643 resultados para POLYSACCHARIDES


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The corn cob is an agricultural by-product still little used, this in part due to the low knowledge of the biotechnological potential of their molecules. Xylan from corn cobs (XSM) is a polysaccharide present in greater quantity in the structure of plant and its biotechnology potential is little known. This study aimed to the extraction, chemical characterization and evaluation of biological activities of xylan from corn cobs. To this end, corncobs were cleaned, cut, dried and crushed, resulting in flour. This was subjected to a methodology that combines the use of alkaline conditions with waves of ultrasound. After methanol precipitation, centrifugation and drying was obtained a yield of 40% (g/g flour). Chemical analysis indicated a high percentage of polysaccharides in the sample (60%) and low contamination by protein (0.4%) and phenolic compounds (> 0.01%). Analysis of monosaccharide composition indicated the presence of xylose:glucose:arabinose:galactose:mannose:glucuronic acid in a molar ratio 50:20:15:10:2.5:2.5. The presence of xylan in the sample was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (¹H and ¹³C) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). Tests were conducted to evaluate the antioxidant potential of XSM. This showed a total antioxidant capacity of 48.45 EAA/g sample. However, did not show scavenging activity of superoxide and hydroxyl radical and also reducing power. But, showing a high capacity chelating iron ions with 70% with about 2 mg/mL. The ability to XSM to influence cell proliferation in culture was also evaluated. This polymer did not influence the proliferation of normal fibroblast cells (3T3), however, decreased the rate of proliferation of tumor cells (HeLa) in a dose-dependent, reaching an inhibition of about 50% with a concentration around 2 mg/mL. Analyzing proteins related to cell death, by immunoblotting, XSM increases the amount of Bax, Bcl-2 decrease, increase cytochrome c and AIF, and reduce pro-caspase-3, indicating the induction of cell death induced apoptosis dependent and independent of caspase. XSM did not show anticoagulant activity in the PT test. However, the test of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), XSM increased clotting time at about 5 times with 600 μg of sample compared with the negative control. The presence of sulfate on the XSM was discarded by agarose gel electrophoresis and IR. After carboxyl-reduction of XSM the anticoagulant activity decreased dramatically. The data of this study demonstrate that XSM has potential as antioxidant, antiproliferative and anticoagulant compound. Future studies to characterize these activities of XSM will help to increase knowledge about this molecule extracted from corn and allow their use in functional foods, pharmaceuticals and chemical industries.


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The coast of Rio Grande do Norte has more than 100 species of seaweed, mostly unexplored regarding their pharmacological potential. The sulfated polysaccharides (PS) are by far the more seaweed compounds studied, these present a range of biological properties, such as anticoagulant activity, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antioxidant properties. In this study, we extract sulfated polysaccharide rich-extracts of eleven algae from the coast of Rio Grande do Norte (Dictyota cervicornis; Dictiopterys delicatula; Dictyota menstruallis; Dictyota mertensis; Sargassum filipendula; Spatoglossum schröederi; Gracilaria caudata; Caulerpa cupresoides; Caulerpa prolifera; Caulerpa sertularioides e Codim isthmocladum), and these were evaluated for the potential anticoagulant, antioxidant and antiproliferative. All polysaccharide extracts showed activity for anticoagulant, antioxidant and/or antiproliferative activity, especially D. delicatula and S. filipendula, which showed the most prominent pharmacological potential, thereby being chosen to have their sulfated polysaccharides extracted. By fractionating method were obtained six fractions rich in sulfated polysaccharides to the algae D. delicatula (DD-0,5V, DD-0, 7V, DD-1,0v, DD-1,3v, DD-1,5v and DD-2,0) and five fractions to the alga S. filipendula (SF-0,5V, SF-0,7V, SF-1,0v, SF-1,5v and SF-2,0v). For the anticoagulant assay only the fractions of D. delicatula showed activity, with emphasis on DD-1, 5v that presented the most prominent activity, with APTT ratio similar to clexane® at 0.1 mg/mL. When evaluated the antioxidant potential, all fractions showed potential in all tests (total antioxidant capacity, hydroxyl and superoxide radicals scavenging, ferrous chelation and reducing power), however, the ability to chelate iron ions appears as the main mechanism antioxidant of sulfated polysaccharides from seaweed. In antiproliferative assay, all heterofucanas showed dose-dependent activity for the inhibition of cell proliferation of HeLa, however, with the exception of SF-0,7V, SF- 1,0v and SF-1,5v, all fractions showed antiproliferative activity against MC3T3, a normal cell line. The heterofucana SF-1,5V had its antiproliferative mechanism of action evaluated. This heterofucan induces apoptosis in HeLa cells by a pathway caspase independent, promoting the release of apoptosis Inducing Factor (AIF) in the cytosol, which in turn induces chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation into 50Kb fragments. These results are significant in that they provide a mechanistic framework for further exploring the use of SF-1.5v as a novel chemotherapeutics against human cervical cancer.


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Seaweeds sulfated polysaccharides have been described as having various pharmacological activities. However, nothing is known about the influence of salinity on the structure of sulfated polysaccharides from green seaweed and pharmacological activities they perform. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of salinity of seawater on yield and composition of polysaccharides-rich fractions from green seaweed Caulerpa cupressoides var. flabellata, collected in two different salinities beaches of the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, and to verify the influence of salinity on their biological activities. We extracted four sulfated polysaccharides-rich fractions from C. cupressoides collected in Camapum beach (denominated CCM F0.3; F0.5; F1.0; F2.0), which the seawater has higher salinity, and Buzios beach (denominated CCB F0.3; F0.5; F1.0; F2.0). Different from that observed for other seaweeds, the proximate composition of C. cupressoides did not change with increased salinity. Moreover, interestingly, the C. cupresoides have high amounts of protein, greater even than other edible seaweeds. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the yield of polysaccharide fractions of CCM and its CCB counterparts, which indicates that salinity does not interfere with the yield of polysaccharide fractions. However, there was a significant difference in the sulfate/sugar ratio of F0.3 (p<0.05) and F0.5 (p<0.01) (CCM F0.3 and CCB F0.5 was higher than those determined for their counterparts), while the sulfate/sugar ratio the F1.0 and F2.0 did not change significantly (p>0.05) with salinity. This result suggested that the observed difference in the sulfate/sugar ratio between the fractions from CCM and CCB, is not merely a function of salinity, but probably also is related to the biological function of these biopolymers in seaweed. In addition, the salinity variation between collection sites did not influence algal monosaccharide composition, eletrophoretic mobility or the infrared spectrum of polysaccharides, demonstrating that the salinity does not change the composition of sulfated polysaccharides of C. cupressoides. There were differences in antioxidant and anticoagulant fractions between CCM and CCB. CCB F0.3 (more sulfated) had higher total antioxidant capacity that CCM F0.3, since the chelating ability the CCM F0.5 was more potent than CCB F0.5 (more sulfated). These data indicate that the activities of sulfated polysaccharides from CCM and CCB depend on the spatial patterns of sulfate groups and that it is unlikely to be merely a charge density effect. C. cupressoides polysaccharides also exhibited anticoagulant activity in the intrinsic (aPTT test) and extrinsic pathway (PT test). CCB F1.0 and CCM F1.0 showed different (p<0,001) aPTT activity, although F0.3 and F0.5 showed no difference (p>0,05) between CCM and CCB, corroborating the fact that the sulfate/sugar ratio is not a determining factor for biological activity, but rather for sulfate distribution along the sugar chain. Moreover, F0.3 and F0.5 activity in aPTT test was similar to that of clexane®, anticoagulant drug. In addition, F0.5 showed PT activity. These results suggest that salinity may have created subtle differences in the structure of sulfated polysaccharides, such as the distribution of sulfate groups, which would cause differences in biological activities between the fractions of the CCM and the CCB


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Fungal polysaccharides have received a great deal of attention due to itsbecause of their potential use in a wide rangegreat variety fromof industries. Some studies have demonstrated that polysaccharides extracted offrom basidiomycetes they have presented significant properties as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-tumoral properties. In spite of thisDespite these potential properties, these mushrooms have not been insufficiently investigated, and the great number of antibiotics number produced forby these organisms suggests that they canmay be a new source of bioactives composites source. In tThe present work, reports onlated the chemical composition, potential antioxidant, antiinflammatory and citotoxycity of extracted polymers extracted offrom the fruits bodies of the fungiius Geastrum saccatum and Polyporus dermoporus, native mushrooms of the Atlantic forest inof the state of the Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The Cchemical analyses had revealed ademonstrated text of total sugar rates of 65% and 49%, and proteins of 7.0% for in extracts of G. saccatum and P. dermoporus extracts, respectively. The analyses ofNMR spectroscopy of RMN had demonstrated that these extracts are composites forof a complex involving β- glucans and- proteins complex. The inhibition of the formation of superoxide radicals formation was of 88.4% in G. saccatum and 83.3% in P. dermoporus, and 75 and 100% for inhibition of hydroxyls radicals inhibition. TopicalThe topic application of extracts the 10, 30 and 50 mg/kg extract in BALBc mice with cutaneous inflammation induced byfor croton oil demonstrated to inhibitedion of ear edema of ear and cells polimorfonuclears cells atin the inflamed siteplace, being this reply more effective in lower concentrations being more effective. The evaluation of the glucans of G. saccatum and P. dermoporus glucans under induced pleurisy for carrageenan-induced pleurisya of showed the antiinflammatory action of these composites., being analyzed tThe frame number in the pleural exudates and thedosage of nitric oxide dosage was also analyzed. The cytotoxic action of these polymers was analyzed throughthrough the mitochondrial function (MTT). The incubation of the glucans with mononuclear cells of the peripheral blood demonstrated that the extracted glucans extracted fromof G. saccatum havepossess a moderate cytotoxic action. These results suggest that these mushrooms possess polymers formed byfor a complex glucana-protein complex, with antiinflammatory and antioxidant actions


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The present study examines the chemical composition and their effects on free radicals, inflammation, angiogenesis, coagulation, VEGF effects and cellular proliferation of a polysaccharides from alga Sargassum vulgare. The sulfated polysaccharide was extracted from brown seaweed by proteolysis with enzymes maxataze. The presence of proteins and sugars were observed in crude polysaccharides. Fractionation of this crude extract was made with growing concentration of acetone (0.3-1.5 v) and produced four groups of polysaccharides. Anionic polysaccharides from brown seaweed Sargassum vulgare, SV1and PSV1 were fractionated (SV1) and purified (PSV1), and displayed with high total sugars and sulfate content and very low level of protein. This fucan SV1 contains low levels of protein and high carbohydrate and sulfate content. This polysaccharides prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) at 50 μg (>240 s). SV1 was found to have no effect on prothrombin time (PT), corresponding to the extrinsic pathway of coagulation. SV1 exhibits high antithrombotic action in vivo, with a concentration ten times higher than heparin. Polysaccharides from S. vulgare promoted direct inhibition enzymatic activity of thrombin and stimulated enzymatic activity of FXa. SV1 showed optimal inhibitory activity of thrombin (50.2±0.28%) at a concentration of 25 μg/mL. Its antioxidant action on scavenging radicals by DPPH was (22%), indicating the polymer has no cytotoxic action (hemolytic) on ABO and Rh blood types in different erythrocyte groups and displays strong anti-inflammatory action on all concentrations tested in the carrageenan-induced paw edema model, demonstrated by reduced edema and cellular infiltration. Angiogenesis is a dynamic process of proliferation and differentiation. It requires endothelial proliferation, migration, and tube formation. In this context, endothelial cells are a preferred target for several studies and therapies. The antiangiogenic efficacy of polysaccharides was examined in vivo in the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model by using fertilized eggs. Decreases in the density of the capillaries were assessed and scored. The results showed that SV1 and PSV1 have an inhibitory effect on angiogenesis. These results were also confirmed by inhibition tubulogenesis in rabbit aorta endothelial cell (RAEC) in matrigel. These compounds were assessed in Apoptosis assay (Annexin V - FITC / PI) and cell viability by MTT assay of RAEC. These polysaccharides do not affect the viability and do not have apoptotic or necrotic action. RAEC cell when incubated with SV1 and PSV1showed inhibition of VEGF secretion, observed when compounds were incubated at 25, 50 and 100 μg/μL. The VEGF secretion with the RAEC cell line for 24 h, was more effective for PSV1 at 50 μg/μL(71.4%) than SV1 100 μg/μL (75.9%). SV1 and PSV1 had an antiproliferative action (47%) against tumor cell line HeLa. Our results indicate that these sulfated polysaccharides have antiangiogenic and antitumoral actions


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Galactans are polysaccharides sulfated present in the cell wall of red algae. Carrageenans are galactans well known in the food industry as gelling polysaccharides and for induce inflammatory process in rodents as animal model. The extraction of polysaccharides from A. multifida has been carried out by proteolysis and precipitation in different volumes of acetone, which produced three fractions (F1, F2, and FT). Chemical and physical analyses revealed that these fractions are sulfated galactan predominantly. Results of the antioxidant activity assays showed that all of these fractions have antioxidant activity and that was associated with sulfate content of the analysis of reducing power and total antioxidant capacity. However, these fractions were not effective against lipid peroxidation. The fraction FT presented higher activity on the APTT test at 200 μg (> 240 s). The assessment of the hemolytic activity showed that the FT fraction has the best activity, increasing lyses by the complement system to 42.3% (50 μg) (p< 0,001). The fraction FT showed the best yield, anticoagulant and hemolytic activity between the three fractions and therefore it was choose for the in vivo studies. The Inflammation assessment using the FT fraction (50 mg / kg MB) showed that the cellular migration and the IL-6 production increased 670.1% (p< 0,001) and 531.8% (p< 0,001), respectively. These results confirmed its use as an inflammation inducer in animal model. Cytotoxicity assay results showed that all fractions have toxic effects on 3T3 and HeLa cells after exposition of 48 hours, except when 100 μg for both F1 and FT were used. These results arise the discussion whether these polysaccharides it should be used as additive in foods, cosmetics and medicines.


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In the present study, extracts rich-sulfated polysaccharides were obtained from three different species of Dictyotales (a class of brown macroalgae): Canistrocarpus cervicornis, Dictyota mertensii and Dictyopteris delicatula and their anticoagulant and antioxidant activities were evaluated. All extracts showed anticoagulant activity on aPTT assay, but not on PT assay. Extracts also exhibited total antioxidant activity, superoxide radical scavenging capacity and ferric chelating property. The extract from C. cervicornis showed the best results and was choose to have their sulfated polysaccharides fractioned and subsequently analysed. Thus, six fractions (CC-0.3, CC-0.5, CC-0.7, CC-1.0, CC-1.2 and CC-2.0) were obtained by proteolysis followed by sequential acetone precipitation. Agarose gel eletrophoresis stained with blue toluidine, confirmed the presence of sulfated polysaccharides in all fractions. Chemical analyses showed that all fractions presented heterofucans mainly constitued by fucose, galactose, glucuronic acid and sulfate. Any fraction changed the PT. However, all fractions were able to double the aPTT on a dose-dependent manner. CC- 0.3, CC-0.5, CC-0.7 and CC-1.0 needed only 0.100 mg/mL to double the aPTT, result only 1.25 times higher than the Clexane® (0.080 mg/mL), a commercial low molecular heparin. The heterofucans presented appreciable total antioxidant capacity, low capacity on scavenging hydroxyl radical and good efficiency on scavenging superoxide radicals (except CC-1.0). CC-1.2 showed 43.1 % on superoxide radical scavenging. This result was higher than that showed by the same concentration of gallic acid (41.8 %), a known antioxidant. Furthermore, the heterofucans showed excelent activity on ferrous chelating activity (except CC-0.3). CC-0.5, CC-0.7 and CC-1.0 showed the highest activities with 47.0 % of ferrous chelating activity, a result 2.0 times lesser than that exhibited by the same concentration of EDTA. These results clearly indicated the beneficial effects of heterofucans extracted from C. cervicornis as potential anticoagulant and antioxidant agents. However additional steps of purification, structural studies, besides in vivo experiments are needed for these fucans may be used as therapeutic agents


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Short chain fatty acids (SCFA), including propionate, are produced by the bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates in the colon. Propionate has many potential roles in health, including inhibiting cholesterol synthesis, de novo lipogenesis and increasing satiety. The profile of SCFA produced is determined by both the substrate available and the bacteria present and may be influenced by environmental conditions within the lumen of the colon. Whilst it may be beneficial to increase colonic propionate production, dietary strategies to achieve this are unproven. Adding propionate to food leads to poorer organoleptic properties, and oral propionate is absorbed in the small intestine. The optimum way to selectively increase colonic propionate would be to select fermentable carbohydrates that selectively promote propionate production. To date, few studies have undertaken a systematic assessment of the factors leading to increased colonic propionate production making the selection of propiogenic carbohydrates challenging. The aim of this thesis was to identify the best carbohydrates for selectively increasing propionate production, and to explore the factors which control propionate production. This work started with a systematic review of the literature for evidence of candidate carbohydrates, which led to a screen of ‘propiogenic’ substrates using in vitro batch fermentations and mechanistic analysis of the impact of pH, bond linkage and orientation using a range of sugars, polysaccharides and fibre sources. A new unit for SCFA production was developed to allow comparison of results from in vitro studies encompassing a range different methodologies found in the literature. The systematic review found that rhamnose yielded the highest rate and proportion of propionate production whereas, for polysaccharides, β-glucan ranked highest for rate and guar gum ranked highest for molar production, but this was not replicated across all studies. Thus, no single NDC was established as highly propiogenic. Some substrates appeared more propiogenic than others and when these were screened in vitro. Laminarin, and other β-glucans ranked highest for propionate production. Legume fibre and mycoprotein fibre were also propiogenic. A full complement of glucose disaccharides were tested to examine the role glycosidic bond orientation and position on propionate production. Of the glucose disaccharides tested, β(1-4) bonding was associated with increased proportion of propionate and α(1-1) and β(1-4) increased the rate and proportion of butyrate production. In conclusion, it appears that for fibre to affect satiety, high intakes of fibre are needed, and which a major mechanism is thought to occur via propionate. Within this thesis it was identified that rather than selecting specific fibres, increasing overall intakes of highly fermentable carbohydrates is as effective at increasing propionate production. Selecting carbohydrates with beta-bonding, particularly laminarin and other β(1-4) fermentable carbohydrates leads to marginal increases in propionate production. Compared with targeted delivery of propionate to the colon, fermentable carbohydrates examined in this thesis have lesser and variable effects on propionate production. A more complete understanding of the impact of bond configurations in polysaccharides, rather than disaccharides, may help selection or design of dietary carbohydrates which selectively promote colonic propionate production substrates for inclusion in functional foods. Overall this study has concluded that few substrates are selectively propiogenic and the evidence suggests that similar changes in propionate production may be achieved by modest changes in dietary fibre intake


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Compounds derived from fungi has been the subject of many studies in order to broaden the knowledge of their bioactive potential. Polysaccharides from Caripia montagnei have been described to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In this study, glucans extracted from Caripia montagnei mushroom were chemically characterized and their effects evaluated at different doses and intervals of treatment. It was also described their action on colonic injury in the model of colitis induced by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS), and its action on cells of the human colon carcinoma (HT-29). Compounds extracted of C. montagnei contain high level of carbohydrates (96%), low content of phenolic compounds (1.5%) and low contamination with proteins (2.5%). The (FT-IR) and (NMR) analysis showed that polysaccharides from this species of mushroom are composed of α- and β-glucans. The colonic damage was evaluated by macroscopic, histological, biochemical and immunologic analyses. The results showed a reduction of colonic lesions in all groups treated with the glucans of Caripia montagnei (GCM). GCM significantly reduced the levels of IL-6 (50 and 75 mg/kg, p < 0.05), a major inflammatory cytokine. Biochemical analyses showed that such glucans acted on reducing levels of alkaline phosphatase (75 mg/kg, p < 0.01), nitric oxide (p < 0.001), and myeloperoxidase (p < 0.001). These results were confirmed microscopically by the reduction of cellular infiltration. The increase of catalase activity suggest a protective effect of GCM on colonic tissue, confirming their anti-inflammatory potential. GCM displayed cytostatic activity against HT-29 cells, causing accumulation of cells in G1 phase, blocking the cycle cell progression. Those glucans also showed ability to modulate the adhesion of HT-29 cells to Matrigel® and reduced the oxidative stress. The antiproliferative activity against HT-29 cells displayed by GCM (p <0.001) can be attributed to its cytostatic activity and induction of apoptosis by GCM


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Fucan is a term used to denominate L-fucose rich sulfated polysaccharides. The fucans have been studied due their pharmacological activities like antithrombotic, antiproliferative and antioxidant. We have extracted three fucan fractions from the brown seaweed Spatoglossum schröederi. These fucans were denominated Fuc B 1, Fuc B 1.5 and Fuc B 2. The chemical analyzes show that the fucans have very similar composition as demonstrated by agarose electrophoresis gel, sugar and sulfate content. The antiproliferative effect was determined by MTT and BrdU methodologies in CHO cells. The inhibition of proliferation effect of the three fractions was about 40%. Therefore this we proceed just with the Fuc B 2 due the higher yield. There is no apoptosis indication using the anexin V/propidium iodide test. We found a cell cycle phase G1 arrest. The western blotting show that the PKC; pFAK; pERK 1/2 are activated when the cells were treated with fucans. The treatement with inhibitor of MAPK PD98059 extinguished the fucan effect. These results indicates that fucan act by the ERK pathway inducing the cell death.


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Marine algae are one of the major sources of biologic compounds. In extracellular matrix of these organisms there are sulfated polysaccharides that functions as structural components and provides protection against dehydration. The fraction 1.0 (F1.0) rich in sulfated galactans obtained from red seaweed Hypnea musciformis was physicochemical characterized and evaluated for pharmacologic activity through antioxidant activity, cytotoxic action on erythrocytes, anticoagulant, stimulatory action under antithrombotic heparan sulfate synthesis and their effects on cell proliferation and cycle cell progression. The main components of F1.0 were carbohydrates (49.70 ± 0.10%) and sulfate (44.59 ± 0.015%), presenting phenolic compounds (4.79 ± 0.016%) and low protein contamination (0.92 ± 0.001%). Fraction 1.0 showed polidisperse profile and signs in infrared analysis in 1262, 1074 and 930, 900 and 850 attributed to sulfate esters S=O bond, presence of a 3,6- anidrogalactose C-O bond, non-sulfated β-D-galactose and a C-O-SO4 bond in galactose C4, respectively. The fraction rich in sulfated galactans exhibited strong antioxidant action under lipid peroxidation assay with IC50 of 0.003 mg/mL. Besides the inhibition of hemolysis induced by H2O2 in erythrocytes treated with F1.0, this fraction did not promote significant cytotoxity under erythrocytes membranes. F1.0 exhibited low anticoagulant activity causing moderate direct inhibition of enzimatic activity of thrombin. This fraction promoted stimulation around of 4.6 times on this synthesis of heparan sulfate (HS) by rabbit aortic endothelial cells (RAEC) in culture when was compared with non treated cells. The fraction of this algae displayed antiproliferative action under RAEC cells causing incresing on cell number on S fase, blocking the cycle cell progression. Thus F1.0 presented cytostatic and no cytotoxic action under this cell lineage. These results suggest that F1.0 from H. musciformis have antioxidant potential which is a great effect for a compound used as food and in food industry which could be an alternative to food industry to prevent quality decay of lipid containing food due to lipid peroxidation. These polysaccharides prevent the lipid peroxidation once the fraction in study exhibited strong inhibitory action of this process. Furthermore that F1.0 present strong antithrombotic action promoting the stimulation of antithrombotic HS synthesis by endothelial cells, being important for thrombosis preventing, by its inhibitory action under reactive oxygen species (ROS) in some in vitro methods, being involved in promotion of hypercoagulability state.


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Mushrooms are rich in several bioactive metabolites among them are phenolic compounds, terpenoids, polysaccharides, lectins, and steroids including mycosterols, namely ergosterol [1]. Ethanolic extracts prepared by maceration of several mushroom species have been recently described as having antiinflammatory properties [2]. In the present work, ethanolic extracts of Agaricus bisporus L., Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Pegler and Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr.) P.Kumm., purchased from a local supermarket in the Northeast of Portugal, were obtained by Soxhlet and chemically characterized in terms of ergosterol content by HPLC-UV. The antioxidant properties of these extracts were evaluated through DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity (RSA), reducing power (RP), p. carotene bleaching inhibition (CBI) and lipid peroxidation inhibition in TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) assay (LPI); the antioxidant activity of ergosterol was also evaluated by the DPPH assay. The anti-inflammatory activity of the same extracts and ergosterol was evaluated in LPS (lipopolysaccharide) stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages, through the inhibition of NO production. A. bisporus revealed the highest content in ergosterol (44.8 ± 0.4 mg/ g extract) followed by P. ostreatus (34 ± 3 mg/ g extract) and finally L. edodes (8.9 ± 0.1 mg/ g extract). A. bisporus showed the highest RSA, RP and CBI (EC50 values= 7.0 ± 0.8, 2.3 ± 0.1 and 1.4 ± 0.1 mg/mL, respectively), while L. edodes presented the highest LPI (2.5 ± 0.1 mg/mL ); ergosterol revealed higher RSA (0.46±0. 0 I mg/mL) than the extracts. Concerning the anti-inflammatory potential, the most efficient species was L. edodes (lC50 value = 164 ± 16 J.lg/mL), followed by A. bisporus (185 ± 16 J.lg/mL) and finally P. ostreatus (290 ± 10 J.lg/mL). However, ergosterol presented lower activity (338 ± 23 J.lg/mL) due to its low solubility in the culture medium. The higher antioxidant properties displayed by A. bisporus can be related with its higher ergosterol content, while in the anti-inflammatory activity this relation cannot be established also due to the low solubility of ergosterol in the cells culture medium, decreasing the ergosterol availability. More studies are being conducted regarding the ergosterol solubility. Several compounds have been implicated in the bioactivity of mushrooms and in this study we have found that ergosterol can give an important contribution.


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This study examines the physical and chemical composition and the pharmacological effects of brown seaweed FRF 0.8 Lobophora variegata. Fractionation of the crude extract was done with the concentration of 0.8 volumes of acetone, obtaining the FRF 0.8. The physicochemical characterization showed that it was a fucana sulfated. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by paw edema model by the high rates of inhibition of the edema and the best results were in the fourth hour after induction (100 ± 1.4% at the dose of 75 mg / kg) and by the strong inhibitory activity of the enzyme myeloperoxidase (91.45% at the dose of 25 mg / kg). The hepataproteção was demonstrated by measurements of enzymatic and metabolic parameters indicative of liver damage, such as bilirubin (reduction in 68.81%, 70.68% and 68.21% for bilirubin total, direct and indirect, respectively at a dose of 75 mg / kg), ALT, AST and γ-GT (decrease of 76.93%, 44.58% and 50% respectively at a dose of 75 mg / kg) by analysis of histological slides of liver tissue, confirming that hepatoprotective effect the polymers of carbohydrates, showing a reduction in tissue damage caused by CCl4 and the inhibition of the enzyme complex of cytochrome P 450 (increasing sleep time in 54.6% and reducing the latency time in 71.43%). The effectiveness of the FRF 0.8 angiogenesis was examined in chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of fertilized eggs, with the density of capillaries evaluated and scored, showing an effect proangigênico at all concentrations tested FRF (10 mg- 1000 mg). The FRF showed antioxidant activity on free radicals (by inhibiting Superoxide Radical in 55.62 ± 2.10%, Lipid Peroxidation in 100.15 ± 0.01%, Hydroxyl Radical in 41.84 ± 0.001% and 71.47 Peroxide in ± 2.69% at concentration of 0.62 mg / mL). The anticoagulant activity was observed with prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) at 50 mg (> 240 s), showing that its action occurs in the intrinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade. Thus, our results indicate that these sulfated polysaccharides are an important pharmacological target


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The antioxidant potential of mushrooms is mainly attributed to their composition in polysaccharides, phenolic compounds, tocopherols and some organic acids [1]. Phenolic compounds contribute directly to the antioxidative action and play an important role in stabilizing lipid peroxidation [2]; exhibit a wide range of bioactive properties such as anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, which have been in part related to their antioxidant activity [3]. Tocopherols are important fatsoluble antioxidants, acting in the cellular membrane; due to their role as scavenger of free radicals protecting human cells against degenerative malfunctions [4]. Some organic acids are very common in natural matrices; malic acid contributes to a pleasantly sour taste and is often used as a food additive; citric acid is known due to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties and fumaric acid is important because of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and acidifying properties [5]. The purpose of the present study was to analyze antioxidant and related compounds (phenolic compounds, tocopherols and organic acids) of Polyporus squamosus (Huds.) Fr. samples originated from two different origins (Portugal and Serbia). Specimens of P. squamosus were collected in Bragança (Northeast Portugal) and Jabučki rit (Northern Serbia) during April 2015 and 2012, respectively. Phenolic compounds, organic acids and tocopherols were determined by high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) coupled to a diode array detector (DAD), in the two first cases, and a fluorescence detector in the last one. With respect to phenolic and related compounds, p-hydroxybenzoic and cinnamic acids were identified in both samples; the first one predominates in the sample from Portugal, while cinnamic acid was more abundant in the sample from Serbia. Tocopherols (α-, β and γ-isoforms) were found in the sample from Serbia, but in the sample from Portugal, γ-tocopherol was not identified. This sample showed the highest total tocopherols content, and revealed the highest level of β-tocopherol; γ- tocopherol predominated in the sample from Serbia. Among organic acids, it was possible to quantify oxalic, malic and fumaric acids in both samples. Malic acid was found in higher amounts in the sample from Serbia. Overall, the present study shows that mushroom samples from different origins have dissimilar results, but are both rich in bioactive compounds, being a valuable source for the development of natural medicines and nutraceuticals.


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Sulfated Polysaccharides with unique chemical structures and important biological activities has been found in a diversity of sea invertebrates. For that, to exist a huger interest on the biotechnology field in the research theses sulfated compounds isolated from sea organisms. Despite the privileged brazilian position for these compounds attainment, there are still a few scientific informations about the isolated substances and their biological activities. A head the displayed, the present work has for objectives, to evaluate the pharmacological properties of the glycosaminoglycans isolated from the sea shrimp Litopenaeus schimitti on homeostasis, blood coagulation, leukocytes migration and platelet/leukocyte adhesion. For this, yhe glycosaminoglycans were extracted from crustacean tissues by proteolysis, fractionation with acetone and later submitted to pharmacological assays. The crustacean tissues showed compounds heparin-like, with anticoagulant activity of 45 IU/mg and 90 IU/mg, respectively. These molecules showed low residual hemorrhagic effects in the tested concentration (100 µg/mL), when compared to unfractionated commercial heparin (UFH). Another dermatan sulfate-like compound, predominately constituted for disulfated disaccharides, was isolated from crustacean abdomen. This compound showed an efficient effect on leukocytes migration inhibition, in the concentration of 15 µg/mL, reducing the cellular infiltration in 65% when compared to the controlled animals. In this same concentration, the DS reduced in 60% the protein concentration of the peritoneal exudates. In the concentration, this compound of 0.5 mg/mL, it was capable to reduce in 40% platelet/leukocytes adhesion. Our data demonstrate that these sulfated polysaccharides isolated from the shrimp L. schimitti will can be used as bioactive compounds, appearing as active principles for pharmacological development, anticoagulants and inflammatory response regulators