to inverse gradient of water and light availability. Some species tended to be sensitive to height level categorization, whereas others seemed to occur with similar frequency along the host. In relation to the cardinal orientation, the apparent preferential response for south and east directions was associated to the low sampling effort and lower water availability, which could occur because the north face is opposed to the water body.
The South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) is one of the most outstanding anomalies of the geomagnetic field. The SAMA secular variation was obtained and compared to the evolution of other anomalies using spherical harmonic field models for the 1590-2005 period. An analysis of data from four South American observatories shows how this large scale anomaly affected their measurements. Since SAMA is a low total field anomaly, the field was separated into its nondipolar, quadrupolar and octupolar parts. The time evolution of the non-dipole/total, quadrupolar/total and octupolar/total field ratios yielded increasingly high values for the South Atlantic since 1750. The SAMA evolution is compared to the evolution of other large scale surface geomagnetic features like the North and the South Pole and the Siberia High, and this comparison shows the intensity equilibrium between these anomalies in both hemispheres. The analysis of non-dipole fields in historical period suggests that SAMA is governed by (i) quadrupolar field for drift, and (ii) quadrupolar and octupolar fields for intensity and area of influence. Furthermore, our study reinforces the possibility that SAMA may be related to reverse fluxes in the outer core under the South Atlantic region.
Attention deficit, impulsivity and hyperactivity are the cardinal features of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) but executive function (EF) disorders, as problems with inhibitory control, working memory and reaction time, besides others EFs, may underlie many of the disturbs associated with the disorder. OBJECTIVE: To examine the reaction time in a computerized test in children with ADHD and normal controls. METHOD: Twenty-three boys (aged 9 to 12) with ADHD diagnosis according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, 2000 (DSM-IV) criteria clinical, without comorbidities, Intelligence Quotient (IQ) >89, never treated with stimulant and fifteen normal controls, age matched were investigated during performance on a voluntary attention psychophysical test. RESULTS: Children with ADHD showed reaction time higher than normal controls. CONCLUSION: A slower reaction time occurred in our patients with ADHD. This findings may be related to problems with the attentional system, that could not maintain an adequate capacity of perceptual input processes and/or in motor output processes, to respond consistently during continuous or repetitive activity.
Professores são convidados a introduzir uma aula expositiva numa sequência didática planejada. Os professores tiveram bastante dificuldade para localizar a atividade dentro do que concebiam sobre ensino e aprendizagem significativa. Diante da tarefa proposta, procuraram sistematizar os conteúdos anteriormente desenvolvidos na sala de aula, atribuindo novo sentido à estratégia, sem abandonar a importância de ouvir o aluno e de articular adequadamente os conceitos. A aula expositiva de cada um foi ressignificada, aparecendo com posição definida na sequência pedagógica e com conteúdo significativo em relação ao nível de conhecimento do aprendiz. A conclusão fundamental foi que, mesmo sem ser explícito, era possível haver diálogo entre os saberes do professor e dos alunos, o que parece ter ocorrido também com os professores enquanto aprendizes no programa de formação.
The aim of this study was to test a novel phytocompound in an experimental model of antitumor-induced immunosuppression. Five groups of mice were considered: young (Y) and aged (A) that were given intraperitoneally 10 doses of cyclophosphamide (CPX, 25mg/kg/bw) or CPX plus (150 mg/kg/bw) of the nutraceutical DTS (Denshichi-Tochiu-Sen), and control. After sacrifice, macrophage chemotaxis and serum levels of IFN-gamma, IL-2, and GM-CSF were determined. Liver and urinary bladder were examined histologically, as were the liver and kidney for redox enzymes. CPX significantly decreased macrophage chemotaxis and all cytokines (p < 0.05, A >> Y). DTS restored macrophage function and cytokine concentration (p < 0.001) and partly improved the necro-inflammatory score and substance P receptor expression in the bladder and the redox status in liver and kidney (p < 0.05). Such data suggest that DTS effectively prevents CPX-induced immune suppression and oxidative-inflammatory damage, which are particularly enhanced in aged organisms.