A micromachined electrometer, based on the concept of a variable capacitor, has been designed, modeled, fabricated, and tested. The device presented in this paper functions as a modulated variable capacitor, wherein a dc charge to be measured is up-modulated and converted to an ac voltage output, thus improving the signal-to-noise ratio. The device was fabricated in a commercial standard SOI micromachining process without the need for any additional processing steps. The electrometer was tested in both air and vacuum at room temperature. In air, it has a charge-to-voltage conversion gain of 2.06 nV/e, and a measured charge noise floor of 52.4 e/rtHz. To reduce the effects of input leakage current, an electrically isolated capacitor has been introduced between the variable capacitor and input to sensor electronics. Methods to improve the sensitivity and resolution are suggested while the long-term stability of these sensors is modeled and discussed. © 2006 IEEE.
Ceramic/metal interfaces were studied that fail by atomistic separation accompanied by plastic dissipation in the metal. The macroscopic toughness of the specific Ni alloy/Al2O3 interface considered is typically on the order of ten times the atomistic work of separation in mode I and even higher if combinations of mode I and mode II act on the interface. Inputs to the computational model of interface toughness are: (i) strain gradient plasticity applied to the Ni alloy with a length parameter determined by an indentation test, and (ii) a potential characterizing mixed mode separation of the interface fit to atomistic results. The roles of the several length parameters in the strain gradient plasticity are determined for indentation and crack growth. One of the parameters is shown to be of dominant importance, thus establishing that indentation can be used to measure the relevant length parameter. Recent results for separation of Ni/Al2O3 interfaces computed by atomistic methods are reviewed, including a set of results computed for mixed mode separation. An approximate potential fit to these results is characterized by the work of separation, the peak separation stress for normal separation and the traction-displacement relation in pure shearing of the interface. With these inputs, the model for steady-state crack growth is used to compute the toughness of the interface under mode I and under the full range of mode mix. The effect of interface strength and the work of separation on macroscopic toughness is computed. Fundamental implications for plasticity-enhanced toughness emerge.
An experimental study of the interaction between shock wave and turbulent boundary layer induced by blunt fin has been carried out at M-infinity = 7.8 using oil flow visualization and simultaneous measurements of fluctuating wall pressure and heat transfer. This paper presents the effects of Mach number on turbulent separation behaviours induced by blunt fin.