970 resultados para P-TYPE ZNSE


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RESUME : La raréfaction des vaisseaux capillaires est une caractéristique de l'hypertension artérielle non traitée. Des données récentes indiquent que cette raréfaction peut être renversée par un traitement antihypertenseur chez les patients hypertendus non diabétiques. Malgré la fréquente association du diabète et de l'hypertension, on ne sait rien de la densité capillaire de patients diabétiques traités, souffrant d'hypertension artérielle. Nous avons dès lors recruté 21 patients normotendus (groupe contrôle), 25 patients souffrant uniquement d'hypertension artérielle , et 21 patients diabétiques (Diabète de type 2) souffrant également d'hypertension artérielle. Tous les patients hypertendus ont été traités avec un inhibiteur du système rénine-angiotensine, et une majorité présentait une tension artérielle moyenne en auto-contrôle à domicile de 135/85 mmHg ou moins. La densité capillaire a été évaluée par vidéomicroscopie sur la peau du dos des doigts et avec laser Doppler sur la peau de l'avant-bras (vasodilatation maximale induite par le chauffage local). Au final, il n'y avait pas de différence entre les groupes de l'étude, que ce soit lors des mesures de la densité capillaire sur le dos du doigt (groupe contrôle 101 ±11 capillaires, groupe des patients non- diabétiques hypertendus 99 ± 16, groupe des patients hypertendus et diabétiques 96 ± 18, p>0,5) ou lors des mesures de débit sanguin maximal sur la peau de l'avant-bras, un témoin indirect de la densité capillaire dans ce territoire (contrôles 666 ±114 unités de perfusion, non diabétique hypertendu 612 ± 126, hypertendus diabétiques 620 ±103, p> 0,5). En conclusion, notre étude est la première à démontrer que indépendamment de la présence ou non d'un diabète de type 2, la densité capillaire est normale chez les patients hypertendus présentant un contrôle raisonnable de la pression artérielle obtenue avec un bloqueur du système rénine-angiotensine.


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OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to describe the prenatal sonographic features and the results of DNA analysis on three fetuses with dyssegmental dysplasia, Silverman-Handmaker type (DD-SH). METHODS: A retrospective review of three fetuses with confirmed DD-SH was conducted. The fetal ultrasound findings, the radiological characteristics, and the results of the mutation analysis of the heparan sulphate perlecan gene 2 (HSPG2) were reviewed. RESULTS: There were three cases in two families with DD-SH diagnosed prenatally. The main prenatal ultrasound and the radiological features of DD-SH were severe limb shortening and vertebral segmentation and fusion defects (anisospondyly). The DNA analysis of the HSPG2 gene showed that the two affected fetuses in a nonconsanguineous family had a compound heterozygote for the c.646G > T transversion in exon 7 and a c.5788C > T transition in exon 46. The fetus born to the consanguineous couple had a homozygous mutation c.1356-27_1507 + 59del. CONCLUSION: DD-SH can be diagnosed prenatally using fetal ultrasound as early as 13 weeks. Xrays and DNA analysis of the HSPG2 gene are important for the confirmation of the diagnosis and for the preimplantation and prenatal diagnosis in pregnancies at risk. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This study investigated the rate of human papillomavirus (HPV) persistence, associated risk factors, and predictors of cytological alteration outcomes in a cohort of human immunodeficiency virus-infected pregnant women over an 18-month period. HPV was typed through L1 gene sequencing in cervical smears collected during gestation and at 12 months after delivery. Outcomes were defined as nonpersistence (clearance of the HPV in the 2nd sample), re-infection (detection of different types of HPV in the 2 samples), and type-specific HPV persistence (the same HPV type found in both samples). An unfavourable cytological outcome was considered when the second exam showed progression to squamous intraepithelial lesion or high squamous intraepithelial lesion. Ninety patients were studied. HPV DNA persistence occurred in 50% of the cases composed of type-specific persistence (30%) or re-infection (20%). A low CD4+T-cell count at entry was a risk factor for type-specific, re-infection, or HPV DNA persistence. The odds ratio (OR) was almost three times higher in the type-specific group when compared with the re-infection group (OR = 2.8; 95% confidence interval: 0.43-22.79). Our findings show that bonafide (type-specific) HPV persistence is a stronger predictor for the development of cytological abnormalities, highlighting the need for HPV typing as opposed to HPV DNA testing in the clinical setting.


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OBJECTIVE Serum levels of soluble TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (sTWEAK) and its scavenger receptor CD163 (sCD163) have been linked to insulin resistance. We analysed the usefulness of these cytokines as biomarkers of type 2 diabetes in a Spanish cohort, together with their relationship to food consumption in the setting of the Di@bet.es study. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS This is a cross-sectional, matched case-control study of 514 type 2 diabetes subjects and 517 controls with a Normal Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (NOGTT), using data from the Di@bet.es study. Study variables included clinical and demographic structured survey, food frequency questionnaire and physical examination. Serum concentrations of sTWEAK and sCD163 were measured by ELISA. Linear regression analysis determined which variables were related to sTWEAK and sCD163 levels. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate odd ratios of presenting type 2 diabetes. RESULTS sCD163 concentrations and sCD163/sTWEAK ratio were 11.0% and 15.0% higher, respectively, (P<0.001) in type 2 diabetes than in controls. Following adjustment for various confounders, the OR for presenting type 2 diabetes in subjects in the highest vs the lowest tertile of sCD163 was [(OR), 2,01 (95%CI, 1,46-2,97); P for trend <0.001]. Coffee and red wine consumption was negatively associated with serum levels of sCD163 (P = 0.0001 and; P = 0.002 for coffee and red wine intake, respectively). CONCLUSIONS High circulating levels of sCD163 are associated with type 2 diabetes in the Spanish population. The association between coffee and red wine intake and these biomarkers deserves further study to confirm its potential role in type 2 diabetes.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Paraoxonase is a member of a multigene family of three genes. Paraoxonase2 gene polymorphisms have been associated with coronary heart disease in non-diabetic patients and with an increased fasting glycaemia in patients with Type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. We tested the hypothesis of whether paraoxonase1 and paraoxonase2 polymorphisms were associated with diabetic nephropathy. METHODS: Our case-control study of 299 Swiss patients with Type II diabetes included 147 patients with confirmed diabetic nephropathy. RESULTS: In univariate analyses the two paraoxonase2 polymorphisms were associated with diabetic nephropathy. When subjected to multivariate analyses, both paraoxonase2 polymorphisms remained statistically associated with diabetic nephropathy independent of traditional risk factors (paraoxonase2-148: OR = 2.53, p = 0.003; paraoxonase2-311: OR = 2.67, p = 0.002). In addition, BMI interacted with paraoxonase2 polymorphisms as a risk factor of nephropathy. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: The paraoxonase2 gene polymorphisms were significantly associated with diabetic nephropathy independent of traditional risk factors in Type II diabetic patients. The susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy was intensified by the degree of obesity. Pathophysiological pathways should be investigated and could be involved in insulin resistance or lipids metabolism or both.


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Kuranishi's fundamental result (1962) associates to any compact complex manifold X&sub&0&/sub& a finite-dimensional analytic space which has to be thought of as a local moduli space of complex structures close to X&sub&0&/sub&. In this paper, we give an analogous statement for Levi-flat CR manifolds fibering properly over the circle by describing explicitely an infinite-dimensional Kuranishi type local moduli space of Levi-flat CR structures. We interpret this result in terms of Kodaira-Spencer deformation theory making clear the likenesses as well as the differences with the classical case. The article ends with applications and examples.


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OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the influence of different training types on relative fat mobilization with exercise. The purpose of this study was to analyze the changes induced by aerobic training (AT), resistance (RT) or a combination of both (AT+RT) on total fat mass (TFM) and regional fat mass (RFM). Further, the relative contribution of different regions, upper limbs (UL), lower limbs (LL), and trunk (Tr), were compared. DESIGN AND METHODS: Forty-five overweight and premenopausal women were randomized in either AT, RT or AT+RT. All training groups exercised for the same duration (60 min), 3 times per week for 5 months. Body composition was estimated using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. RESULTS: TFM decreased significantly in all groups (-4.6 ± 1.9 kg; -3.8 ± 2.6 kg, and -4.7 ± 3.0 kg in AT, RT, and AT+RT groups respectively; P < 0.001). The relative contribution of FM into each segment changed significantly: TrFM represented 46.6% ± 5.8% of TFM at baseline and reduced to 43.1% ± 5.5% (P < 0.001); LLFM was 39.7% ± 5.8% vs. 41.6% ± 5.7% (P < 0.01); ULFM was 11.3% ± 1.3% vs. 12.2% ± 1.4% (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Training type did not influence changes of TFM and RFM. Fat mobilization came predominantly from Tr in all training protocols. These findings suggest that overweight and obese women can reduce TFM and RFM, independently of training type.


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Sawhorse-type diruthenium tetracarbonyl complexes incorporating carboxyphenyl porphyrin bridges and pyridine axial ligands have been prepared, characterized and evaluated as potential photosensitizing and chemotherapeutic agents in several human cancer cells (A2780, A549, Me300, HeLa). The mono carboxyphenyl porphyrin derivatives, 5-(4-carboxyphenyl)-10,15,20-triphenyl-21,23H-porphyrin (HOOCR1-H2) and 5-(4-carboxyphenyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin-Zn (HOOCR1-Zn), after reaction with Ru-3(CO)(12) and pyridine, give the dinuclear complexes [Ru-2(CO)(4)(OOCR1-H2)(2)(NC5H5)(2)] (1) and [Ru-2(CO)(4)-(OOCR1-Zn)(2)(NC5H5)(2)] (2), respectively. Under the same reaction conditions, the di-carboxyphenyl porphyrin derivatives, 5,10-di(4-carboxyphenyl)-15,20-diphenyl-21,23H-porphyrin (HOOCR2-H2COOH) and 5,10-di(4-carboxyphenyl)-15,20-diphenylporphyrin-Zn (HOOCR2-ZnCOOH), give rise to the tetranuclear complexes, [{Ru-2(CO)(4)(NC5H5)(2)}(2)(OOCR2-H2COO)(2)] (3) and [{Ru-2(CO)(4)(NC5H5)(2! )}(2)(OOCR2-ZnCOO)(2)] (4), in which two sawhorse diruthenium tetracarbonyl units are linked by the di-carboxyphenyl porphyrin ligands. When tested in human cancer cell lines, both Zn(II) metallo-porphyrin derivatives 2 and 4 and the tetranuclear derivative 3 show some degree of cytotoxicity in the dark, but seem to present no phototoxicity upon irradiation at 652 nm. These results demonstrate the effect of the Zn(II) ion insertion into the porphyrin core, resulting in increased cytotoxicity and decreased phototoxicity. On the other hand, complex 1, the less cytotoxic derivative with IC50 > 170 mu M in HeLa cervix and A2780 ovarian cancer cell lines, shows an excellent phototoxicity toward these cancer cell lines with LD50 comprised between 4.5 and 7.5 J/cm(2) (irradiance 30 mW/cm(2)) at 5 mu M concentration (incubation time: 24 h). Overall, an excellent ratio between photo-and cytotoxicity has been found for the metal-free porphyrin derivative [Ru-2(CO)(4)(OOCR1-H2)(2)(! NC5H5)(2)] (1).


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The immunopathophysiologic development of systemic autoimmunity involves numerous factors through complex mechanisms that are not fully understood. In systemic lupus erythematosus, type I IFN (IFN-I) produced by plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) critically promotes the autoimmunity through its pleiotropic effects on immune cells. However, the host-derived factors that enable abnormal IFN-I production and initial immune tolerance breakdown are largely unknown. Previously, we found that amyloid precursor proteins form amyloid fibrils in the presence of nucleic acids. Here we report that nucleic acid-containing amyloid fibrils can potently activate pDCs and enable IFN-I production in response to self-DNA, self-RNA, and dead cell debris. pDCs can take up DNA-containing amyloid fibrils, which are retained in the early endosomes to activate TLR9, leading to high IFNα/β production. In mice treated with DNA-containing amyloid fibrils, a rapid IFN response correlated with pDC infiltration and activation. Immunization of nonautoimmune mice with DNA-containing amyloid fibrils induced antinuclear serology against a panel of self-antigens. The mice exhibited positive proteinuria and deposited antibodies in their kidneys. Intriguingly, pDC depletion obstructed IFN-I response and selectively abolished autoantibody generation. Our study reveals an innate immune function of nucleic acid-containing amyloid fibrils and provides a potential link between compromised protein homeostasis and autoimmunity via a pDC-IFN axis.


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PURPOSE: To determine the relationship between carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), coronary artery calcification (CAC), and myocardial blood flow (MBF) at rest and during vasomotor stress in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). METHODS: In 68 individuals, carotid IMT was measured using high-resolution vascular ultrasound, while the presence of CAC was determined with electron beam tomography (EBT). Global and regional MBF was determined in milliliters per gram per minute with (13)N-ammonia and positron emission tomography (PET) at rest, during cold pressor testing (CPT), and during adenosine (ADO) stimulation. RESULTS: There was neither a relationship between carotid IMT and CAC (r = 0.10, p = 0.32) nor between carotid IMT and coronary circulatory function in response to CPT and during ADO (r = -0.18, p = 0.25 and r = 0.10, p = 0.54, respectively). In 33 individuals, EBT detected CAC with a mean Agatston-derived calcium score of 44 +/- 18. There was a significant difference in regional MBFs between territories with and without CAC at rest and during ADO-stimulated hyperemia (0.69 +/- 0.24 vs. 0.74 +/- 0.23 and 1.82 +/- 0.50 vs. 1.95 +/- 0.51 ml/g/min; p < or = 0.05, respectively) and also during CPT in DM but less pronounced (0.81 +/- 0.24 vs. 0.83 +/- 0.23 ml/g/min; p = ns). The increase in CAC was paralleled with a progressive regional decrease in resting as well as in CPT- and ADO-related MBFs (r = -0.36, p < or = 0.014; r = -0.46, p < or = 0.007; and r = -0.33, p < or = 0.041, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The absence of any correlation between carotid IMT and coronary circulatory function in type 2 DM suggests different features and stages of early atherosclerosis in the peripheral and coronary circulation. PET-measured MBF heterogeneity at rest and during vasomotor stress may reflect downstream fluid dynamic effects of coronary artery disease (CAD)-related early structural alterations of the arterial wall.


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RESUME Le cancer du col de l'utérus, deuxième cause de mort par cancer chez la femme, a pu être associé à une infection par plusieurs types de virus du Papillome Humain (HPV), et en particulier HPV 16. Les vaccins prophylactiques sont efficaces à prévenir le cancer du col utérin alors que les lésions de haut grade sont généralement traitées par ablation chirurgicale et par d'éventuels traitements additionnels. Les risques de récurrence liés aux ablations et le taux de mortalité (50%) lié au cancer, démontrent le besoin de développer des stratégies alternatives afin de cibler les lésions précancéreuses. A ce jour, les vaccins thérapeutiques ont démontré peu de résultats cliniques, contrastant avec les régressions de tumeurs ectopiques observées après vaccination dans des modèles murins avec tumeurs associées à HPV. L'induction de réponses immunitaires protectrices dans la muqueuse génitale semble être cruciale pour l'efficacité des vaccins thérapeutiques HPV et évaluer leur efficacité dans un modèle murin avec tumeurs-HPV génitales représente un pré-requis important avant de procéder à des études cliniques. Par conséquent, nous avons établi un modèle murin orthotopique où des tumeurs se développent dans (a muqueuse génitale après une instillation intra-vaginale (i.vag) de cellules tumorales exprimant les oncogènes E6/E7 d'HPV 16 et transduites par un vecteur lentiviral codant la luciferase afin de suivre le développement de ces tumeurs in vivo par imagerie. La caractérisation histologique a démontré que les tumeurs grandissaient dans l'épithélium vaginal et en accord avec leur localisation, des cellules Τ CD8 spécifiques à E7 induites par la tumeur n'étaient détectées que dans la muqueuse génitale et les ganglions drainants. Une infiltration de cellules Τ régulatrices a aussi été mise en évidence, empêchant la régression spontanée de ces tumeurs. Par conséquent, ce modèle devrait être plus adéquat pour tester des stratégies thérapeutiques, étant donné qu'il partage certaines similarités immunologiques avec les lésions génitales naturelles causées par HPV. Etant donné que les oncogènes E6 et E7 d'HPV sont nécessaires à la maintenance du phénotype cancéreux des cellules cervicales, elles représentent des antigènes cibles pour la vaccination thérapeutique. Nous avons démontré que des souris immunisées par voie sous-cutanée (s.c.) avec une dose d'un vaccin à base de polypeptide E7 d'HPV 16 et d'adjuvants, présentaient de nombreuses cellules Τ CD8 sécrétant de l'IFN-γ spécifiquement à E7 dans leurs organes lymphatiques mais également dans la muqueuse génitale. De plus, le manque de corrélation entre les réponses spécifiques mesurées dans la périphérie et dans la muqueuse génitale souligne la nécessité et l'importance de déterminer les réponses immunitaires localement là où les lésions dues à HPV se développent. Si une vaccination par voie muqueuse est plus propice à traiter/régresser des infections génitales/tumeurs que le voie parentérale est un sujet débattu. Nos données montrent que seule la voie s.c. était capable de régresser la quasi totalité des tumeurs génitales chez la souris bien que des réponses CD8 spécifiques à E7 similaires étaient mesurées dans la muqueuse génitale après des vaccinations intra-nasale et i.vag. Afin d'augmenter la réponse spécifique au vaccin dans la muqueuse génitale, des immunostimulants ont été administrés par voie i.vag après vaccination. Nous avons démontré qu'une application i.vag d'agonistes des Toll like receptors après une vaccination s.c. induisait de manière significative une augmentation des cellules Τ CD8 sécrétant de l'IFN-γ spécifiquement à E7 dans la muqueuse génitale. Plus précisément et concernant les CpG et Poly l:C, l'effet était probablement associé à une attraction locale des cellules Τ CD8 et deuxièmement dépendait respectivement des voies de signalisation TLR9 et TLR3/Mda5. Finalement, cette stratégie combinatoire a permis de régresser des grosses tumeurs génitales chez la souris, suggérant qu'une telle immunothérapie pourrait adéquatement traiter des lésions dues à HPV chez les femmes. SUMMARY Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer mortality in women worldwide and results from an infection with a subset of Human Papillomavirus (HPV), HPV 16 representing the most prevalent type. The available prophylactic vaccines are an effective strategy to prevent cervical cancer while already established high grade lesions usually require surgical ablation of lesion with possible additional treatments. Recurrence risks linked to conventional ablations and the high mortality (50%) related to cervical cancer demonstrate the need for alternative strategies like immunotherapies to target pre¬cancerous lesions. Until now, therapeutic vaccines only showed limited clinical results, which strongly contrast with the regression of ectopic tumors observed in the available murine HPV tumor models after vaccination. Induction of protective immune responses in the genital mucosa (GM) may be crucial for efficacy of HPV therapeutic vaccines and evaluating their efficacy in a murine model with genital HPV- tumors represents an important prerequisite for clinical trials. Thus, we have here established an orthotopic mouse model where tumors in the GM develop after an intravaginal (i.vag) instillation of HPV 16 E6/E7 oncogenes-expressing tumor cells transduced with a luciferase encoding lentivirus vector for in vivo imaging of tumor growth. Histological characterization showed that tumor grew within the vaginal epithelium and according to their mucosal location tumor- induced E7-specific CD8 Τ cells were restricted to the GM and genital draining lymph nodes together with high Τ regulatory cells infiltrates preventing spontaneous regression. Consequently, sharing several immunological similarities with natural genital HPV lesions, this novel genital tumor model may be more adequate to test therapeutic strategies. As E6 and/or E7 HPV oncogenes expression is required for the maintenance of the cancerous phenotype of cervical cells, they represent target antigens for therapeutic vaccination. We reported that mice subcutaneously (s.c.) immunized once with an adjuvanted HPV 16 E7 polypeptide vaccine harbored high E7-specific IFN-γ secreting CD8 Τ cells in their lymphoid organs and more importantly in the GM. In addition, the lack of correlation between specific responses measured in the periphery with those measured in the GM highlighted the necessity and relevance to determine the immune responses locally where HPV 16-induced lesions develop. Whether a mucosal route of immunization is better to treat/regress genital infections/tumors than parenteral immunization is still debated. Our data shows that although similar E7-specific IFN-γ secreting CD8 Τ cells responses were measured in the GM upon mucosal routes of E7 vaccine delivery (nasal and vaginal immunizations), only the s.c immunization was able to regress at least all genital tumors in mice. To further increase the vaccine-specific responses in the GM, immunostimulatory agents were i.vag administrated after vaccination. We demonstrated that a single i.vag application of toll like receptor (TLR) agonists after a s.c. E7 vaccination induced a significant increase of E7-specific IFN-γ secreting CD8 Τ cells in the GM. More precisely, regarding CpG and Poly l:C, the effect is most probably associated with a local attraction of total CD8 Τ cells and secondly depends on TLR9 and TLR3/Mda5 signaling pathways, respectively. Finally, this combinatorial strategy induced tumor regression in mice harboring large genital tumors, suggesting that such an immunotherapy could be adequate to treat HPV-induced lesions in women.


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Immature T-ALL is a newly defined subgroup of ALL in which the blasts lack the receptor for sheep erythrocytes (ER) and the usual T-cell markers, but express the 40 kDa pan-T surface antigen recognized by our monoclonal antibody LAU-A1. Patients with immature T-ALL represent 10% of all cases of adult ALL. Leukocyte counts are lower and spleen, liver and lymph node enlargement is less prominent, but mediastinal enlargement is more frequent than in mature (ER-positive) T-ALL. 7 patients with immature T-ALL (median age 42 years, range 13-73) were treated with intensified chemotherapy regimens, and only one 47-year-old female entered a short-lived complete remission. The overall survival of our patients was poor (median 7.5 months, with only one patient surviving at 15 months) and seemed not to be influenced by age. Our study indicates that immature T-ALL can only be accurately identified by the use of monoclonal antibodies recognizing the 40 kDa pan-T antigen, and that immature T-ALL is a separate disease entity typified by a poor prognosis.